path: root/package/hostapd-rtk/files
diff options
authorArtur Artamonov <>2013-08-21 16:52:55 +0300
committerArtur Artamonov <>2013-08-21 16:52:55 +0300
commitd4bc867ac3afd260e4256e1463b273083769a363 (patch)
tree81c868f33d397d9b61de9ef00c8303fecc9195ca /package/hostapd-rtk/files
parent2789830761da86a4537ab198203138c082b3058e (diff)
parent6e8428d78c98c653f625aa0839437359306f99db (diff)
Merge branch 'realtek-unstable' of git:// into realtek-unstable
Diffstat (limited to 'package/hostapd-rtk/files')
1 files changed, 325 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/package/hostapd-rtk/files/ b/package/hostapd-rtk/files/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..27ba1f1e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/hostapd-rtk/files/
@@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
+append DRIVERS "realtek"
+find_realtek_phy() {
+ local device="$1"
+ local macaddr="$(config_get "$device" macaddr | tr 'A-Z' 'a-z')"
+ config_get phy "$device" phy
+ [ -z "$phy" -a -n "$macaddr" ] && {
+ cd /sys/class/net
+ for phy in $(ls -d wlan[0-9] 2>&-); do
+ [ "$macaddr" = "$(cat /sys/class/net/${phy}/address)" ] || continue
+ config_set "$device" phy "$phy"
+ break
+ done
+ config_get phy "$device" phy
+ }
+ [ -n "$phy" -a -d "/sys/class/net/$phy" ] || {
+ echo "phy for wifi device $1 not found"
+ return 1
+ }
+ [ -z "$macaddr" ] && {
+ config_set "$device" macaddr "$(cat /sys/class/net/${phy}/address)"
+ }
+ return 0
+scan_realtek() {
+ local device="$1"
+ local mainvif
+ local wds
+ [ ${device%[0-9]} = "wlan" ] && config_set "$device" phy "$device" || find_realtek_phy "$device" || {
+ config_unset "$device" vifs
+ return 0
+ }
+ config_get phy "$device" phy
+ config_get vifs "$device" vifs
+ local _c=0
+ for vif in $vifs; do
+ config_get_bool disabled "$vif" disabled 0
+ [ $disabled = 0 ] || continue
+ config_get mode "$vif" mode
+ case "$mode" in
+ adhoc|sta|ap|monitor)
+ # Only one vif is allowed on AP, station, Ad-hoc or monitor mode
+ [ -z "$mainvif" ] && {
+ mainvif="$vif"
+ config_set "$vif" ifname "$phy"
+ }
+ ;;
+ wds)
+ config_get ssid "$vif" ssid
+ [ -z "$ssid" ] && continue
+ config_set "$vif" ifname "${phy}wds${_c}"
+ _c=$(($_c + 1))
+ addr="$ssid"
+ ${addr:+append wds "$vif"}
+ ;;
+ *) echo "$device($vif): Invalid mode, ignored."; continue;;
+ esac
+ done
+ config_set "$device" vifs "${mainvif:+$mainvif }${wds:+$wds}"
+disable_realtek() (
+ local device="$1"
+ find_realtek_phy "$device" || return 0
+ config_get phy "$device" phy
+ echo disable_realtek phy=$phy device=$device
+ #doesn't work?
+ set_wifi_down "$device"
+ include /lib/network
+# while read line < //${phy}/wds; do
+# set $line
+# [ -f "/var/run/wifi-${1}.pid" ] &&
+# kill "$(cat "/var/run/wifi-${1}.pid")"
+# ifconfig "$1" down
+# unbridge "$1"
+# iwpriv "$phy" wds_del "$2"
+# done
+ echo unbridge "$phy"
+ unbridge "$phy"
+ ifconfig "$phy" down
+ return 0
+enable_realtek() {
+ local device="$1"
+ find_realtek_phy "$device" || return 0
+ config_get phy "$device" phy
+ config_get channel "$device" channel
+ [ -n "$channel" ] && iwconfig "$phy" channel "$channel" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ config_get vifs "$device" vifs
+ local first=1
+ echo device=$device vifs=$vifs
+ for vif in $vifs; do
+ config_get ifname "$vif" ifname
+ config_get ssid "$vif" ssid
+ config_get mode "$vif" mode
+ echo vif=$vif ifname=$ifname
+ [ "$mode" = "wds" ] || iwconfig "$phy" essid ${ssid:+-- }"${ssid:-any}"
+ case "$mode" in
+ sta)
+ iwconfig "$phy" mode managed
+ config_get addr "$device" bssid
+ [ -z "$addr" ] || {
+ iwconfig "$phy" ap "$addr"
+ }
+ ;;
+ ap) iwconfig "$phy" mode master;;
+ wds) iwpriv "$phy" wds_add "$ssid";;
+ adhoc) iwconfig "$phy" mode ad-hoc;;
+ *) iwconfig "$phy" mode "$mode";;
+ esac
+ [ "$first" = 1 ] && {
+ config_get rate "$vif" rate
+ [ -n "$rate" ] && iwconfig "$phy" rate "${rate%%.*}"
+ config_get_bool hidden "$vif" hidden 0
+ iwpriv "$phy" set_mib hiddenAP="$hidden"
+ config_get frag "$vif" frag
+ [ -n "$frag" ] && iwconfig "$phy" frag "${frag%%.*}"
+ config_get rts "$vif" rts
+ [ -n "$rts" ] && iwconfig "$phy" rts "${rts%%.*}"
+ config_get maclist "$vif" maclist
+ [ -n "$maclist" ] && {
+ # flush MAC list
+ iwpriv "$phy" maccmd 3
+ for mac in $maclist; do
+ iwpriv "$phy" addmac "$mac"
+ done
+ }
+ config_get macpolicy "$vif" macpolicy
+ case "$macpolicy" in
+ allow)
+ iwpriv "$phy" maccmd 2
+ ;;
+ deny)
+ iwpriv "$phy" maccmd 1
+ ;;
+ *)
+ # default deny policy if mac list exists
+ [ -n "$maclist" ] && iwpriv "$phy" maccmd 1
+ ;;
+ esac
+ # kick all stations if we have policy explicitly set
+ [ -n "$macpolicy" ] && iwpriv "$phy" maccmd 4
+ }
+ config_get enc "$vif" encryption
+ case "$enc" in
+ WEP|wep)
+ for idx in 1 2 3 4; do
+ config_get key "$vif" "key${idx}"
+ iwconfig "$ifname" enc "[$idx]" "${key:-off}"
+ done
+ config_get key "$vif" key
+ key="${key:-1}"
+ case "$key" in
+ [1234]) iwconfig "$ifname" enc "[$key]";;
+ *) iwconfig "$ifname" enc "$key";;
+ esac
+ ;;
+ psk*|wpa*)
+ start_hostapd=1
+ config_get key "$vif" key
+ ;;
+ esac
+ local net_cfg bridge
+ net_cfg="$(find_net_config "$vif")"
+ echo net_cfg=$net_cfg > /dev/ttyS0
+ # dirty workaround for wlan0 not appearing when router is started
+ bridge="br-lan"
+ # set mac address from /etc/config/wireless
+ local macaddr
+ config_get macaddr "$device" macaddr
+ [ -z "$macaddr" ] || ifconfig "$device" hw ether "$macaddr"
+ # set led to link/tx/rx (data,management) mode
+ # have to be here because router will lock in wlan0 will be up durig this
+ iwpriv "$ifname" set_mib led_type=11
+ sleep 4
+ brctl show > /dev/ttyS0
+ [ -z "$net_cfg" ] || {
+ #bridge="$(bridge_interface "$net_cfg")"
+ echo vif=$vif bridge=$bridge > /dev/ttyS0
+ echo tree config_set "$vif" bridge "$bridge" > /dev/ttyS0
+ config_set "$vif" bridge "$bridge"
+ echo house start_net "$ifname" "$net_cfg" > /dev/ttyS0
+ set | grep CONFIG_ > /dev/ttyS0
+ start_net "$ifname" "$net_cfg"
+ }
+ sleep 1
+ brctl show > /dev/ttyS0
+ # start hostapd anyway for now, it's much more stable than native ap mode
+ start_hostapd=1
+ [ -n "$start_hostapd" ] || {
+ local htmode
+ config_get htmode "$device" htmode
+ case "$htmode" in
+ *HT40-*)
+ iwpriv "$ifname" set_mib use40M=1
+ iwpriv "$ifname" set_mib shortGI40M=1
+ iwpriv "$ifname" set_mib 2ndchoffset=1
+ ;;
+ *HT40+*)
+ iwpriv "$ifname" set_mib use40M=1
+ iwpriv "$ifname" set_mib shortGI40M=1
+ iwpriv "$ifname" set_mib 2ndchoffset=2
+ ;;
+ esac
+ # for 40MHz only mode
+ #TODO: enable after realtek merge with hostapd?
+ #iwpriw "$ifname" set_mib coexist=0
+ # enable Space-Time Block Coding for better throughput
+ #iwpriv "$ifname" set_mib stbc=1
+ #sleep 1
+ ifconfig "$ifname" up
+ }
+ #doesn't work?
+ set_wifi_up "$vif" "$ifname"
+ case "$mode" in
+ ap)
+ if [ -n "$start_hostapd" ] && eval "type hostapd_setup_vif" 2>/dev/null >/dev/null; then
+ hostapd_setup_vif "$vif" realtek || {
+ echo "enable_realtek($device): Failed to set up hostapd for interface $ifname" >&2
+ # make sure this wifi interface won't accidentally stay open without encryption
+ ifconfig "$ifname" down
+ continue
+ }
+ fi
+ ;;
+ wds|sta)
+ if eval "type wpa_supplicant_setup_vif" 2>/dev/null >/dev/null; then
+ wpa_supplicant_setup_vif "$vif" realtek || {
+ echo "enable_realtek($device): Failed to set up wpa_supplicant for interface $ifname" >&2
+ ifconfig "$ifname" down
+ continue
+ }
+ fi
+ ;;
+ esac
+ first=0
+ done
+check_realtek_device() {
+ [ ${1%[0-9]} = "wlan" ] && config_set "$1" phy "$1"
+ config_get phy "$1" phy
+ [ -z "$phy" ] && {
+ find_realtek_phy "$1" >/dev/null || return 0
+ config_get phy "$1" phy
+ }
+ [ "$phy" = "$dev" ] && found=1
+detect_realtek() {
+ devidx=0
+ config_load wireless
+ while :; do
+ config_get type "wlan$devidx" type
+ [ -n "$type" ] || break
+ devidx=$(($devidx + 1))
+ done
+ cd /sys/class/net/
+ [ -d wlan[0-9] ] || return
+ for dev in $(ls -d wlan[0-9] 2>&-); do
+ found=0
+ config_foreach check_realtek_device wifi-device
+ [ "$found" -gt 0 ] && continue
+ cat <<EOF
+config wifi-device wlan$devidx
+ option type realtek
+ option channel 11
+ option macaddr $(cat /sys/class/net/${dev}/address)
+ #TODO: enable after realtek merge with hostapd
+ #option hwmode 11ng
+ option htmode HT40-
+ # option disabled 1
+config wifi-iface
+ option device wlan$devidx
+ option network lan
+ option mode ap
+ option ssid OpenWrt
+ option encryption none
+ devidx=$(($devidx + 1))
+ done