path: root/target/linux/realtek/files/drivers/net/rtl819x/AsicDriver/rtl865xC_hs.h
diff options
authorRoman Yeryomin <>2012-09-13 00:40:35 +0300
committerRoman Yeryomin <>2013-05-26 00:44:46 +0300
commita27354c9021a8423ef8c7d2bffad49cbf639eec1 (patch)
tree2355929a4b8cf1888cd0797cfabdb42e0077c524 /target/linux/realtek/files/drivers/net/rtl819x/AsicDriver/rtl865xC_hs.h
parent24a776baeb5d3cd903b144c89ceb11c5bc36a49e (diff)
Add realtek target files
Signed-off-by: Roman Yeryomin <>
Diffstat (limited to 'target/linux/realtek/files/drivers/net/rtl819x/AsicDriver/rtl865xC_hs.h')
1 files changed, 364 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/target/linux/realtek/files/drivers/net/rtl819x/AsicDriver/rtl865xC_hs.h b/target/linux/realtek/files/drivers/net/rtl819x/AsicDriver/rtl865xC_hs.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..609a1a486
--- /dev/null
+++ b/target/linux/realtek/files/drivers/net/rtl819x/AsicDriver/rtl865xC_hs.h
@@ -0,0 +1,364 @@
+#ifndef RTL865XC_HS
+#define RTL865XC_HS
+struct hsb_param_s
+ uint32 spa:3; /* [2:0] source port number 0~5: rx port0-5, 7: cpu & extension ports (includes extension ports, see also extspa ) */
+ uint32 trigpkt:1; /* [3:3] This is a Triggered packet for Smartbit-like function. */
+ uint32 len:15; /* [15:0] BYTECOUNT FOR THE PACKET, included L2 CRC */
+ uint32 vid:12; /* [11:0] VLANID for normal packets and CPU-DirecTX packets */
+ uint32 tagif:1; /* To indicate if the incoming packet is VLAN tagged */
+ uint32 pppoeif:1; /* To indicate if the incoming packet is a PPPoE packet */
+ uint32 sip:32; /* [31:0] Source IP */
+ uint32 sprt:16; /* [15:0] Source Port (TCP/UDP) / ICMPID (ICMP) / L3 Checksum (DirectTx) / Call ID (PPTP) */
+ uint32 dip:32; /* [31:0] Destination IP */
+ uint32 dprt:16; /* [15:0] Destination Port / L4 Checksum (DirectTx) */
+ uint32 ipptl:8; /* [7:0] 8 bit protocol in IP header (IP packet)ICMP Type (ICMP)IGMP Type (IGMP) */
+ uint32 ipfg:3; /* [2:0] Flag field in IP header=[IP_NONFG,IP_DF, IP_MF] */
+ uint32 iptos:8; /* [7:0] TOS 8 bits in IP header (IP packet) Reason to CPU (DirectTx)*/
+ uint32 tcpfg:8; /* [7:0]=TCP flag or ICMP code */
+ uint32 type:3; /* [2:0] The type categories after Input packet parsing flow. 000: Ethernet, 001: PPTP, 010: IPv4, 011: ICMP, 100: IGMP, 101: TCP, 110: UDP, 111:IPv6 */
+ uint32 patmatch:1; /* To indicate if the per-port pattern match is matched and corresponding action. Bit0: Match or not? */
+ uint32 ethtype:16; /* [15:0] EtherType{ DoVLANTAG[5:0], PortMask [5:0], DoPPPoETAG, PPPoEID[2:0]} for DirectTx. When LLC=1, EtherType should be the 16 bit value after AA-AA-03 00-00-00. */
+ uint8 da[6]; /* [47:0] Destination MAC */
+ uint8 sa[6]; /* [47:0] Source MAC */
+ uint32 hiprior:3; /* [2:0] Queue ID */
+ uint32 snap:1; /* With LLC-SNAP hader */
+ uint32 udpnocs:1; /* UDP and checksum=0x0000 */
+ uint32 ttlst:2; /* [1:0] 00: TTL=0, 01: TTL=1, 10: TTL>1 */
+ uint32 dirtx:1; /* Direct to CPU or from CPU */
+ uint32 l3csok:1; /* L3 checksum OK */
+ uint32 l4csok:1; /* L4 checksum OK */
+ uint32 ipfo0_n:1; /* IP fragmentation offset status. 0: IP fragmentation offset=0, 1: not 0 */
+ uint32 llcothr:1; /* LLC header with {DSAP, SSAP} != AAAA */
+ uint32 urlmch:1; /* To indicate if the packet is URL trapped */
+ uint32 extspa:2; /* [1:0] Extension Source Port Address ( valid only if SPA = 7 ). 2-0: extension port 2~0. 3: cpu*/
+ uint32 extl2:1; /* S/W Directs ALE to do L2 lookup only for those packets from extension ports; it's valid if the incoming packets are from extension ports */
+ uint32 linkid:7; /* WLAN link ID; if is valid only if the packets are from extension ports */
+ uint32 pppoeid:16; /* PPPoE ID */
+typedef struct hsb_param_s hsb_param_t;
+/* HSA (Header Stamp After):
+ * Software-friendly structure definition */
+struct hsa_param_s
+ uint8 nhmac[6]; /* [47:0] ARP MAC (next hop MAC address) */
+ uint32 trip:32; /* [31:0] Translated IP */
+ uint32 port:16; /* [15:0] Translated PORT/ICMP ID (type= ICMP) /Call ID (type=PPTP) */
+ uint32 l3csdt:16; /* [15:0] The substrate distance to fix the L3 Checksum. It requires to consider the TTL-1 simultaneously. */
+ uint32 l4csdt:16; /* [15:0] The substrate distance to fix the L4 Checksum. It requires to consider the TTL-1 simultaneously*/
+ uint32 egif:1; /* IF the packet is from internal VLAN. */
+ uint32 l2tr:1; /* To indicate if L2 (MAC Address) translation is needed. */
+ uint32 l34tr:1; /* To indicate if L3 (IP) translation and L4 (PORT) translation is needed. (boundled because the L3 translation will influence the L4 checksum insertion). */
+ uint32 dirtxo:1; /* Direct to CPU or from CPU(for CRC auto-insertion to distinguish L2 switch or from CPU packets) */
+ uint32 typeo:3; /* [2:0] The type categories that outputs. 000: Ethernet, 001: PPTP, 010: IPv4, 011: ICMP, 100: IGMP, 101: TCP, 110: UDP, 111:IPv6 */
+ uint32 snapo:1; /* 1: SNAP exists (copy from hsb.snap) */
+ uint32 rxtag:1; /* Indicate the rx-packet carries tag header */
+ uint32 dvid:12; /* The destination VLAN, for VLAN Tagging. */
+ uint32 pppoeifo:2; /* [1:0] To indicate if PPPoE session stage header is needed to be tagged. 00: intact, 01: tagging, 10: remove, 11: modify */
+ uint32 pppidx:3; /* [2:0] The PPPoE Session ID Index (to a 8-entry register table) for tagging in the translated packet header if needed. */
+ uint32 leno:15; /* [14:0] Packet length */
+ uint32 l3csoko:1; /* L3 CRC OK? */
+ uint32 l4csoko:1; /* L4 CRC OK? */
+ uint32 frag:1; /* If this packet is fragment packet? */
+ uint32 lastfrag:1; /* If this packet is the last fragment packet? */
+ uint32 ipmcastr:1; /* Routed IP Multicast packet */
+ uint32 svid:12; /* [11:0] Source vid */
+ uint32 fragpkt:1; /* Enable output port to fragmentize this packet */
+ uint32 ttl_1if:9; /* [8:0] Per MAC port TTL operation indication */
+ uint32 dpc:3; /* [2:0] Destination ports count */
+ uint32 spao:4; /* [3:0] Packet source Port ( refer HSB.SPA definitation ) */
+ uint32 hwfwrd:1; /* [0:0] Hardware forward flag. ( S/W use ) */
+ uint32 dpext:4; /* [3:0] Packet destination indication : 0-2: ext port0-2 3: cpu */
+ uint32 spaext:2; /* [1:0] ( refer HSB.EXTSPA definitation ) */
+ uint32 why2cpu:16; /* [15:0] CPU reason */
+ uint32 spcp:3; /* [2:0] Source priority code point */
+ uint32 dvtag:9; /* [8:0] Destination VLAN tag set: 0-5: port 0-5, 6-8: extension port 0-2 */
+ uint32 difid:3; /* [2:0] Destination Interface ID ( MAC uses this to get gateway MAC if L2Trans = 1) */
+ uint32 linkid:7; /* [6:0] WLAN link ID; if is valid only if the packets are from extension ports. 0: this field is invalid. */
+ uint32 siptos:8; /* [7:0] Source IPToS for those packets which were delivered to extension ports. */
+ uint32 dp:7; /* [6:0] destinatio port mask, formally not included in HSA. */
+ uint32 priority:3; /* [2:0] priority ID (valid: 0~7) */
+typedef struct hsa_param_s hsa_param_t;
+/* RAW HSB: Raw structure to access ASIC.
+ * The structure is directly mapped to ASIC, however, it is not friendly for software. */
+struct hsb_s
+ uint32 spa:3; /* W0[2:0] */
+ uint32 trigpkt:1; /* W0[3:3] */
+ uint32 resv:1; /* W0[4:4] */
+ uint32 len:15; /* W0[19:5] */
+ uint32 vid:12; /* W0[31:20] */
+ uint32 vid:12; /* W0[31:20] */
+ uint32 len:15; /* W0[19:5] */
+ uint32 resv:1; /* W0[4:4] */
+ uint32 trigpkt:1; /* W0[3:3] */
+ uint32 spa:3; /* W0[2:0] */
+ uint32 tagif:1; /* W1[0:0] */
+ uint32 pppoeif:1; /* W1[1:1] */
+ uint32 sip29_0:30; /* W1[31:2] */
+ uint32 sip29_0:30; /* W1[31:2] */
+ uint32 pppoeif:1; /* W1[1:1] */
+ uint32 tagif:1; /* W1[0:0] */
+ uint32 sip31_30:2; /* W2[1:0] */
+ uint32 sprt:16; /* W2[17:2] */
+ uint32 dip13_0:14; /* W2[31:18] */
+ uint32 dip13_0:14; /* W2[31:18] */
+ uint32 sprt:16; /* W2[17:2] */
+ uint32 sip31_30:2; /* W2[1:0] */
+ uint32 dip31_14:18; /* W3[17:0] */
+ uint32 dprt13_0:14; /* W3[31:18] */
+ uint32 dprt13_0:14; /* W3[31:18] */
+ uint32 dip31_14:18; /* W3[17:0] */
+ uint32 dprt15_14:2; /* W4[1:0] */
+ uint32 ipptl:8; /* W4[9:2] */
+ uint32 ipfg:3; /* W4[12:10]=[IP_NONFG,IP_DF, IP_MF] */
+ uint32 iptos:8; /* W4[20:13] */
+ uint32 tcpfg:8; /* W4[28:21]=TCP flag or ICMP code */
+ uint32 type:3; /* W4[31:0] */
+ uint32 type:3; /* W4[31:0] */
+ uint32 tcpfg:8; /* W4[28:21]=TCP flag or ICMP code */
+ uint32 iptos:8; /* W4[20:13] */
+ uint32 ipfg:3; /* W4[12:10]=[IP_NONFG,IP_DF, IP_MF] */
+ uint32 ipptl:8; /* W4[9:2] */
+ uint32 dprt15_14:2; /* W4[1:0] */
+ uint32 patmatch:1; /* W5[0:0] */
+ uint32 ethtype:16; /* W5[16:1] */
+ uint32 da14_0:15; /* W5[31:17] */
+ uint32 da14_0:15; /* W5[31:17] */
+ uint32 ethtype:16; /* W5[16:1] */
+ uint32 patmatch:1; /* W5[0:0] */
+ uint32 da46_15:32; /* W6[31:0] */
+ uint32 da47_47:1; /* W7[0:0] */
+ uint32 sa30_0:31; /* W7[31:1] */
+ uint32 sa30_0:31; /* W7[31:1] */
+ uint32 da47_47:1; /* W7[0:0] */
+ uint32 sa47_31:17; /* W8[16:0] */
+ uint32 hiprior:3; /* W8[19:17] */
+ uint32 snap:1; /* W8[20:20] */
+ uint32 udpnocs:1; /* W8[21:21] */
+ uint32 ttlst:2; /* W8[23:22] */
+ uint32 dirtx:1; /* W8[24:24] */
+ uint32 l3csok:1; /* W8[25:25] */
+ uint32 l4csok:1; /* W8[26:26] */
+ uint32 ipfo0_n:1; /* W8[27:27] */
+ uint32 llcothr:1; /* W8[28:28] */
+ uint32 urlmch:1; /* W8[29:29] */
+ uint32 extspa:2; /* W8[31:30] */
+ uint32 extspa:2; /* W8[31:30] */
+ uint32 urlmch:1; /* W8[29:29] */
+ uint32 llcothr:1; /* W8[28:28] */
+ uint32 ipfo0_n:1; /* W8[27:27] */
+ uint32 l4csok:1; /* W8[26:26] */
+ uint32 l3csok:1; /* W8[25:25] */
+ uint32 dirtx:1; /* W8[24:24] */
+ uint32 ttlst:2; /* W8[23:22] */
+ uint32 udpnocs:1; /* W8[21:21] */
+ uint32 snap:1; /* W8[20:20] */
+ uint32 hiprior:3; /* W8[19:17] */
+ uint32 sa47_31:17; /* W8[16:0] */
+ uint32 extl2:1; /* W9[0:0] */
+ uint32 linkid:7; /* W9[7:1] */
+ uint32 pppoeid:16; /* W9[23:8] */
+ uint32 res1:8; /* W9[31:24] */
+ uint32 res1:8; /* W9[31:24] */
+ uint32 pppoeid:16; /* W9[23:8] */
+ uint32 linkid:7; /* W9[7:1] */
+ uint32 extl2:1; /* W9[0:0] */
+typedef struct hsb_s hsb_t;
+/* RAW HSA: Raw structure to access ASIC.
+ * The structure is directly mapped to ASIC, however, it is not friendly for software. */
+struct hsa_s
+ uint32 nhmac0:8; /* W0[7:0] */
+ uint32 nhmac1:8; /* W0[15:8] */
+ uint32 nhmac2:8; /* W0[23:16] */
+ uint32 nhmac3:8; /* W0[31:24] */
+ uint32 nhmac3:8; /* W0[31:24] */
+ uint32 nhmac2:8; /* W0[23:16] */
+ uint32 nhmac1:8; /* W0[15:8] */
+ uint32 nhmac0:8; /* W0[7:0] */
+ uint32 nhmac4:8; /* W1[7:0] */
+ uint32 nhmac5:8; /* W1[15:8] */
+ uint32 trip15_0:16; /* W1[31:16] */
+ uint32 trip15_0:16; /* W1[31:16] */
+ uint32 nhmac5:8; /* W1[15:8] */
+ uint32 nhmac4:8; /* W1[7:0] */
+ uint32 trip31_16:16;/* W2[15:0] */
+ uint32 port:16; /* W2[31:16] */
+ uint32 port:16; /* W2[31:16] */
+ uint32 trip31_16:16;/* W2[15:0] */
+ uint32 l3csdt:16; /* W3[15:0] */
+ uint32 l4csdt:16; /* W3[31:16] */
+ uint32 l4csdt:16; /* W3[31:16] */
+ uint32 l3csdt:16; /* W3[15:0] */
+ uint32 egif:1; /* W4[0:0] */
+ uint32 l2tr:1; /* W4[1:1] */
+ uint32 l34tr:1; /* W4[2:2] */
+ uint32 dirtxo:1; /* W4[3:3] */
+ uint32 typeo:3; /* W4[6:4] */
+ uint32 snapo:1; /* W4[7:7] */
+ uint32 rxtag:1; /* W4[8:8] */
+ uint32 dvid:12; /* W4[20:9] */
+ uint32 pppoeifo:2; /* W4[22:21] */
+ uint32 pppidx:3; /* W4[25:23] */
+ uint32 leno5_0:6; /* W4[31:26] */
+ uint32 leno5_0:6; /* W4[31:26] */
+ uint32 pppidx:3; /* W4[25:23] */
+ uint32 pppoeifo:2; /* W4[22:21] */
+ uint32 dvid:12; /* W4[20:9] */
+ uint32 rxtag:1; /* W4[8:8] */
+ uint32 snapo:1; /* W4[7:7] */
+ uint32 typeo:3; /* W4[6:4] */
+ uint32 dirtxo:1; /* W4[3:3] */
+ uint32 l34tr:1; /* W4[2:2] */
+ uint32 l2tr:1; /* W4[1:1] */
+ uint32 egif:1; /* W4[0:0] */
+ uint32 leno14_6:9; /* W5[8:0] */
+ uint32 l3csoko:1; /* W5[9:9] */
+ uint32 l4csoko:1; /* W5[10:10] */
+ uint32 frag:1; /* W5[11:11] */
+ uint32 lastfrag:1; /* W5[12:12] */
+ uint32 ipmcastr:1; /* W5[13:13] */
+ uint32 svid:12; /* W5[25:14] */
+ uint32 fragpkt:1; /* W5[26:26] */
+ uint32 ttl_1if4_0:5;/* W5[31:27] */
+ uint32 ttl_1if4_0:5;/* W5[31:27] */
+ uint32 fragpkt:1; /* W5[26:26] */
+ uint32 svid:12; /* W5[25:14] */
+ uint32 ipmcastr:1; /* W5[13:13] */
+ uint32 lastfrag:1; /* W5[12:12] */
+ uint32 frag:1; /* W5[11:11] */
+ uint32 l4csoko:1; /* W5[10:10] */
+ uint32 l3csoko:1; /* W5[9:9] */
+ uint32 leno14_6:9; /* W5[8:0] */
+ uint32 ttl_1if5_5:1;/* W6[0:0] */
+ uint32 dpc:3; /* W6[3:1] */
+ uint32 spao:4; /* W6[7:4] */
+ uint32 hwfwrd:1; /* W6[8:8] */
+ uint32 ttl_1if8_6:3;/* W6[11:9] */
+ uint32 dpext:4; /* W6[15:12] */
+ uint32 spaext:2; /* W6[17:16] 0~3 */
+ uint32 why2cpu13_0:14;/* W6[31:18] */
+ uint32 why2cpu13_0:14;/* W6[31:18] */
+ uint32 spaext:2; /* W6[17:16] 0~3 */
+ uint32 dpext:4; /* W6[15:12] */
+ uint32 ttl_1if8_6:3;/* W6[11:9] */
+ uint32 hwfwrd:1; /* W6[8:8] */
+ uint32 spao:4; /* W6[7:4] */
+ uint32 dpc:3; /* W6[3:1] */
+ uint32 ttl_1if5_5:1;/* W6[0:0] */
+ uint32 why2cpu15_14:2;/* W7[1:0] */
+ uint32 spcp:3; /* W7[4:2] */
+ uint32 dvtag:9; /* W7[13:5] */
+ uint32 difid:3; /* W7[16:14] */
+ uint32 linkid:7; /* W7[23:17]*/
+ uint32 siptos:8; /* W7[31:24] */
+ uint32 siptos:8; /* W7[31:24] */
+ uint32 linkid:7; /* W7[23:17]*/
+ uint32 difid:3; /* W7[16:14] */
+ uint32 dvtag:9; /* W7[13:5] */
+ uint32 spcp:3; /* W7[4:2] */
+ uint32 why2cpu15_14:2;/* W7[1:0] */
+ uint32 dp6_0:7; /* W8[6_0]=destinatio port mask*/
+ uint32 resv2:25; /* W8[31:7] */
+ uint32 resv2:25; /* W8[31:7] */
+ uint32 dp6_0:7; /* W8[6:0]=destinatio port mask*/
+ uint32 priority:3;/* W9[6:0] */
+ uint32 resv3:29;
+ uint32 resv3:29;
+ uint32 priority:3;/* W9[6:0] */
+typedef struct hsa_s hsa_t;
+int32 virtualMacGetHsa( hsa_param_t* hsa );
+int32 virtualMacGetHsb( hsb_param_t* hsb );