path: root/target/linux/realtek/files/drivers/net/rtl819x/l3Driver/rtl865x_route.c
diff options
authorRoman Yeryomin <>2012-09-13 00:40:35 +0300
committerRoman Yeryomin <>2013-05-26 00:44:46 +0300
commita27354c9021a8423ef8c7d2bffad49cbf639eec1 (patch)
tree2355929a4b8cf1888cd0797cfabdb42e0077c524 /target/linux/realtek/files/drivers/net/rtl819x/l3Driver/rtl865x_route.c
parent24a776baeb5d3cd903b144c89ceb11c5bc36a49e (diff)
Add realtek target files
Signed-off-by: Roman Yeryomin <>
Diffstat (limited to 'target/linux/realtek/files/drivers/net/rtl819x/l3Driver/rtl865x_route.c')
1 files changed, 970 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/target/linux/realtek/files/drivers/net/rtl819x/l3Driver/rtl865x_route.c b/target/linux/realtek/files/drivers/net/rtl819x/l3Driver/rtl865x_route.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..04e63d001
--- /dev/null
+++ b/target/linux/realtek/files/drivers/net/rtl819x/l3Driver/rtl865x_route.c
@@ -0,0 +1,970 @@
+* Copyright c Realtek Semiconductor Corporation, 2008
+* All rights reserved.
+* Program : route table driver
+* Abstract :
+* Author : hyking (
+ @module rtl865x_route.c - RTL865x Home gateway controller Layered driver API documentation |
+ This document explains the API interface of the table driver module. Functions with rtl865x prefix
+ are external functions.
+ @normal Hyking Liu ( <date>
+ Copyright <cp>2008 Realtek<tm> Semiconductor Cooperation, All Rights Reserved.
+ @head3 List of Symbols |
+ Here is a list of all functions and variables in this module.
+#include <net/rtl/rtl_types.h>
+#include <net/rtl/rtl_glue.h>
+//#include <net/rtl/rtl865x_ppp.h>
+#include <net/rtl/rtl865x_netif.h>
+#include "common/rtl_errno.h"
+//#include "rtl_utils.h"
+#include "common/rtl865x_netif_local.h"
+#include "rtl865x_ppp_local.h"
+#include "rtl865x_route.h"
+#include "rtl865x_ip.h"
+#include "rtl865x_nexthop.h"
+#include "rtl865x_arp.h"
+//#include "common/rtl_glue.h"
+#include "common/rtl865x_eventMgr.h" /*call back function....*/
+#include "common/rtl865x_vlan.h"
+#include "AsicDriver/rtl865x_asicCom.h"
+#include "AsicDriver/rtl865x_asicL2.h"
+#include "AsicDriver/rtl865x_asicL3.h"
+#include "AsicDriver/rtl865xC_tblAsicDrv.h"
+#include "l2Driver/rtl865x_fdb.h"
+#include "AsicDriver/rtl865xc_asicregs.h"
+#include <net/rtl/rtl865x_fdb_api.h>
+static rtl865x_route_t *rtl865x_route_freeHead;
+static rtl865x_route_t *rtl865x_route_inusedHead;
+static RTL_DECLARE_MUTEX(route_sem);
+#if 0
+void _rtl865x_route_print(void)
+ int32 i;
+ rtl865x_route_t *rt = NULL;
+ rt = rtl865x_route_inusedHead;
+ printk("=============inused list:\n");
+ while(rt)
+ {
+ printk("asicIdx(%d),ip(0x%x),mask(0x%x),nextHop(0x%x),process(0x%x),dst(%s) valid(%d)\n",rt->asicIdx, rt->ipAddr,rt->ipMask,rt->nextHop,rt->process,rt->dstNetif->name,rt->valid);
+ rt = rt->next;
+ }
+ i = 0;
+ rt = rtl865x_route_freeHead;
+ while(rt)
+ {
+ i++;
+ rt = rt->next;
+ }
+ printk("=======free list count(%d)\n",i);
+static rtl865x_route_t* _rtl865x_getDefaultRoute(void)
+ rtl865x_route_t *rt = NULL;
+ rt = rtl865x_route_inusedHead;
+ while(rt)
+ {
+ if((rt->valid==1)&&(rt->asicIdx == RT_ASIC_ENTRY_NUM -1))
+ return rt;
+ rt = rt->next;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+static rtl865x_route_t* _rtl865x_getRouteEntry(ipaddr_t ipAddr, ipaddr_t ipMask)
+ rtl865x_route_t *rt = NULL;
+ rt = rtl865x_route_inusedHead;
+ while(rt)
+ {
+ if((rt->valid==1)&&((rt->ipAddr&rt->ipMask)==(ipAddr&ipMask))&&(rt->ipMask==ipMask))
+ return rt;
+ rt = rt->next;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+static int32 _rtl865x_synRouteToAsic(rtl865x_route_t *rt_t)
+ int32 ret = FAILED;
+ rtl865x_tblAsicDrv_routingParam_t asic_t;
+ rtl865x_tblAsicDrv_l2Param_t asic_l2;
+ rtl865x_netif_local_t *dstNetif = NULL;
+ uint32 columIdx,fid;
+ int32 pppIdx = 0;
+ bzero(&asic_t, sizeof(rtl865x_tblAsicDrv_routingParam_t));
+ if(rt_t == NULL)
+ {
+ printk("%s(%d):NULL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\n",__FUNCTION__,__LINE__);
+ }
+ /*common information*/
+ asic_t.ipAddr = rt_t->ipAddr;
+ asic_t.ipMask = rt_t->ipMask;
+ asic_t.ipAddr = rt_t->ipAddr;
+ asic_t.ipMask = rt_t->ipMask;
+ /*if the dstNetif is attach on another interface, the netifIdx should the master interface's index*/
+ if(rt_t->dstNetif->is_slave == 1)
+ {
+ //printk("========%s(%d), ip(0x%x),mask(0x%x),netif(%s)\n",__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,rt_t->ipAddr,rt_t->ipMask,rt_t->dstNetif->name);
+ dstNetif = _rtl865x_getNetifByName(rt_t->dstNetif->name);
+ if(dstNetif == NULL)
+ dstNetif = _rtl865x_getDefaultWanNetif();
+ }
+ else
+ dstNetif = rt_t->dstNetif;
+ if(dstNetif == NULL)
+ printk("%s(%d) BUG!!!!!!\n",__FUNCTION__,__LINE__);
+ asic_t.vidx = dstNetif->asicIdx;
+ asic_t.internal = rt_t->dstNetif->is_wan? 0 : 1;
+ asic_t.DMZFlag = rt_t->dstNetif->dmz? 1 : 0;
+ asic_t.process = rt_t->process;
+ switch (rt_t->process)
+ {
+ case RT_PPPOE:
+ ret = rtl865x_getPppIdx(rt_t->un.pppoe.pppInfo, &pppIdx);
+ asic_t.pppoeIdx = pppIdx;
+ /*
+ *if process==RT_PPPOE, the mac address of pppoe server is add in pppoe module,
+ *so, we read the FDB information directly....
+ */
+ ret = rtl865x_getVlanFilterDatabaseId(rt_t->dstNetif->vid,&fid);
+ ret = rtl865x_Lookup_fdb_entry(fid, (ether_addr_t *)rt_t->un.pppoe.macInfo, FDB_DYNAMIC, &columIdx,&asic_l2);
+ if(ret != SUCCESS)
+ printk("can't get l2 entry by mac.....\n");
+ /*FIXME_hyking: update mac/fdb table reference count*/
+ asic_t.nextHopRow = rtl8651_filterDbIndex( rt_t->un.pppoe.macInfo,fid);
+ asic_t.nextHopColumn = columIdx;
+ break;
+ case RT_L2:
+ /*
+ * NOTE:this type not used now...
+ * if we want to use it, please add FDB entry to sure this L2 entry in both software FDB table and Asic L2 table.
+ */
+ ret = rtl865x_getVlanFilterDatabaseId(rt_t->dstNetif->vid,&fid);
+ ret = rtl865x_Lookup_fdb_entry(fid, (ether_addr_t *)rt_t->, FDB_STATIC, &columIdx,&asic_l2);
+ if(ret != SUCCESS)
+ printk("can't get l2 entry by mac.....\n");
+ /*FIXME_hyking: update mac/fdb table reference count*/
+ asic_t.nextHopRow = rtl8651_filterDbIndex(rt_t->,fid);
+ asic_t.nextHopColumn = columIdx;
+ break;
+ case RT_ARP:
+ /*FIXME_hyking: update arp table reference count??*/
+ asic_t.arpStart = rt_t->un.arp.arpsta;
+ asic_t.arpEnd = rt_t->un.arp.arpend;
+ asic_t.arpIpIdx = rt_t->un.arp.arpIpIdx;
+ break;
+ case RT_CPU:
+ case RT_DROP:
+ /*do nothing*/
+ break;
+ case RT_NEXTHOP:
+ asic_t.nhStart = rt_t->un.nxthop.nxtHopSta;
+ asic_t.nhNum = rt_t->un.nxthop.nxtHopEnd - rt_t->un.nxthop.nxtHopSta + 1;
+ asic_t.nhNxt = asic_t.nhStart;
+ asic_t.ipDomain = rt_t->un.nxthop.ipDomain;
+ asic_t.nhAlgo = rt_t->un.nxthop.nhalog;
+ break;
+ default:
+ printk("Process_Type(%d) is not support!\n",rt_t->process);
+ }
+ if(rt_t->asicIdx > RT_ASIC_ENTRY_NUM-1)
+ {
+ printk("BUG!! %s(%d)....", __FUNCTION__,__LINE__);
+ return FAILED;
+ }
+ ret = rtl8651_setAsicRouting(rt_t->asicIdx, &asic_t);
+ return ret;
+static int32 _rtl865x_updateDefaultRoute(rtl865x_route_t *rt, int32 action)
+ int32 i;
+ rtl865x_route_t *entry;
+ int32 retval = FAILED;
+ entry = rt;
+ if(entry == NULL)
+ /*delete nexthop which is add by default route*/
+ if(rt->process == RT_NEXTHOP)
+ for ( i = entry->un.nxthop.nxtHopSta; i <= entry->un.nxthop.nxtHopEnd && entry->un.nxthop.nxtHopEnd != 0; i++)
+ {
+ retval = rtl865x_delNxtHop(NEXTHOP_L3, i);
+ }
+ entry->un.nxthop.nxtHopSta = 0;
+ entry->un.nxthop.nxtHopEnd = 0;
+ switch(action)
+ {
+ retval = rtl865x_addNxtHop(NEXTHOP_L3, (void*)entry, entry->dstNetif, 0,entry->srcIp);
+ break;
+ {
+ rt->process = RT_NEXTHOP;
+ switch(rt->dstNetif->if_type)
+ {
+ case IF_ETHER:
+ retval = rtl865x_addNxtHop(NEXTHOP_L3, (void*)rt, rt->dstNetif, rt->nextHop,entry->srcIp);
+ break;
+ case IF_PPPOE:
+ {
+ rtl865x_ppp_t *pppoe;
+ pppoe = rtl865x_getPppByNetifName(rt->dstNetif->name);
+ if(pppoe != NULL)
+ {
+ /*got pppoe session*/
+ retval = rtl865x_addNxtHop(NEXTHOP_L3, (void*)rt, rt->dstNetif, pppoe->sessionId,entry->srcIp);
+ }
+ else
+ /*nexthop's action is to CPU*/
+ retval = rtl865x_addNxtHop(NEXTHOP_L3, (void*)rt, rt->dstNetif, 0,entry->srcIp);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ retval = _rtl865x_synRouteToAsic(entry);
+ return retval;
+static int32 _rtl865x_arrangeRoute(rtl865x_route_t *start_rt, int32 start_idx)
+ int32 count;
+ rtl865x_route_t *rt = NULL;
+ rt = start_rt;
+ count = 0;
+ while(rt)
+ {
+ if(rt->valid)
+ {
+ /*if the rule is default route...*/
+ if(rt->ipMask == 0)
+ rt->asicIdx = RT_ASIC_ENTRY_NUM-1;
+ else
+ {
+ /* entry number more than asic table's capacity*/
+ /* entry index=RT_ASIC_ENTRY_NUM-1 is reserved for default route*/
+ if((start_idx + count > RT_ASIC_ENTRY_NUM-2))
+ break;
+ /*delete old asic entry firstly...*/
+ if(start_idx+count < rt->asicIdx && rt->asicIdx < RT_ASIC_ENTRY_NUM-1)
+ rtl8651_delAsicRouting(rt->asicIdx);
+ rt->asicIdx = start_idx+count;
+ _rtl865x_synRouteToAsic(rt);
+ }
+ }
+ /*next entry*/
+ rt= rt->next;
+ count++;
+ }
+ /*more route entry need to add?*/
+ if(rt)
+ {
+ /*not enough asic table entry! have to update default route's action TOCPU*/
+ rt = _rtl865x_getDefaultRoute();
+ _rtl865x_updateDefaultRoute(rt, RT_DEFAULT_RT_NEXTHOP_CPU);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ rt = _rtl865x_getDefaultRoute();
+ _rtl865x_updateDefaultRoute(rt, RT_DEFAULT_RT_NEXTHOP_NORMAL);
+ }
+ return SUCCESS;
+static int32 _rtl865x_addRouteToInusedList(rtl865x_route_t *rt)
+ int32 retval = FAILED;
+ int32 start_idx = 0;
+ rtl865x_route_t *entry,*fore_rt,*start_rt;
+ fore_rt = NULL;
+ entry = rtl865x_route_inusedHead;
+ /*always set 0x0f when init..., this value would be reset in arrange route*/
+ rt->asicIdx = 0x0f;
+ rt->next = NULL;
+ /*find the right position...*/
+ while(entry)
+ {
+ if(entry->valid == 1)
+ {
+ if(entry->ipMask < rt->ipMask)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ fore_rt = entry;
+ entry = entry->next;
+ }
+ /*insert this rule after insert_entry*/
+ if(fore_rt)
+ {
+ rt->next = fore_rt->next;
+ fore_rt->next = rt;
+ start_idx = fore_rt->asicIdx+1;
+ start_rt = rt;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /*insert head...*/
+ rt->next = rtl865x_route_inusedHead;
+ rtl865x_route_inusedHead = rt;
+ start_idx = 0;
+ start_rt = rtl865x_route_inusedHead;
+ }
+ retval = _rtl865x_arrangeRoute(start_rt, start_idx);
+ //_rtl865x_route_print();
+ return retval;
+static int32 _rtl865x_delRouteFromInusedList(rtl865x_route_t * rt)
+ int32 retval,start_idx;
+ rtl865x_route_t *fore_rt = NULL,*entry = NULL,*start_rt = NULL;
+ entry = rtl865x_route_inusedHead;
+ while(entry)
+ {
+ if(entry == rt)
+ break;
+ fore_rt = entry;
+ entry = entry->next;
+ }
+ /*fore_rt == NULL means delete list head*/
+ if(fore_rt == NULL)
+ {
+ rtl865x_route_inusedHead = rtl865x_route_inusedHead->next;
+ start_rt = rtl865x_route_inusedHead;
+ start_idx = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ fore_rt->next = rt->next;
+ start_rt = fore_rt->next;
+ start_idx = fore_rt->asicIdx + 1;
+ }
+ /*delete route from asic*/
+ if(rt->asicIdx < RT_ASIC_ENTRY_NUM)
+ rtl8651_delAsicRouting(rt->asicIdx);
+ retval = _rtl865x_arrangeRoute(start_rt, start_idx);
+ rt->asicIdx = 0x0f;
+ //_rtl865x_route_print();
+ return retval;
+static int32 _rtl865x_usedNetifInRoute(int8 *ifname)
+ rtl865x_route_t *rt = NULL;
+ rt = rtl865x_route_inusedHead;
+ while(rt)
+ {
+ if(memcmp(rt->dstNetif->name,ifname,strlen(ifname)) == 0)
+ return SUCCESS;
+ rt = rt->next;
+ }
+ return FAILED;
+static int32 _rtl865x_addRoute(ipaddr_t ipAddr, ipaddr_t ipMask, ipaddr_t nextHop, int8 * ifName,ipaddr_t srcIp)
+ rtl865x_netif_local_t *netif = NULL;
+ rtl865x_route_t *rt = NULL,*tmp_rt = NULL;
+ int32 idx;
+ int32 netSize = 0, usedArpCnt = 0;
+ int32 retval = FAILED;
+ /*para check*/
+ if(ifName == NULL)
+ netif = _rtl865x_getDefaultWanNetif();
+ else
+ netif = _rtl865x_getSWNetifByName(ifName);
+ if(netif == NULL)
+ if(netif->if_type == IF_NONE)
+ idx = 0;
+ for(idx = 0; idx < 32; idx++)
+ if((1<<idx) & ipMask)
+ break;
+ netSize = 1<<idx;
+ if(netSize > RT_MAX_ARP_SIZE)
+ /*
+ *duplicate entry check:
+ * in Driver system, default route is always exist.
+ * so if ipMask == 0, it's means that default route should be update...
+ */
+ if(ipMask != 0 && (rt = _rtl865x_getRouteEntry(ipAddr, ipMask)) != NULL)
+ {
+ //rt->ref_count++;
+ }
+ /*add default route: just update the default route becase the default route always exist!*/
+ if(ipMask == 0)
+ {
+ rt = _rtl865x_getDefaultRoute();
+ /*deference rt's orginal netif*/
+ if(rt && rt->dstNetif)
+ rtl865x_deReferNetif(rt->dstNetif->name);
+ }
+ /*allocate a new buffer for adding entry*/
+ if(rt == NULL)
+ {
+ rt = rtl865x_route_freeHead;
+ if(rt)
+ {
+ rtl865x_route_freeHead = rt->next;
+ }
+ }
+ if(rt == NULL)
+ {
+ /*no buffer, default route should be TOCPU?*/
+ }
+ /*common information*/
+ rt->ipAddr = ipAddr & ipMask;
+ rt->ipMask = ipMask;
+ rt->nextHop = nextHop;
+ rt->srcIp = srcIp;
+ rt->dstNetif = netif;
+ /*don't specify the nexthop ip address, it's means that:
+ * all packet match this route entry should be forward by network interface with arp
+ */
+ if(nextHop == 0 && ipMask != 0)
+ {
+ switch(netif->if_type)
+ {
+ case IF_ETHER:
+ rt->process = RT_ARP;
+ tmp_rt = rtl865x_route_inusedHead;
+ while(tmp_rt)
+ {
+ if(tmp_rt->valid && tmp_rt->process == RT_ARP && tmp_rt->dstNetif == netif)
+ usedArpCnt += tmp_rt->un.arp.arpend - tmp_rt->un.arp.arpend + 1;
+ tmp_rt = tmp_rt->next;
+ }
+ if((usedArpCnt + netSize) > RT_MAX_ARP_SIZE)
+ {
+ printk("!!!!ERROR!!!usedArp(%d),netsize(%d)\n",usedArpCnt,netSize);
+ goto addFailed;
+ }
+ /*allocate arp entry for this route rule...*/
+ retval = rtl865x_arp_tbl_alloc(rt);
+ if( retval != SUCCESS)
+ {
+ printk("error!!can't allocate arp for this route entry....retval(%d)\n",retval);
+ goto addFailed;
+ }
+ rt->un.arp.arpIpIdx = 0; /*FIXME_hyking[this field is invalid, right?]*/
+ break;
+ case IF_PPPOE:
+ {
+ rtl865x_ppp_t *ppp = NULL;
+ rt->process = RT_PPPOE;
+ ppp = rtl865x_getPppByNetifName(netif->name);
+ if(ppp == NULL)
+ {
+ printk("error!!can't get pppoe session information by interface name(%s)\n",netif->name);
+ goto addFailed;
+ }
+ rt->un.pppoe.macInfo = &ppp->server_mac;
+ rt->un.pppoe.pppInfo = ppp;
+ /*update reference...*/
+ rtl865x_referPpp(ppp->sessionId);
+ }
+ break;
+ case IF_PPTP:
+ case IF_L2TP:
+ {
+ rtl865x_ppp_t *ppp = NULL;
+ rt->process = RT_L2;
+ ppp = rtl865x_getPppByNetifName(netif->name);
+ if(ppp == NULL)
+ {
+ /*printk("Warning!!CAn't get pptp/l2tp session information by interface name(%s)\n",netif->name);*/
+ goto addFailed;
+ }
+ rt-> = &ppp->server_mac;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ printk("lltype(%d) is not support now....\n",netif->if_type);
+ goto addFailed;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /*if default is valid, delete nexthop firstly...*/
+ if(rt->valid == 1 && rt->process == RT_NEXTHOP)
+ {
+ int i;
+ for ( i = rt->un.nxthop.nxtHopSta; i <= rt->un.nxthop.nxtHopEnd; i++)
+ {
+ retval = rtl865x_delNxtHop(NEXTHOP_L3, i);
+ }
+ }
+ /*use nexthop type*/
+ rt->process = RT_NEXTHOP;
+ switch(netif->if_type)
+ {
+ case IF_ETHER:
+ retval = rtl865x_addNxtHop(NEXTHOP_L3, (void*)rt, netif, nextHop,srcIp);
+ break;
+ case IF_PPPOE:
+ case IF_PPTP:
+ case IF_L2TP:
+ {
+ rtl865x_ppp_t *pppoe;
+ pppoe = rtl865x_getPppByNetifName(netif->name);
+ if(pppoe != NULL)
+ {
+ /*got pppoe session*/
+ retval = rtl865x_addNxtHop(NEXTHOP_L3, (void*)rt, netif, pppoe->sessionId,srcIp);
+ }
+ else
+ /*nexthop's action is to CPU*/
+ retval = rtl865x_addNxtHop(NEXTHOP_L3, (void*)rt, netif, 0,srcIp);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ retval = FAILED;
+ break;
+ }
+ if(retval != SUCCESS)
+ {
+ printk("error!!add nexthop error! retval (%d)\n",retval);
+ goto addFailed;
+ }
+ rt->un.nxthop.nhalog = RT_ALOG_SIP; /* use per-source IP */
+ rt->un.nxthop.ipDomain = RT_DOMAIN_16_1;
+ }
+ rt->valid = 1;
+ rt->ref_count = 1;
+ /*update reference....*/
+ rtl865x_referNetif(netif->name);
+ if(ipMask == 0)
+ _rtl865x_setDefaultWanNetif(netif->name);
+ /**/
+ if(rt->asicIdx == RT_ASIC_ENTRY_NUM-1)
+ {
+ retval = _rtl865x_synRouteToAsic(rt);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /*insert the adding route to inused list*/
+ retval = _rtl865x_addRouteToInusedList(rt);
+ }
+ /*if route is add, please enable Routing for the releated netif*/
+ retval = rtl865x_enableNetifRouting(netif);
+ return retval;
+ if(rt->asicIdx == RT_ASIC_ENTRY_NUM -1)
+ {
+ _rtl865x_updateDefaultRoute(rt, RT_DEFAULT_RT_NEXTHOP_CPU);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /*free this route entry and return error code...*/
+ memset(rt,0,sizeof(rtl865x_route_t));
+ rt->next = rtl865x_route_freeHead;
+ rtl865x_route_freeHead = rt;
+ }
+ return retval;
+static int32 _rtl865x_delRoute( ipaddr_t ipAddr, ipaddr_t ipMask )
+ rtl865x_route_t *entry;
+ int32 i;
+ int32 retval = 0;
+ entry = _rtl865x_getRouteEntry(ipAddr, ipMask);
+ if(entry == NULL)
+ if(entry->asicIdx == RT_ASIC_ENTRY_NUM-1)
+ {
+ /*if default route
+ * 1. reset default route
+ * 2. reset entry->netif...
+ */
+ rtl865x_netif_local_t *netif = NULL;
+ _rtl865x_clearDefaultWanNetif(entry->dstNetif->name);
+ netif = _rtl865x_getDefaultWanNetif();
+ if(netif==NULL)
+ {
+ }
+ if(netif != entry->dstNetif)
+ {
+ rtl865x_deReferNetif(entry->dstNetif->name);
+ entry->dstNetif = netif;
+ rtl865x_referNetif(netif->name);
+ }
+ retval = _rtl865x_updateDefaultRoute(entry, RT_DEFAULT_RT_NEXTHOP_CPU);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /*not default route*/
+ switch(entry->process)
+ {
+ case RT_PPPOE:
+ {
+ rtl865x_ppp_t *ppp = entry->un.pppoe.pppInfo;
+ if(ppp)
+ rtl865x_deReferPpp(ppp->sessionId);
+ }
+ break;
+ case RT_L2:
+ /*
+ * NOTE:this type not used now...
+ * if we want to use it, please DELETE FDB entry to sure this L2 entry is deleted both software FDB table and Asic L2 table.
+ */
+ break;
+ case RT_ARP:
+ /*free arp*/
+ retval = rtl865x_arp_tbl_free(entry);
+ if( retval != SUCCESS)
+ {
+ printk("======error!!can't FREE arp entry for this route entry....retval(%d)\n",retval);
+ }
+ break;
+ case RT_CPU:
+ case RT_DROP:
+ /*do nothing*/
+ break;
+ case RT_NEXTHOP:
+ /*delete nexthop which is add by l3*/
+ for ( i = entry->un.nxthop.nxtHopSta; i <= entry->un.nxthop.nxtHopEnd; i++)
+ {
+ retval = rtl865x_delNxtHop(NEXTHOP_L3, i);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ /*FIXME_hyking: update netif reference count*/
+ rtl865x_deReferNetif(entry->dstNetif->name);
+ /*remove from inused list...*/
+ _rtl865x_delRouteFromInusedList(entry);
+ if(_rtl865x_usedNetifInRoute(entry->dstNetif->name) == FAILED)
+ rtl865x_disableNetifRouting(entry->dstNetif);
+ /*add to free list*/
+ memset(entry,0,sizeof(rtl865x_route_t));
+ entry->next = rtl865x_route_freeHead;
+ rtl865x_route_freeHead = entry;
+ retval = SUCCESS;
+ }
+ //_rtl865x_route_print();
+ return retval;
+rtl865x_route_t* _rtl85x_getRouteEntry(ipaddr_t dst)
+ rtl865x_route_t *tmpRtEntry = NULL;
+ rtl865x_route_t *rt=rtl865x_route_inusedHead;
+ uint32 mask;
+ mask = 0;
+ while(rt)
+ {
+ if (rt->valid == 1 && rt->ipAddr == (rt->ipMask & dst) && mask <= rt->ipMask) {
+ mask = rt->ipMask;
+ tmpRtEntry = rt;
+ }
+ rt = rt->next;
+ }
+ return tmpRtEntry;
+@func int32 | rtl865x_addRoute |add a route entry.
+@parm ipaddr_t | ipAddr | ip address.
+@parm ipaddr_t | ipMask | ip mask.
+@parm ipaddr_t | nextHop | the route's next hop.
+@parm int8* | ifName | destination network interface.
+@parm ipaddr_t | srcIp |source IP
+@rvalue SUCCESS | success.
+@rvalue FAILED | failed.
+@rvalue RTL_EINVALIDINPUT | invalid input.
+@rvalue RTL_ENOLLTYPESPECIFY | network interface's link type is not specified.
+@rvalue RTL_EENTRYALREADYEXIST | route entry is already exist.
+@rvalue RTL_ENOFREEBUFFER | not enough memory in system.
+ if ifName=NULL, it means the destionation network interface of route entry with ip/ipMask/nextHop is default wan.
+int32 rtl865x_addRoute(ipaddr_t ipAddr, ipaddr_t ipMask, ipaddr_t nextHop,int8 * ifName,ipaddr_t srcIp)
+ int32 retval = 0;
+ unsigned long flags;
+ //printk("========%s(%d), ip(0x%x),mask(0x%x),ifname(%s),nxthop(0x%x)\n",__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,ipAddr,ipMask,ifName,nextHop);
+ //rtl_down_interruptible(&route_sem);
+ local_irq_save(flags);
+ retval = _rtl865x_addRoute(ipAddr,ipMask,nextHop,ifName,srcIp);
+ //rtl_up(&route_sem);
+ local_irq_restore(flags);
+ //printk("========%s(%d), ip(0x%x),mask(0x%x),ifname(%s),nxthop(0x%x),retval(%d)\n",__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,ipAddr,ipMask,ifName,nextHop,retval);
+ //_rtl865x_route_print();
+ return retval;
+@func int32 | rtl865x_delRoute |delete a route entry.
+@parm ipaddr_t | ipAddr | ipAddress.
+@parm ipaddr_t | ipMask | ipMask.
+@rvalue SUCCESS | success.
+@rvalue FAILED | failed.
+@rvalue RTL_EENTRYNOTFOUND | not found the entry.
+int32 rtl865x_delRoute(ipaddr_t ipAddr, ipaddr_t ipMask)
+ int32 retval = 0;
+ unsigned long flags;
+ //printk("========%s(%d), ip(0x%x),mask(0x%x)\n",__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,ipAddr,ipMask);
+ //rtl_down_interruptible(&route_sem);
+ local_irq_save(flags);
+ retval = _rtl865x_delRoute(ipAddr,ipMask);
+ //rtl_up(&route_sem);
+ local_irq_restore(flags);
+ //printk("==================================retval(%d)\n",retval);
+ return retval;
+@func int32 | rtl865x_getRouteEntry |according the destination ip address, get the matched route entry.
+@parm ipaddr_t | dst | destionation ip address.
+@parm rtl865x_route_t* | rt | retrun value: route entry pointer
+@rvalue SUCCESS | success.
+@rvalue FAILED | failed.
+int32 rtl865x_getRouteEntry(ipaddr_t dst,rtl865x_route_t *rt)
+ int32 retval = FAILED;
+ rtl865x_route_t *ret_entry = NULL;
+ ret_entry = _rtl85x_getRouteEntry(dst);
+ if(ret_entry && rt)
+ {
+ memcpy(rt,ret_entry,sizeof(rtl865x_route_t));
+ retval = SUCCESS;
+ }
+ return retval;
+@func int32 | rtl865x_initRouteTable |initialize route tabel.
+@rvalue SUCCESS | success.
+@rvalue FAILED | failed.
+int32 rtl865x_initRouteTable(void)
+ int32 i;
+ rtl865x_route_t *rt;
+ rtl865x_route_freeHead = NULL;
+ rtl865x_route_inusedHead = NULL;
+ /*malloc buffer*/
+ TBL_MEM_ALLOC(rt, rtl865x_route_t, RT_DRV_ENTRY_NUM);
+ memset(rt,0,sizeof(rtl865x_route_t)*RT_DRV_ENTRY_NUM);
+ for(i = 0; i < RT_DRV_ENTRY_NUM; i++)
+ {
+ rt[i].next = rtl865x_route_freeHead;
+ rtl865x_route_freeHead = &rt[i];
+ }
+ return SUCCESS;
+@func int32 | rtl865x_reinitRouteTable |reinitialize route tabel.
+@rvalue SUCCESS | success.
+@rvalue FAILED | failed.
+int32 rtl865x_reinitRouteTable(void)
+ rtl865x_route_t *rt;
+ rt = rtl865x_route_inusedHead;
+ while(rt && rt->asicIdx != RT_ASIC_ENTRY_NUM -1)
+ {
+ _rtl865x_delRoute(rt->ipAddr,rt->ipMask);
+ rt = rtl865x_route_inusedHead;
+ }
+ /*delete the last route*/
+ rt = rtl865x_route_inusedHead;
+ if(rt)
+ {
+ /*FIXME_hyking: update netif reference count*/
+ rtl865x_deReferNetif(rt->dstNetif->name);
+ /*remove from inused list...*/
+ _rtl865x_delRouteFromInusedList(rt);
+ /*add to free list*/
+ memset(rt,0,sizeof(rtl865x_route_t));
+ rt->next = rtl865x_route_freeHead;
+ rtl865x_route_freeHead = rt;
+ }
+ return SUCCESS;
+int rtl865x_getLanRoute(rtl865x_route_t routeTbl[], int tblSize )
+ int cnt=0;
+ rtl865x_route_t *rt = NULL;
+ rt = rtl865x_route_inusedHead;
+ while(rt)
+ {
+ if((rt->valid==1) && (rt->dstNetif->is_wan==0))
+ {
+ memcpy(&routeTbl[cnt], rt, sizeof(rtl865x_route_t) );
+ cnt++;
+ }
+ rt = rt->next;
+ }
+ return cnt;