path: root/target/linux/realtek/files/drivers/net/rtl819x/AsicDriver/rtl865x_asicCom.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'target/linux/realtek/files/drivers/net/rtl819x/AsicDriver/rtl865x_asicCom.h')
1 files changed, 752 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/target/linux/realtek/files/drivers/net/rtl819x/AsicDriver/rtl865x_asicCom.h b/target/linux/realtek/files/drivers/net/rtl819x/AsicDriver/rtl865x_asicCom.h
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index 000000000..083ae249e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/target/linux/realtek/files/drivers/net/rtl819x/AsicDriver/rtl865x_asicCom.h
@@ -0,0 +1,752 @@
+* Copyright c Realtek Semiconductor Corporation, 2009
+* All rights reserved.
+* Program : Switch table basic operation driver
+* Abstract :
+* Author : hyking (
+#ifndef RTL865X_ASICCOM_H
+#define RTL865X_ASICCOM_H
+#define RTL8651_ACLTBL_SIZE 125
+#define RTL8651_ACLHWTBL_SIZE 128
+#define RTL8651_MAC_NUMBER 6
+extern int32 rtl8651_totalExtPortNum; //this replaces all rtl8651_totalExtPortNum defines
+extern int32 rtl8651_allExtPortMask;
+#define RTL8651_AGGREGATOR_NUMBER (RTL8651_PORT_NUMBER+rtl8651_totalExtPortNum)
+//#define RTL8651_PSOFFLOAD_RESV_PORT (RTL8651_PORT_NUMBER+rtl8651_totalExtPortNum+1) /* port reserved for protocol stack offloading */
+/* external PHY Property :
+ Because there really has many different external PHY, so we just simply define for each MODEL. */
+#define RTL8651_TBLASIC_EXTPHYPROPERTY_PORT1234_RTL8212 (1 << 0)
+ *==============================================*/
+#define RTL8651_PBV_RULE_IPX 1 /* Protocol-based VLAN rule 1: IPX */
+#define RTL8651_PBV_RULE_NETBIOS 2 /* Protocol-based VLAN rule 2: NetBIOS */
+#define RTL8651_PBV_RULE_PPPOE_CONTROL 3 /* Protocol-based VLAN rule 3: PPPoE Control */
+#define RTL8651_PBV_RULE_PPPOE_SESSION 4 /* Protocol-based VLAN rule 4: PPPoE Session */
+#define RTL8651_PBV_RULE_USR1 5 /* Protocol-based VLAN rule 5: user-defined 1 */
+#define RTL8651_PBV_RULE_USR2 6 /* Protocol-based VLAN rule 6: user-defined 2 */
+#define RTL8651_PBV_RULE_MAX 7
+#define ASICDRV_ASSERT(expr) do {\
+ if(!(expr)){\
+ rtlglue_printf("Error >>> initialize failed at function %s line %d!!!\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);\
+ return FAILED;\
+ }\
+#define ASICDRV_INIT_CHECK(expr) do {\
+ if((expr)!=SUCCESS){\
+ rtlglue_printf("Error >>> initialize failed at function %s line %d!!!\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);\
+ return FAILED;\
+ }\
+#if 1
+ NETIF_VLAN_BASED = 0x0, /* Net interface Multilayer-Decision-Based Control by VLAN Based. */
+ NETIF_PORT_BASED = 0x1, /* Net interface Multilayer-Decision-Based Control by PORT Based. */
+ NETIF_MAC_BASED = 0x2, /* Net interface Multilayer-Decision-Based Control by MAC Based. */
+ PERMIT_FOR_NETDECMISS = 0x0, /*default permit when netif decision miss match*/
+/* ======================================================
+ ASIC Driver initiation parameters
+ ====================================================== */
+typedef struct rtl8651_tblAsic_InitPara_s {
+/* Add Parameters for ASIC initiation */
+/* ===================================== */
+ uint32 externalPHYProperty;
+ uint32 externalPHYId[RTL8651_MAC_NUMBER];
+/* ===================================== */
+} rtl8651_tblAsic_InitPara_t;
+typedef struct {
+ /* word 0 */
+ uint16 mac31_16;
+ uint16 mac15_0;
+ /* word 1 */
+ uint16 inACLStartH:1;
+ uint16 isDMA : 1;
+ uint16 enHWRoute : 1;
+ uint16 vid : 12;
+ uint16 valid : 1;
+ uint16 mac47_32;
+ /* word 2 */
+ uint8 reserv5 : 1;
+ uint8 outACLEnd : 7;
+ uint8 reserv4 : 1;
+ uint8 outACLStart : 7;
+ uint8 reserv3 : 1;
+ uint8 inACLEnd : 7;
+ uint8 reserv2 : 1;
+ uint8 inACLStartL : 6;
+ /* word 3 */
+ uint32 reservw3;
+ /* word 4 */
+ uint32 reservw4;
+ /* FIXME: the above variables are define in LITTLE ENDIAN, however not defined in BIG ENDIAN. */
+ uint32 STPStatus : 12;
+ uint32 macNotExist : 1;
+ uint32 macMask : 2;
+ uint32 mtuH : 3;
+ uint32 mtuL : 8;
+ uint32 isDMZ : 1;
+#else /*_LITTLE_ENDIAN*/
+ /* word 0 */
+ uint16 mac15_0;
+ uint16 mac31_16;
+ /* word 1 */
+ uint16 mac47_32;
+ uint16 vid : 12;
+ uint16 valid : 1;
+ uint16 enHWRoute : 1;
+ uint16 inACLStartH:1;
+ /* word 2 */
+ uint8 inACLStartL : 6;
+ uint8 reserv2 : 1;
+ uint8 inACLEnd : 7;
+ uint8 reserv3 : 1;
+ uint8 outACLStart : 7;
+ uint8 reserv4 : 1;
+ uint8 outACLEnd : 7;
+ uint8 reserv5 : 1;
+ /* word 3 */
+ uint32 reserv6 : 1;
+ uint32 enHWRoute1 : 1;
+ uint32 STPStatus : 12;
+ uint32 reserv7 : 1;
+ uint32 reserv8 : 1;
+ uint32 reser9 : 6;
+ uint32 macMask : 2;
+ uint32 mtuL : 8;
+ /* word 4 */
+ uint32 mtuH : 3;
+ uint32 reserv10 : 3;
+ uint32 reserv11 : 3;
+ uint32 reserv12 : 6;
+ uint32 isDMZ : 1;
+ uint32 macNotExist : 1;
+ uint32 reserv13 : 15;
+#endif /*_LITTLE_ENDIAN*/
+ /* word 5 */
+ uint32 reservw5;
+ /* word 6 */
+ uint32 reservw6;
+ /* word 7 */
+ uint32 reservw7;
+} rtl8651_tblAsic_vlanTable_t;
+typedef struct {
+ /* word 0 */
+ uint32 mac18_0:19;
+ uint32 vid : 12;
+ uint32 valid : 1;
+ /* word 1 */
+ uint32 inACLStartL:2;
+ uint32 enHWRoute : 1;
+ uint32 mac47_19:29;
+ /* word 2 */
+ uint32 mtuL : 3;
+ uint32 macMask :3;
+ uint32 outACLEnd : 7;
+ uint32 outACLStart : 7;
+ uint32 inACLEnd : 7;
+ uint32 inACLStartH: 5;
+ /* word 3 */
+ uint32 reserv10 : 20;
+ uint32 mtuH : 12;
+#else /*_LITTLE_ENDIAN*/
+ /* word 0 */
+ uint32 valid : 1;
+ uint32 vid : 12;
+ uint32 mac18_0:19;
+ /* word 1 */
+ uint32 mac47_19:29;
+ uint32 enHWRoute : 1;
+ uint32 inACLStartL:2;
+ /* word 2 */
+ uint32 inACLStartH : 5;
+ uint32 inACLEnd : 7;
+ uint32 outACLStart : 7;
+ uint32 outACLEnd : 7;
+ uint32 macMask :3;
+ uint32 mtuL : 3;
+ /* word 3 */
+ uint32 mtuH : 12;
+ uint32 reserv10 : 20;
+#endif /*_LITTLE_ENDIAN*/
+ /* word 4 */
+ uint32 reservw4;
+ /* word 5 */
+ uint32 reservw5;
+ /* word 6 */
+ uint32 reservw6;
+ /* word 7 */
+ uint32 reservw7;
+} rtl865xc_tblAsic_netifTable_t;
+typedef struct {
+ /* word 0 */
+ uint32 reserved1:12;
+ uint32 fid:2;
+ uint32 extEgressUntag : 3;
+ uint32 egressUntag : 6;
+ uint32 extMemberPort : 3;
+ uint32 memberPort : 6;
+#else /*_LITTLE_ENDIAN*/
+ /* word 0 */
+ uint32 memberPort : 6;
+ uint32 extMemberPort : 3;
+ uint32 egressUntag : 6;
+ uint32 extEgressUntag : 3;
+ uint32 fid:2;
+ uint32 reserved1:12;
+#endif /*_LITTLE_ENDIAN*/
+ /* word 1 */
+ uint32 reservw1;
+ /* word 2 */
+ uint32 reservw2;
+ /* word 3 */
+ uint32 reservw3;
+ /* word 4 */
+ uint32 reservw4;
+ /* word 5 */
+ uint32 reservw5;
+ /* word 6 */
+ uint32 reservw6;
+ /* word 7 */
+ uint32 reservw7;
+} rtl865xc_tblAsic_vlanTable_t;
+typedef struct {
+ union {
+ struct {
+ /* word 0 */
+ uint16 dMacP31_16;
+ uint16 dMacP15_0;
+ /* word 1 */
+ uint16 dMacM15_0;
+ uint16 dMacP47_32;
+ /* word 2 */
+ uint16 dMacM47_32;
+ uint16 dMacM31_16;
+ /* word 3 */
+ uint16 sMacP31_16;
+ uint16 sMacP15_0;
+ /* word 4 */
+ uint16 sMacM15_0;
+ uint16 sMacP47_32;
+ /* word 5 */
+ uint16 sMacM47_32;
+ uint16 sMacM31_16;
+ /* word 6 */
+ uint16 ethTypeM;
+ uint16 ethTypeP;
+ struct {
+ /* word 0 */
+ uint32 reserv1 : 24;
+ uint32 gidxSel : 8;
+ /* word 1~6 */
+ uint32 reserv2[6];
+ } IFSEL;
+ struct {
+ /* word 0 */
+ ipaddr_t sIPP;
+ /* word 1 */
+ ipaddr_t sIPM;
+ /* word 2 */
+ ipaddr_t dIPP;
+ /* word 3 */
+ ipaddr_t dIPM;
+ union {
+ struct {
+ /* word 4 */
+ uint8 IPProtoM;
+ uint8 IPProtoP;
+ uint8 IPTOSM;
+ uint8 IPTOSP;
+ /* word 5 */
+ uint32 reserv0 : 20;
+ uint32 identSDIPM : 1;
+ uint32 identSDIPP : 1;
+ uint32 HTTPM : 1;
+ uint32 HTTPP : 1;
+ uint32 FOM : 1;
+ uint32 FOP : 1;
+ uint32 IPFlagM : 3;
+ uint32 IPFlagP : 3;
+ /* word 6 */
+ uint32 reserv1;
+ } IP;
+ struct {
+ /* word 4 */
+ uint8 ICMPTypeM;
+ uint8 ICMPTypeP;
+ uint8 IPTOSM;
+ uint8 IPTOSP;
+ /* word 5 */
+ uint16 reserv0;
+ uint8 ICMPCodeM;
+ uint8 ICMPCodeP;
+ /* word 6 */
+ uint32 reserv1;
+ } ICMP;
+ struct {
+ /* word 4 */
+ uint8 IGMPTypeM;
+ uint8 IGMPTypeP;
+ uint8 IPTOSM;
+ uint8 IPTOSP;
+ /* word 5,6 */
+ uint32 reserv0[2];
+ } IGMP;
+ struct {
+ /* word 4 */
+ uint8 TCPFlagM;
+ uint8 TCPFlagP;
+ uint8 IPTOSM;
+ uint8 IPTOSP;
+ /* word 5 */
+ uint16 TCPSPLB;
+ uint16 TCPSPUB;
+ /* word 6 */
+ uint16 TCPDPLB;
+ uint16 TCPDPUB;
+ } TCP;
+ struct {
+ /* word 4 */
+ uint16 reserv0;
+ uint8 IPTOSM;
+ uint8 IPTOSP;
+ /* word 5 */
+ uint16 UDPSPLB;
+ uint16 UDPSPUB;
+ /* word 6 */
+ uint16 UDPDPLB;
+ uint16 UDPDPUB;
+ } UDP;
+ } is;
+ } L3L4;
+ struct {
+ /* word 0 */
+ uint16 sMacP31_16;
+ uint16 sMacP15_0;
+ /* word 1 */
+ uint16 reserv1:3;
+ uint16 spaP:9;
+ uint16 sMacM3_0:4;
+ uint16 sMacP47_32;
+ /* word 2 */
+ uint32 reserv3:2;
+ uint32 sVidM:12;
+ uint32 sVidP:12;
+ uint32 reserv2:6;
+ /* word 3 */
+ uint32 reserv5 : 6;
+ uint32 protoType : 2;
+ uint32 reserv4 : 24;
+ /* word 4 */
+ ipaddr_t sIPP;
+ /* word 5 */
+ ipaddr_t sIPM;
+ /* word 6 */
+ uint16 SPORTLB;
+ uint16 SPORTUB;
+ struct {
+ /* word 0 */
+ uint16 dMacP31_16;
+ uint16 dMacP15_0;
+ /* word 1 */
+ uint16 vidP:12;
+ uint16 dMacM3_0:4;
+ uint16 dMacP47_32;
+ /* word 2 */
+ uint32 reserv2:20;
+ uint32 vidM:12;
+ /* word 3 */
+ uint32 reserv4 : 24;
+ uint32 protoType : 2;
+ uint32 reserv3:6;
+ /* word 4 */
+ ipaddr_t dIPP;
+ /* word 5 */
+ ipaddr_t dIPM;
+ /* word 6 */
+ uint16 DPORTLB;
+ uint16 DPORTUB;
+ } is;
+ /* word 7 */
+ uint32 reserv0 : 5;
+ uint32 pktOpApp : 3;
+ uint32 PPPoEIndex : 3;
+ uint32 vid : 3;
+ uint32 nextHop : 10; //index of l2, next hop, or rate limit tables
+ uint32 actionType : 4;
+ uint32 ruleType : 4;
+#else /* littlen endian*/
+ union {
+ struct {
+ /* word 0 */
+ uint16 dMacP15_0;
+ uint16 dMacP31_16;
+ /* word 1 */
+ uint16 dMacP47_32;
+ uint16 dMacM15_0;
+ /* word 2 */
+ uint16 dMacM31_16;
+ uint16 dMacM47_32;
+ /* word 3 */
+ uint16 sMacP15_0;
+ uint16 sMacP31_16;
+ /* word 4 */
+ uint16 sMacP47_32;
+ uint16 sMacM15_0;
+ /* word 5 */
+ uint16 sMacM31_16;
+ uint16 sMacM47_32;
+ /* word 6 */
+ uint16 ethTypeP;
+ uint16 ethTypeM;
+ struct {
+ /* word 0 */
+ uint32 gidxSel : 8;
+ uint32 reserv1 : 24;
+ /* word 1~6 */
+ uint32 reserv2[6];
+ } IFSEL;
+ struct {
+ /* word 0 */
+ ipaddr_t sIPP;
+ /* word 1 */
+ ipaddr_t sIPM;
+ /* word 2 */
+ ipaddr_t dIPP;
+ /* word 3 */
+ ipaddr_t dIPM;
+ union {
+ struct {
+ /* word 4 */
+ uint8 IPTOSP;
+ uint8 IPTOSM;
+ uint8 IPProtoP;
+ uint8 IPProtoM;
+ /* word 5 */
+ uint32 IPFlagP : 3;
+ uint32 IPFlagM : 3;
+ uint32 FOP : 1;
+ uint32 FOM : 1;
+ uint32 HTTPP : 1;
+ uint32 HTTPM : 1;
+ uint32 identSDIPP : 1;
+ uint32 identSDIPM : 1;
+ uint32 reserv0 : 20;
+ /* word 6 */
+ uint32 reserv1;
+ } IP;
+ struct {
+ /* word 4 */
+ uint8 IPTOSP;
+ uint8 IPTOSM;
+ uint8 ICMPTypeP;
+ uint8 ICMPTypeM;
+ /* word 5 */
+ uint8 ICMPCodeP;
+ uint8 ICMPCodeM;
+ uint16 reserv0;
+ /* word 6 */
+ uint32 reserv1;
+ } ICMP;
+ struct {
+ /* word 4 */
+ uint8 IPTOSP;
+ uint8 IPTOSM;
+ uint8 IGMPTypeP;
+ uint8 IGMPTypeM;
+ /* word 5,6 */
+ uint32 reserv0[2];
+ } IGMP;
+ struct {
+ /* word 4 */
+ uint8 IPTOSP;
+ uint8 IPTOSM;
+ uint8 TCPFlagP;
+ uint8 TCPFlagM;
+ /* word 5 */
+ uint16 TCPSPUB;
+ uint16 TCPSPLB;
+ /* word 6 */
+ uint16 TCPDPUB;
+ uint16 TCPDPLB;
+ } TCP;
+ struct {
+ /* word 4 */
+ uint8 IPTOSP;
+ uint8 IPTOSM;
+ uint16 reserv0;
+ /* word 5 */
+ uint16 UDPSPUB;
+ uint16 UDPSPLB;
+ /* word 6 */
+ uint16 UDPDPUB;
+ uint16 UDPDPLB;
+ } UDP;
+ } is;
+ } L3L4;
+ struct {
+ /* word 0 */
+ uint16 sMacP15_0;
+ uint16 sMacP31_16;
+ /* word 1 */
+ uint16 sMacP47_32;
+ uint16 sMacM3_0:4;
+ uint16 spaP:9;
+ uint16 reserv1:3;
+ /* word 2 */
+ uint32 reserv2:6;
+ uint32 sVidP:12;
+ uint32 sVidM:12;
+ uint32 reserv3:2;
+ /* word 3 */
+ uint32 reserv4 : 24;
+ uint32 protoType : 2;
+ uint32 reserv5 : 6;
+ /* word 4 */
+ ipaddr_t sIPP;
+ /* word 5 */
+ ipaddr_t sIPM;
+ /* word 6 */
+ uint16 SPORTUB;
+ uint16 SPORTLB;
+ struct {
+ /* word 0 */
+ uint16 dMacP15_0;
+ uint16 dMacP31_16;
+ /* word 1 */
+ uint16 dMacP47_32;
+ uint16 dMacM3_0:4;
+ uint16 vidP:12;
+ /* word 2 */
+ uint32 vidM:12;
+ uint32 reserv2:20;
+ /* word 3 */
+ uint32 reserv3:6;
+ uint32 protoType : 2;
+ uint32 reserv4 : 24;
+ /* word 4 */
+ ipaddr_t dIPP;
+ /* word 5 */
+ ipaddr_t dIPM;
+ /* word 6 */
+ uint16 DPORTUB;
+ uint16 DPORTLB;
+ } is;
+ /* word 7 */
+ uint32 ruleType : 4;
+ uint32 actionType : 4;
+ uint32 nextHop : 10; //index of l2, next hop, or rate limit tables
+ uint32 vid : 3;
+ uint32 PPPoEIndex : 3;
+ uint32 pktOpApp : 3;
+ uint32 reserv0 : 5;
+#endif /*_LITTLE_ENDIAN*/
+} rtl865xc_tblAsic_aclTable_t;
+typedef struct rtl865x_tblAsicDrv_vlanParam_s {
+ uint32 memberPortMask; /*extension ports [rtl8651_totalExtPortNum-1:0] are located at bits [RTL8651_PORT_NUMBER+rtl8651_totalExtPortNum-1:RTL8651_PORT_NUMBER]*/
+ uint32 untagPortMask; /*extension ports [rtl8651_totalExtPortNum-1:0] are located at bits [RTL8651_PORT_NUMBER+rtl8651_totalExtPortNum-1:RTL8651_PORT_NUMBER]*/
+ uint32 fid:2;
+} rtl865x_tblAsicDrv_vlanParam_t;
+typedef struct rtl865x_tblAsicDrv_intfParam_s {
+ ether_addr_t macAddr;
+ uint16 macAddrNumber;
+ uint16 vid;
+ uint32 inAclStart, inAclEnd, outAclStart, outAclEnd;
+ uint32 mtu;
+ uint32 enableRoute:1,
+ valid:1;
+} rtl865x_tblAsicDrv_intfParam_t;
+#define ASIC_IN_COUNTERS 0x01
+#define ASIC_OUT_COUNTERS 0x02
+typedef struct rtl865x_tblAsicDrv_basicCounterParam_s {
+ uint32 mbr;
+ uint32 txPackets;
+ uint32 txBytes;
+ uint32 rxPackets;
+ uint32 rxBytes;
+ uint32 rxErrors;
+ uint32 drops;
+ uint32 cpus;
+} rtl865x_tblAsicDrv_basicCounterParam_t;
+typedef struct rtl865x_tblAsicDrv_simpleCounterParam_s
+ uint64 rxBytes;
+ uint32 rxPkts;
+ uint32 rxPausePkts;
+ uint32 drops;
+ uint64 txBytes;
+ uint32 txPkts;
+ uint32 txPausePkts;
+} rtl865x_tblAsicDrv_simpleCounterParam_t;
+typedef struct rtl865x_tblAsicDrv_advancedCounterParam_s
+ /*here is in counters definition*/
+ uint64 ifInOctets;
+ uint32 ifInUcastPkts;
+ uint64 etherStatsOctets;
+ uint32 etherStatsUndersizePkts;
+ uint32 etherStatsFraments;
+ uint32 etherStatsPkts64Octets;
+ uint32 etherStatsPkts65to127Octets;
+ uint32 etherStatsPkts128to255Octets;
+ uint32 etherStatsPkts256to511Octets;
+ uint32 etherStatsPkts512to1023Octets;
+ uint32 etherStatsPkts1024to1518Octets;
+ uint32 etherStatsOversizePkts;
+ uint32 etherStatsJabbers;
+ uint32 etherStatsMulticastPkts;
+ uint32 etherStatsBroadcastPkts;
+ uint32 dot1dTpPortInDiscards;
+ uint32 etherStatusDropEvents;
+ uint32 dot3FCSErrors;
+ uint32 dot3StatsSymbolErrors;
+ uint32 dot3ControlInUnknownOpcodes;
+ uint32 dot3InPauseFrames;
+ /*here is out counters definition*/
+ uint64 ifOutOctets;
+ uint32 ifOutUcastPkts;
+ uint32 ifOutMulticastPkts;
+ uint32 ifOutBroadcastPkts;
+ uint32 ifOutDiscards;
+ uint32 dot3StatsSingleCollisionFrames;
+ uint32 dot3StatsMultipleCollisionFrames;
+ uint32 dot3StatsDefferedTransmissions;
+ uint32 dot3StatsLateCollisions;
+ uint32 dot3StatsExcessiveCollisions;
+ uint32 dot3OutPauseFrames;
+ uint32 dot1dBasePortDelayExceededDiscards;
+ uint32 etherStatsCollisions;
+ /*here is whole system couters definition*/
+ uint32 dot1dTpLearnedEntryDiscards;
+ uint32 etherStatsCpuEventPkts;
+extern rtl8651_tblAsic_InitPara_t rtl8651_tblAsicDrvPara;
+int32 rtl8651_clearAsicCommTable(void);
+int32 rtl8651_setAsicVlan(uint16 vid, rtl865x_tblAsicDrv_vlanParam_t *vlanp);
+int32 rtl8651_getAsicVlan(uint16 vid, rtl865x_tblAsicDrv_vlanParam_t *vlanp);
+int32 rtl8651_delAsicVlan(uint16 vid);
+int32 rtl8651_setAsicPvid(uint32 port, uint32 pvid);
+int32 rtl8651_getAsicPVlanId(uint32 port, uint32 *pvid);
+int32 rtl8651_setPortToNetif(uint32 port, uint32 netifidx);
+int32 rtl8651_defineProtocolBasedVLAN( uint32 ruleNo, uint8 ProtocolType, uint16 ProtocolValue );
+int32 rtl8651_setProtocolBasedVLAN( uint32 ruleNo, uint32 port, uint8 valid, uint16 vlanId);
+int32 rtl8651_getProtocolBasedVLAN( uint32 ruleNo, uint32 port, uint8* valid, uint32* vlanIdx );
+int32 rtl8651_getAsicNetInterface(uint32 idx, rtl865x_tblAsicDrv_intfParam_t *intfp);
+int32 rtl8651_setAsicNetInterface(uint32 idx, rtl865x_tblAsicDrv_intfParam_t *intfp);
+int32 rtl865x_delNetInterfaceByVid(uint16 vid);
+int32 rtl865xC_setNetDecisionPolicy( enum ENUM_NETDEC_POLICY policy );
+int32 rtl865x_setDefACLForNetDecisionMiss(uint8 start_ingressAclIdx, uint8 end_ingressAclIdx,uint8 start_egressAclIdx,uint8 end_egressAclIdx);
+#if 1 //defined (CONFIG_RTL_LOCAL_PUBLIC)
+int32 rtl865xC_getNetDecisionPolicy( enum ENUM_NETDEC_POLICY *policy );
+int32 rtl865x_getDefACLForNetDecisionMiss(uint8 *start_ingressAclIdx, uint8 *end_ingressAclIdx,uint8 *start_egressAclIdx,uint8 *end_egressAclIdx);
+/*operation layer*/
+int32 rtl8651_getAsicOperationLayer(void);
+int32 rtl8651_setAsicOperationLayer(uint32 layer);
+/*switch core*/
+int32 rtl865xC_lockSWCore(void);
+int32 rtl865xC_unLockSWCore(void);
+int32 rtl8651_getChipVersion(int8 *name,uint32 size, int32 *rev);
+int32 rtl8651_getChipNameID(int32 *id);
+void rtl8651_clearRegister(void);
+void rtl8651_clearSpecifiedAsicTable(uint32 type, uint32 count);
+int32 rtl8651_setAsicAgingFunction(int8 l2Enable, int8 l4Enable);
+int32 rtl8651_setAsicAgingFunction(int8 l2Enable, int8 l4Enable);
+unsigned int read_gpio_hw_setting(void);
+unsigned int rtl865x_probeSdramSize(void);
+void rtl865x_start(void);
+void rtl865x_down(void);
+int32 rtl8651_returnAsicCounter(uint32 offset);
+int32 rtl8651_clearAsicCounter(void);
+int32 rtl865xC_dumpAsicDiagCounter(void);
+int32 rtl865xC_dumpAsicCounter(void);