path: root/target/linux/realtek/files/drivers/net/rtl819x/common/mbuf.h
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authorRoman Yeryomin <>2012-09-13 00:40:35 +0300
committerRoman Yeryomin <>2013-05-26 00:44:46 +0300
commita27354c9021a8423ef8c7d2bffad49cbf639eec1 (patch)
tree2355929a4b8cf1888cd0797cfabdb42e0077c524 /target/linux/realtek/files/drivers/net/rtl819x/common/mbuf.h
parent24a776baeb5d3cd903b144c89ceb11c5bc36a49e (diff)
Add realtek target files
Signed-off-by: Roman Yeryomin <>
Diffstat (limited to 'target/linux/realtek/files/drivers/net/rtl819x/common/mbuf.h')
1 files changed, 1254 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/target/linux/realtek/files/drivers/net/rtl819x/common/mbuf.h b/target/linux/realtek/files/drivers/net/rtl819x/common/mbuf.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dfe886b71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/target/linux/realtek/files/drivers/net/rtl819x/common/mbuf.h
@@ -0,0 +1,1254 @@
+* Copyright c Realtek Semiconductor Corporation, 2002
+* All rights reserved.
+* Program : The mbuf module header file
+* Abstract :
+* Author : David Chun-Feng Liu (
+#ifndef _MBUF_H_
+#define _MBUF_H_
+ SECTION 1: mbuf module default settings
+#define PKT_MBUF_CLUSTER_LEN 1650
+#define PKT_BUF_SZ PKT_MBUF_CLUSTER_LEN /* Size of each temporary Rx buffer.*/
+ SECTION 2: mbuf module data structure definitions
+#define BUF_FREE 0x00 /* Buffer is Free */
+#define BUF_USED 0x80 /* Buffer is occupied */
+#define BUF_ASICHOLD 0x80 /* Buffer is hold by ASIC */
+#define BUF_DRIVERHOLD 0xc0 /* Buffer is hold by driver */
+#define MBUFTYPE_DATA 0x01 //not in use now. Keep for backward compatablity.
+/*@struct m_buf | The mbuf header associated with each cluster */
+struct rtl_mBuf
+ struct rtl_mBuf *m_next;
+ struct rtl_pktHdr *m_pkthdr; /* Points to the pkthdr structure */
+ uint16 m_len; /* data bytes used in this cluster */
+ int8 m_flags; /* mbuf flags; see below */
+#define MBUF_FREE BUF_FREE /* Free. Not occupied. should be on free list */
+#define MBUF_USED BUF_USED /* Buffer is occupied */
+#define MBUF_EXT 0x10 /* has associated with an external cluster, this is always set. */
+#define MBUF_PKTHDR 0x08 /* is the 1st mbuf of this packet */
+#define MBUF_EOR 0x04 /* is the last mbuf of this packet. Set only by ASIC*/
+ uint8 *m_data; /* location of data in the cluster */
+ uint8 *m_extbuf; /* start of buffer*/
+ uint16 m_extsize; /* sizeof the cluster */
+ int8 m_reserved[2]; /* padding */
+ void *skb;
+/*@struct rtl_pktHdr | pkthdr records packet specific information. Each pkthdr is exactly 32 bytes.
+ first 20 bytes are for ASIC, the rest 12 bytes are for driver and software usage.
+ */
+struct rtl_pktHdr
+ union
+ {
+ struct rtl_pktHdr *pkthdr_next; /* next pkthdr in free list */
+ struct rtl_mBuf *mbuf_first; /* 1st mbuf of this pkt */
+#define ph_nextfree PKTHDRNXT.pkthdr_next
+#define ph_mbuf PKTHDRNXT.mbuf_first
+ uint16 ph_len; /* total packet length */
+ uint16 ph_reserved1: 1; /* reserved */
+ uint16 ph_queueId: 3; /* bit 2~0: Queue ID */
+ uint16 ph_extPortList: 4; /* dest extension port list. must be 0 for TX */
+ /* for ph_extPortList */
+ #define PKTHDR_EXTPORT_MAGIC2 0xA531
+ #define PKTHDR_EXTPORT_P1 6
+ #define PKTHDR_EXTPORT_P2 7
+ #define PKTHDR_EXTPORT_P3 8
+ )
+ uint16 ph_reserved2: 3; /* reserved */
+ uint16 ph_hwFwd: 1; /* hwFwd - copy from HSA bit 200 */
+ uint16 ph_isOriginal: 1; /* isOriginal - DP included cpu port or more than one ext port */
+ uint16 ph_l2Trans: 1; /* l2Trans - copy from HSA bit 129 */
+ uint16 ph_srcExtPortNum: 2; /* Both in RX & TX. Source extension port number. */
+ uint16 ph_type: 3;
+#define ph_proto ph_type
+#define PKTHDR_IP 2
+#define PKTHDR_ICMP 3
+#define PKTHDR_IGMP 4
+#define PKTHDR_TCP 5
+#define PKTHDR_UDP 6
+ uint16 ph_vlanTagged: 1; /* the tag status after ALE */
+ uint16 ph_LLCTagged: 1; /* the tag status after ALE */
+ uint16 ph_pppeTagged: 1; /* the tag status after ALE */
+ uint16 ph_pppoeIdx: 3;
+ uint16 ph_linkID: 7; /* for WLAN WDS multiple tunnel */
+ uint16 ph_reason; /* indicates wht the packet is received by CPU */
+ uint16 ph_flags; /* NEW:Packet header status bits */
+#define PKTHDR_FREE (BUF_FREE << 8) /* Free. Not occupied. should be on free list */
+#define PKTHDR_USED (BUF_USED << 8)
+#define PKTHDR_ASICHOLD (BUF_ASICHOLD<<8) /* Hold by ASIC */
+#define PKTHDR_DRIVERHOLD (BUF_DRIVERHOLD<<8) /* Hold by driver */
+#define PKTHDR_CPU_OWNED 0x4000
+#define PKT_INCOMING 0x1000 /* Incoming: packet is incoming */
+#define PKT_OUTGOING 0x0800 /* Outgoing: packet is outgoing */
+#define PKT_BCAST 0x0100 /*send/received as link-level broadcast */
+#define PKT_MCAST 0x0080 /*send/received as link-level multicast */
+#define PKTHDR_BRIDGING 0x0040 /* when PKTHDR_HWLOOKUP is on. 1: Hardware assist to do L2 bridging only, 0:hardware assist to do NAPT*/
+#define PKTHDR_HWLOOKUP 0x0020 /* valid when ph_extPortList!=0. 1:Hardware table lookup assistance*/
+#define PKTHDR_PPPOE_AUTOADD 0x0004 /* PPPoE header auto-add */
+#define CSUM_TCPUDP_OK 0x0001 /*Incoming:TCP or UDP cksum checked */
+#define CSUM_IP_OK 0x0002 /* Incoming: IP header cksum has checked */
+#define CSUM_TCPUDP 0x0001 /*Outgoing:TCP or UDP cksum offload to ASIC*/
+#define CSUM_IP 0x0002 /* Outgoing: IP header cksum offload to ASIC*/
+ uint8 ph_orgtos; /* RX: original TOS of IP header's value before remarking, TX: undefined */
+ uint8 ph_portlist; /* RX: source port number, TX: destination portmask */
+ uint16 ph_vlanId_resv: 1;
+ uint16 ph_txPriority: 3;
+ uint16 ph_vlanId: 12;
+ // uint16 ph_flags2;
+ union
+ {
+ uint16 _flags2; /* RX: bit 15: Reserved, bit14~12: Original Priority, bit 11~0: Original VLAN ID */
+ /* TX: bit 15~6: Reserved, bit 5~0: Per Port Tag mask setting for TX(bit 5:MII, bit 4~0: Physical Port) */
+ struct
+ {
+ /* RX: bit 15: Reserved, bit14~12: Original Priority, bit 11~0: Original VLAN ID */
+ uint16 _reserved:1;
+ uint16 _rxPktPriority:3; /* Rx packet's original priority */
+ uint16 _svlanId:12; /* Source (Original) VLAN ID */
+ } _rx;
+ struct
+ {
+ /* TX: bit 15~6: Reserved, bit 5~0: Per Port Tag mask setting for TX(bit 5:MII, bit 4~0: Physical Port) */
+ uint16 _reserved:10;
+ uint16 _txCVlanTagAutoAdd:6; /* BitMask to indicate the port which would need to add VLAN tag */
+ } _tx;
+ } _flags2;
+ #define ph_dvlanId ph_vlanId
+ #define ph_rxPriority ph_txPriority
+ #define ph_flags2 _flags2._flags2
+ #define ph_svlanId _flags2._rx._svlanId
+ #define ph_rxPktPriority _flags2._rx._rxPktPriority
+ #define ph_txCVlanTagAutoAdd _flags2._tx._txCVlanTagAutoAdd
+ #define PKTHDR_TXCVID(vid) (vid & 0xfff)
+ #define PKTHDR_VLAN_P0_AUTOADD (0x0001<<0)
+ #define PKTHDR_VLAN_P1_AUTOADD (0x0001<<1)
+ #define PKTHDR_VLAN_P2_AUTOADD (0x0001<<2)
+ #define PKTHDR_VLAN_P3_AUTOADD (0x0001<<3)
+ #define PKTHDR_VLAN_P4_AUTOADD (0x0001<<4)
+ #define PKTHDR_VLAN_P5_AUTOADD (0x0001<<5)
+ //property for ph_unnumber : cw_du
+ #define PHUNNUMBER_DIRECTION 0x02 // 1 : WAN->LAN; 0: LAN->WAN
+ #define PKTHDR_PHUNNUMBER_SET(pkthdrPtr, property) \
+ do{\
+ assert(pkthdrPtr);\
+ pkthdrPtr->ph_unnumber |=property;\
+ }while(0)
+ #define PKTHDR_PHUNNUMBER_CLR(pkthdrPtr, property) \
+ do{\
+ assert(pkthdrPtr);\
+ pkthdrPtr->ph_unnumber &= ~property;\
+ }while(0)
+ #define PKTHDR_PHUNNUMBER_TEST(pkthdrPtr, property) ((pkthdrPtr->ph_unnumber & property) ? 1: 0)
+struct rtl_mBufStatus
+ uint32 m_totalmbufs; //Total mbufs allocated during initialization
+ uint32 m_totalclusters; //Total clusters allocated during initialization
+ uint32 m_totalpkthdrs; //Total pkthdrs allocated during initialization
+ uint32 m_freembufs; /* free mbufs in pool now*/
+ uint32 m_freeclusters; /* free clusters in pool now*/
+ uint32 m_freepkthdrs; /* free pkthdrs in pool now*/
+ uint32 m_msize; /* length of an mbuf */
+ uint32 m_mclbytes; /* length of an mbuf cluster */
+ uint32 m_pkthdrsize; /* length of an pkthdr */
+ uint32 m_wait; /* times waited for space, includes mbuf, pkthdr and cluster */
+ SECTION 3: mbuf module exported variables, symbols and macros
+#define MBUF_COPYALL 1000000000 /* length for m_copy to copy all */
+#define MBUF_WAITOK 0x01
+#define MBUF_DONTWAIT 0x02 /* Don't wait if there is no buffer available */
+#define MBUF_ONLY 0x04 /* Don't allocate a cluster in mBuf_get */
+#define MBUF_ALLOCPKTHDR 0x08 /* Allocate a packet header with mbuf chain in mBuf_getm, mBuf_cloneMbufChain, mBuf_dupMbufChain*/
+#define MBUF_GETNEWMBUF 0x10 /* In mBuf_prepend, alloate new mbufs directly */
+#define MBUF_CHECKPKTHDR(m) ((m)&&(ISSET((m)->m_flags, MBUF_USED) && ((m)->m_pkthdr))?1:0)
+#define MBUF_GETPKTHDRFIELD16(field) (*((uint16 *)(field)))
+#define MBUF_SETPKTHDRFIELD16(field, value) *((uint16 *)(field)) = (value)
+//The size of each cluster.
+extern int32 m_clusterSize;
+ SECTION 4: mbuf module exported API prototype
+/* mbuf module exported APIs */
+/* @doc MBUF_API
+ @module mbuf.h - Mbuf module API documentation |
+ This document illustrates the API interface of the mbuf module.
+ @normal Chun-Feng Liu ( <date>
+ Copyright <cp>2001 Realtek<tm> Semiconductor Cooperation, All Rights Reserved.
+ @head3 List of Symbols |
+ Here is a list of all functions and variables in this module.
+ @index | MBUF_API
+extern int32 mBuf_init(uint32, uint32, uint32, uint32, uint32); //was tunable_mbinit()
+#if defined(RTL865X_TEST)||defined(RTL865X_MODEL_USER)
+extern int32 mBuf_Reinit(void);
+#endif /* RTL865X_TEST */
+@func void | mBuf_init | mbuf module initialization
+@parm uint32 | mbufs | Number of mbufs
+@parm uint32 | clusters | Number of clusters
+@parm uint32 | pkthdrs | Number of packet headers
+@parm uint32 | clusterSize | Size of each cluster. must be power of 2
+@parm uint32 | msgLogId | Debuging message log list id
+@rdesc None
+@rvalue SUCCESS | The mbuf module and its memory pool is initiated as requested
+@rvalue FAILED | Failed to initialize the mbuf module.
+@comm mbuf module initialization. Allocate mbuf and related structure pools. Value for <p clusterSize> must be power of 2.
+If <p clusters> is 0, clusters would be allocated externally through registered OS buffer allocation glue function. If clusters
+are allocated this way, MBUF_WAITOK flag can't be used for mBuf_get, mBuf_getm, mBuf_dupMbufChain, mBuf_dupPacket since
+mbuf module knows nothing about external cluter pool managed by OS hence doesn't know when to wakeup waiting threads.
+ */
+extern int32 mBuf_getBufStat(struct rtl_mBufStatus *mbs);
+@func int32 | mBuf_getBufStat | Returns current status of the mbuf module
+@parm struct rtl_mBufStatus * | mbs | A pointer to the mbstat structure for mBuf_getBufStat() to fill in
+@rdesc Returns current status of the mbuf module
+@rvalue <p FAILED> | Failed to get mbuf module status. Maybe mbs is NULL or mbuf module not yet initiated.
+@rvalue <p SUCCESS> | Mbuf module status is returned with the mbstat structure given.
+ */
+extern int32 mBuf_leadingSpace(struct rtl_mBuf *m);
+@func int32 | mBuf_leadingSpace | Calculate the number of leading free data bytes.
+@parm struct rtl_mBuf * | m | Pointer to the mbuf chain.
+@rdesc Returns the number of free leading space
+@rvalue n | The number of free leading data bytes in cluster.
+Calculate the number of leading free data bytes.
+@xref <c mBuf_trailingSpace>
+ */
+extern int32 mBuf_trailingSpace(struct rtl_mBuf *m);
+@func int32 | mBuf_trailingSpace | Calculate the number of trailing free data bytes.
+@parm struct rtl_mBuf * | m | Pointer to the mbuf chain.
+@rdesc Returns the number of free trailing space
+@rvalue n | The number of free trailing data bytes in cluster.
+Calculate the number of trailing free data bytes.
+@xref <c mBuf_leadingSpace>
+ */
+extern int32 mBuf_clusterIsWritable(struct rtl_mBuf *m);
+@func int32 | mBuf_clusterIsWritable | Determine whether <p m>'s cluster is writable or not.
+@parm struct rtl_mBuf * | m | Pointer to an mbuf.
+@rdesc Returns TRUE or FALSE
+@rvalue TRUE | The cluster is writable.
+@rvalue FALSE | The cluster is not writable.
+Determine whether <p m>'s cluster is writable or not. New mbufs allocated due to mBuf_clonePacket, mBuf_split, mBuf_cloneMbufChain
+should not modify its cluster becoz it is not the owner of these clusters. This function always return TRUE if the 'clusters' parameter
+during mBuf_init() was initialized to 0.
+ */
+extern uint32 mBuf_getPktlen(struct rtl_mBuf *m);
+@func uint32 | mBuf_getPktlen | Get total number of data bytes in the packet which <p m> belongs to
+@parm struct rtl_mBuf * |m | Indicate the packet
+@rdesc Returns data length of the packet
+@rvalue -1 | Failed.
+@rvalue <p length>| The actual length of packet
+Get total number of data bytes in the packet which <p m> belongs to
+@xref <c MBUF_GETLEN>
+extern struct rtl_mBuf *mBuf_data2Mbuf(int8 * x); //was dtom
+@func struct rtl_mBuf * | mBuf_data2Mbuf | Given data address <p x>, return mbuf address <p m>
+@parm int8 * |x | Data address
+@rdesc Returns mbuf address <p m> which owns the cluster block where <p x> resides.
+@rvalue <p NULL> | Can't find the address. The data address <p x> given might be within a zombie cluster whose owning mbuf has already been freed.
+@rvalue <p m> | The address of owning mbuf
+Finds the mbuf address of given data address <p x>
+This function can't be called if the 'clusters' parameter during mBuf_init() was initialized to 0.
+@devnote Original BSD code define this as a dtom macro. In our implmentation, we make it a function.
+@ex The following example demonstrates how to use this function |
+ struct rtl_mBuf *n;
+ n = mBuf_data2Mbuf(x);
+ if (n != NULL) {
+ printf("There are %d bytes in the cluster", n->m_len);
+ }
+ @xref <c MBUF2DATAPTR>
+extern struct rtl_mBuf *mBuf_get(int32 how, int32 unused, uint32 Nbuf);
+@func struct rtl_mBuf * | mBuf_get | mbuf space allocation routines.
+@parm int32 | how | <p MBUF_WAITOK>, <p MBUF_DONTWAIT>, and/or <p MBUF_ONLY>
+@parm int32 | unused | unused now. Keep for backward compatibility.
+@parm uint32 | Nbuf | The number of mbufs requesting.
+@rdesc Returns the address of allocated mbuf head
+@rvalue <p NULL> | Can't allocate all <p Nbuf>s at once.
+@rvalue <p n> | The address of first mbuf allocated. All <p Nbuf>s have been linked together.
+Get <p Nbuf> mbufs and clusters. All mbufs are chained via the <p m_next> pointer inside each mbuf. Note that memory content in all allocated clusters are NOT initialized.
+If <p how> has MBUF_DONTWAIT bit set, and we can't get all <p Nbuf>s immediately, return NULL.
+If <p how> has MBUF_WAITOK bit set, and we can't get all <p Nbuf>s right away, block waiting until our request is satisfied
+If <p how> has MBUF_ONLY bit set, then no clusters would be allocated. Only mbufs are allocated. Can be used with MBUF_DONTWAIT or MBUF_WAITOK
+1.Side effect: <p mBuf_get> wakes up any sleeping threads if they are block waiting for free mbufs or clusters.
+2. If the 'clusters' parameter during mBuf_init() was initialized to 0, mBuf_get doesn't accept MBUF_ONLY flag
+@ex The following example demonstrates how to use this function |
+ struct rtl_mBuf *m;
+ m= mBuf_get( MBUF_DONTWAIT, 0, 5); //allocate 5 mbufs and clusters without blocking.
+ if (!m)
+ return NULL;
+ @xref
+ <c mBuf_getCleared> , <c mBuf_getm>, <c mBuf_driverGet>
+ */
+extern struct rtl_mBuf *mBuf_getCleared(int32 how, int32 unused, uint32 Nbuf);
+@func struct rtl_mBuf * | mBuf_getCleared| Same as mBuf_get, but initialize all clusters to zero.
+@parm int32 |how | <p MBUF_WAIT>, <p MBUF_DONTWAIT> and/or <p MBUF_ONLY>
+@parm int32 |unused | unused now. Keep for backward compatibility.
+@parm uint32 | Nbuf | The number of mbufs requesting.
+@rdesc Returns the address of allocated mbuf head
+@rvalue <p NULL> | Can't allocate all <p Nbuf>s at once.
+@rvalue <p n> | The address of first mbuf allocated. All <p Nbuf>s have been linked together and cleared to 0.
+Same as <p mget>(). However, content in all mbufs and clusters have been cleared to 0.
+@ex The following example demonstrates how to use this function |
+ register struct rtl_mBuf *m;
+ m= mBuf_getCleared(MBUF_DONTWAIT | MBUF_ONLY, 0, 5); //allocate 5 mbufs without blocking.
+ if (!m)
+ return NULL;
+ @xref
+ <c mBuf_get>, <c mBuf_getm>, <c mBuf_driverGet>
+ */
+extern uint32 mBuf_driverGet(uint32 Nmbuf,struct rtl_mBuf **ppFirstMbuf, struct rtl_mBuf **ppLastMbuf);
+@func uint32 | mBuf_driverGet| Driver specific. Get multiple mbufs without blocking
+@parm uint32 |Nmbuf | Number of mbufs requesting
+@parm struct rtl_mBuf ** |ppFirstMbuf | Returns a pointer which points to the first mbuf allocated.
+@parm struct rtl_mBuf ** | ppLastMbuf | Returns a pointer which points to the last mbuf allocated.
+@rdesc Returns number of mbufs successfully allocated.
+An optimized mBuf_get() for driver. <p ppFirstMbuf> and <p ppLastMbuf> should not be NULL!!
+mbuf and cluster not initialized to zero. Only required fields in mBuf_driverGet have been properly filled.
+@ex The following example demonstrates how to use this function |
+ struct rtl_mBuf * localTempMbufHead, * localTempMbufTail;
+ int32 allocated;
+ requested = 5;
+ allocated= mBuf_driverGet(requested, &localTempMbufHead, &localTempMbufTail);
+ if (allocated!=requested)
+ printf("Can't allocate all 5 mbufs in driver\n")
+ @xref
+ <c mBuf_get>, <c mBuf_getm>, <c mBuf_getCleared>
+ */
+extern struct rtl_mBuf *mBuf_getm(struct rtl_mBuf *m, uint32 len, int32 how, int32 unused);
+@func struct rtl_mBuf * | mBuf_getm| allocate <p len>-worth of mbuf clusters and return a pointer to the top
+of the allocated chain.
+@parm struct rtl_mBuf * | m | Pointer to an mbuf chain. Could be NULL.
+@parm uint32 |len | Number of data bytes requesting.
+@parm int32 |how | <p MBUF_WAIT> or <p MBUF_DONTWAIT> and/or <p M_ALLOCPKTHDR>.
+@parm int32 |unused | unused now. Keep for backward compatibility.
+@rdesc Returns return a pointer to the head of the allocated chain.
+@rvalue <p NULL> | Allocation failed.
+@rvalue <p n> | The memory address of first mbuf allocated.
+If <p m> is non-null, then it is an mbuf chain to which we want <p len> bytes worth of clusters and their associating mbufs be attached, and so
+if allocation is successful, a pointer to m is returned. i.e <p n> = <p m>)
+If <p m> is null, <p len> bytes worth of clusters and their associating mbufs would be allocated.
+If <p how> has M_ALLOCPKTHDR bit set, <p mBuf_getm> also allocates a pkthdr with the mbuf chain.
+If <p how> has MBUF_DONTWAIT bit set, and we can't get a pkthdr immediately, return NULL.
+If <p how> has MBUF_WAITOK bit set, and we can't get a pkthdr right away, block waiting until our request is satisfied.
+M_BUFONLY can't be used with mBuf_getm, in this case, you should use mBuf_get() and calculate how many mbufs you need on your own.
+@ex The following example demonstrates how to use this function |
+ m = mBuf_getm(m, size, MBUF_WAITOK, 0);
+ if (m == NULL)
+ return ENOBUFS;
+ @xref
+ <c mBuf_get> , <c mBuf_driverGet>, <c mBuf_getCleared>
+ */
+extern struct rtl_mBuf *mBuf_getPkthdr(struct rtl_mBuf *m, int32 how);
+@func struct rtl_mBuf * | mBuf_getPkthdr| Allocate a packet header for mbuf chain <p m>
+@parm struct rtl_mBuf * | m | Pointer to the mbuf chain.
+@parm int32 |how | <p MBUF_WAIT> or <p MBUF_DONTWAIT>
+@rdesc Returns the address of mbuf <p m> that holds a packet header.
+@rvalue <p NULL> | Can't allocate a pkthdr for mbuf <p m>.
+@rvalue <p m> | A pkthdr is allocated to mbuf <p m>.
+Given an mbuf <p m>, allocate a packet header (pkthdr) structure for <p m> and makes <p m> the owner of this pkthdr.
+If there is already a pkthdr owned by some mbuf after m on the same mbuf chain, m becomes the owner of that pkthdr without getting a new one. Corresponding pkthdr fields are modified accordingly.
+If <p how> has MBUF_DONTWAIT bit set, and we can't get a pkthdr immediately, return NULL.
+If <p how> has MBUF_WAITOK bit set, and we can't get a pkthdr right away, block waiting until our request is satisfied.
+ mBuf_getPkthdr may wake up other sleeping threads waiting for pkthdrs if any
+@ex The following example demonstrates how to use this function |
+ if (!mBuf_getPkthdr(pNewMbuf, MBUF_DONTWAIT)) //get a pkthdr
+ goto nospace;
+ @xref
+ <c mBuf_driverGetPkthdr>
+ */
+extern uint32 mBuf_driverGetPkthdr(uint32 Npkthdr,struct rtl_pktHdr **ppHeadPkthdr, struct rtl_pktHdr **ppTailPkthdr);
+@func uint32 | mBuf_driverGetPkthdr| Driver specific. Get multiple pkthdrs without blocking
+@parm uint32 |Npkthdr | Number of pkthdrs requesting
+@parm struct rtl_pktHdr ** |ppHeadPkthdr | Returns a pointer which points to the first pkthdr allocated.
+@parm struct rtl_pktHdr ** | ppTailPkthdr | Returns a pointer which points to the last pkthdr allocated.
+@rdesc Returns number of pkthdrs successfully allocated.
+This function is dedicated for driver. <p ppHeadPkthdr> and <p ppTailPkthdr> should not be NULL!!
+@ex The following example demonstrates how to use this function |
+ struct rtl_pktHdr * localTempPkthdrHead, * localTempPkthdrTail;
+ int32 allocated;
+ requested = 5;
+ allocated= mBuf_driverGetPkthdr(requested, &localTempPkthdrHead, &localTempPkthdrTail);
+ if (allocated!=requested)
+ printf("Can't allocate all 5 mbufs in driver\n")
+ @xref
+ <c mBuf_getPkthdr>
+ */
+extern void mBuf_freeMbuf(struct rtl_mBuf *m);
+@func struct rtl_mBuf * | mBuf_freeMbuf | Free a single mbuf <p m>..
+@parm struct rtl_mBuf * | m | Pointer to an mbuf chain.
+@rdesc None
+ Free a single mbuf. Leave assocated pkthdr or cluster, if any, intact.
+@ex The following example demonstrates how to use this function |
+ struct rtl_mBuf *n;
+ mBuf_freeMbuf(m);
+ <c mBuf_freeMbufChain> , <c mBuf_driverFreeMbufChain>, <c mBuf_freePkthdr>, <c mBuf_driverFreePkthdr>
+ */
+extern int32 mBuf_attachCluster(struct rtl_mBuf *m, void *buffer, uint32 id, uint32 size, uint16 datalen, uint16 align);
+@func struct rtl_mBuf * | mBuf_attachCluster | Attach a cluster to mbuf <p m>
+@parm struct rtl_mBuf * | m | Pointer to an mbuf chain.
+@parm void * | buffer | Address of cluster to be associated with mbuf <p m>.
+@parm uint32 | id | Identifier of cluster to be associated with mbuf <p m>.
+@parm uint32 | size | Size of cluster to be associated with mbuf <p m>.
+@parm uint32 | datalen | Byte count of data already in packet.
+@parm uint16 | align | byte offset of first data byte in cluster <p buffer>,if any,from which <p m> attaches to. Default is 0.
+@rvalue <p SUCCESS> | cluster has been successfully attached with mbuf <p m>.
+@rvalue <p FAILED> | Failed to attach cluster with mbuf <p m>
+Attach a cluster to mbuf <p m>. If there is already a cluster attached with mbuf <p m>, return FAILED.
+If <p align> is non-zero, mbuf <p m> sets it's data pointer from which <p m>'s data pointer attaches.
+ <c mBuf_get> , <c mBuf_driverGetMbufChain>, <c mBuf_GetPkthdr>, <c mBuf_getm>
+ */
+extern int32 mBuf_freeOneMbufPkthdr(struct rtl_mBuf *m, void **buffer, uint32 *id, uint16 *size);
+@func struct int32 | mBuf_freeOneMbufPkthdr | Free a single mbuf <p m> and associated pkthdr, if any. Returns information of cluster associated.
+@parm struct rtl_mBuf * | m | Pointer to an mbuf chain.
+@parm void * | buffer | placeholder for address of cluster associated on return.
+@parm void * | id | placeholder of identifier of cluster associated on return.
+@parm uint16 * | size | placeholder of size of cluster associated on return.
+@rdesc Returns number of mbufs being freed
+@rvalue <p n> | number of mbufs being freed
+ Free a single mbuf and associated pkthdr, if any. Place the successor, if any, in <p n>.
+ Note that this function DOES NOT free the associated cluster.
+@ex The following example demonstrates how to use this function |
+ struct rtl_mBuf *n;
+ void *buffer ;
+ uint32 size, id;
+ n = mBuf_freeOne(m,&buffer,&id, &size);
+ <c mBuf_freeMbufChain> , <c mBuf_driverFreeMbufChain>, <c mBuf_freePkthdr>, <c mBuf_driverFreePkthdr>, <c mBuf_freeOne>
+ */
+extern struct rtl_mBuf *mBuf_freeOne(struct rtl_mBuf *m);
+@func struct rtl_mBuf * | mBuf_freeOne | Free a single mbuf <p m> and associated cluster storage.
+@parm struct rtl_mBuf * | m | Pointer to an mbuf chain.
+@rdesc Returns address of next mbuf if any
+@rvalue <p NULL> | <p m> has been freed and there isn't any successing mbufs.
+@rvalue <p n> | The address of next mbuf after <p m>.
+ Free a single mbuf and associated external storage. Place the successor, if any, in <p n>.
+@ex The following example demonstrates how to use this function |
+ struct rtl_mBuf *n;
+ n = mBuf_freeOne(m);
+ <c mBuf_freeMbufChain> , <c mBuf_driverFreeMbufChain>, <c mBuf_freePkthdr>, <c mBuf_driverFreePkthdr>
+ */
+extern uint32 mBuf_freeMbufChain(register struct rtl_mBuf *m);
+@func struct rtl_mBuf * | mBuf_freeMbufChain| Free the whole mbuf chain started from <p m>
+@parm struct rtl_mBuf * | m | Pointer to the mbuf chain.
+@rdesc Returns number of mbufs being freed in mbuf chain <p m>.
+@rvalue <p n> | The number of mbufs being freed. If <p n> is 0, <p m> is not freed.
+ Free the whole mbuf chain starting from <p m>.
+@devnote Return type changed from void to int32 to provide more information.
+@ex The following example demonstrates how to use this function |
+ struct rtl_mBuf *m;
+ int32 n;
+ m = mBuf_get(MBUF_DONTWAIT, 0, 5);
+ n = mBuf_freeMbufChain(m);
+ if (n!=5){
+ //Do error handling...
+ }
+ <c mBuf_freeOne> , <c mBuf_driverFreeMbufChain>, <c mBuf_freePkthdr>, <c mBuf_driverFreePkthdr>
+ */
+extern uint32 mBuf_driverFreeMbufChain(struct rtl_mBuf *pFirstMbuf);
+@func uint32 | mBuf_driverFreeMbufChain| Free the whole mbuf chain started from <p m>
+@parm struct rtl_mBuf * | m | Pointer to the mbuf chain.
+@rdesc Returns number of mbufs being freed in mbuf chain <p m>.
+@rvalue <p n> | The number of mbufs being freed. If <p n> is 0, <p m> is not freed.
+ Free the whole mbuf chain starting from <p m>. To be used only in driver.
+@ex The following example demonstrates how to use this function |
+ struct rtl_mBuf * localTempMbufHead, * localTempMbufTail;
+ int32 allocated;
+ requested = 5;
+ allocated= mBuf_driverGet(requested, &localTempMbufHead, &localTempMbufTail);
+ if (allocated==requested){
+ n = mBuf_driverFreeMbufChain(localTempMbufHead);
+ if(n==allocated)
+ printf("All mbufs successfully freed in driver\n");
+ }
+ <c mBuf_freeOne> , <c mBuf_driverFreeMbufChain>, <c mBuf_freePkthdr>, <c mBuf_driverFreePkthdr>
+ */
+extern void mBuf_freePkthdr(struct rtl_pktHdr *ph);
+@func struct rtl_pktHdr * | mBuf_freePkthdr| Free a pkthdr alone.
+@parm struct rtl_pktHdr * |ph | The pkthdr to be freed.
+@rdesc No return value
+@comm Free a pkthdr alone. Callers should be aware that this is NOT the normal way to free a pkthdr with mbufs attached.
+You should use <p mBuf_freeOne> or <p mBuf_freeMbufChain> to free pkthdrs attached with mbuf chains. This function is usd once only in TCP module.
+Caller of this function should remove the links between mbufs and pkthdrs on their own before <p mBuf_freePkthdr> is called.
+@xref <c mBuf_freeOne> , <c mBuf_freeMbufChain>, <c mBuf_driverFreeMbufChain>, <c mBuf_driverFreePkthdr>
+ */
+uint32 mBuf_driverFreePkthdr(struct rtl_pktHdr *ph, uint32 Npkthdr, struct rtl_pktHdr **ppHeadPkthdr);
+@func uint32 | mBuf_driverFreePkthdr| Driver specific. Free multiple pkthdrs without blocking
+@parm struct rtl_pktHdr * |ph | The first pkthdr to be freed
+@parm uint32 |Npkthdr | Number of pkthdrs to be freed
+@parm struct rtl_pktHdr ** |ppHeadPkthdr | Returns next un-freed pkthdr, if any.
+@rdesc Returns number of pkthdrs successfully freed.
+This function is dedicated for driver. <p ph> should not be NULL!!
+ @xref
+ <c mBuf_freeOne> , <c mBuf_freeMbufChain>, <c mBuf_driverFreeMbufChain>, <c mBuf_freePkthdr>
+ */
+extern struct rtl_mBuf *mBuf_adjHead(struct rtl_mBuf *, uint32 req_len);
+@func struct rtl_mBuf * | mBuf_adjHead | Remove <p req_len> bytes of data from head the mbuf chain pointed to by <p m>.
+@parm struct rtl_mBuf * | m | Pointer to an mbuf chain. <p m> doesn't need to be the first mbuf in chain.
+@parm int32 | req_len | Number of data bytes to be removed
+@rdesc m_adj returns the address of first mbuf after trimming data.
+@rvalue <p NULL> | Can't adjust length of mbuf. <p m> might 1)be NULL 2)have no clusters.
+@rvalue <p m> | When success, the first mbuf <p m> where user can read/write data is returned.
+Remove <p req_len> bytes of data from the head of mbuf chain <p m>. If user removed all
+data bytes in the whole packet, <p m> is returned.
+@devnote If any clusters, after m_adj, is totally unused (ie. m_len=0),
+the m_data pointer would be reset to m_extbuf and the mbuf would NOT be freed.
+ <c mBuf_adjTail>, <c mBuf_trimHead>, <c mBuf_trimTail>
+ */
+extern struct rtl_mBuf *mBuf_adjTail(struct rtl_mBuf *, uint32 req_len);
+@func struct rtl_mBuf * | mBuf_adjTail | Remove <p req_len> bytes of data from tail of the mbuf chain pointed to by <p m>.
+@parm struct rtl_mBuf * | m | Pointer to an mbuf chain. <p m> doesn't need to be the first mbuf in chain.
+@parm int32 | req_len | Number of data bytes to be removed
+@rdesc m_adj returns the address of mbuf which contains the last data byte.
+@rvalue <p NULL> | Can't adjust length of mbuf. <p m> might 1)be NULL 2)have no clusters or <p req_len> is 0
+@rvalue <p m> | When success, the address of the mbuf which hold the last data byte is returned.
+Remove <p req_len> bytes of data from the tail of mbuf chain <p m>. If user removed all
+data bytes in the whole packet, <p m> is returned.
+@devnote If any clusters, after m_adj, is totally unused (ie. m_len=0),
+the m_data pointer would be reset to m_extbuf and the mbuf would NOT be freed.
+ <c mBuf_adjHead>, <c mBuf_trimHead>, <c mBuf_trimTail>
+ */
+extern struct rtl_mBuf *mBuf_trimHead(struct rtl_mBuf *, uint32 req_len);
+@func struct rtl_mBuf * | mBuf_trimHead | Same as mBuf_adjHead, but also frees unused mbufs and clusters
+@parm struct rtl_mBuf * | m | Pointer to an mbuf chain. <p m> doesn't need to be the first mbuf in chain.
+@parm int32 | req_len | Number of data bytes to be trimmed from head.
+@rdesc mBuf_trimHead returns the address of first mbuf after trimming.
+@rvalue <p NULL> | Can't adjust length of mbuf or the whole mbuf chain is trimmed and freed.
+@rvalue <p m> | When success, the first mbuf <p m> where user can read/write data is returned.
+Same as mBuf_adjHead, but also frees unused mbufs and clusters
+@devnote mBuf_trimHead is implemented with mBuf_split and mBuf_freeMbufChain. It first splits the mbuf
+to two mbuf chains from indicated position and frees the first one.
+There is a possible risk that mBuf_trimHead may fail when the mbuf chain <p m> consumes all mbufs and no free mbufs
+is available for mBuf_split to work correctly.
+ <c mBuf_adjHead>, <c mBuf_adjTail>, <c mBuf_trimTail>
+ */
+extern struct rtl_mBuf *mBuf_trimTail(struct rtl_mBuf *, uint32 req_len);
+@func struct rtl_mBuf * | mBuf_trimTail | Same as mBuf_adjTail, but also frees unused mbufs and clusters
+@parm struct rtl_mBuf * | m | Pointer to an mbuf chain. <p m> doesn't need to be the first mbuf in chain.
+@parm int32 | req_len | Number of data bytes to be trimmed from tail.
+@rdesc mBuf_trimTail returns the address <p m>.
+@rvalue <p NULL> | Can't adjust length of mbuf or the whole mbuf chain is trimmed and freed.
+@rvalue <p m> | When success, returns the first mbuf <p m> with data.
+Same as mBuf_adjTail, but also frees unused mbufs and clusters
+@devnote mBuf_trimTail is implemented with mBuf_split and mBuf_freeMbufChain. It first splits the mbuf
+to two mbuf chains from indicated position and frees the latter one.
+There is a possible risk that mBuf_trimTail may fail when the mbuf chain <p m> consumes all mbufs and no free mbufs
+is available for mBuf_split to work correctly.
+ <c mBuf_adjHead>, <c mBuf_adjTail>, <c mBuf_trimTail>
+extern int32 mBuf_copyToMbuf(struct rtl_mBuf *, uint32 offset, uint32 len, int8 *cp);
+@func int32 | mBuf_copyToMbuf | Copy <p len> bytes of data from user's buffer <p cp> to mbuf chain <p m>, started form offset <p offset>.
+@parm struct rtl_mBuf * | m | Address of the mbuf chain.
+@parm uint32 |offset | Starting byte to be copied in mbuf chain <p m>. Start from 0
+@parm uint32 |len | Number of bytes to be copied from <p cp>
+@parm int8 * |cp | Address of user's buffer.
+@rdesc Returns number of bytes successfully copied
+@rvalue <p -1> | Failed.
+@rvalue <p n> | <p n> bytes have been copied from <p cp> into indicated mbuf chain <p m>
+Copy <p len> bytes from user's buffer <p cp>, to the indicated mbuf chain
+<p m> beginning from the <p offset>-th data byte in mbuf chain.
+If there aren't at least 'offset' bytes in mbuf chain, -1 is returned.
+mBuf_copyToMbuf() extends mbuf chain if neccessary.
+Be careful, when clusters are allocated externally by OS, mbuf module doesn't know which mbuf
+is the first referee and owns the write priviledge to cluster. Therefore, write priviledge
+is granted to ALL cluster referees.
+@ex The following example demonstrates how to use this function |
+ #define SIZE 100
+ int32 i;
+ int8 my_buffer[SIZE];
+ for(i=0; i<SIZE; i++)
+ my_buffer[i] = i;
+ if (100!=mBuf_copyToMbuf(m, 10, 100, my_buffer)) //copy 100 bytes from my_buffer to mbuf m, started from the 10th bytes in mbuf
+ printf("Can't copy all data!");
+ @xref
+ <c mBuf_copyToUserBuffer>
+ */
+extern int32 mBuf_copyToUserBuffer(struct rtl_mBuf *m, uint32 off, uint32 len, int8 * cp);
+@func int32 | mBuf_copyToUserBuffer | Copy some data from an mbuf chain <p m> to user's buffer <p cp>.
+@parm struct rtl_mBuf * | m | Pointer to an mbuf chain.
+@parm uint32 |offset | The number of starting data byte in mbuf chain <p m>. Start from 0.
+@parm uint32 |len | The number of data bytes to be copied. If <p len>=M_COPYALL, then copy all data till the end of mbuf chain.
+@parm int8 * |cp | User specified buffer address.
+@rdesc Returns number of bytes successfully received and copied to user's buffer
+@rvalue <p -1> | Failed.
+@rvalue <p n> | <p n> bytes have been copied from <p m> into indicated buffer <p cp> successfully.
+Copy data from an mbuf chain starting from the <p offset>-th data byte,
+continuing for <p len> bytes, into the indicated buffer <p cp>. User should be sure that there is enough free space in
+the specified buffer <p cp>.
+@ex The following example demonstrates how to use this function |
+ int8 my_buffer[100];
+ mBuf_copyToUserBuffer(m, 10, 100, my_buffer); //copy 100 bytes from the 10-th byte in mbuf to user's cp buffer.
+ @xref
+ <c mBuf_copyToMbuf>
+ */
+extern struct rtl_mBuf *mBuf_cloneMbufChain(struct rtl_mBuf *pThisMbuf, int32 iOffset,
+ int32 iLength, int32 iWait);
+@func struct rtl_mBuf * | mBuf_cloneMbufChain | Clone a part of mbuf chain <p m>
+@parm struct rtl_mBuf * | m | Pointer to an mbuf chain.
+@parm int32 |offset | The number of starting data byte in mbuf chain <p m>. Start from 0
+@parm int32 |len | The number of data bytes to be cloned. If <p len>=M_COPYALL, then clone all data till the end of mbuf chain.
+@parm int32 |how | <p MBUF_WAIT> or <p MBUF_DONTWAIT> and/or <p M_ALLOCPKTHDR>
+@rdesc Returns address of the new, cloned mbuf chain <p n>.
+@rvalue <p NULL> | Can't clone mbuf chain <p m>.
+@rvalue <p n> | The address of cloned mbuf chain <p n>. Data in <p n> is read only.
+Make a clone of an mbuf chain starting from <p offset>-th byte from the beginning,
+continuing for <p len> bytes. If <p len> is M_COPYALL, then clone to end of the whole mbuf chain. (You may choose to use the optimized mBuf_clonePacket() in this case)
+The <p how> parameter is a choice of MBUF_WAIT or MBUF_DONTWAIT and/or M_ALLOCPKTHDR by the caller.
+If M_ALLOCPKTHDR flag is given, a new pkthdr would be allocated for duplicated packet.
+Note that the clone is read-only, The new mbuf chain <p n> only shares cluster data with <p m>.
+<p n> can only read cluster data, but not write. <p m> still owns write priviledge.
+@ex The following example demonstrates how to use this function |
+ struct rtl_mBuf *n;
+ n = mBuf_cloneMbufChain(m, 20, M_COPYALL, MBUF_WAIT);
+ if (n != NULL) {
+ // do following processing
+ }
+ @xref
+ <c mBuf_clonePacket>, <c mBuf_dupPacket>, <c mBuf_cloneMbufChain>
+ */
+extern struct rtl_mBuf *mBuf_dupMbufChain(struct rtl_mBuf *pMbufChain, int32 iOffset, int32 iLength, int32 flag);
+@func struct rtl_mBuf * | mBuf_dupMbufChain | Duplicate a part of mbuf chain <p m>
+@parm struct rtl_mBuf * | m | Pointer to an mbuf chain.
+@parm int32 |offset | The number of starting data byte in mbuf chain <p m>. Start from 0
+@parm int32 |len | The number of data bytes to be cloned. If <p len>=M_COPYALL, then duplicate all data till the end of mbuf chain.
+@parm int32 |how | <p MBUF_WAIT> or <p MBUF_DONTWAIT> and/or <p M_ALLOCPKTHDR>
+@rdesc Returns address of the new, duplicated mbuf chain <p n>.
+@rvalue <p NULL> | Can't duplicate mbuf chain <p m>.
+@rvalue <p n> | The address of duplicated mbuf chain <p n>. Data in <p n> is writable.
+Duplicate an mbuf chain starting from <p offset>-th byte from the beginning,
+continuing for <p len> bytes. If <p len> is M_COPYALL, then duplicate to end of the whole mbuf chain. (You may choose to use the optimized mBuf_dupPacket() in this case)
+The <p how> parameter is a choice of MBUF_WAIT or MBUF_DONTWAIT and/or M_ALLOCPKTHDR by the caller.
+If M_ALLOCPKTHDR flag is given, a new pkthdr would be allocated for duplicated packet.
+Note that the duplicated mbuf is writable..
+@ex The following example demonstrates how to use this function |
+ struct rtl_mBuf *n;
+ n = mBuf_dupMbufChain(m, 20, M_COPYALL, MBUF_WAIT);
+ if (n != NULL) {
+ // do following processing
+ }
+ @xref
+ <c mBuf_clonePacket>, <c mBuf_dupPacket>, <c mBuf_cloneMbufChain>
+ */
+extern struct rtl_mBuf *mBuf_clonePacket(struct rtl_mBuf *pMbuf, int32 iHow);
+@func struct rtl_mBuf * | mBuf_clonePacket | Clone the entire packet <p m>
+@parm struct rtl_mBuf * | m | Pointer to an mbuf chain.
+@parm int32 |how | <p MBUF_WAIT> or <p MBUF_DONTWAIT>
+@rdesc Returns address of the new mbuf chain <p n>.
+@rvalue <p NULL> | Can't clone mbuf chain <p m>.
+@rvalue <p n> | The address of copied mbuf chain <p n>. Data in <p n> is read only.
+Clone an entire mbuf chain <p m>, including the packet header (which must be present).
+An optimization of the common case `mBuf_cloneMbufChain(m, 0, M_COPYALL, how)'.
+The new cloned packet always allocates a new pkthdr.
+Note that the copy is read-only, because clusters are not copied, only their reference counts are incremented.
+@ex The following example demonstrates how to use this function |
+ struct rtl_mBuf *n;
+ n = mBuf_clonePacket(m, MBUF_WAIT);
+ if (n != NULL) {
+ // do following processing
+ }
+ @xref
+ <c mBuf_dupPacket>, <c mBuf_cloneMbufChain>, <c mBuf_dupMbufChain>
+ */
+extern struct rtl_mBuf *mBuf_dupPacket(struct rtl_mBuf *pMbuf, int32 iHow);
+@func struct rtl_mBuf * | mBuf_dupPacket | Duplicate an mbuf chain <p m>, including its data, into a completely new chain <p n>
+@parm struct rtl_mBuf * | m | Pointer to an mbuf chain.
+@parm int32 |how | <p MBUF_WAIT> or <p MBUF_DONTWAIT>
+@rdesc Returns address of the new mbuf chain <p n>.
+@rvalue <p NULL> | Can't duplicate mbuf chain <p m>.
+@rvalue <p n> | The address of copied mbuf chain <p n>. Data in <p n> is writable.
+Duplicate an mbuf chain <p m> into a completely new chain <p n>, including
+copying data in any <p m>'s mbuf clusters.
+The new duplicated packet always allocates a new pkthdr.
+Use this instead of mBuf_clonePacket() when you need a writable copy of an mbuf chain.
+@ex The following example demonstrates how to use this function |
+ struct rtl_mBuf *n;
+ n = mBuf_dupPacket(m, MBUF_WAIT);
+ if (n != NULL) {
+ // do following processing
+ }
+ @xref
+ <c mBuf_clonePacket> , <c mBuf_copyToUserBuffer>, <c mBuf_cloneMbufChain>
+ */
+extern struct rtl_mBuf *mBuf_prepend(struct rtl_mBuf *m, uint32 plen, int32 how);
+@func struct rtl_mBuf * | mBuf_prepend | Arrange to prepend space of size <p plen> to mbuf <p m>.
+@parm struct rtl_mBuf * | m | Pointer to an mbuf chain.
+@parm uint32 |plen | Number of bytes to be prepended before <p m>
+@parm int32 |how | <p MBUF_WAIT>, <p MBUF_DONTWAIT>, <p M_GETNEWMBUF>
+@rdesc Returns address of the first mbuf.
+@rvalue <p NULL> | Can't allocate memory or parameter problem.
+@rvalue <p n> | The address of first mbuf after prepending.
+Arrange to prepend space of size <p plen> to mbuf <p m>.
+ If new mbufs must be allocated, <p how> specifies whether to wait or not. When user calls mBuf_prepend, the
+ data length recorded in mbufs and pkthdr is incremented accordingly.
+By default, mBuf_prepend uses any leading free space before allocating any new clusters.
+But if <p M_GETNEWMBUF> is set, mBuf_prepend allocates new mbufs directly and leaves any leading free buffer space as is.
+If <p how> has MBUF_DONTWAIT bit set, and we can't get all buffers immediately, return NULL.
+If <p how> has MBUF_WAITOK bit set, and we can't get all buffers right away, block waiting until our request is satisfied.
+M_BUFONLY can't be used with mBuf_prepend.
+@ex The following example demonstrates how to use this function |
+ m0 = mBuf_prepend(m0, PPP_HDRLEN, MBUF_DONTWAIT | M_GETNEWMBUF);
+ if (m0 == 0) {
+ error = ENOBUFS;
+ goto bad;
+ }
+ @xref <c mBuf_cat>, <c mBuf_padding>
+ */
+extern struct rtl_mBuf *mBuf_padding(struct rtl_mBuf *m, uint32 plen, int32 how);
+@func struct rtl_mBuf * | mBuf_padding | Arrange to append space of size <p plen> to mbuf <p m>.
+@parm struct rtl_mBuf * | m | Pointer to an mbuf chain.
+@parm uint32 |plen | Number of bytes to append at <p m>
+@parm int32 |how | <p MBUF_WAIT> or <p MBUF_DONTWAIT>
+@rdesc Returns address of the last mbuf padded.
+@rvalue <p NULL> | Can't allocate memory or parameter problem.
+@rvalue <p n> | The address of last mbuf after padding
+Arrange to append space of size <p plen> to mbuf <p m>.
+ If new mbufs must be allocated, <p how> specifies whether to wait or not. When user calls mBuf_padding, the
+ data length recorded in mbufs and pkthdr are incremented accordingly.
+ M_BUFONLY can't be used with mBuf_padding.
+@devnote API CHANGED: If <p how> is MBUF_DONTWAIT and allocation fails, NULL is returned.
+Original mbuf <p m> is intact.
+@ex The following example demonstrates how to use this function |
+ m0 = mBuf_padding(m, (ETHER_MIN_LEN-ETHER_CRC_LEN-len), MBUF_DONTWAIT);
+ if (m0 == 0) {
+ error = ENOBUFS;
+ goto bad;
+ }
+@xref <c mBuf_split>, <c mBuf_cat>, <c mBuf_getm>, <c mBuf_prepend>, <c mBuf_split>
+ */
+extern struct rtl_mBuf *mBuf_cat(struct rtl_mBuf *m, struct rtl_mBuf *n);
+@func struct rtl_mBuf * | mBuf_cat | Concatenate mbuf chain <p n> to <p m>.
+@parm struct rtl_mBuf * | m | mbuf chain to be appended.
+@parm struct rtl_mBuf * | n | mbuf chain to be appended after <p m>
+@rdesc Returns the address of <p m> or NULL if failed.
+@rvalue <p NULL> | Can't concatenate two mbuf chain
+@rvalue <p m> | When success, the address of <p m> is returned..
+Concatenate mbuf chain <p n> to <p m>.
+Total packet length of <p m> would be adjusted accordingly. However, <p n>'s control header, if any, would be freed
+@xref <c mBuf_split>, <c mBuf_padding>, <p mBuf_getm>
+ */
+extern int32 mBuf_pullup(struct rtl_mBuf *, int32);
+@func int32 | mBuf_pullup| Rearange an mbuf chain so that <p len> bytes are contiguous
+ in <p m>'s first cluster.
+@parm struct rtl_mBuf * | m | Pointer to an mbuf chain.
+@parm int32 |len | The number of databytes requested to put in <p m>'s first cluster. <p len> should not exceed the size of a cluster buffer (256 bytes).
+@rdesc Returns total data bytes in the first mbuf cluster.
+@rvalue <p n> | The number of data bytes in <p m>'s first cluster. If <p n> is less than <p len>,
+ that means <p mBuf_pullup> can't pull up all <p len> bytes requested because there isn't
+ so much data in mbuf chain.
+@comm Original BSD4.4 note: Rearange an mbuf chain so that <p len> bytes are contiguous and in <p m>'s cluster.
+Successing mbufs are adjusted accordingly. If the return value <p n> is smaller than requested <p len>,
+maybe there isn't enough data bytes in the mbuf chain <p m>, or maybe the requested value <p len> exceeds
+the maximum capacity for a single cluster.
+Our implementation note:
+(cfliu 2002.02.19)This function is important in traditional BSD networking stack because
+original mbuf can't do dtom() if data is saved in cluster. This is not the
+case here since we offer a back pointer from cluster to mbuf via cltag_mbuf field.
+However, this function is still useful if we want to collect continous databytes from later clusters
+to the specified mbuf's cluster. The maximum number of <p len> should be less than a cluster
+can hold (ie. len less than or equal to m_clusterSIze)
+(2002.08.11) If 1) requested length <p len> is smaller than m_clusterSize, and 2) there are enough data in this mbuf chain. However, the
+trailing space in <p m> is not large enough, <p mBuf_pullup> will move m's data upward first and then copy requested data from latter clusters
+@devnote This function is different from traditional BSD mbuf code. When pull up fails, the mbuf chain will not be freed,
+and the return value has been changed to an integer instead of a pointer to mbuf structure.
+@ex The following example demonstrates how to use this function |
+ int32 n;
+ n = mBuf_pullup(m, 128);
+ if (n < 128) {
+ //There isn't so much data in mbuf chain.
+ }
+ @xref
+ <c m_pulldown>
+ */
+struct rtl_mBuf *mBuf_split(register struct rtl_mBuf *m0, uint32 len0, int32 wait);
+/*@func struct rtl_mBuf * | mBuf_split | Partition an mbuf chain in two pieces. Data is cloned
+ @parm struct rtl_mBuf * | m | Pointer to an mbuf chain
+ @parm int32 | len | The number of last data byte to remain in original mbuf chain <p m>
+ @parm int32 | wait | <p MBUF_DONTWAIT> or <p MBUF_WAIT>
+ @rdesc Returns a pointer to the splited mbuf chain <p n>
+ @rvalue NULL | Can't split the mbuf chain
+ @rvalue <p n> | Success. <p n> is the address of second mbuf chain. It holds all data bytes after the <p len>-th byte in <p m>.
+ @comm Partition an mbuf chain <p m> into two pieces, returning the tail mbuf chain <p n>. In case of failure, it returns NULL and
+ attempts to restore the chain to its original state. Data in clusters are NOT copied, but cloned only.
+ @ex The following example demonstrates how to use this function |
+ struct rtl_mBuf *n;
+ n = mBuf_split(m, off, MBUF_DONTWAIT);
+ if (n == NULL) {
+ goto bad;
+ }
+ @xref
+ <c mBuf_cat>, <c mBuf_padding>, <c mBuf_getm>
+ */
+void mBuf_getBMjmpTable(uint8 *pat, uint16 *jump_tbl,uint16 patLen, uint8 caseSensitive);
+int32 mBuf_BMpatternMatch(struct rtl_mBuf *m, uint32 len, uint8 *delimiter, uint32 delimitLen, uint16 *jmp_tbl, uint8 caseSensitive);
+#define MBUF_GETLEN(m) ((m)? ((m)->m_len : -1)
+@func MACRO | MBUF_GETLEN | Get total number of data bytes in the mbuf <p m>
+@parm struct rtl_mBuf * |m | Indicate the packet
+@rdesc Returns data length of the mbuf
+@rvalue -1 | Failed.
+@rvalue <p length>| The actual length of data in <p m>
+ Get total number of data bytes in the mbuf <p m>
+@xref <c mBuf_getPktlen>
+ struct rtl_mBuf *mBuf_attachHeader(void *buffer, uint32 id, uint32 bufsize,uint32 datalen, uint16 align);
+struct rtl_mBuf *mBuf_attachHeaderJumbo(void *buffer, uint32 id, uint32 bufsize,uint32 datalen);
+int32 mBuf_setNICRxRingSize(uint32 size);
+extern int32 mBuf_reserve(struct rtl_mBuf * m, uint16 headroom);
+#define MBUF_SET_PKTHDRFLAGS(m, Flags) do{\
+ assert((m));\
+ assert(ISSET((m)->m_flags, MBUF_USED));\
+ assert((m)->m_pkthdr);\
+ MBUF_SETPKTHDRFIELD16(((memaddr *)&(m)->m_pkthdr->ph_flags), (Flags));\
+ }while(0)
+@func MACRO | MBUF_SET_PKTHDRFLAGS | Set packet specific flags for ASIC processing
+@parm struct rtl_mBuf * |m | Indicate the packet
+@parm uint32 |Flags | flag to be set
+@rdesc None
+Set packet specific flags for ASIC processing. This overwrites original flag value. If you are adding flag bits rather than reseting it,
+remember to save its old value first
+#define MBUF_GET_PKTHDRFLAGS(m) (MBUF_CHECKPKTHDR((m))? MBUF_GETPKTHDRFIELD16((memaddr *)(&m->m_pkthdr->ph_flags)):-1)
+@func MACRO | MBUF_GET_PKTHDRFLAGS | Get packet specific flags set by ASIC
+@parm struct rtl_mBuf * |m | Indicate the packet
+@rdesc Returns the result of execution
+@rvalue -1 | Failed. <p m> might have no pkthdrs.
+@rvalue FLAGS | Returns the flags.
+Get packet specific flags set by ASIC
+#define MBUF_SET_PORTLIST(m,Portlist) do{\
+ assert((m));\
+ assert(ISSET((m)->m_flags, MBUF_USED));\
+ assert((m)->m_pkthdr);\
+ (m)->m_pkthdr->ph_portlist = (Portlist);\
+@func MACRO | MBUF_SET_PORTLIST | Set outgoing port list
+@parm struct rtl_mBuf * |m | Indicate the packet
+@parm uint32 |Portlist | port list
+@rdesc None
+@comm Set outgoing port list
+#define MBUF_GET_PORTLIST(m) (MBUF_CHECKPKTHDR((m))? ((m)->m_pkthdr->ph_portlist):-1)
+@func MACRO | MBUF_GET_PORTLIST | get incoming port list
+@parm struct rtl_mBuf * |m | Indicate the packet
+@rdesc Returns the result of execution
+@rvalue 0 | Failed. <p m> might have no pkthdrs.
+@rvalue Portlist | Returns incoming portlist.
+ get incoming port list
+#define MBUF_SET_TRAPREASON(m, Reason) do{\
+ assert((m));\
+ assert(ISSET((m)->m_flags, MBUF_USED));\
+ assert((m)->m_pkthdr);\
+ MBUF_SETPKTHDRFIELD16(((memaddr *)&(m)->m_pkthdr->ph_reason), (Reason));\
+@func MACRO | MBUF_SET_TRAPREASON | Set packet trapping reason for ASIC processing
+@parm struct rtl_mBuf * |m | Indicate the packet
+@parm uint16 |Reason | Trapping reason
+@rdesc None
+Set packet trapping reason for ASIC processing
+#define MBUF_GET_TRAPREASON(m) (MBUF_CHECKPKTHDR((m))? MBUF_GETPKTHDRFIELD16((memaddr *)(&m->m_pkthdr->ph_reason)):-1)
+@func MACRO | MBUF_GET_TRAPREASON | Get packet trapping reason set by ASIC
+@parm struct rtl_mBuf * |m | Indicate the packet
+@rdesc Returns the result of execution
+@rvalue -1 | Failed. <p m> might have no pkthdrs.
+@rvalue Reason | Returns trap reason
+Get packet trapping reason set by ASIC
+#define MBUF2DATAPTR(m, t) ((t)((m)->m_data))
+@func MACRO | MBUF2DATAPTR | Given mbuf pointer 'm', returns address of m->m_data, and convert it to type 't'
+@parm struct rtl_mBuf * |m | Pointer to an mbuf
+@parm TYPE |t | A type to be casted
+@rdesc Address of m->m_data
+Given mbuf pointer 'm', returns address of m->m_data, and convert it to type 't'
+@xref <c mBuf_data2Mbuf>
+#define MBUF_ALIGN(m, len) do { \
+ assert((m)->m_len==0);\
+ assert(len>0);\
+ assert(((m)->m_extsize - (len))>0);\
+ (m)->m_data += ( (m)->m_extsize - (len)) & ~(sizeof(memaddr) - 1); \
+} while (0)
+@func MACRO | MBUF_ALIGN | Align the m->m_data pointer from end of the cluster, for 'len' bytes.
+@parm struct rtl_mBuf * |m | Pointer to an mbuf
+@parm uint32 |len | Size to be aligned.
+@rdesc None
+Set the m_data pointer of a NEWLY-allocated cluster to place
+an object of the specified size at the end of the mbuf, longword aligned.
+@xref <c MBUF_RESERVE>
+#define MBUF_RESERVE(m, len) do { \
+ assert(len>0);\
+ (m)->m_data += ( ((len) > (m)->m_extsize)? (m)->m_extsize : len); \
+} while (0)
+@func MACRO | MBUF_RESERVE | Reserve 'len' bytes from the beginning of the newly allocated cluster
+@parm struct rtl_mBuf * |m | Pointer to an mbuf
+@parm uint32 |len | Size to be aligned.
+@rdesc None
+Forward move the m_data pointer of a NEWLY-allocated cluster for 'len' bytes.
+m_data won't move beyond m_extbuf + m_extsize, make sure 'len' you give is a reasonable value
+@xref <c MBUF_ALIGN>
+#endif /* !_MBUF_H_ */