diff options
3 files changed, 734 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2646908
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+CFLAGS := -s -Wall -c -Os $(CFLAGS)
+LDFLAGS = -s -Wall
+CFLAGS += -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections
+LDFLAGS += --static -s -Wl,--gc-sections
+default: all
+all: rtkmib
+rtkmib: rtkmib.o
+ $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o rtkmib rtkmib.o
+rtkmib.o: rtkmib.c
+ $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o rtkmib.o rtkmib.c
+ rm -f *.o
+ rm -f rtkmib
diff --git a/rtkmib.c b/rtkmib.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a1e7424
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rtkmib.c
@@ -0,0 +1,526 @@
+#include <getopt.h>
+#include "rtkmib.h"
+#define NAME "rtkmib"
+#define VERSION "0.0.1"
+static const char *opt_string = ":i:o:h";
+static struct option long_options[] = {
+ { "input", required_argument, NULL, 'i' },
+ { "output", required_argument, NULL, 'o' },
+ { "help", no_argument, NULL, 'h' },
+ { 0, 0, 0, 0 },
+void usage ( char *pname ) {
+ char **dp;
+ char *optdoc[] = {
+ "\n",
+ " Options:\n",
+ " -i, --input input file name\n",
+ " -o, --output output file name\n",
+ " -h, --help print this help message\n",
+ "\n",
+ "If you find bugs, cockroaches or other nasty insects don't\n",
+ "send them to - just kill 'em! ;)\n",
+ "\n",
+ 0
+ };
+ printf( "\n%s v%s\n", NAME, VERSION );
+ printf( "Usage: %s [OPTIONS]\n", pname );
+ for (dp = optdoc; *dp; dp++) {
+ printf( "%s", *dp );
+ }
+static int flash_read( char *mtd, int offset, int len, char *buf )
+ if ( !buf || !mtd || len < 0 )
+ return -1;
+ int err = 0;
+ int fd = open( mtd, O_RDONLY );
+ if ( fd < 0 ) {
+ printf( "Flash read error: %m\n" );
+ return fd;
+ }
+ if ( offset > 0 )
+ lseek( fd, offset, SEEK_SET );
+ if ( read( fd, buf, len ) != len )
+ err = -1;
+ close( fd );
+ return err;
+inline uint16_t swap16( uint16_t x )
+ uint16_t b = x;
+ b = (x >> 8) & 0xff;
+ return b | (x << 8);
+inline uint32_t swap32( uint32_t x )
+ return x = (x >> 24) |
+ ((x << 8) & 0x00ff0000) |
+ ((x >> 8) & 0x0000ff00) |
+ (x << 24);
+#define RING_SIZE 4096 /* size of ring buffer */
+#define UL_MATCH 18 /* upper limit for match_length */
+#define THRESHOLD 2 /* encode string into position and length
+ * if match_length is greater than this */
+static int mib_decode( unsigned char *in, uint32_t len, unsigned char **out )
+ if ( !in || !out || len < 1 )
+ return -1;
+ int i, j, k, c;
+ int r = RING_SIZE - UL_MATCH;
+ unsigned int flags = 0;
+ unsigned int pos = 0;
+ unsigned int explen = 0;
+ unsigned char *text_buf =
+ (unsigned char *)malloc( RING_SIZE + UL_MATCH - 1 );
+ if ( !text_buf )
+ return -1;
+ *out = (unsigned char *)malloc( len );
+ if ( !*out ) {
+ free(text_buf);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ memset( text_buf, 0, RING_SIZE + UL_MATCH - 1 );
+ memset( *out, 0, len );
+ while (1) {
+ if ( ((flags >>= 1) & 256) == 0 ) {
+ pos++;
+ if ( pos > len )
+ break;
+ c = in[ pos ]; /* get flags for frame */
+ flags = c | 0xff00; /* uses higher byte cleverly */
+ } /* to count eight */
+ /* test next flag bit */
+ if ( flags & 1 ) {
+ /* flag bit of 1 means unencoded byte */
+ pos++;
+ if ( pos > len )
+ break;
+ c = in[ pos ];
+ explen++;
+ if ( explen > len )
+ *out = (unsigned char *)realloc( *out, explen + 1 );
+ (*out)[ explen ] = c; /* copy to output */
+ printf("%i: %x\n", explen - 1, c); fflush(stdout);
+ text_buf[ r++ ] = c; /* and to text_buf */
+ r &= (RING_SIZE - 1);
+ } else {
+ /* 0 means encoded info */
+ pos++;
+ if ( pos > len )
+ break;
+ i = in[ pos ]; /* get position */
+ pos++; // ???
+ if ( pos > len )
+ break;
+ j = in[ pos ]; /* get length of run */
+ i |= ((j & 0xf0) << 4); /* i is now offset of run */
+ j = (j & 0x0f) + THRESHOLD; /* j is the length */
+ for ( k = 0; k <= j; k++ ) {
+ c = text_buf[ (i + k) & (RING_SIZE - 1) ];
+ explen++;
+ if ( explen > len )
+ *out = (unsigned char *)realloc( (void *)*out, explen + 1 );
+ (*out)[ explen ] = c;
+ printf("c%i: %x\n", explen - 1, c); fflush(stdout);
+ text_buf[ r++ ] = c;
+ r &= (RING_SIZE - 1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ free(text_buf);
+ return explen;
+static int mib_read( char *mtd, unsigned int offset,
+ unsigned char **mib, uint32_t *size )
+ *mib = NULL;
+ mib_hdr_t header;
+ mib_hdr_compr_t header_compr;
+ unsigned int len = 0;
+ int compression = 0;
+ unsigned char *sig = NULL;
+ if ( flash_read( mtd, offset,
+ sizeof(mib_hdr_t), (char *)&header ) )
+ {
+ syslog( LOG_ERR, "probe header failed\n" );
+ }
+ if ( !memcmp( MIB_HEADER_COMPR_TAG,
+ header.sig,
+ sizeof(header.sig) ) )
+ {
+ printf( "MIB is compressed!\n" );
+ if ( flash_read( mtd, offset, sizeof(mib_hdr_compr_t),
+ (char *)&header_compr ) )
+ {
+ syslog( LOG_ERR, "read header failed\n" );
+ }
+ sig = header_compr.sig;
+ len = swap32(header_compr.len);
+ compression = swap16(header_compr.factor);
+ } else {
+ sig = header.sig;
+ len = swap16(header.len);
+ }
+ printf( "Header info:\n" );
+ printf( " signature: '%s'\n", sig );
+ printf( " data size: 0x%x\n", len );
+ *mib = (unsigned char *)malloc(len);
+ if ( compression ) {
+ printf( " compression factor: 0x%x\n", compression );
+ *size = len;
+ if ( flash_read( mtd, offset + sizeof(mib_hdr_compr_t),
+ len, (char *)*mib ) )
+ {
+ syslog( LOG_ERR, "MIB read failed\n" );
+ }
+ }
+ if ( flash_read( mtd, offset + sizeof(mib_hdr_t),
+ len, (char *)*mib ) )
+ {
+ syslog( LOG_ERR, "MIB read failed\n" );
+ }
+ return len;
+static int hex_to_string( unsigned char *hex, char *str, int len )
+ int i;
+ unsigned char *d, *s;
+ const static char hexdig[] = "0123456789abcdef";
+ if ( hex == NULL || str == NULL )
+ return -1;
+ d = (unsigned char *)str;
+ s = hex;
+ for ( i = 0; i < len; i++,s++ ) {
+ *d++ = hexdig[(*s >> 4) & 0xf];
+ *d++ = hexdig[*s & 0xf];
+ }
+ *d = 0;
+ return 0;
+#define B1_G1 40
+#define B1_G2 48
+#define B2_G1 56
+#define B2_G2 64
+#define B3_G1 104
+#define B3_G2 112
+#define B3_G3 120
+#define B3_G4 128
+#define B3_G5 136
+#define B3_G6 144
+#define B4_G1 153
+#define B4_G2 161
+#define B4_G3 169
+#define B4_G4 177
+void assign_diff_AC(unsigned char* pMib, unsigned char* pVal)
+ int x=0, y=0;
+ memset((pMib+35), pVal[0], (B1_G1-35));
+ memset((pMib+B1_G1), pVal[1], (B1_G2-B1_G1));
+ memset((pMib+B1_G2), pVal[2], (B2_G1-B1_G2));
+ memset((pMib+B2_G1), pVal[3], (B2_G2-B2_G1));
+ memset((pMib+B2_G2), pVal[4], (B3_G1-B2_G2));
+ memset((pMib+B3_G1), pVal[5], (B3_G2-B3_G1));
+ memset((pMib+B3_G2), pVal[6], (B3_G3-B3_G2));
+ memset((pMib+B3_G3), pVal[7], (B3_G4-B3_G3));
+ memset((pMib+B3_G4), pVal[8], (B3_G5-B3_G4));
+ memset((pMib+B3_G5), pVal[9], (B3_G6-B3_G5));
+ memset((pMib+B3_G6), pVal[10], (B4_G1-B3_G6));
+ memset((pMib+B4_G1), pVal[11], (B4_G2-B4_G1));
+ memset((pMib+B4_G2), pVal[12], (B4_G3-B4_G2));
+ memset((pMib+B4_G3), pVal[13], (B4_G4-B4_G3));
+void assign_diff_AC_hex_to_string(unsigned char* pmib,char* str,int len)
+ char mib_buf[MAX_5G_CHANNEL_NUM_MIB];
+ memset(mib_buf,0,sizeof(mib_buf));
+ assign_diff_AC(mib_buf, pmib);
+ hex_to_string(mib_buf,str,MAX_5G_CHANNEL_NUM_MIB);
+#endif /* HAVE_RTK_AC_SUPPORT */
+int set_tx_calibration( mib_wlan_t *phw, char *interface )
+ char tmpbuff[1024], p[ MAX_5G_CHANNEL_NUM_MIB * 2 + 1 ];
+ if(!phw)
+ return -1;
+ hex_to_string(phw->pwrlevelCCK_A,p,MAX_2G_CHANNEL_NUM_MIB);
+ sprintf(tmpbuff,"iwpriv %s set_mib pwrlevelCCK_A=%s",interface,p);
+// system(tmpbuff);
+ printf("%s\n",tmpbuff);
+ hex_to_string(phw->pwrlevelCCK_B,p,MAX_2G_CHANNEL_NUM_MIB);
+ sprintf(tmpbuff,"iwpriv %s set_mib pwrlevelCCK_B=%s",interface,p);
+// system(tmpbuff);
+ printf("%s\n",tmpbuff);
+ hex_to_string(phw->pwrlevelHT40_1S_A,p,MAX_2G_CHANNEL_NUM_MIB);
+ sprintf(tmpbuff,"iwpriv %s set_mib pwrlevelHT40_1S_A=%s",interface,p);
+// system(tmpbuff);
+ printf("%s\n",tmpbuff);
+ hex_to_string(phw->pwrlevelHT40_1S_B,p,MAX_2G_CHANNEL_NUM_MIB);
+ sprintf(tmpbuff,"iwpriv %s set_mib pwrlevelHT40_1S_B=%s",interface,p);
+// system(tmpbuff);
+ printf("%s\n",tmpbuff);
+ hex_to_string(phw->pwrdiffHT40_2S,p,MAX_2G_CHANNEL_NUM_MIB);
+ sprintf(tmpbuff,"iwpriv %s set_mib pwrdiffHT40_2S=%s",interface,p);
+// system(tmpbuff);
+ printf("%s\n",tmpbuff);
+ hex_to_string(phw->pwrdiffHT20,p,MAX_2G_CHANNEL_NUM_MIB);
+ sprintf(tmpbuff,"iwpriv %s set_mib pwrdiffHT20=%s",interface,p);
+// system(tmpbuff);
+ printf("%s\n",tmpbuff);
+ hex_to_string(phw->pwrdiffOFDM,p,MAX_2G_CHANNEL_NUM_MIB);
+ sprintf(tmpbuff,"iwpriv %s set_mib pwrdiffOFDM=%s",interface,p);
+// system(tmpbuff);
+ hex_to_string(phw->pwrlevel5GHT40_1S_A,p,MAX_5G_CHANNEL_NUM_MIB);
+ sprintf(tmpbuff,"iwpriv %s set_mib pwrlevel5GHT40_1S_A=%s",interface,p);
+// system(tmpbuff);
+ printf("%s\n",tmpbuff);
+ hex_to_string(phw->pwrlevel5GHT40_1S_B,p,MAX_5G_CHANNEL_NUM_MIB);
+ sprintf(tmpbuff,"iwpriv %s set_mib pwrlevel5GHT40_1S_B=%s",interface,p);
+// system(tmpbuff);
+ printf("%s\n",tmpbuff);
+ hex_to_string(phw->pwrdiff5GHT40_2S,p,MAX_5G_CHANNEL_NUM_MIB);
+ sprintf(tmpbuff,"iwpriv %s set_mib pwrdiff5GHT40_2S=%s",interface,p);
+// system(tmpbuff);
+ printf("%s\n",tmpbuff);
+ hex_to_string(phw->pwrdiff5GHT20,p,MAX_5G_CHANNEL_NUM_MIB);
+ sprintf(tmpbuff,"iwpriv %s set_mib pwrdiff5GHT20=%s",interface,p);
+// system(tmpbuff);
+ printf("%s\n",tmpbuff);
+ hex_to_string(phw->pwrdiff5GOFDM,p,MAX_5G_CHANNEL_NUM_MIB);
+ sprintf(tmpbuff,"iwpriv %s set_mib pwrdiff5GOFDM=%s",interface,p);
+// system(tmpbuff);
+ printf("%s\n",tmpbuff);
+#endif /* HAVE_RTK_92D_SUPPORT */
+#ifdef HAVE_RTK_AC_SUPPORT /* 8812 */
+ hex_to_string(phw->pwrdiff_20BW1S_OFDM1T_A,p,MAX_2G_CHANNEL_NUM_MIB);
+ sprintf(tmpbuff,"iwpriv %s set_mib pwrdiff_20BW1S_OFDM1T_A=%s",interface,p);
+// system(tmpbuff);
+ printf("%s\n",tmpbuff);
+ hex_to_string(phw->pwrdiff_40BW2S_20BW2S_A,p,MAX_2G_CHANNEL_NUM_MIB);
+ sprintf(tmpbuff,"iwpriv %s set_mib pwrdiff_40BW2S_20BW2S_A=%s",interface,p);
+// system(tmpbuff);
+ printf("%s\n",tmpbuff);
+ assign_diff_AC_hex_to_string(phw->pwrdiff_5G_20BW1S_OFDM1T_A,p,MAX_5G_DIFF_NUM);
+ sprintf(tmpbuff,"iwpriv %s set_mib pwrdiff_5G_20BW1S_OFDM1T_A=%s",interface,p);
+// system(tmpbuff);
+ printf("%s\n",tmpbuff);
+ assign_diff_AC_hex_to_string(phw->pwrdiff_5G_40BW2S_20BW2S_A,p,MAX_5G_DIFF_NUM);
+ sprintf(tmpbuff,"iwpriv %s set_mib pwrdiff_5G_40BW2S_20BW2S_A=%s",interface,p);
+// system(tmpbuff);
+ printf("%s\n",tmpbuff);
+ assign_diff_AC_hex_to_string(phw->pwrdiff_5G_80BW1S_160BW1S_A,p,MAX_5G_DIFF_NUM);
+ sprintf(tmpbuff,"iwpriv %s set_mib pwrdiff_5G_80BW1S_160BW1S_A=%s",interface,p);
+// system(tmpbuff);
+ printf("%s\n",tmpbuff);
+ assign_diff_AC_hex_to_string(phw->pwrdiff_5G_80BW2S_160BW2S_A,p,MAX_5G_DIFF_NUM);
+ sprintf(tmpbuff,"iwpriv %s set_mib pwrdiff_5G_80BW2S_160BW2S_A=%s",interface,p);
+// system(tmpbuff);
+ printf("%s\n",tmpbuff);
+ hex_to_string(phw->pwrdiff_20BW1S_OFDM1T_B,p,MAX_2G_CHANNEL_NUM_MIB);
+ sprintf(tmpbuff,"iwpriv %s set_mib pwrdiff_20BW1S_OFDM1T_B=%s",interface,p);
+// system(tmpbuff);
+ printf("%s\n",tmpbuff);
+ hex_to_string(phw->pwrdiff_40BW2S_20BW2S_B,p,MAX_2G_CHANNEL_NUM_MIB);
+ sprintf(tmpbuff,"iwpriv %s set_mib pwrdiff_40BW2S_20BW2S_B=%s",interface,p);
+// system(tmpbuff);
+ printf("%s\n",tmpbuff);
+ assign_diff_AC_hex_to_string(phw->pwrdiff_5G_20BW1S_OFDM1T_B,p,MAX_5G_DIFF_NUM);
+ sprintf(tmpbuff,"iwpriv %s set_mib pwrdiff_5G_20BW1S_OFDM1T_B=%s",interface,p);
+// system(tmpbuff);
+ printf("%s\n",tmpbuff);
+ assign_diff_AC_hex_to_string(phw->pwrdiff_5G_40BW2S_20BW2S_B,p,MAX_5G_DIFF_NUM);
+ sprintf(tmpbuff,"iwpriv %s set_mib pwrdiff_5G_40BW2S_20BW2S_B=%s",interface,p);
+// system(tmpbuff);
+ printf("%s\n",tmpbuff);
+ assign_diff_AC_hex_to_string(phw->pwrdiff_5G_80BW1S_160BW1S_B,p,MAX_5G_DIFF_NUM);
+ sprintf(tmpbuff,"iwpriv %s set_mib pwrdiff_5G_80BW1S_160BW1S_B=%s",interface,p);
+// system(tmpbuff);
+ printf("%s\n",tmpbuff);
+ assign_diff_AC_hex_to_string(phw->pwrdiff_5G_80BW2S_160BW2S_B,p,MAX_5G_DIFF_NUM);
+ sprintf(tmpbuff,"iwpriv %s set_mib pwrdiff_5G_80BW2S_160BW2S_B=%s",interface,p);
+// system(tmpbuff);
+ printf("%s\n",tmpbuff);
+#endif /* HAVE_RTK_AC_SUPPORT */
+ return 0;
+int main( int argc, char **argv )
+ int efuse = 0; /* HAVE_RTK_EFUSE */
+ char infile[ 255 ] = "";
+ char outfile[ 255 ] = "";
+ unsigned int mib_offset = MIB_OFFSET;
+ int opt;
+ int option_index = 0;
+ while ( (opt = getopt_long( argc, argv,
+ opt_string, long_options,
+ &option_index )) != -1 )
+ {
+ switch( opt ) {
+ case 'i':
+ snprintf( infile, sizeof infile, "%s", optarg );
+ break;
+ case 'o':
+ mib_offset = (unsigned int)atoi(optarg);
+ break;
+ case 'O':
+ snprintf( outfile, sizeof outfile, "%s", optarg );
+ break;
+ case 'h':
+ usage(argv[0]);
+ case '?':
+ default:
+ printf( "%s: option -%c is invalid\n", argv[0], optopt );
+ }
+ }
+ if ( strlen(infile) < 1 )
+ snprintf( infile, sizeof infile, "%s", FLASH_DEVICE_NAME );
+ unsigned char *buf = NULL;
+ unsigned char *mib = NULL;
+ int mib_len = 0;
+ uint32_t compr_size = 0;
+ mib_wlan_t *mib_wlan;
+ if ( efuse ) {
+ syslog( LOG_WARNING,"Efuse enabled. Nothing to do!\n" );
+ }
+ mib_len = mib_read( infile, mib_offset, &buf, &compr_size );
+ if ( mib_len == MIB_ERR_GENERIC )
+ goto exit;
+ if ( mib_len == MIB_ERR_COMPRESSED ) {
+ printf("Compressed size: %i\n", compr_size);
+ mib_len = mib_decode( buf, compr_size, &mib );
+ } else {
+ mib = buf;
+ }
+ printf( "MIB len: %i\n", mib_len );
+ printf( "Expected mininum len: %i\n", (int)sizeof(mib_t) );
+ if ( mib_len < (int)sizeof(mib_t) ) {
+ syslog( LOG_ERR, "MIB length invalid!\n" );
+ goto exit;
+ }
+// mib_hdr_t *header = (mib_hdr_t *)mib;
+// printf("%s\n", header->sig);
+// printf("%i\n", header->len);
+ printf("board version: %02x\n", mib[0]);
+ printf("nic0: %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x\n",
+ mib[1], mib[2], mib[3],
+ mib[4], mib[5], mib[6] );
+ printf("nic1: %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x\n",
+ mib[7], mib[8], mib[9],
+ mib[10], mib[11], mib[12] );
+ printf("wlan0: %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x\n",
+ mib[13], mib[14], mib[15],
+ mib[16], mib[17], mib[18] );
+ printf("wlan1: %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x\n",
+ mib[19], mib[20], mib[21],
+ mib[22], mib[23], mib[24] );
+ mib_wlan = (mib_wlan_t *)( mib + MIB_WLAN_OFFSET );
+ set_tx_calibration( mib_wlan, "wlan0" );
+ mib_wlan = (mib_wlan_t *)( mib + MIB_WLAN_OFFSET + sizeof(mib_wlan_t) );
+ set_tx_calibration( mib_wlan, "wlan1" );
+ free(buf);
+ if ( mib != buf )
+ free(mib);
diff --git a/rtkmib.h b/rtkmib.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..baf12d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rtkmib.h
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+#include <string.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#ifndef _DEBUG_
+#include <syslog.h>
+#define syslog(x,fmt,args...) printf(fmt,## args)
+#define __PACK__ __attribute__((packed))
+#define MIB_ERR_GENERIC -1
+#define FLASH_DEVICE_NAME "/dev/mtdblock0"
+#define MIB_OFFSET_DEFAULT 0x6000
+#define MIB_WLAN_OFFSET 13
+#define MIB_HEADER_TAG "H6"
+#define MIB_TAG_LEN 2
+#define MIB_COMPR_TAG_LEN 6
+#define SIGNATURE_LEN 4
+#define HW_SETTING_VER 3 /* hw setting version */
+typedef struct mib_hdr
+ unsigned char sig[ SIGNATURE_LEN ]; /* tag + version */
+ unsigned short len;
+} __PACK__ mib_hdr_t;
+typedef struct mib_hdr_compr
+ unsigned char sig[ MIB_COMPR_TAG_LEN ]; /* tag only? */
+ uint16_t factor;
+ uint32_t len;
+} __PACK__ mib_hdr_compr_t;
+#define MAX_2G_CHANNEL_NUM_MIB 14
+#define MAX_5G_CHANNEL_NUM_MIB 196
+#define MAX_5G_DIFF_NUM 14
+typedef struct mib_wlan
+ unsigned char macAddr[6];
+ unsigned char macAddr1[6];
+ unsigned char macAddr2[6];
+ unsigned char macAddr3[6];
+ unsigned char macAddr4[6];
+ unsigned char macAddr5[6];
+ unsigned char macAddr6[6];
+ unsigned char macAddr7[6];
+ unsigned char pwrlevelCCK_A[ MAX_2G_CHANNEL_NUM_MIB ];
+ unsigned char pwrlevelCCK_B[ MAX_2G_CHANNEL_NUM_MIB ];
+ unsigned char pwrlevelHT40_1S_A[ MAX_2G_CHANNEL_NUM_MIB ];
+ unsigned char pwrlevelHT40_1S_B[ MAX_2G_CHANNEL_NUM_MIB ];
+ unsigned char pwrdiffHT40_2S[ MAX_2G_CHANNEL_NUM_MIB ];
+ unsigned char pwrdiffHT20[ MAX_2G_CHANNEL_NUM_MIB ];
+ unsigned char pwrdiffOFDM[ MAX_2G_CHANNEL_NUM_MIB ];
+ unsigned char regDomain;
+ unsigned char rfType;
+ unsigned char ledType; /* LED type, see LED_TYPE_T for definition */
+ unsigned char xCap;
+ unsigned char TSSI1;
+ unsigned char TSSI2;
+ unsigned char Ther;
+ unsigned char Reserved1;
+ unsigned char Reserved2;
+ unsigned char Reserved3;
+ unsigned char Reserved4;
+ unsigned char Reserved5;
+ unsigned char Reserved6;
+ unsigned char Reserved7;
+ unsigned char Reserved8;
+ unsigned char Reserved9;
+ unsigned char Reserved10;
+ unsigned char pwrlevel5GHT40_1S_A[ MAX_5G_CHANNEL_NUM_MIB ];
+ unsigned char pwrlevel5GHT40_1S_B[ MAX_5G_CHANNEL_NUM_MIB ];
+ unsigned char pwrdiff5GHT40_2S[ MAX_5G_CHANNEL_NUM_MIB ];
+ unsigned char pwrdiff5GHT20[ MAX_5G_CHANNEL_NUM_MIB ];
+ unsigned char pwrdiff5GOFDM[ MAX_5G_CHANNEL_NUM_MIB ];
+#define PIN_LEN 8
+ unsigned char wscPin[ PIN_LEN + 1 ];
+ unsigned char pwrdiff_20BW1S_OFDM1T_A[ MAX_2G_CHANNEL_NUM_MIB ];
+ unsigned char pwrdiff_40BW2S_20BW2S_A[ MAX_2G_CHANNEL_NUM_MIB ];
+ unsigned char pwrdiff_OFDM2T_CCK2T_A[ MAX_2G_CHANNEL_NUM_MIB ];
+ unsigned char pwrdiff_40BW3S_20BW3S_A[ MAX_2G_CHANNEL_NUM_MIB ];
+ unsigned char pwrdiff_4OFDM3T_CCK3T_A[ MAX_2G_CHANNEL_NUM_MIB ];
+ unsigned char pwrdiff_40BW4S_20BW4S_A[ MAX_2G_CHANNEL_NUM_MIB ];
+ unsigned char pwrdiff_OFDM4T_CCK4T_A[ MAX_2G_CHANNEL_NUM_MIB ];
+ unsigned char pwrdiff_5G_20BW1S_OFDM1T_A[ MAX_5G_DIFF_NUM ];
+ unsigned char pwrdiff_5G_40BW2S_20BW2S_A[ MAX_5G_DIFF_NUM ];
+ unsigned char pwrdiff_5G_40BW3S_20BW3S_A[ MAX_5G_DIFF_NUM ];
+ unsigned char pwrdiff_5G_40BW4S_20BW4S_A[ MAX_5G_DIFF_NUM ];
+ unsigned char pwrdiff_5G_RSVD_OFDM4T_A[ MAX_5G_DIFF_NUM ];
+ unsigned char pwrdiff_5G_80BW1S_160BW1S_A[ MAX_5G_DIFF_NUM ];
+ unsigned char pwrdiff_5G_80BW2S_160BW2S_A[ MAX_5G_DIFF_NUM ];
+ unsigned char pwrdiff_5G_80BW3S_160BW3S_A[ MAX_5G_DIFF_NUM ];
+ unsigned char pwrdiff_5G_80BW4S_160BW4S_A[ MAX_5G_DIFF_NUM ];
+ unsigned char pwrdiff_20BW1S_OFDM1T_B[ MAX_2G_CHANNEL_NUM_MIB ];
+ unsigned char pwrdiff_40BW2S_20BW2S_B[ MAX_2G_CHANNEL_NUM_MIB ];
+ unsigned char pwrdiff_OFDM2T_CCK2T_B[ MAX_2G_CHANNEL_NUM_MIB ];
+ unsigned char pwrdiff_40BW3S_20BW3S_B[ MAX_2G_CHANNEL_NUM_MIB ];
+ unsigned char pwrdiff_OFDM3T_CCK3T_B[ MAX_2G_CHANNEL_NUM_MIB ];
+ unsigned char pwrdiff_40BW4S_20BW4S_B[ MAX_2G_CHANNEL_NUM_MIB ];
+ unsigned char pwrdiff_OFDM4T_CCK4T_B[ MAX_2G_CHANNEL_NUM_MIB ];
+ unsigned char pwrdiff_5G_20BW1S_OFDM1T_B[ MAX_5G_DIFF_NUM ];
+ unsigned char pwrdiff_5G_40BW2S_20BW2S_B[ MAX_5G_DIFF_NUM ];
+ unsigned char pwrdiff_5G_40BW3S_20BW3S_B[ MAX_5G_DIFF_NUM ];
+ unsigned char pwrdiff_5G_40BW4S_20BW4S_B[ MAX_5G_DIFF_NUM ];
+ unsigned char pwrdiff_5G_RSVD_OFDM4T_B[ MAX_5G_DIFF_NUM ];
+ unsigned char pwrdiff_5G_80BW1S_160BW1S_B[ MAX_5G_DIFF_NUM ];
+ unsigned char pwrdiff_5G_80BW2S_160BW2S_B[ MAX_5G_DIFF_NUM ];
+ unsigned char pwrdiff_5G_80BW3S_160BW3S_B[ MAX_5G_DIFF_NUM ];
+ unsigned char pwrdiff_5G_80BW4S_160BW4S_B[ MAX_5G_DIFF_NUM ];
+} __PACK__ mib_wlan_t;
+typedef struct mib_wlan_ac
+ unsigned char pwrdiff_20BW1S_OFDM1T_A[ MAX_2G_CHANNEL_NUM_MIB ];
+ unsigned char pwrdiff_40BW2S_20BW2S_A[ MAX_2G_CHANNEL_NUM_MIB ];
+ unsigned char pwrdiff_OFDM2T_CCK2T_A[ MAX_2G_CHANNEL_NUM_MIB ];
+ unsigned char pwrdiff_40BW3S_20BW3S_A[ MAX_2G_CHANNEL_NUM_MIB ];
+ unsigned char pwrdiff_4OFDM3T_CCK3T_A[ MAX_2G_CHANNEL_NUM_MIB ];
+ unsigned char pwrdiff_40BW4S_20BW4S_A[ MAX_2G_CHANNEL_NUM_MIB ];
+ unsigned char pwrdiff_OFDM4T_CCK4T_A[ MAX_2G_CHANNEL_NUM_MIB ];
+ unsigned char pwrdiff_5G_20BW1S_OFDM1T_A[ MAX_5G_DIFF_NUM ];
+ unsigned char pwrdiff_5G_40BW2S_20BW2S_A[ MAX_5G_DIFF_NUM ];
+ unsigned char pwrdiff_5G_40BW3S_20BW3S_A[ MAX_5G_DIFF_NUM ];
+ unsigned char pwrdiff_5G_40BW4S_20BW4S_A[ MAX_5G_DIFF_NUM ];
+ unsigned char pwrdiff_5G_RSVD_OFDM4T_A[ MAX_5G_DIFF_NUM ];
+ unsigned char pwrdiff_5G_80BW1S_160BW1S_A[ MAX_5G_DIFF_NUM ];
+ unsigned char pwrdiff_5G_80BW2S_160BW2S_A[ MAX_5G_DIFF_NUM ];
+ unsigned char pwrdiff_5G_80BW3S_160BW3S_A[ MAX_5G_DIFF_NUM ];
+ unsigned char pwrdiff_5G_80BW4S_160BW4S_A[ MAX_5G_DIFF_NUM ];
+ unsigned char pwrdiff_20BW1S_OFDM1T_B[ MAX_2G_CHANNEL_NUM_MIB ];
+ unsigned char pwrdiff_40BW3S_20BW3S_B[ MAX_2G_CHANNEL_NUM_MIB ];
+ unsigned char pwrdiff_OFDM3T_CCK3T_B[ MAX_2G_CHANNEL_NUM_MIB ];
+ unsigned char pwrdiff_40BW4S_20BW4S_B[ MAX_2G_CHANNEL_NUM_MIB ];
+ unsigned char pwrdiff_OFDM4T_CCK4T_B[ MAX_2G_CHANNEL_NUM_MIB ];
+ unsigned char pwrdiff_5G_20BW1S_OFDM1T_B[ MAX_5G_DIFF_NUM ];
+ unsigned char pwrdiff_5G_40BW2S_20BW2S_B[ MAX_5G_DIFF_NUM ];
+ unsigned char pwrdiff_5G_40BW3S_20BW3S_B[ MAX_5G_DIFF_NUM ];
+ unsigned char pwrdiff_5G_40BW4S_20BW4S_B[ MAX_5G_DIFF_NUM ];
+ unsigned char pwrdiff_5G_RSVD_OFDM4T_B[ MAX_5G_DIFF_NUM ];
+ unsigned char pwrdiff_5G_80BW1S_160BW1S_B[ MAX_5G_DIFF_NUM ];
+ unsigned char pwrdiff_5G_80BW2S_160BW2S_B[ MAX_5G_DIFF_NUM ];
+ unsigned char pwrdiff_5G_80BW3S_160BW3S_B[ MAX_5G_DIFF_NUM ];
+ unsigned char pwrdiff_5G_80BW4S_160BW4S_B[ MAX_5G_DIFF_NUM ];
+} __PACK__ mib_wlan_ac_t;
+typedef struct mib
+ unsigned char boardVer;
+ unsigned char nic0Addr[6];
+ unsigned char nic1Addr[6];
+ mib_wlan_t wlan[ NUM_WLAN_INTERFACE ];
+} __PACK__ mib_t;