path: root/target/linux/realtek/files/drivers/net/rtl819x/AsicDriver/rtl865x_asicL4.h
diff options
authorRoman Yeryomin <>2012-09-13 00:40:35 +0300
committerRoman Yeryomin <>2013-05-26 00:44:46 +0300
commita27354c9021a8423ef8c7d2bffad49cbf639eec1 (patch)
tree2355929a4b8cf1888cd0797cfabdb42e0077c524 /target/linux/realtek/files/drivers/net/rtl819x/AsicDriver/rtl865x_asicL4.h
parent24a776baeb5d3cd903b144c89ceb11c5bc36a49e (diff)
Add realtek target files
Signed-off-by: Roman Yeryomin <>
Diffstat (limited to 'target/linux/realtek/files/drivers/net/rtl819x/AsicDriver/rtl865x_asicL4.h')
1 files changed, 193 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/target/linux/realtek/files/drivers/net/rtl819x/AsicDriver/rtl865x_asicL4.h b/target/linux/realtek/files/drivers/net/rtl819x/AsicDriver/rtl865x_asicL4.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e8d14e802
--- /dev/null
+++ b/target/linux/realtek/files/drivers/net/rtl819x/AsicDriver/rtl865x_asicL4.h
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+* Copyright c Realtek Semiconductor Corporation, 2009
+* All rights reserved.
+* Program : Switch table Layer4 napt driver,following features are included:
+* napt
+* Abstract :
+* Author : hyking (
+#ifndef RTL865X_ASICL4_H
+#define RTL865X_ASICL4_H
+#define RTL8651_DYNAMIC_NAPT_ENTRY (0x0<<0)
+#define RTL8651_STATIC_NAPT_ENTRY (0x1<<0)
+#define RTL8651_LIBERAL_NAPT_ENTRY (0x2<<0)
+#define RTL8651_TCPUDPTBL_SIZE 1024
+#define RTL8651_ALGTBL_SIZE 48
+#define RTL8651_ICMPTBL_SIZE 32
+#define RTL8651_TCPUDPTBL_BITS 10
+#define RTL8651_NAPT_OUTBOUND_FLOW (1<<2) //exact value in ASIC
+#define RTL8651_NAPT_INBOUND_FLOW (0<<2) //exact value in ASIC
+#define RTL8651_NAPT_UNIDIRECTIONAL_FLOW (2<<2) //exact value in ASIC
+#define RTL8651_NAPT_SYNFIN_QUIET (4<<2) //exact value in ASIC
+#define RTL8651_NAPT_CHKAUTOLEARN (1<<5)
+//In RTL8651, TCPFlag field records current state of entry
+#define RTL8651_TCPNAPT_WAIT4FIN (0x4 <<2) //exact value in ASIC
+#define RTL8651_TCPNAPT_WAITINBOUND (0x2 <<2) //exact value in ASIC
+#define RTL8651_TCPNAPT_WAITOUTBOUND (0x1 <<2) //exact value in ASIC
+#define HASH_UDP 0 /* flag for hash UDP */
+#define HASH_TCP 1 /* flag for hash TCP */
+#define HASH_FOR_TRAN 0 /* flag for hash hash1 and hash2 index */
+#define HASH_FOR_VERI 2 /* flag for hash verification value of enhanced hash1 */
+typedef struct {
+ /* word 0 */
+ ipaddr_t intIPAddr;
+ /* word 1 */
+ uint32 reserv0 : 1;
+ uint32 selEIdx : 10;
+ uint32 selIPIdx : 4;
+ uint32 isStatic : 1;
+ uint32 dedicate : 1;
+ uint32 collision2 : 1;
+ uint32 offset : 6;
+ uint32 agingTime : 6;
+ uint32 collision : 1;
+ uint32 valid : 1;
+ /* word 2 */
+ uint32 reserv2 : 12;
+ uint32 isTCP : 1;
+ uint32 TCPFlag : 3;
+ uint32 intPort : 16;
+#else /*_LITTLE_ENDIAN*/
+ /* word 0 */
+ ipaddr_t intIPAddr;
+ /* word 1 */
+ uint32 valid : 1;
+ uint32 collision : 1;
+ uint32 agingTime : 6;
+ uint32 offset : 6;
+ uint32 collision2 : 1;
+ uint32 dedicate : 1;
+ uint32 isStatic : 1;
+ uint32 selIPIdx : 4;
+ uint32 selEIdx : 10;
+ uint32 reserv0 : 1;
+ /* word 2 */
+ uint32 intPort : 16;
+ uint32 TCPFlag : 3;
+ uint32 isTCP : 1;
+ uint32 reserv2 : 12;
+#endif /*_LITTLE_ENDIAN*/
+ /* word 3 */
+ uint32 reservw3;
+ /* word 4 */
+ uint32 reservw4;
+ /* word 5 */
+ uint32 reservw5;
+ /* word 6 */
+ uint32 reservw6;
+ /* word 7 */
+ uint32 reservw7;
+} rtl8651_tblAsic_naptTcpUdpTable_t;
+typedef struct {
+ /* word 0 */
+ ipaddr_t intIPAddr;
+ /* word 1 */
+ uint32 reserv0 : 1;
+ uint32 selEIdx : 10;
+ uint32 selIPIdx : 4;
+ uint32 isStatic : 1;
+ uint32 dedicate : 1;
+ uint32 collision2 : 1;
+ uint32 offset : 6;
+ uint32 agingTime : 6;
+ uint32 collision : 1;
+ uint32 valid : 1;
+ /* word 2 */
+ uint32 reserv2 : 8;
+ uint32 priority :3;
+ uint32 priValid :1;
+ uint32 isTCP : 1;
+ uint32 TCPFlag : 3;
+ uint32 intPort : 16;
+#else /*_LITTLE_ENDIAN*/
+ /* word 0 */
+ ipaddr_t intIPAddr;
+ /* word 1 */
+ uint32 valid : 1;
+ uint32 collision : 1;
+ uint32 agingTime : 6;
+ uint32 offset : 6;
+ uint32 collision2 : 1;
+ uint32 dedicate : 1;
+ uint32 isStatic : 1;
+ uint32 selIPIdx : 4;
+ uint32 selEIdx : 10;
+ uint32 reserv0 : 1;
+ /* word 2 */
+ uint32 intPort : 16;
+ uint32 TCPFlag : 3;
+ uint32 isTCP : 1;
+ uint32 priValid :1;
+ uint32 priority :3;
+ uint32 reserv2 : 8;
+#endif /*_LITTLE_ENDIAN*/
+ /* word 3 */
+ uint32 reservw3;
+ /* word 4 */
+ uint32 reservw4;
+ /* word 5 */
+ uint32 reservw5;
+ /* word 6 */
+ uint32 reservw6;
+ /* word 7 */
+ uint32 reservw7;
+} rtl865xc_tblAsic_naptTcpUdpTable_t;
+typedef struct rtl865x_tblAsicDrv_naptTcpUdpParam_s {
+ ipaddr_t insideLocalIpAddr;
+ uint16 insideLocalPort;
+ uint32 ageSec;
+ uint8 tcpFlag;
+ uint8 offset;
+ uint8 selExtIPIdx;
+ uint16 selEIdx;
+ uint32 isTcp:1,
+ isCollision:1,
+ isStatic:1,
+ isCollision2:1,
+ isDedicated:1,
+ isValid:1,
+ priValid:1,
+ priority:3;
+} rtl865x_tblAsicDrv_naptTcpUdpParam_t;
+//uint32 _Is4WayHashEnabled( void );
+int32 _set4WayHash( int32 enable );
+int32 _rtl8651_enableEnhancedHash1(void);
+int32 _rtl8651_disableEnhancedHash1(void);
+uint32 rtl8651_naptTcpUdpTableIndex(int8 isTCP, ipaddr_t srcAddr, uint16 srcPort, ipaddr_t destAddr, uint16 destPort);
+int32 rtl8651_setAsicNaptTcpUdpTable(int8 forced, uint32 index, rtl865x_tblAsicDrv_naptTcpUdpParam_t *naptTcpUdpp);
+int32 rtl8651_getAsicNaptTcpUdpTable(uint32 index, rtl865x_tblAsicDrv_naptTcpUdpParam_t *naptTcpUdpp);
+int32 rtl8651_delAsicNaptTcpUdpTable(uint32 start, uint32 end);
+int32 rtl8651_setAsicNaptIcmpTimeout(uint32 timeout);
+int32 rtl8651_getAsicNaptIcmpTimeout(uint32 *timeout);
+int32 rtl8651_setAsicNaptUdpTimeout(uint32 timeout);
+int32 rtl8651_getAsicNaptUdpTimeout(uint32 *timeout);
+int32 rtl8651_setAsicNaptTcpLongTimeout(uint32 timeout);
+int32 rtl8651_getAsicNaptTcpLongTimeout(uint32 *timeout);
+int32 rtl8651_setAsicNaptTcpMediumTimeout(uint32 timeout);
+int32 rtl8651_getAsicNaptTcpMediumTimeout(uint32 *timeout);
+int32 rtl8651_setAsicNaptTcpFastTimeout(uint32 timeout);
+int32 rtl8651_getAsicNaptTcpFastTimeout(uint32 *timeout);