#if defined(CONFIG_RTL_8812_SUPPORT) #ifndef _8812_HW_C_ #define _8812_HW_C_ #include "8192cd.h" #include "8192cd_cfg.h" #include "8192cd_util.h" #include "8192c_reg.h" #include "8812_reg.h" #include "8812_vht_gen.h" #ifdef __KERNEL__ #include #endif //eric_8812 #include "8192cd_debug.h" #include "8192cd_headers.h" typedef struct _C2H_EVT_HDR{ u1Byte CmdID: 4; u1Byte CmdLen: 4; u1Byte CmdSeq; }C2H_EVT_HDR, *PC2H_EVT_HDR; typedef enum _RTL8812_C2H_EVT { C2H_8812_DBG = 0, C2H_8812_LB = 1, C2H_8812_TXBF = 2, MAX_8812_C2HEVENT }RTL8812_C2H_EVT; void UpdateBBRFVal8812(struct rtl8192cd_priv *priv, unsigned char channel) { unsigned char current_is_5g = 0, switch_bw = 0; unsigned char bTmp = 0; unsigned int dwTmp = 0; unsigned int tmp_cb0, tmp_eb0 = 0; //for_8812_mp_chip unsigned int eRFPath, curMaxRFPath; curMaxRFPath = RF92CD_PATH_MAX; //check CCK_CHECK_en BIT7 if ( RTL_R8(0x454) & BIT(7) ) current_is_5g = 1; else current_is_5g = 0; if (((channel > 14) && (current_is_5g == 0)) || ((channel <= 14) && (current_is_5g == 1))) switch_bw = 1; //printk("\n\n eric-current_is_5g = %d switch_bw = %d pre= %d\n\n", current_is_5g, switch_bw, priv->pshare->pre_channel); if (channel > 14 && (switch_bw || (priv->pshare->pre_channel == 0))) //2.4G to 5G RTL_W8(0x454, (RTL_R8(0x454) | BIT(7))); //Set fc_area 0x860 dwTmp = RTL_R32(0x860); dwTmp &= ~(BIT(17) | BIT(18) | BIT(19) | BIT(20) | BIT(21) | BIT(22) | BIT(23) | BIT(24) | BIT(25) | BIT(26) | BIT(27) | BIT(28)); if (channel <= 14) dwTmp |= (0x96a << 17); else if (channel <= 48) dwTmp |= (0x494 << 17); else if (channel <= 64) dwTmp |= (0x453 << 17); else if (channel <= 116) dwTmp |= (0x452 << 17); else if (channel <= 177) dwTmp |= (0x412 << 17); RTL_W32(0x860, dwTmp); //Set RF MOD AG rf_0x18 for (eRFPath = RF92CD_PATH_A; eRFPath < curMaxRFPath; eRFPath++) { dwTmp = PHY_QueryRFReg(priv, eRFPath, rRfChannel, bMask20Bits, 1); dwTmp &= ~(BIT(8) | BIT(9) | BIT(16) | BIT(17) | BIT(18)); if (channel <= 14) dwTmp |= 0x0; else if (channel <= 64) dwTmp |= (BIT(8) | BIT(16)); else if (channel <= 140) dwTmp |= (BIT(8) | BIT(16) | BIT(17)); else dwTmp |= (BIT(8) | BIT(16) | BIT(18)); PHY_SetRFReg(priv, eRFPath, rRfChannel, bMask20Bits, dwTmp); } //Set BB registers //for_8812_mp_chip if (switch_bw) { if (!IS_TEST_CHIP(priv)) { tmp_cb0 = RTL_R32(0xcb0); tmp_cb0 &= ~(BIT(16) | BIT(17) | BIT(18) | BIT(19) | BIT(20) | BIT(21) | BIT(22) | BIT(23)); tmp_eb0 = RTL_R32(0xeb0); tmp_eb0 &= ~(BIT(16) | BIT(17) | BIT(18) | BIT(19) | BIT(20) | BIT(21) | BIT(22) | BIT(23)); } if (!current_is_5g) { bTmp = RTL_R8(0x82c); bTmp &= ~(BIT(0) | BIT(1)); bTmp |= BIT(0); RTL_W8(0x82c, bTmp); if (GET_CHIP_VER(priv) == VERSION_8881A) { PHY_SetBBReg(priv, 0xcb0, 0xff, 0x55); PHY_SetBBReg(priv, 0xcb0, 0xf000, 0x1); } else { if (IS_TEST_CHIP(priv)) { RTL_W32(0xcb8, RTL_R32(0xcb8) | BIT(12)); RTL_W32(0xeb8, RTL_R32(0xcb8) | BIT(12)); RTL_W32(0xcb8, RTL_R32(0xcb8) & (~BIT(15))); RTL_W32(0xeb8, RTL_R32(0xeb8) & (~BIT(15))); } else { if (priv->pmib->dot11RFEntry.pa_type == 1) { RTL_W32(0xcb0, tmp_cb0 | (0x53 << 16)); RTL_W32(0xeb0, tmp_eb0 | (0x53 << 16)); } else { RTL_W32(0xcb0, tmp_cb0 | (0x54 << 16)); RTL_W32(0xeb0, tmp_eb0 | (0x54 << 16)); } } } RTL_W32(0x808, RTL_R32(0x808) & (~BIT(28))); RTL_W32(0x8c0, RTL_R32(0x8c0) & (~BIT(17))); } else { bTmp = RTL_R8(0x82c); bTmp &= ~(BIT(0) | BIT(1)); RTL_W8(0x82c, bTmp); if (IS_TEST_CHIP(priv)) { RTL_W32(0xcb8, RTL_R32(0xcb8) & (~BIT(12))); RTL_W32(0xeb8, RTL_R32(0xcb8) & (~BIT(12))); RTL_W32(0xcb8, RTL_R32(0xcb8) | BIT(15)); RTL_W32(0xeb8, RTL_R32(0xeb8) | BIT(15)); } else { RTL_W32(0xcb0, tmp_cb0 | (0x77 << 16)); RTL_W32(0xeb0, tmp_eb0 | (0x77 << 16)); } RTL_W32(0x808, RTL_R32(0x808) | BIT(28)); RTL_W32(0x8c0, RTL_R32(0x8c0) | BIT(17)); } } else if (priv->pshare->pre_channel == 0) { //first launch if (channel > 14) { bTmp = RTL_R8(0x82c); bTmp &= ~(BIT(0) | BIT(1)); bTmp |= BIT(0); RTL_W8(0x82c, bTmp); if (IS_TEST_CHIP(priv)) { RTL_W32(0xcb8, RTL_R32(0xcb8) | BIT(12)); RTL_W32(0xeb8, RTL_R32(0xcb8) | BIT(12)); RTL_W32(0xcb8, RTL_R32(0xcb8) & (~BIT(15))); RTL_W32(0xeb8, RTL_R32(0xeb8) & (~BIT(15))); } else { if (priv->pmib->dot11RFEntry.pa_type == 1) { RTL_W32(0xcb0, tmp_cb0 | (0x53 << 16)); RTL_W32(0xeb0, tmp_eb0 | (0x53 << 16)); } else { RTL_W32(0xcb0, tmp_cb0 | (0x54 << 16)); RTL_W32(0xeb0, tmp_eb0 | (0x54 << 16)); } } RTL_W32(0x808, RTL_R32(0x808) & (~BIT(28))); RTL_W32(0x8c0, RTL_R32(0x8c0) & (~BIT(17))); } else { bTmp = RTL_R8(0x82c); bTmp &= ~(BIT(0) | BIT(1)); RTL_W8(0x82c, bTmp); if (GET_CHIP_VER(priv) == VERSION_8881A) { PHY_SetBBReg(priv, 0xcb0, 0xff, 0x00); PHY_SetBBReg(priv, 0xcb0, 0xf000, 0x0); } else { if (IS_TEST_CHIP(priv)) { RTL_W32(0xcb8, RTL_R32(0xcb8) & (~BIT(12))); RTL_W32(0xeb8, RTL_R32(0xcb8) & (~BIT(12))); RTL_W32(0xcb8, RTL_R32(0xcb8) | BIT(15)); RTL_W32(0xeb8, RTL_R32(0xeb8) | BIT(15)); } else { RTL_W32(0xcb0, tmp_cb0 | (0x77 << 16)); RTL_W32(0xeb0, tmp_eb0 | (0x77 << 16)); } } RTL_W32(0x808, RTL_R32(0x808) | BIT(28)); RTL_W32(0x8c0, RTL_R32(0x8c0) | BIT(17)); } } if (channel <= 14 && (switch_bw || (priv->pshare->pre_channel == 0))) RTL_W8(0x454, (RTL_R8(0x454) & ~(BIT(7)))); priv->pshare->pre_channel = channel; } #if defined(CONFIG_RTL_8812_SUPPORT) signed char convert_diff(signed char value) { // range from -8 ~ 7 if (value <= 7) return value; else return (value - 16); } void Write_OFDM_A(struct rtl8192cd_priv *priv, unsigned int writeVal) { RTL_W32(rTxAGC_A_Ofdm18_Ofdm6_JAguar, writeVal); RTL_W32(rTxAGC_A_Ofdm54_Ofdm24_JAguar, writeVal); } void Write_1S_A(struct rtl8192cd_priv *priv, unsigned int writeVal) { RTL_W32(rTxAGC_A_MCS3_MCS0_JAguar, writeVal); RTL_W32(rTxAGC_A_MCS7_MCS4_JAguar, writeVal); RTL_W32(rTxAGC_A_Nss1Index3_Nss1Index0_JAguar, writeVal); RTL_W32(rTxAGC_A_Nss1Index7_Nss1Index4_JAguar, writeVal); RTL_W32(rTxAGC_A_Nss2Index1_Nss1Index8_JAguar, writeVal); } void Write_2S_A(struct rtl8192cd_priv *priv, unsigned int writeVal) { RTL_W32(rTxAGC_A_MCS11_MCS8_JAguar, writeVal); RTL_W32(rTxAGC_A_MCS15_MCS12_JAguar, writeVal); RTL_W32(rTxAGC_A_Nss2Index5_Nss2Index2_JAguar, writeVal); RTL_W32(rTxAGC_A_Nss2Index9_Nss2Index6_JAguar, writeVal); writeVal = (writeVal & 0xffff0000) | (RTL_R32(rTxAGC_A_Nss2Index1_Nss1Index8_JAguar) & 0xffff); RTL_W32(rTxAGC_A_Nss2Index1_Nss1Index8_JAguar, writeVal); } void Write_OFDM_B(struct rtl8192cd_priv *priv, unsigned int writeVal) { RTL_W32(rTxAGC_B_Ofdm18_Ofdm6_JAguar, writeVal); RTL_W32(rTxAGC_B_Ofdm54_Ofdm24_JAguar, writeVal); } void Write_1S_B(struct rtl8192cd_priv *priv, unsigned int writeVal) { RTL_W32(rTxAGC_B_MCS3_MCS0_JAguar, writeVal); RTL_W32(rTxAGC_B_MCS7_MCS4_JAguar, writeVal); RTL_W32(rTxAGC_B_Nss1Index3_Nss1Index0_JAguar, writeVal); RTL_W32(rTxAGC_B_Nss1Index7_Nss1Index4_JAguar, writeVal); RTL_W32(rTxAGC_B_Nss2Index1_Nss1Index8_JAguar, writeVal); } void Write_2S_B(struct rtl8192cd_priv *priv, unsigned int writeVal) { RTL_W32(rTxAGC_B_MCS11_MCS8_JAguar, writeVal); RTL_W32(rTxAGC_B_MCS15_MCS12_JAguar, writeVal); RTL_W32(rTxAGC_B_Nss2Index5_Nss2Index2_JAguar, writeVal); RTL_W32(rTxAGC_B_Nss2Index9_Nss2Index6_JAguar, writeVal); writeVal = (writeVal & 0xffff0000) | (RTL_R32(rTxAGC_A_Nss2Index1_Nss1Index8_JAguar) & 0xffff); RTL_W32(rTxAGC_B_Nss2Index1_Nss1Index8_JAguar, writeVal); } void use_DefaultOFDMTxPower_8812(struct rtl8192cd_priv *priv) { unsigned int def_power = 0x20202020;//0x12121212; //printk("NO Calibration data, use default OFDM power = 0x%x\n", def_power); RTL_W32(rTxAGC_A_Ofdm18_Ofdm6_JAguar, def_power); RTL_W32(rTxAGC_A_Ofdm54_Ofdm24_JAguar, def_power); RTL_W32(rTxAGC_A_MCS3_MCS0_JAguar, def_power); RTL_W32(rTxAGC_A_MCS7_MCS4_JAguar, def_power); RTL_W32(rTxAGC_A_MCS11_MCS8_JAguar, def_power); RTL_W32(rTxAGC_A_MCS15_MCS12_JAguar, def_power); RTL_W32(rTxAGC_A_Nss1Index3_Nss1Index0_JAguar, def_power); RTL_W32(rTxAGC_A_Nss1Index7_Nss1Index4_JAguar, def_power); RTL_W32(rTxAGC_A_Nss2Index1_Nss1Index8_JAguar, def_power); RTL_W32(rTxAGC_A_Nss2Index5_Nss2Index2_JAguar, def_power); RTL_W32(rTxAGC_A_Nss2Index9_Nss2Index6_JAguar, def_power); RTL_W32(rTxAGC_B_Ofdm18_Ofdm6_JAguar, def_power); RTL_W32(rTxAGC_B_Ofdm54_Ofdm24_JAguar, def_power); RTL_W32(rTxAGC_B_MCS3_MCS0_JAguar, def_power); RTL_W32(rTxAGC_B_MCS7_MCS4_JAguar, def_power); RTL_W32(rTxAGC_B_MCS11_MCS8_JAguar, def_power); RTL_W32(rTxAGC_B_MCS15_MCS12_JAguar, def_power); RTL_W32(rTxAGC_B_Nss1Index3_Nss1Index0_JAguar, def_power); RTL_W32(rTxAGC_B_Nss1Index7_Nss1Index4_JAguar, def_power); RTL_W32(rTxAGC_B_Nss2Index1_Nss1Index8_JAguar, def_power); RTL_W32(rTxAGC_B_Nss2Index5_Nss2Index2_JAguar, def_power); RTL_W32(rTxAGC_B_Nss2Index9_Nss2Index6_JAguar, def_power); } void Cal_OFDMTxPower_5G(struct rtl8192cd_priv *priv, unsigned char ch_idx) { unsigned char tmp_TPI = 0; unsigned char pwr_40_1s = 0; signed char diff_ofdm_1t = 0; signed char diff_bw40_2s = 0; signed char diff_bw20_1s = 0; signed char diff_bw20_2s = 0; signed char diff_bw80_1s = 0; signed char diff_bw80_2s = 0; unsigned int writeVal = 0; if ((priv->pmib->dot11RFEntry.pwrlevel5GHT40_1S_A[ch_idx] == 0) || (priv->pmib->dot11RFEntry.pwrlevel5GHT40_1S_B[ch_idx] == 0)) { use_DefaultOFDMTxPower_8812(priv); return; } // PATH A, OFDM pwr_40_1s = priv->pmib->dot11RFEntry.pwrlevel5GHT40_1S_A[ch_idx]; diff_ofdm_1t = (priv->pmib->dot11RFEntry.pwrdiff_5G_20BW1S_OFDM1T_A[ch_idx] & 0x0f); diff_ofdm_1t = convert_diff(diff_ofdm_1t); tmp_TPI = pwr_40_1s + diff_ofdm_1t; writeVal = (tmp_TPI << 24) | (tmp_TPI << 16) | (tmp_TPI << 8) | tmp_TPI; Write_OFDM_A(priv, writeVal); //printk("Write_OFDM_A %d = %d + %d \n", tmp_TPI, pwr_40_1s , diff_ofdm_1t); // PATH B, OFDM pwr_40_1s = priv->pmib->dot11RFEntry.pwrlevel5GHT40_1S_B[ch_idx]; diff_ofdm_1t = (priv->pmib->dot11RFEntry.pwrdiff_5G_20BW1S_OFDM1T_B[ch_idx] & 0x0f); diff_ofdm_1t = convert_diff(diff_ofdm_1t); tmp_TPI = pwr_40_1s + diff_ofdm_1t; writeVal = (tmp_TPI << 24) | (tmp_TPI << 16) | (tmp_TPI << 8) | tmp_TPI; Write_OFDM_B(priv, writeVal); //printk("Write_OFDM_A %d = %d + %d \n", tmp_TPI, pwr_40_1s , diff_ofdm_1t); if (priv->pmib->dot11nConfigEntry.dot11nUse40M == 0) { //PATH A, BW20-1S pwr_40_1s = priv->pmib->dot11RFEntry.pwrlevel5GHT40_1S_A[ch_idx]; diff_bw20_1s = ((priv->pmib->dot11RFEntry.pwrdiff_5G_20BW1S_OFDM1T_A[ch_idx] & 0xf0) >> 4); diff_bw20_1s = convert_diff(diff_bw20_1s); tmp_TPI = pwr_40_1s + diff_bw20_1s; writeVal = (tmp_TPI << 24) | (tmp_TPI << 16) | (tmp_TPI << 8) | tmp_TPI; Write_1S_A(priv, writeVal); //printk("Write_1S_A %d = %d + %d \n", tmp_TPI, pwr_40_1s , diff_bw20_1s); //PATH A, BW20-2S diff_bw20_2s = (priv->pmib->dot11RFEntry.pwrdiff_5G_40BW2S_20BW2S_A[ch_idx] & 0x0f); diff_bw20_2s = convert_diff(diff_bw20_2s); tmp_TPI = pwr_40_1s + diff_bw20_1s + diff_bw20_2s; writeVal = (tmp_TPI << 24) | (tmp_TPI << 16) | (tmp_TPI << 8) | tmp_TPI; Write_2S_A(priv, writeVal); //printk("Write_2S_A %d = %d + %d + %d\n", tmp_TPI, pwr_40_1s , diff_bw20_1s, diff_bw20_2s); // ==== // //PATH B, BW20-1S pwr_40_1s = priv->pmib->dot11RFEntry.pwrlevel5GHT40_1S_B[ch_idx]; diff_bw20_1s = ((priv->pmib->dot11RFEntry.pwrdiff_5G_20BW1S_OFDM1T_B[ch_idx] & 0xf0) >> 4); diff_bw20_1s = convert_diff(diff_bw20_1s); tmp_TPI = pwr_40_1s + diff_bw20_1s; writeVal = (tmp_TPI << 24) | (tmp_TPI << 16) | (tmp_TPI << 8) | tmp_TPI; Write_1S_B(priv, writeVal); //printk("Write_1S_B %d = %d + %d \n", tmp_TPI, pwr_40_1s , diff_bw20_1s); //PATH B, BW20-2S diff_bw20_2s = (priv->pmib->dot11RFEntry.pwrdiff_5G_40BW2S_20BW2S_B[ch_idx] & 0x0f); diff_bw20_2s = convert_diff(diff_bw20_2s); tmp_TPI = pwr_40_1s + diff_bw20_1s + diff_bw20_2s; writeVal = (tmp_TPI << 24) | (tmp_TPI << 16) | (tmp_TPI << 8) | tmp_TPI; Write_2S_B(priv, writeVal); //printk("Write_2S_B %d = %d + %d + %d\n", tmp_TPI, pwr_40_1s , diff_bw20_1s, diff_bw20_2s); } else if (priv->pmib->dot11nConfigEntry.dot11nUse40M == 1) { //PATH A, BW40-1S pwr_40_1s = priv->pmib->dot11RFEntry.pwrlevel5GHT40_1S_A[ch_idx]; tmp_TPI = pwr_40_1s ; writeVal = (tmp_TPI << 24) | (tmp_TPI << 16) | (tmp_TPI << 8) | tmp_TPI; Write_1S_A(priv, writeVal); //printk("Write_1S_A %d = %d \n", tmp_TPI, pwr_40_1s); //PATH A, BW40-2S diff_bw40_2s = ((priv->pmib->dot11RFEntry.pwrdiff_5G_40BW2S_20BW2S_A[ch_idx] & 0xf0) >> 4); diff_bw40_2s = convert_diff(diff_bw40_2s); tmp_TPI = pwr_40_1s + diff_bw40_2s; writeVal = (tmp_TPI << 24) | (tmp_TPI << 16) | (tmp_TPI << 8) | tmp_TPI; Write_2S_A(priv, writeVal); //printk("Write_2S_A %d = %d + %d \n", tmp_TPI, pwr_40_1s , diff_bw40_2s); // ==== // //PATH B, BW40-1S pwr_40_1s = priv->pmib->dot11RFEntry.pwrlevel5GHT40_1S_B[ch_idx]; tmp_TPI = pwr_40_1s ; writeVal = (tmp_TPI << 24) | (tmp_TPI << 16) | (tmp_TPI << 8) | tmp_TPI; Write_1S_B(priv, writeVal); //printk("Write_1S_B %d = %d \n", tmp_TPI, pwr_40_1s); //PATH A, BW40-2S diff_bw40_2s = ((priv->pmib->dot11RFEntry.pwrdiff_5G_40BW2S_20BW2S_B[ch_idx] & 0xf0) >> 4); diff_bw40_2s = convert_diff(diff_bw40_2s); tmp_TPI = pwr_40_1s + diff_bw40_2s; writeVal = (tmp_TPI << 24) | (tmp_TPI << 16) | (tmp_TPI << 8) | tmp_TPI; Write_2S_B(priv, writeVal); //printk("Write_2S_B %d = %d + %d \n", tmp_TPI, pwr_40_1s , diff_bw40_2s); } else if (priv->pmib->dot11nConfigEntry.dot11nUse40M == 2) { //PATH A, BW80-1S pwr_40_1s = (priv->pmib->dot11RFEntry.pwrlevel5GHT40_1S_A[ch_idx - 4] + priv->pmib->dot11RFEntry.pwrlevel5GHT40_1S_A[ch_idx + 4]) / 2 ; diff_bw80_1s = ((priv->pmib->dot11RFEntry.pwrdiff_5G_80BW1S_160BW1S_A[ch_idx] & 0xf0) >> 4); diff_bw80_1s = convert_diff(diff_bw80_1s); tmp_TPI = pwr_40_1s + diff_bw80_1s; writeVal = (tmp_TPI << 24) | (tmp_TPI << 16) | (tmp_TPI << 8) | tmp_TPI; Write_1S_A(priv, writeVal); //printk("Write_1S_A %d = %d + %d \n", tmp_TPI, pwr_40_1s , diff_bw80_1s); //PATH A, BW80-2S diff_bw80_2s = ((priv->pmib->dot11RFEntry.pwrdiff_5G_80BW2S_160BW2S_A[ch_idx] & 0xf0) >> 4); diff_bw80_2s = convert_diff(diff_bw80_2s); tmp_TPI = pwr_40_1s + diff_bw80_1s + diff_bw80_1s; writeVal = (tmp_TPI << 24) | (tmp_TPI << 16) | (tmp_TPI << 8) | tmp_TPI; Write_2S_A(priv, writeVal); //printk("Write_2S_A %d = %d + %d + %d \n", tmp_TPI, pwr_40_1s , diff_bw80_1s, diff_bw80_1s); //PATH B, BW80-1S pwr_40_1s = (priv->pmib->dot11RFEntry.pwrlevel5GHT40_1S_B[ch_idx - 4] + priv->pmib->dot11RFEntry.pwrlevel5GHT40_1S_B[ch_idx + 4]) / 2 ; diff_bw80_1s = ((priv->pmib->dot11RFEntry.pwrdiff_5G_80BW1S_160BW1S_B[ch_idx] & 0xf0) >> 4); diff_bw80_1s = convert_diff(diff_bw80_1s); tmp_TPI = pwr_40_1s + diff_bw80_1s; writeVal = (tmp_TPI << 24) | (tmp_TPI << 16) | (tmp_TPI << 8) | tmp_TPI; Write_1S_B(priv, writeVal); //printk("Write_1S_B %d = %d + %d \n", tmp_TPI, pwr_40_1s , diff_bw80_1s); //PATH B, BW80-2S diff_bw80_2s = ((priv->pmib->dot11RFEntry.pwrdiff_5G_80BW2S_160BW2S_B[ch_idx] & 0xf0) >> 4); diff_bw80_2s = convert_diff(diff_bw80_2s); tmp_TPI = pwr_40_1s + diff_bw80_1s + diff_bw80_1s; writeVal = (tmp_TPI << 24) | (tmp_TPI << 16) | (tmp_TPI << 8) | tmp_TPI; Write_2S_B(priv, writeVal); //printk("Write_2S_B %d = %d + %d + %d \n", tmp_TPI, pwr_40_1s , diff_bw80_1s, diff_bw80_1s); } } void Cal_OFDMTxPower_2G(struct rtl8192cd_priv *priv, unsigned char ch_idx) { unsigned char tmp_TPI = 0; unsigned char pwr_40_1s = 0; signed char diff_ofdm_1t = 0; signed char diff_bw40_2s = 0; signed char diff_bw20_1s = 0; signed char diff_bw20_2s = 0; unsigned int writeVal = 0; if ((priv->pmib->dot11RFEntry.pwrlevelHT40_1S_A[ch_idx] == 0) || (priv->pmib->dot11RFEntry.pwrlevelHT40_1S_B[ch_idx] == 0)) { use_DefaultOFDMTxPower_8812(priv); return; } // PATH A, OFDM pwr_40_1s = priv->pmib->dot11RFEntry.pwrlevelHT40_1S_A[ch_idx]; diff_ofdm_1t = (priv->pmib->dot11RFEntry.pwrdiff_20BW1S_OFDM1T_A[ch_idx] & 0x0f); diff_ofdm_1t = convert_diff(diff_ofdm_1t); tmp_TPI = pwr_40_1s + diff_ofdm_1t; writeVal = (tmp_TPI << 24) | (tmp_TPI << 16) | (tmp_TPI << 8) | tmp_TPI; Write_OFDM_A(priv, writeVal); // PATH B, OFDM pwr_40_1s = priv->pmib->dot11RFEntry.pwrlevelHT40_1S_B[ch_idx]; diff_ofdm_1t = (priv->pmib->dot11RFEntry.pwrdiff_20BW1S_OFDM1T_B[ch_idx] & 0x0f); diff_ofdm_1t = convert_diff(diff_ofdm_1t); tmp_TPI = pwr_40_1s + diff_ofdm_1t; writeVal = (tmp_TPI << 24) | (tmp_TPI << 16) | (tmp_TPI << 8) | tmp_TPI; Write_OFDM_B(priv, writeVal); if (priv->pmib->dot11nConfigEntry.dot11nUse40M == 0) { //PATH A, BW20-1S pwr_40_1s = priv->pmib->dot11RFEntry.pwrlevelHT40_1S_A[ch_idx]; diff_bw20_1s = ((priv->pmib->dot11RFEntry.pwrdiff_20BW1S_OFDM1T_A[ch_idx] & 0xf0) >> 4); diff_bw20_1s = convert_diff(diff_bw20_1s); tmp_TPI = pwr_40_1s + diff_bw20_1s; writeVal = (tmp_TPI << 24) | (tmp_TPI << 16) | (tmp_TPI << 8) | tmp_TPI; Write_1S_A(priv, writeVal); //PATH A, BW20-2S diff_bw20_2s = (priv->pmib->dot11RFEntry.pwrdiff_40BW2S_20BW2S_A[ch_idx] & 0x0f); diff_bw20_2s = convert_diff(diff_bw20_2s); tmp_TPI = pwr_40_1s + diff_bw20_1s + diff_bw20_2s; writeVal = (tmp_TPI << 24) | (tmp_TPI << 16) | (tmp_TPI << 8) | tmp_TPI; Write_2S_A(priv, writeVal); // ==== // //PATH B, BW20-1S pwr_40_1s = priv->pmib->dot11RFEntry.pwrlevelHT40_1S_B[ch_idx]; diff_bw20_1s = ((priv->pmib->dot11RFEntry.pwrdiff_20BW1S_OFDM1T_B[ch_idx] & 0xf0) >> 4); diff_bw20_1s = convert_diff(diff_bw20_1s); tmp_TPI = pwr_40_1s + diff_bw20_1s; writeVal = (tmp_TPI << 24) | (tmp_TPI << 16) | (tmp_TPI << 8) | tmp_TPI; Write_1S_B(priv, writeVal); //PATH B, BW20-2S diff_bw20_2s = (priv->pmib->dot11RFEntry.pwrdiff_40BW2S_20BW2S_B[ch_idx] & 0x0f); diff_bw20_2s = convert_diff(diff_bw20_2s); tmp_TPI = pwr_40_1s + diff_bw20_1s + diff_bw20_2s; writeVal = (tmp_TPI << 24) | (tmp_TPI << 16) | (tmp_TPI << 8) | tmp_TPI; Write_2S_B(priv, writeVal); } else if (priv->pmib->dot11nConfigEntry.dot11nUse40M == 1) { //PATH A, BW40-1S pwr_40_1s = priv->pmib->dot11RFEntry.pwrlevelHT40_1S_A[ch_idx]; tmp_TPI = pwr_40_1s ; writeVal = (tmp_TPI << 24) | (tmp_TPI << 16) | (tmp_TPI << 8) | tmp_TPI; Write_1S_A(priv, writeVal); //PATH A, BW40-2S diff_bw40_2s = ((priv->pmib->dot11RFEntry.pwrdiff_40BW2S_20BW2S_A[ch_idx] & 0xf0) >> 4); diff_bw40_2s = convert_diff(diff_bw40_2s); tmp_TPI = pwr_40_1s + diff_bw40_2s; writeVal = (tmp_TPI << 24) | (tmp_TPI << 16) | (tmp_TPI << 8) | tmp_TPI; Write_2S_A(priv, writeVal); // ==== // //PATH B, BW40-1S pwr_40_1s = priv->pmib->dot11RFEntry.pwrlevelHT40_1S_B[ch_idx]; tmp_TPI = pwr_40_1s ; writeVal = (tmp_TPI << 24) | (tmp_TPI << 16) | (tmp_TPI << 8) | tmp_TPI; Write_1S_B(priv, writeVal); //PATH A, BW40-2S diff_bw40_2s = ((priv->pmib->dot11RFEntry.pwrdiff_40BW2S_20BW2S_B[ch_idx] & 0xf0) >> 4); diff_bw40_2s = convert_diff(diff_bw40_2s); tmp_TPI = pwr_40_1s + diff_bw40_2s; writeVal = (tmp_TPI << 24) | (tmp_TPI << 16) | (tmp_TPI << 8) | tmp_TPI; Write_2S_B(priv, writeVal); } } #ifdef TX_PG_8812 void get_tx_pwr(unsigned int tmp_dw, unsigned char *tmp_b1, unsigned char *tmp_b2, unsigned char *tmp_b3, unsigned char *tmp_b4) { *tmp_b1 = (tmp_dw & (0xff)); *tmp_b2 = ((tmp_dw & (0xff00)) >> 8); *tmp_b3 = ((tmp_dw & (0xff0000)) >> 16); *tmp_b4 = ((tmp_dw & (0xff000000)) >> 24); } void TxPG_CCK_8812(struct rtl8192cd_priv *priv) { unsigned char b1, b2, b3, b4; unsigned char* tmp_b1 = &b1; unsigned char* tmp_b2 = &b2; unsigned char* tmp_b3 = &b3; unsigned char* tmp_b4 = &b4; unsigned int tmp_dw = 0; unsigned int writeVal = 0; tmp_dw = RTL_R32(rTxAGC_A_CCK11_CCK1_JAguar); get_tx_pwr(tmp_dw, tmp_b1, tmp_b2, tmp_b3, tmp_b4); *tmp_b1 = POWER_RANGE_CHECK(*tmp_b1 + priv->pshare->phw->CCKTxAgc_A[3]); *tmp_b2 = POWER_RANGE_CHECK(*tmp_b2 + priv->pshare->phw->CCKTxAgc_A[2]); *tmp_b3 = POWER_RANGE_CHECK(*tmp_b3 + priv->pshare->phw->CCKTxAgc_A[1]); *tmp_b4 = POWER_RANGE_CHECK(*tmp_b4 + priv->pshare->phw->CCKTxAgc_A[0]); writeVal = (*tmp_b4 << 24) | (*tmp_b3 << 16) | (*tmp_b2 << 8) | *tmp_b1; RTL_W32(rTxAGC_A_CCK11_CCK1_JAguar, writeVal); tmp_dw = RTL_R32(rTxAGC_B_CCK11_CCK1_JAguar); get_tx_pwr(tmp_dw, tmp_b1, tmp_b2, tmp_b3, tmp_b4); *tmp_b1 = POWER_RANGE_CHECK(*tmp_b1 + priv->pshare->phw->CCKTxAgc_B[7]); *tmp_b2 = POWER_RANGE_CHECK(*tmp_b2 + priv->pshare->phw->CCKTxAgc_B[6]); *tmp_b3 = POWER_RANGE_CHECK(*tmp_b3 + priv->pshare->phw->CCKTxAgc_B[5]); *tmp_b4 = POWER_RANGE_CHECK(*tmp_b4 + priv->pshare->phw->CCKTxAgc_B[4]); writeVal = (*tmp_b4 << 24) | (*tmp_b3 << 16) | (*tmp_b2 << 8) | *tmp_b1; RTL_W32(rTxAGC_B_CCK11_CCK1_JAguar, writeVal); } void TxPG_OFDM_8812_A(struct rtl8192cd_priv *priv) { unsigned char b1, b2, b3, b4, b5; unsigned char* tmp_b1 = &b1; unsigned char* tmp_b2 = &b2; unsigned char* tmp_b3 = &b3; unsigned char* tmp_b4 = &b4; unsigned char* tmp_b5 = &b5; unsigned int tmp_dw = 0; unsigned int tmp_dw1 =0; unsigned int writeVal = 0; //printk("TxPG_OFDM_8812_A!!\n"); tmp_dw = RTL_R32(rTxAGC_A_Ofdm18_Ofdm6_JAguar); get_tx_pwr(tmp_dw, tmp_b1, tmp_b2, tmp_b3, tmp_b4); *tmp_b1 = POWER_RANGE_CHECK(*tmp_b1 + priv->pshare->phw->OFDMTxAgcOffset_A[3]); *tmp_b2 = POWER_RANGE_CHECK(*tmp_b2 + priv->pshare->phw->OFDMTxAgcOffset_A[2]); *tmp_b3 = POWER_RANGE_CHECK(*tmp_b3 + priv->pshare->phw->OFDMTxAgcOffset_A[1]); *tmp_b4 = POWER_RANGE_CHECK(*tmp_b4 + priv->pshare->phw->OFDMTxAgcOffset_A[0]); writeVal = (*tmp_b4 << 24) | (*tmp_b3 << 16) | (*tmp_b2 << 8) | *tmp_b1; RTL_W32(rTxAGC_A_Ofdm18_Ofdm6_JAguar, writeVal); tmp_dw = RTL_R32(rTxAGC_A_Ofdm54_Ofdm24_JAguar); get_tx_pwr(tmp_dw, tmp_b1, tmp_b2, tmp_b3, tmp_b4); *tmp_b1 = POWER_RANGE_CHECK(*tmp_b1 + priv->pshare->phw->OFDMTxAgcOffset_A[7]); *tmp_b2 = POWER_RANGE_CHECK(*tmp_b2 + priv->pshare->phw->OFDMTxAgcOffset_A[6]); *tmp_b3 = POWER_RANGE_CHECK(*tmp_b3 + priv->pshare->phw->OFDMTxAgcOffset_A[5]); *tmp_b4 = POWER_RANGE_CHECK(*tmp_b4 + priv->pshare->phw->OFDMTxAgcOffset_A[4]); writeVal = (*tmp_b4 << 24) | (*tmp_b3 << 16) | (*tmp_b2 << 8) | *tmp_b1; RTL_W32(rTxAGC_A_Ofdm54_Ofdm24_JAguar, writeVal); tmp_dw = RTL_R32(rTxAGC_A_MCS3_MCS0_JAguar); get_tx_pwr(tmp_dw, tmp_b1, tmp_b2, tmp_b3, tmp_b4); *tmp_b1 = POWER_RANGE_CHECK(*tmp_b1 + priv->pshare->phw->MCSTxAgcOffset_A[3]); *tmp_b2 = POWER_RANGE_CHECK(*tmp_b2 + priv->pshare->phw->MCSTxAgcOffset_A[2]); *tmp_b3 = POWER_RANGE_CHECK(*tmp_b3 + priv->pshare->phw->MCSTxAgcOffset_A[1]); *tmp_b4 = POWER_RANGE_CHECK(*tmp_b4 + priv->pshare->phw->MCSTxAgcOffset_A[0]); writeVal = (*tmp_b4 << 24) | (*tmp_b3 << 16) | (*tmp_b2 << 8) | *tmp_b1; RTL_W32(rTxAGC_A_MCS3_MCS0_JAguar, writeVal); tmp_dw = RTL_R32(rTxAGC_A_MCS7_MCS4_JAguar); get_tx_pwr(tmp_dw, tmp_b1, tmp_b2, tmp_b3, tmp_b4); *tmp_b1 = POWER_RANGE_CHECK(*tmp_b1 + priv->pshare->phw->MCSTxAgcOffset_A[7]); *tmp_b2 = POWER_RANGE_CHECK(*tmp_b2 + priv->pshare->phw->MCSTxAgcOffset_A[6]); *tmp_b3 = POWER_RANGE_CHECK(*tmp_b3 + priv->pshare->phw->MCSTxAgcOffset_A[5]); *tmp_b4 = POWER_RANGE_CHECK(*tmp_b4 + priv->pshare->phw->MCSTxAgcOffset_A[4]); writeVal = (*tmp_b4 << 24) | (*tmp_b3 << 16) | (*tmp_b2 << 8) | *tmp_b1; RTL_W32(rTxAGC_A_MCS7_MCS4_JAguar, writeVal); tmp_dw = RTL_R32(rTxAGC_A_MCS11_MCS8_JAguar); get_tx_pwr(tmp_dw, tmp_b1, tmp_b2, tmp_b3, tmp_b4); *tmp_b1 = POWER_RANGE_CHECK(*tmp_b1 + priv->pshare->phw->MCSTxAgcOffset_A[11]); *tmp_b2 = POWER_RANGE_CHECK(*tmp_b2 + priv->pshare->phw->MCSTxAgcOffset_A[10]); *tmp_b3 = POWER_RANGE_CHECK(*tmp_b3 + priv->pshare->phw->MCSTxAgcOffset_A[9]); *tmp_b4 = POWER_RANGE_CHECK(*tmp_b4 + priv->pshare->phw->MCSTxAgcOffset_A[8]); writeVal = (*tmp_b4 << 24) | (*tmp_b3 << 16) | (*tmp_b2 << 8) | *tmp_b1; RTL_W32(rTxAGC_A_MCS11_MCS8_JAguar, writeVal); tmp_dw = RTL_R32(rTxAGC_A_MCS15_MCS12_JAguar); get_tx_pwr(tmp_dw, tmp_b1, tmp_b2, tmp_b3, tmp_b4); *tmp_b1 = POWER_RANGE_CHECK(*tmp_b1 + priv->pshare->phw->MCSTxAgcOffset_A[15]); *tmp_b2 = POWER_RANGE_CHECK(*tmp_b2 + priv->pshare->phw->MCSTxAgcOffset_A[14]); *tmp_b3 = POWER_RANGE_CHECK(*tmp_b3 + priv->pshare->phw->MCSTxAgcOffset_A[13]); *tmp_b4 = POWER_RANGE_CHECK(*tmp_b4 + priv->pshare->phw->MCSTxAgcOffset_A[12]); writeVal = (*tmp_b4 << 24) | (*tmp_b3 << 16) | (*tmp_b2 << 8) | *tmp_b1; RTL_W32(rTxAGC_A_MCS15_MCS12_JAguar, writeVal); tmp_dw = RTL_R32(rTxAGC_A_Nss1Index3_Nss1Index0_JAguar); get_tx_pwr(tmp_dw, tmp_b1, tmp_b2, tmp_b3, tmp_b4); *tmp_b1 = POWER_RANGE_CHECK(*tmp_b1 + priv->pshare->phw->VHTTxAgcOffset_A[3]); *tmp_b2 = POWER_RANGE_CHECK(*tmp_b2 + priv->pshare->phw->VHTTxAgcOffset_A[2]); *tmp_b3 = POWER_RANGE_CHECK(*tmp_b3 + priv->pshare->phw->VHTTxAgcOffset_A[1]); *tmp_b4 = POWER_RANGE_CHECK(*tmp_b4 + priv->pshare->phw->VHTTxAgcOffset_A[0]); writeVal = (*tmp_b4 << 24) | (*tmp_b3 << 16) | (*tmp_b2 << 8) | *tmp_b1; RTL_W32(rTxAGC_A_Nss1Index3_Nss1Index0_JAguar, writeVal); tmp_dw = RTL_R32(rTxAGC_A_Nss1Index7_Nss1Index4_JAguar); get_tx_pwr(tmp_dw, tmp_b1, tmp_b2, tmp_b3, tmp_b4); *tmp_b1 = POWER_RANGE_CHECK(*tmp_b1 + priv->pshare->phw->VHTTxAgcOffset_A[7]); *tmp_b2 = POWER_RANGE_CHECK(*tmp_b2 + priv->pshare->phw->VHTTxAgcOffset_A[6]); *tmp_b3 = POWER_RANGE_CHECK(*tmp_b3 + priv->pshare->phw->VHTTxAgcOffset_A[5]); *tmp_b4 = POWER_RANGE_CHECK(*tmp_b4 + priv->pshare->phw->VHTTxAgcOffset_A[4]); writeVal = (*tmp_b4 << 24) | (*tmp_b3 << 16) | (*tmp_b2 << 8) | *tmp_b1; RTL_W32(rTxAGC_A_Nss1Index7_Nss1Index4_JAguar, writeVal); tmp_dw = RTL_R32(rTxAGC_A_Nss2Index1_Nss1Index8_JAguar); tmp_dw1= RTL_R32(rTxAGC_A_Nss1Index7_Nss1Index4_JAguar); get_tx_pwr(tmp_dw1, tmp_b1, tmp_b2, tmp_b3, tmp_b5); get_tx_pwr(tmp_dw, tmp_b1, tmp_b2, tmp_b3, tmp_b4); *tmp_b1 = POWER_RANGE_CHECK(*tmp_b5 - priv->pshare->phw->VHTTxAgcOffset_A[11]); *tmp_b2 = POWER_RANGE_CHECK(*tmp_b5 - priv->pshare->phw->VHTTxAgcOffset_A[10]); *tmp_b3 = POWER_RANGE_CHECK(*tmp_b3 + priv->pshare->phw->VHTTxAgcOffset_A[9]); *tmp_b4 = POWER_RANGE_CHECK(*tmp_b4 + priv->pshare->phw->VHTTxAgcOffset_A[8]); writeVal = (*tmp_b4 << 24) | (*tmp_b3 << 16) | (*tmp_b2 << 8) | *tmp_b1; RTL_W32(rTxAGC_A_Nss2Index1_Nss1Index8_JAguar, writeVal); tmp_dw = RTL_R32(rTxAGC_A_Nss2Index5_Nss2Index2_JAguar); get_tx_pwr(tmp_dw, tmp_b1, tmp_b2, tmp_b3, tmp_b4); *tmp_b1 = POWER_RANGE_CHECK(*tmp_b1 + priv->pshare->phw->VHTTxAgcOffset_A[15]); *tmp_b2 = POWER_RANGE_CHECK(*tmp_b2 + priv->pshare->phw->VHTTxAgcOffset_A[14]); *tmp_b3 = POWER_RANGE_CHECK(*tmp_b3 + priv->pshare->phw->VHTTxAgcOffset_A[13]); *tmp_b4 = POWER_RANGE_CHECK(*tmp_b4 + priv->pshare->phw->VHTTxAgcOffset_A[12]); writeVal = (*tmp_b4 << 24) | (*tmp_b3 << 16) | (*tmp_b2 << 8) | *tmp_b1; RTL_W32(rTxAGC_A_Nss2Index5_Nss2Index2_JAguar, writeVal); tmp_dw = RTL_R32(rTxAGC_A_Nss2Index9_Nss2Index6_JAguar); get_tx_pwr(tmp_dw, tmp_b1, tmp_b2, tmp_b3, tmp_b4); *tmp_b1 = POWER_RANGE_CHECK(*tmp_b1 + priv->pshare->phw->VHTTxAgcOffset_A[19]); *tmp_b2 = POWER_RANGE_CHECK(*tmp_b2 + priv->pshare->phw->VHTTxAgcOffset_A[18]); *tmp_b3 = POWER_RANGE_CHECK(*tmp_b3 - priv->pshare->phw->VHTTxAgcOffset_A[17]); *tmp_b4 = POWER_RANGE_CHECK(*tmp_b4 - priv->pshare->phw->VHTTxAgcOffset_A[16]); writeVal = (*tmp_b4 << 24) | (*tmp_b3 << 16) | (*tmp_b2 << 8) | *tmp_b1; RTL_W32(rTxAGC_A_Nss2Index9_Nss2Index6_JAguar, writeVal); } void TxPG_OFDM_8812_B(struct rtl8192cd_priv *priv) { unsigned char b1, b2, b3, b4, b5; unsigned char* tmp_b1 = &b1; unsigned char* tmp_b2 = &b2; unsigned char* tmp_b3 = &b3; unsigned char* tmp_b4 = &b4; unsigned char* tmp_b5 = &b5; unsigned int tmp_dw = 0; unsigned int tmp_dw1 =0; unsigned int writeVal = 0; //printk("TxPG_OFDM_8812_B!!\n"); tmp_dw = RTL_R32(rTxAGC_B_Ofdm18_Ofdm6_JAguar); get_tx_pwr(tmp_dw, tmp_b1, tmp_b2, tmp_b3, tmp_b4); *tmp_b1 = POWER_RANGE_CHECK(*tmp_b1 + priv->pshare->phw->OFDMTxAgcOffset_B[3]); *tmp_b2 = POWER_RANGE_CHECK(*tmp_b2 + priv->pshare->phw->OFDMTxAgcOffset_B[2]); *tmp_b3 = POWER_RANGE_CHECK(*tmp_b3 + priv->pshare->phw->OFDMTxAgcOffset_B[1]); *tmp_b4 = POWER_RANGE_CHECK(*tmp_b4 + priv->pshare->phw->OFDMTxAgcOffset_B[0]); writeVal = (*tmp_b4 << 24) | (*tmp_b3 << 16) | (*tmp_b2 << 8) | *tmp_b1; RTL_W32(rTxAGC_B_Ofdm18_Ofdm6_JAguar, writeVal); tmp_dw = RTL_R32(rTxAGC_B_Ofdm54_Ofdm24_JAguar); get_tx_pwr(tmp_dw, tmp_b1, tmp_b2, tmp_b3, tmp_b4); *tmp_b1 = POWER_RANGE_CHECK(*tmp_b1 + priv->pshare->phw->OFDMTxAgcOffset_B[7]); *tmp_b2 = POWER_RANGE_CHECK(*tmp_b2 + priv->pshare->phw->OFDMTxAgcOffset_B[6]); *tmp_b3 = POWER_RANGE_CHECK(*tmp_b3 + priv->pshare->phw->OFDMTxAgcOffset_B[5]); *tmp_b4 = POWER_RANGE_CHECK(*tmp_b4 + priv->pshare->phw->OFDMTxAgcOffset_B[4]); writeVal = (*tmp_b4 << 24) | (*tmp_b3 << 16) | (*tmp_b2 << 8) | *tmp_b1; RTL_W32(rTxAGC_B_Ofdm54_Ofdm24_JAguar, writeVal); tmp_dw = RTL_R32(rTxAGC_B_MCS3_MCS0_JAguar); get_tx_pwr(tmp_dw, tmp_b1, tmp_b2, tmp_b3, tmp_b4); *tmp_b1 = POWER_RANGE_CHECK(*tmp_b1 + priv->pshare->phw->MCSTxAgcOffset_B[3]); *tmp_b2 = POWER_RANGE_CHECK(*tmp_b2 + priv->pshare->phw->MCSTxAgcOffset_B[2]); *tmp_b3 = POWER_RANGE_CHECK(*tmp_b3 + priv->pshare->phw->MCSTxAgcOffset_B[1]); *tmp_b4 = POWER_RANGE_CHECK(*tmp_b4 + priv->pshare->phw->MCSTxAgcOffset_B[0]); writeVal = (*tmp_b4 << 24) | (*tmp_b3 << 16) | (*tmp_b2 << 8) | *tmp_b1; RTL_W32(rTxAGC_B_MCS3_MCS0_JAguar, writeVal); tmp_dw = RTL_R32(rTxAGC_B_MCS7_MCS4_JAguar); get_tx_pwr(tmp_dw, tmp_b1, tmp_b2, tmp_b3, tmp_b4); *tmp_b1 = POWER_RANGE_CHECK(*tmp_b1 + priv->pshare->phw->MCSTxAgcOffset_B[7]); *tmp_b2 = POWER_RANGE_CHECK(*tmp_b2 + priv->pshare->phw->MCSTxAgcOffset_B[6]); *tmp_b3 = POWER_RANGE_CHECK(*tmp_b3 + priv->pshare->phw->MCSTxAgcOffset_B[5]); *tmp_b4 = POWER_RANGE_CHECK(*tmp_b4 + priv->pshare->phw->MCSTxAgcOffset_B[4]); writeVal = (*tmp_b4 << 24) | (*tmp_b3 << 16) | (*tmp_b2 << 8) | *tmp_b1; RTL_W32(rTxAGC_B_MCS7_MCS4_JAguar, writeVal); tmp_dw = RTL_R32(rTxAGC_B_MCS11_MCS8_JAguar); get_tx_pwr(tmp_dw, tmp_b1, tmp_b2, tmp_b3, tmp_b4); *tmp_b1 = POWER_RANGE_CHECK(*tmp_b1 + priv->pshare->phw->MCSTxAgcOffset_B[11]); *tmp_b2 = POWER_RANGE_CHECK(*tmp_b2 + priv->pshare->phw->MCSTxAgcOffset_B[10]); *tmp_b3 = POWER_RANGE_CHECK(*tmp_b3 + priv->pshare->phw->MCSTxAgcOffset_B[9]); *tmp_b4 = POWER_RANGE_CHECK(*tmp_b4 + priv->pshare->phw->MCSTxAgcOffset_B[8]); writeVal = (*tmp_b4 << 24) | (*tmp_b3 << 16) | (*tmp_b2 << 8) | *tmp_b1; RTL_W32(rTxAGC_B_MCS11_MCS8_JAguar, writeVal); tmp_dw = RTL_R32(rTxAGC_B_MCS15_MCS12_JAguar); get_tx_pwr(tmp_dw, tmp_b1, tmp_b2, tmp_b3, tmp_b4); *tmp_b1 = POWER_RANGE_CHECK(*tmp_b1 + priv->pshare->phw->MCSTxAgcOffset_B[15]); *tmp_b2 = POWER_RANGE_CHECK(*tmp_b2 + priv->pshare->phw->MCSTxAgcOffset_B[14]); *tmp_b3 = POWER_RANGE_CHECK(*tmp_b3 + priv->pshare->phw->MCSTxAgcOffset_B[13]); *tmp_b4 = POWER_RANGE_CHECK(*tmp_b4 + priv->pshare->phw->MCSTxAgcOffset_B[12]); writeVal = (*tmp_b4 << 24) | (*tmp_b3 << 16) | (*tmp_b2 << 8) | *tmp_b1; RTL_W32(rTxAGC_B_MCS15_MCS12_JAguar, writeVal); tmp_dw = RTL_R32(rTxAGC_B_Nss1Index3_Nss1Index0_JAguar); get_tx_pwr(tmp_dw, tmp_b1, tmp_b2, tmp_b3, tmp_b4); *tmp_b1 = POWER_RANGE_CHECK(*tmp_b1 + priv->pshare->phw->VHTTxAgcOffset_B[3]); *tmp_b2 = POWER_RANGE_CHECK(*tmp_b2 + priv->pshare->phw->VHTTxAgcOffset_B[2]); *tmp_b3 = POWER_RANGE_CHECK(*tmp_b3 + priv->pshare->phw->VHTTxAgcOffset_B[1]); *tmp_b4 = POWER_RANGE_CHECK(*tmp_b4 + priv->pshare->phw->VHTTxAgcOffset_B[0]); writeVal = (*tmp_b4 << 24) | (*tmp_b3 << 16) | (*tmp_b2 << 8) | *tmp_b1; RTL_W32(rTxAGC_B_Nss1Index3_Nss1Index0_JAguar, writeVal); tmp_dw = RTL_R32(rTxAGC_B_Nss1Index7_Nss1Index4_JAguar); get_tx_pwr(tmp_dw, tmp_b1, tmp_b2, tmp_b3, tmp_b4); *tmp_b1 = POWER_RANGE_CHECK(*tmp_b1 + priv->pshare->phw->VHTTxAgcOffset_B[7]); *tmp_b2 = POWER_RANGE_CHECK(*tmp_b2 + priv->pshare->phw->VHTTxAgcOffset_B[6]); *tmp_b3 = POWER_RANGE_CHECK(*tmp_b3 + priv->pshare->phw->VHTTxAgcOffset_B[5]); *tmp_b4 = POWER_RANGE_CHECK(*tmp_b4 + priv->pshare->phw->VHTTxAgcOffset_B[4]); writeVal = (*tmp_b4 << 24) | (*tmp_b3 << 16) | (*tmp_b2 << 8) | *tmp_b1; RTL_W32(rTxAGC_B_Nss1Index7_Nss1Index4_JAguar, writeVal); tmp_dw = RTL_R32(rTxAGC_B_Nss2Index1_Nss1Index8_JAguar); tmp_dw1= RTL_R32(rTxAGC_B_Nss1Index7_Nss1Index4_JAguar); get_tx_pwr(tmp_dw1, tmp_b1, tmp_b2, tmp_b3, tmp_b5); get_tx_pwr(tmp_dw, tmp_b1, tmp_b2, tmp_b3, tmp_b4); *tmp_b1 = POWER_RANGE_CHECK(*tmp_b5 - priv->pshare->phw->VHTTxAgcOffset_B[11]); *tmp_b2 = POWER_RANGE_CHECK(*tmp_b5 - priv->pshare->phw->VHTTxAgcOffset_B[10]); *tmp_b3 = POWER_RANGE_CHECK(*tmp_b3 + priv->pshare->phw->VHTTxAgcOffset_B[9]); *tmp_b4 = POWER_RANGE_CHECK(*tmp_b4 + priv->pshare->phw->VHTTxAgcOffset_B[8]); writeVal = (*tmp_b4 << 24) | (*tmp_b3 << 16) | (*tmp_b2 << 8) | *tmp_b1; RTL_W32(rTxAGC_B_Nss2Index1_Nss1Index8_JAguar, writeVal); tmp_dw = RTL_R32(rTxAGC_B_Nss2Index5_Nss2Index2_JAguar); get_tx_pwr(tmp_dw, tmp_b1, tmp_b2, tmp_b3, tmp_b4); *tmp_b1 = POWER_RANGE_CHECK(*tmp_b1 + priv->pshare->phw->VHTTxAgcOffset_B[15]); *tmp_b2 = POWER_RANGE_CHECK(*tmp_b2 + priv->pshare->phw->VHTTxAgcOffset_B[14]); *tmp_b3 = POWER_RANGE_CHECK(*tmp_b3 + priv->pshare->phw->VHTTxAgcOffset_B[13]); *tmp_b4 = POWER_RANGE_CHECK(*tmp_b4 + priv->pshare->phw->VHTTxAgcOffset_B[12]); writeVal = (*tmp_b4 << 24) | (*tmp_b3 << 16) | (*tmp_b2 << 8) | *tmp_b1; RTL_W32(rTxAGC_B_Nss2Index5_Nss2Index2_JAguar, writeVal); tmp_dw = RTL_R32(rTxAGC_B_Nss2Index9_Nss2Index6_JAguar); get_tx_pwr(tmp_dw, tmp_b1, tmp_b2, tmp_b3, tmp_b4); *tmp_b1 = POWER_RANGE_CHECK(*tmp_b1 + priv->pshare->phw->VHTTxAgcOffset_B[19]); *tmp_b2 = POWER_RANGE_CHECK(*tmp_b2 + priv->pshare->phw->VHTTxAgcOffset_B[18]); *tmp_b3 = POWER_RANGE_CHECK(*tmp_b3 - priv->pshare->phw->VHTTxAgcOffset_B[17]); *tmp_b4 = POWER_RANGE_CHECK(*tmp_b4 - priv->pshare->phw->VHTTxAgcOffset_B[16]); writeVal = (*tmp_b4 << 24) | (*tmp_b3 << 16) | (*tmp_b2 << 8) | *tmp_b1; RTL_W32(rTxAGC_B_Nss2Index9_Nss2Index6_JAguar, writeVal); } #endif void PHY_SetOFDMTxPower_8812(struct rtl8192cd_priv *priv, unsigned char channel) { unsigned char ch_idx = 0; // unsigned char tmp_TPI = 0; unsigned char phy_band = 0; if (channel > 0) ch_idx = (channel - 1); else { printk("Error Channel !!\n"); return; } if (channel > 14) phy_band = PHY_BAND_5G; else phy_band = PHY_BAND_2G; #if 0 printk("pwrlevel5GHT40_1S_A[%d]= %d \n", channel, priv->pmib->dot11RFEntry.pwrlevel5GHT40_1S_A[ch_idx]); printk("pwrdiff_5G_20BW1S_OFDM1T_A[%d]= 0x%x \n", channel, priv->pmib->dot11RFEntry.pwrdiff_5G_20BW1S_OFDM1T_A[ch_idx]); printk("pwrdiff_40BW2S_20BW2S_A[%d]= 0x%x \n", channel, priv->pmib->dot11RFEntry.pwrdiff_40BW2S_20BW2S_A[ch_idx]); printk("pwrdiff_5G_20BW1S_OFDM1T_A[%d]= 0x%x \n", channel, priv->pmib->dot11RFEntry.pwrdiff_5G_20BW1S_OFDM1T_A[ch_idx]); printk("pwrdiff_5G_40BW2S_20BW2S_A[%d]= 0x%x \n", channel, priv->pmib->dot11RFEntry.pwrdiff_5G_40BW2S_20BW2S_A[ch_idx]); printk("pwrdiff_5G_80BW1S_160BW1S_A[%d]= 0x%x \n", channel, priv->pmib->dot11RFEntry.pwrdiff_5G_80BW1S_160BW1S_A[ch_idx]); printk("pwrdiff_5G_80BW2S_160BW2S_A[%d]= 0x%x \n", channel, priv->pmib->dot11RFEntry.pwrdiff_5G_80BW2S_160BW2S_A[ch_idx]); printk("pwrlevel5GHT40_1S_B[%d]= %d \n", channel, priv->pmib->dot11RFEntry.pwrlevel5GHT40_1S_B[ch_idx]); printk("pwrdiff_5G_20BW1S_OFDM1T_B[%d]= 0x%x \n", channel, priv->pmib->dot11RFEntry.pwrdiff_5G_20BW1S_OFDM1T_B[ch_idx]); printk("pwrdiff_40BW2S_20BW2S_B[%d]= 0x%x \n", channel, priv->pmib->dot11RFEntry.pwrdiff_40BW2S_20BW2S_B[ch_idx]); printk("pwrdiff_5G_20BW1S_OFDM1T_B[%d]= 0x%x \n", channel, priv->pmib->dot11RFEntry.pwrdiff_5G_20BW1S_OFDM1T_B[ch_idx]); printk("pwrdiff_5G_40BW2S_20BW2S_B[%d]= 0x%x \n", channel, priv->pmib->dot11RFEntry.pwrdiff_5G_40BW2S_20BW2S_B[ch_idx]); printk("pwrdiff_5G_80BW1S_160BW1S_B[%d]= 0x%x \n", channel, priv->pmib->dot11RFEntry.pwrdiff_5G_80BW1S_160BW1S_B[ch_idx]); printk("pwrdiff_5G_80BW2S_160BW2S_B[%d]= 0x%x \n", channel, priv->pmib->dot11RFEntry.pwrdiff_5G_80BW2S_160BW2S_B[ch_idx]); #endif if (phy_band == PHY_BAND_5G) Cal_OFDMTxPower_5G(priv, ch_idx); else if (phy_band == PHY_BAND_2G) Cal_OFDMTxPower_2G(priv, ch_idx); #ifdef TX_PG_8812 TxPG_OFDM_8812_A(priv); TxPG_OFDM_8812_B(priv); #endif } void PHY_SetCCKTxPower_8812(struct rtl8192cd_priv *priv, unsigned char channel) { unsigned int def_power = 0x20202020;//0x12121212; unsigned char ch_idx = 0; unsigned char tmp_TPI = 0; unsigned char phy_band = 0; unsigned int writeVal = 0; if (channel > 0) ch_idx = (channel - 1); else { printk("Error Channel !!\n"); return; } if (channel > 14) phy_band = PHY_BAND_5G; else phy_band = PHY_BAND_2G; if ((priv->pmib->dot11RFEntry.pwrlevelCCK_A[ch_idx] == 0) || (priv->pmib->dot11RFEntry.pwrlevelCCK_B[ch_idx] == 0)) { //printk("NO Calibration data, use default CCK power = 0x%x\n", def_power); RTL_W32(rTxAGC_A_CCK11_CCK1_JAguar, def_power); RTL_W32(rTxAGC_B_CCK11_CCK1_JAguar, def_power); } if (phy_band == PHY_BAND_2G) { //printk("pwrlevelCCK_A[%d]= %d \n", ch_idx, priv->pmib->dot11RFEntry.pwrlevelCCK_A[ch_idx]); //printk("pwrlevelCCK_B[%d]= %d \n", ch_idx, priv->pmib->dot11RFEntry.pwrlevelCCK_B[ch_idx]); //PATH A tmp_TPI = priv->pmib->dot11RFEntry.pwrlevelCCK_A[ch_idx]; writeVal = (tmp_TPI << 24) | (tmp_TPI << 16) | (tmp_TPI << 8) | tmp_TPI; RTL_W32(rTxAGC_A_CCK11_CCK1_JAguar, writeVal); //PATH B tmp_TPI = priv->pmib->dot11RFEntry.pwrlevelCCK_B[ch_idx]; writeVal = (tmp_TPI << 24) | (tmp_TPI << 16) | (tmp_TPI << 8) | tmp_TPI; RTL_W32(rTxAGC_B_CCK11_CCK1_JAguar, writeVal); } #ifdef TX_PG_8812 TxPG_CCK_8812(priv); #endif } // Firmware #define MAX_PAGE_SIZE 4096 // @ page : 4k bytes #define FW_START_ADDRESS 0x1000 #define FWDL_ChkSum_rpt BIT(2) extern unsigned char *data_rtl8812fw_start, *data_rtl8812fw_end; extern unsigned char *data_rtl8812fw_n_start, *data_rtl8812fw_n_end; //for_8812_mp_chip VOID _8051Reset8812( struct rtl8192cd_priv *priv ) { u1Byte u1bTmp; u1bTmp = RTL_R8(REG_SYS_FUNC_EN_8812 + 1); RTL_W8(REG_SYS_FUNC_EN_8812 + 1, u1bTmp & (~BIT2)); RTL_W8( REG_SYS_FUNC_EN_8812 + 1, u1bTmp | (BIT2)); // RT_TRACE(COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, ("=====> _8051Reset8812(): 8051 reset success .\n")); } VOID _FWDownloadEnable_8812( struct rtl8192cd_priv *priv, BOOLEAN enable ) { u1Byte tmp; if (enable) { // MCU firmware download enable. RTL_W8( REG_MCUFWDL_8812, 0x05); // Clear Rom DL enable tmp = RTL_R8( REG_MCUFWDL_8812 + 2); RTL_W8( REG_MCUFWDL_8812 + 2, tmp & 0xf7); } else { // MCU firmware download enable. tmp = RTL_R8( REG_MCUFWDL_8812); RTL_W8( REG_MCUFWDL_8812, tmp & 0xfe); } } VOID _FillDummy_8812( pu1Byte pFwBuf, pu4Byte pFwLen ) { u4Byte FwLen = *pFwLen; u1Byte remain = (u1Byte)(FwLen % 4); remain = (remain == 0) ? 0 : (4 - remain); while (remain > 0) { pFwBuf[FwLen] = 0; FwLen++; remain--; } *pFwLen = FwLen; } // BlockWrite: // 92DU----------use 64-Byte/8-Byte/1-Byte (PlatformIOWriteNByte) // 92CU/8723U----use 4-Byte/1-Byte (PlatformIOWriteNByte) // PCI/SDIO------use 4-Byte/1-Byte (PlatformEFIOWrite4Byte) // 92CU [MacOS]-- use 196-Byte/8-Byte/1-Byte (PlatformIOWriteNByte) VOID _BlockWrite_8812( struct rtl8192cd_priv *priv, IN PVOID buffer, IN u4Byte buffSize ) { u4Byte blockSize_p1 = 4; // (Default) Phase #1 : PCI muse use 4-byte write to download FW u4Byte blockSize_p2 = 8; // Phase #2 : Use 8-byte, if Phase#1 use big size to write FW. u4Byte blockSize_p3 = 1; // Phase #3 : Use 1-byte, the remnant of FW image. u4Byte blockCount_p1 = 0, blockCount_p2 = 0, blockCount_p3 = 0; u4Byte remainSize_p1 = 0, remainSize_p2 = 0; pu1Byte bufferPtr = (pu1Byte)buffer; u4Byte i = 0, offset = 0; //3 Phase #1 blockCount_p1 = buffSize / blockSize_p1; remainSize_p1 = buffSize % blockSize_p1; for (i = 0 ; i < blockCount_p1 ; i++) { RTL_W32( (FW_START_ADDRESS + i * blockSize_p1), cpu_to_le32(*((pu4Byte)(bufferPtr + i * blockSize_p1)))); } //3 Phase #2 if (remainSize_p1) { offset = blockCount_p1 * blockSize_p1; blockCount_p2 = remainSize_p1 / blockSize_p2; remainSize_p2 = remainSize_p1 % blockSize_p2; } //3 Phase #3 if (remainSize_p2) { offset = (blockCount_p1 * blockSize_p1) + (blockCount_p2 * blockSize_p2); blockCount_p3 = remainSize_p2 / blockSize_p3; // RT_TRACE(COMP_INIT,DBG_LOUD,("_BlockWrite_8812[P3] ::buffSize_p3( %d) blockSize_p3( %d) blockCount_p3( %d) \n",(buffSize-offset),blockSize_p3, blockCount_p3)); for (i = 0 ; i < blockCount_p3 ; i++) { RTL_W8( (FW_START_ADDRESS + offset + i), *(bufferPtr + offset + i)); } } } VOID _PageWrite_8812( struct rtl8192cd_priv *priv, IN u4Byte page, IN PVOID buffer, IN u4Byte size ) { u1Byte value8; u1Byte u8Page = (u1Byte) (page & 0x07) ; value8 = (RTL_R8(REG_MCUFWDL_8812 + 2) & 0xF8 ) | u8Page ; RTL_W8(REG_MCUFWDL_8812 + 2, value8); _BlockWrite_8812(priv, buffer, size); } VOID _WriteFW_8812( struct rtl8192cd_priv *priv, IN PVOID buffer, IN u4Byte size ) { // Since we need dynamic decide method of dwonload fw, so we call this function to get chip version. // We can remove _ReadChipVersion from ReadAdapterInfo8192C later. u4Byte pageNums, remainSize ; u4Byte page, offset; pu1Byte bufferPtr = (pu1Byte)buffer; #if 1//DEV_BUS_TYPE==RT_PCI_INTERFACE // 20100120 Joseph: Add for 88CE normal chip. // Fill in zero to make firmware image to dword alignment. // _FillDummy_8812(bufferPtr, &size); #endif pageNums = size / MAX_PAGE_SIZE ; // RT_ASSERT((pageNums <= 8), ("Page numbers should not greater then 8 \n")); remainSize = size % MAX_PAGE_SIZE; for (page = 0; page < pageNums; page++) { offset = page * MAX_PAGE_SIZE; _PageWrite_8812(priv, page, (bufferPtr + offset), MAX_PAGE_SIZE); } if (remainSize) { offset = pageNums * MAX_PAGE_SIZE; page = pageNums; _PageWrite_8812(priv, page, (bufferPtr + offset), remainSize); } // RT_TRACE(COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, ("_WriteFW_8812 Done- for Normal chip.\n")); } RT_STATUS _FWFreeToGo8812( struct rtl8192cd_priv *priv ) { u4Byte counter = 0; u4Byte value32; // polling CheckSum report do { value32 = RTL_R32( REG_MCUFWDL_8812); } while ((counter ++ < 6000) && (!(value32 & FWDL_ChkSum_rpt ))); if (counter >= 6000) { // RT_TRACE(COMP_INIT, DBG_SERIOUS, ("_FWFreeToGo8812:: chksum report faill ! REG_MCUFWDL:0x%08x .\n",value32)); return RT_STATUS_FAILURE; } // RT_TRACE(COMP_INIT, DBG_LOUD, ("_FWFreeToGo8812:: Checksum report OK ! REG_MCUFWDL:0x%08x .\n",value32)); value32 = RTL_R32( REG_MCUFWDL_8812); value32 |= MCUFWDL_RDY; value32 &= ~WINTINI_RDY; RTL_W32( REG_MCUFWDL_8812, value32); _8051Reset8812(priv); // polling for FW ready counter = 0; do { if (RTL_R32( REG_MCUFWDL_8812) & WINTINI_RDY) { // RT_TRACE(COMP_INIT, DBG_SERIOUS, ("Polling FW ready success!! REG_MCUFWDL:0x%08x in %d times.\n",PlatformEFIORead4Byte(Adapter, REG_MCUFWDL_8812),counter)); return RT_STATUS_SUCCESS; } // PlatformStallExecution(5); delay_us(5); } while (counter++ < 6000); panic_printk("Polling FW ready fail!! REG_MCUFWDL:0x%08x .\n", RTL_R32( REG_MCUFWDL_8812) ); return RT_STATUS_FAILURE; } RT_STATUS FirmwareDownload8812( struct rtl8192cd_priv *priv ) { RT_STATUS rtStatus = RT_STATUS_SUCCESS; u4Byte FwImageLen = 0; u1Byte *pFirmwareBuf; u4Byte FirmwareLen; RTL_W8( 0xf0, (RTL_R8(0xf0)& ~BIT(7))); if (IS_TEST_CHIP(priv)) { //for_8812_mp_chip pFirmwareBuf = data_rtl8812fw_start + 32; FirmwareLen = data_rtl8812fw_end - data_rtl8812fw_start - 32; } else { pFirmwareBuf = data_rtl8812fw_n_start + 32; FirmwareLen = data_rtl8812fw_n_end - data_rtl8812fw_n_start - 32; } // panic_printk("%s, %d%x, %x\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, pFirmwareBuf, FirmwareLen); { if (RTL_R8( REG_MCUFWDL_8812)&BIT7) { //8051 RAM code RTL_W8(REG_MCUFWDL_8812, 0x00); _8051Reset8812(priv); } } _FWDownloadEnable_8812(priv, TRUE); _WriteFW_8812(priv, pFirmwareBuf, FirmwareLen); _FWDownloadEnable_8812(priv, FALSE); rtStatus = _FWFreeToGo8812(priv); if (RT_STATUS_SUCCESS != rtStatus) { panic_printk("Firmware is not ready to run!\n") ; goto Exit; } Exit: panic_printk(" <=== FirmwareDownload8812()\n"); return rtStatus; } // 8812 H2C BOOLEAN CheckFwReadLastH2C_8812( struct rtl8192cd_priv *priv, IN u1Byte BoxNum ) { u1Byte valHMETFR; BOOLEAN Result = FALSE; valHMETFR = RTL_R8( REG_HMETFR_8812); // Do not seperate to 91C and 88C, we use the same setting. Suggested by SD4 Filen. 2009.12.03. if (((valHMETFR >> BoxNum)&BIT0) == 0) Result = TRUE; return Result; } u1Byte FillH2CCmd8812( struct rtl8192cd_priv *priv, IN u1Byte ElementID, IN u4Byte CmdLen, IN pu1Byte pCmdBuffer ) { u1Byte ioStatus = 0; u1Byte BoxNum; u2Byte BOXReg = 0, BOXExtReg = 0; // u1Byte U1btmp; //Read 0x1bf BOOLEAN bFwReadClear = FALSE; u1Byte BufIndex = 0; u1Byte WaitH2cLimmit = 0; u1Byte BoxContent[4], BoxExtContent[4]; u1Byte idx = 0; if (!GET_ROOT(priv)->bFWReady) return 1; // 1. Find the last BOX number which has been writen. BoxNum = priv->pshare->fw_q_fifo_count; //pHalData->LastHMEBoxNum; switch (BoxNum) { case 0: BOXReg = REG_HMEBOX_0_8812; BOXExtReg = REG_HMEBOX_EXT0_8812; break; case 1: BOXReg = REG_HMEBOX_1_8812; BOXExtReg = REG_HMEBOX_EXT1_8812; break; case 2: BOXReg = REG_HMEBOX_2_8812; BOXExtReg = REG_HMEBOX_EXT2_8812; break; case 3: BOXReg = REG_HMEBOX_3_8812; BOXExtReg = REG_HMEBOX_EXT3_8812; break; default: break; } // 2. Check if the box content is empty. while (!bFwReadClear) { bFwReadClear = CheckFwReadLastH2C_8812(priv, BoxNum); if (WaitH2cLimmit++ >= 100) { ioStatus = 1; return ioStatus; } else if (!bFwReadClear) { delay_us(10); //us } } // 4. Fill the H2C cmd into box memset(BoxContent, 0, sizeof(BoxContent)); memset(BoxExtContent, 0, sizeof(BoxExtContent)); BoxContent[0] = ElementID; // Fill element ID // RTPRINT(FFW, FW_MSG_H2C_CONTENT, ("[FW], Write ElementID BOXReg(%4x) = %2x \n", BOXReg, ElementID)); switch (CmdLen) { case 1: case 2: case 3: { //BoxContent[0] &= ~(BIT7); memcpy((pu1Byte)(BoxContent) + 1, pCmdBuffer + BufIndex, CmdLen); //For Endian Free. for (idx = 0; idx < 4; idx++) { RTL_W8(BOXReg + idx, BoxContent[idx]); } break; } case 4: case 5: case 6: case 7: { //BoxContent[0] |= (BIT7); memcpy((pu1Byte)(BoxExtContent), pCmdBuffer + BufIndex + 3, (CmdLen - 3)); memcpy((pu1Byte)(BoxContent) + 1, pCmdBuffer + BufIndex, 3); //For Endian Free. for (idx = 0 ; idx < 4 ; idx ++) { RTL_W8( BOXExtReg + idx, BoxExtContent[idx]); } for (idx = 0 ; idx < 4 ; idx ++) { RTL_W8( BOXReg + idx, BoxContent[idx]); } break; } default: // RTPRINT(FFW, FW_MSG_H2C_STATE, ("[FW], Invalid command len=%d!!!\n", CmdLen)); ioStatus = 2; return ioStatus; break; } if (++priv->pshare->fw_q_fifo_count > 3) priv->pshare->fw_q_fifo_count = 0; // RTPRINT(FFW, FW_MSG_H2C_CONTENT, ("[FW], pHalData->LastHMEBoxNum = %d\n", pHalData->LastHMEBoxNum)); return ioStatus; } VOID SetBcnCtrlReg_8812( struct rtl8192cd_priv *priv, IN u1Byte SetBits, IN u1Byte ClearBits ) { u1Byte tmp = RTL_R8(REG_BCN_CTRL_8812); tmp |= SetBits; tmp &= ~ClearBits; RTL_W8(REG_BCN_CTRL_8812, tmp); } u1Byte MRateIdxToARFRId8812( struct rtl8192cd_priv *priv, u1Byte RateIdx, u1Byte RfType ) { u1Byte Ret = 0; switch (RateIdx) { case RATR_INX_WIRELESS_NGB: if (RfType == MIMO_1T1R) Ret = 1; else Ret = 0; break; case RATR_INX_WIRELESS_N: case RATR_INX_WIRELESS_NG: if (RfType == MIMO_1T1R) Ret = 5; else Ret = 4; break; case RATR_INX_WIRELESS_NB: if (RfType == MIMO_1T1R) Ret = 3; else Ret = 2; break; case RATR_INX_WIRELESS_GB: Ret = 6; break; case RATR_INX_WIRELESS_G: Ret = 7; break; case RATR_INX_WIRELESS_B: Ret = 8; break; case RATR_INX_WIRELESS_MC: if (!(priv->pmib->dot11BssType.net_work_type & WIRELESS_11A)) Ret = 6; else Ret = 7; break; case RATR_INX_WIRELESS_AC_N: if (RfType == MIMO_1T1R) Ret = 10; else Ret = 9; break; default: Ret = 0; break; } return Ret; } u1Byte Get_RA_BW( BOOLEAN bCurTxBW80MHz, BOOLEAN bCurTxBW40MHz ) { u1Byte BW = 0; if (bCurTxBW80MHz) BW = 2; else if (bCurTxBW40MHz) BW = 1; else BW = 0; return BW; } #ifndef CONFIG_WLAN_HAL typedef enum _WIRELESS_MODE { WIRELESS_MODE_UNKNOWN = 0x00, WIRELESS_MODE_A = 0x01, WIRELESS_MODE_B = 0x02, WIRELESS_MODE_G = 0x04, WIRELESS_MODE_AUTO = 0x08, WIRELESS_MODE_N_24G = 0x10, WIRELESS_MODE_N_5G = 0x20, WIRELESS_MODE_AC_5G = 0x40 } WIRELESS_MODE; #endif #define MIMO_PS_STATIC 0 #define MIMO_PS_DYNAMIC 1 #define MIMO_PS_NOLIMIT 3 #define FillOctetString(_os,_octet,_len) \ (_os).Octet=(pu1Byte)(_octet); \ (_os).Length=(_len); u1Byte Get_VHT_ENI( u4Byte IOTAction, u1Byte WirelessMode, u4Byte ratr_bitmap ) { u1Byte Ret = 0; if (WirelessMode < WIRELESS_MODE_N_24G) Ret = 0; else if (WirelessMode == WIRELESS_MODE_N_24G || WirelessMode == WIRELESS_MODE_N_5G) { #if 0 //if(IOTAction == HT_IOT_VHT_HT_MIX_MODE) { if (ratr_bitmap & BIT20) // Mix , 2SS Ret = 3; else // Mix, 1SS Ret = 2; } #else Ret = 0; #endif } else if (WirelessMode == WIRELESS_MODE_AC_5G) Ret = 1; // VHT return (Ret << 4); } BOOLEAN Get_RA_ShortGI( struct rtl8192cd_priv *priv, struct stat_info * pEntry, IN WIRELESS_MODE WirelessMode, IN u1Byte ChnlBW ) { BOOLEAN bShortGI; BOOLEAN bShortGI20MHz = FALSE, bShortGI40MHz = FALSE, bShortGI80MHz = FALSE; if ( WirelessMode == WIRELESS_MODE_N_24G || WirelessMode == WIRELESS_MODE_N_5G || WirelessMode == WIRELESS_MODE_AC_5G ) { if (pEntry->ht_cap_buf.ht_cap_info & cpu_to_le16(_HTCAP_SHORTGI_20M_) && priv->pmib->dot11nConfigEntry.dot11nShortGIfor20M) { bShortGI20MHz = TRUE; } if (pEntry->ht_cap_buf.ht_cap_info & cpu_to_le16(_HTCAP_SHORTGI_40M_) && priv->pmib->dot11nConfigEntry.dot11nShortGIfor40M) { bShortGI40MHz = TRUE; } if (WirelessMode == WIRELESS_MODE_AC_5G) { if ( cpu_to_le32(pEntry->vht_cap_buf.vht_cap_info) & BIT(SHORT_GI80M_E)) bShortGI80MHz = TRUE; } } switch (ChnlBW) { case HT_CHANNEL_WIDTH_20_40: bShortGI = bShortGI40MHz; break; case HT_CHANNEL_WIDTH_80: bShortGI = bShortGI80MHz; break; default: case HT_CHANNEL_WIDTH_20: bShortGI = bShortGI20MHz; break; } return bShortGI; } u4Byte RateToBitmap_2SSVHT( pu1Byte pVHTRate ) { u1Byte i, j , tmpRate; u4Byte RateBitmap = 0; for (i = j = 0; i < 4; i += 2, j += 10) { tmpRate = (pVHTRate[0] >> i) & 3; switch (tmpRate) { case 2: RateBitmap = RateBitmap | (0x03ff << j); break; case 1: RateBitmap = RateBitmap | (0x01ff << j); break; case 0: RateBitmap = RateBitmap | (0x00ff << j); break; default: break; } } return RateBitmap; } u4Byte Get_VHT_HT_Mix_Ratrbitmap( u4Byte IOTAction, WIRELESS_MODE WirelessMode, u4Byte HT_ratr_bitmap, u4Byte VHT_ratr_bitmap ) { u4Byte ratr_bitmap = 0; if (WirelessMode == WIRELESS_MODE_N_24G || WirelessMode == WIRELESS_MODE_N_5G) { /* if(IOTAction == HT_IOT_VHT_HT_MIX_MODE) ratr_bitmap = HT_ratr_bitmap | BIT28 | BIT29; else ratr_bitmap = HT_ratr_bitmap; */ } else ratr_bitmap = VHT_ratr_bitmap; return ratr_bitmap; } VOID UpdateHalRAMask8812( struct rtl8192cd_priv *priv, struct stat_info *pEntry, u1Byte rssi_level ) { u1Byte WirelessMode = WIRELESS_MODE_A; u1Byte BW = HT_CHANNEL_WIDTH_20; // u2Byte RateSet=0, i; u1Byte MimoPs = MIMO_PS_NOLIMIT, ratr_index = 8, H2CCommand[7] = { 0}; u4Byte ratr_bitmap = 0, IOTAction = 0; BOOLEAN bShortGI = FALSE, bCurTxBW80MHz = FALSE, bCurTxBW40MHz = FALSE; struct stat_info *pstat = pEntry; u1Byte rf_mimo_mode = get_rf_mimo_mode(priv); if (pEntry == NULL) { return; } { if (pEntry->MIMO_ps & _HT_MIMO_PS_STATIC_) MimoPs = MIMO_PS_STATIC; else if (pEntry->MIMO_ps & _HT_MIMO_PS_DYNAMIC_) MimoPs = MIMO_PS_DYNAMIC; #if 1 if(pstat->tx_bw > priv->pshare->CurrentChannelBW) pstat->tx_bw = priv->pshare->CurrentChannelBW; #endif add_RATid(priv, pEntry); ratr_bitmap = 0xfffffff; // // if(pstat->vht_cap_len && ( priv->pshare->rf_ft_var.support_11ac)) { if (pstat->vht_cap_len && (priv->pmib->dot11BssType.net_work_type & WIRELESS_11AC)) { if( (IS_B_CUT_8812(priv)) && ((priv->pmib->dot11nConfigEntry.dot11nUse40M==0)||(pstat->tx_bw == 0)) ) { //printk("\n !!! B CUT + AC STA + 20M, NO AC RATES !!!\n"); //printk("AP=%dM, STA=%dM\n", (0x1<<(priv->pmib->dot11nConfigEntry.dot11nUse40M))*20 , (0x1<<(pstat->tx_bw))*20 ); WirelessMode = WIRELESS_MODE_N_5G; } else{ WirelessMode = WIRELESS_MODE_AC_5G; } if (((le32_to_cpu(pstat->vht_cap_buf.vht_support_mcs[0]) >> 2) & 3) == 3) rf_mimo_mode = MIMO_1T1R; if (pstat->nss == 1) rf_mimo_mode = MIMO_1T1R; } else if ((priv->pmib->dot11BssType.net_work_type & WIRELESS_11N) && pstat->ht_cap_len && (!should_restrict_Nrate(priv, pstat))) { if (priv->pmib->dot11BssType.net_work_type & WIRELESS_11A) WirelessMode = WIRELESS_MODE_N_5G; else WirelessMode = WIRELESS_MODE_N_24G; if ((pstat->tx_ra_bitmap & 0xff00000) == 0) rf_mimo_mode = MIMO_1T1R; } else if (((priv->pmib->dot11BssType.net_work_type & WIRELESS_11G) && isErpSta(pstat))) { WirelessMode = WIRELESS_MODE_G; } else if ((priv->pmib->dot11BssType.net_work_type & WIRELESS_11A) && ((OPMODE & WIFI_AP_STATE) || (priv->pmib->dot11RFEntry.phyBandSelect & PHY_BAND_5G))) { WirelessMode = WIRELESS_MODE_A; } else if (priv->pmib->dot11BssType.net_work_type & WIRELESS_11B) { WirelessMode = WIRELESS_MODE_B; } if (WirelessMode == WIRELESS_MODE_AC_5G) { int tmp32 = (pstat->vht_cap_buf.vht_support_mcs[0]); ratr_bitmap &= 0xfff; // special 1SS & 2SS if (pstat->nss == 1) tmp32 |= cpu_to_le32(0xfffc); else if ((pstat->nss == 2) && (le32_to_cpu(tmp32) & 0x0c) == 0x0c) tmp32 &= cpu_to_le32(0xfffffff3); // ratr_bitmap |= RateToBitmap_2SSVHT((pu1Byte)&tmp32) << 12; if (IS_TEST_CHIP(priv)) { // Test Chip... 2SS MCS7 if (rf_mimo_mode == MIMO_1T1R) ratr_bitmap &= 0x000fffff; else ratr_bitmap &= 0x3FCFFFFF; } else { // MP Chip... MCS0~9 if (rf_mimo_mode == MIMO_1T1R) ratr_bitmap &= 0x003fffff; } if (pstat->tx_bw == HT_CHANNEL_WIDTH_80) bCurTxBW80MHz = TRUE; } if (priv->pshare->is_40m_bw && (pstat->tx_bw == HT_CHANNEL_WIDTH_20_40)) bCurTxBW40MHz = TRUE; } // assign band mask and rate bitmap switch (WirelessMode) { case WIRELESS_MODE_B: { ratr_index = RATR_INX_WIRELESS_B; if (ratr_bitmap & 0x0000000c) //11M or 5.5M enable ratr_bitmap &= 0x0000000d; else ratr_bitmap &= 0x0000000f; } break; case WIRELESS_MODE_G: { ratr_index = RATR_INX_WIRELESS_GB; if (rssi_level == 1) ratr_bitmap &= 0x00000f00; else if (rssi_level == 2) ratr_bitmap &= 0x00000ff0; else ratr_bitmap &= 0x00000ff5; } break; case WIRELESS_MODE_A: { ratr_index = RATR_INX_WIRELESS_G; ratr_bitmap &= 0x00000ff0; } break; case WIRELESS_MODE_N_24G: case WIRELESS_MODE_N_5G: { if (WirelessMode == WIRELESS_MODE_N_24G) ratr_index = RATR_INX_WIRELESS_NGB; else ratr_index = RATR_INX_WIRELESS_NG; // if(MimoPs <= MIMO_PS_DYNAMIC) if (MimoPs < MIMO_PS_DYNAMIC) { if (rssi_level == 1) ratr_bitmap &= 0x000f0000; else if (rssi_level == 2) ratr_bitmap &= 0x000ff000; else ratr_bitmap &= 0x000ff005; } else { if (rf_mimo_mode == MIMO_1T1R) { if (bCurTxBW40MHz) { if (rssi_level == 1) ratr_bitmap &= 0x000f0000; else if (rssi_level == 2) ratr_bitmap &= 0x000ff000; else ratr_bitmap &= 0x000ff015; } else { if (rssi_level == 1) ratr_bitmap &= 0x000f0000; else if (rssi_level == 2) ratr_bitmap &= 0x000ff000; else ratr_bitmap &= 0x000ff005; } } else { if (bCurTxBW40MHz) { if (rssi_level == 1) ratr_bitmap &= 0x0f8f0000; else if (rssi_level == 2) ratr_bitmap &= 0x0f8ff000; else ratr_bitmap &= 0x0f8ff015; } else { if (rssi_level == 1) ratr_bitmap &= 0x0f8f0000; else if (rssi_level == 2) ratr_bitmap &= 0x0f8ff000; else ratr_bitmap &= 0x0f8ff005; } } } } break; case WIRELESS_MODE_AC_5G: { ratr_index = RATR_INX_WIRELESS_AC_N; if (rf_mimo_mode == MIMO_1T1R) ratr_bitmap &= 0x003ff010; else ratr_bitmap &= 0xfffff010; ratr_bitmap &= (priv->pmib->dot11acConfigEntry.dot11VHT_TxMap << 12)|0xff0; } break; default: ratr_index = RATR_INX_WIRELESS_NGB; if (rf_mimo_mode == MIMO_1T1R) ratr_bitmap &= 0x000ff0ff; else ratr_bitmap &= 0x0f8ff0ff; break; } BW = Get_RA_BW(bCurTxBW80MHz, bCurTxBW40MHz); bShortGI = Get_RA_ShortGI(priv, pEntry, WirelessMode, BW); pstat->ratr_idx = MRateIdxToARFRId8812(priv, ratr_index, rf_mimo_mode) ; H2CCommand[0] = (pstat->aid); H2CCommand[1] = (pstat->ratr_idx) | (bShortGI ? 0x80 : 0x00) ; H2CCommand[2] = BW | Get_VHT_ENI(IOTAction, WirelessMode, ratr_bitmap); H2CCommand[2] |= BIT6; // DisableTXPowerTraining H2CCommand[3] = (u1Byte)(ratr_bitmap & 0x000000ff); H2CCommand[4] = (u1Byte)((ratr_bitmap & 0x0000ff00) >> 8); H2CCommand[5] = (u1Byte)((ratr_bitmap & 0x00ff0000) >> 16); H2CCommand[6] = (u1Byte)((ratr_bitmap & 0xff000000) >> 24); FillH2CCmd8812(priv, H2C_8812_RA_MASK, 7, H2CCommand); SetBcnCtrlReg_8812(priv, BIT3, 0); /* panic_printk("UpdateHalRAMask8812E(): bitmap = %x ratr_index = %1x, MacID:%x, ShortGI:%x, MimoPs=%d\n", ratr_bitmap, pstat->ratr_idx, (pstat->aid), bShortGI, MimoPs); panic_printk("Cmd: %02x, %02x, %02x, %02x, %02x, %02x, %02x \n", H2CCommand[0] ,H2CCommand[1], H2CCommand[2], H2CCommand[3] ,H2CCommand[4], H2CCommand[5], H2CCommand[6] ); */ } void UpdateHalMSRRPT8812( struct rtl8192cd_priv *priv, unsigned short aid, unsigned char opmode ) { u1Byte H2CCommand[3] = { 0}; H2CCommand[0] = opmode & 0x01; H2CCommand[1] = aid & 0xff; H2CCommand[2] = 0; FillH2CCmd8812(priv, H2C_8812_MSRRPT, 3, H2CCommand); // panic_printk("UpdateHalMSRRPT8812 Cmd: %02x, %02x, %02x \n", // H2CCommand[0] ,H2CCommand[1], H2CCommand[2]); } void check_txrate_by_reg_8812(struct rtl8192cd_priv *priv, struct stat_info *pstat) { unsigned char initial_rate = 0x7f; unsigned char legacyRA = 0 ; unsigned int autoRate1 = 0; // if (!priv->pshare->rf_ft_var.update_rainfo) // return; RTL_W8(0x8d, 0x01); RTL_W8(0x8f, 0x40); if ( should_restrict_Nrate(priv, pstat) && is_fixedMCSTxRate(priv)) legacyRA = 1; if (pstat->aid && (pstat->aid < FW_NUM_STAT - 1)) { #ifdef WDS if (pstat->state & WIFI_WDS) { autoRate1 = (priv->pmib->dot11WdsInfo.entry[pstat->wds_idx].txRate == 0) ? 1 : 0; } else #endif { autoRate1 = priv->pmib->dot11StationConfigEntry.autoRate; } if (autoRate1 || legacyRA) { RTL_W8(0x8c, REMAP_AID(pstat) & 0x1f); initial_rate = RTL_R8(0x2f0); if ((initial_rate & 0x7f) == 0x7f) return; if ((initial_rate & 0x3f) < 12) { pstat->current_tx_rate = dot11_rate_table[initial_rate & 0x3f]; pstat->ht_current_tx_info &= ~TX_USE_SHORT_GI; } else { if ((initial_rate & 0x3f) >= 44) pstat->current_tx_rate = 0x90 + ((initial_rate & 0x3f) - 44); else pstat->current_tx_rate = 0x80 + ((initial_rate & 0x3f) - 12); if (initial_rate & BIT(7)) pstat->ht_current_tx_info |= TX_USE_SHORT_GI; else pstat->ht_current_tx_info &= ~TX_USE_SHORT_GI; } priv->pshare->current_tx_rate = pstat->current_tx_rate; priv->pshare->ht_current_tx_info = pstat->ht_current_tx_info; } } } #if defined(CONFIG_RTL_8812_SUPPORT) void odm_TXPowerTrackingCallback_ThermalMeter_8812E(struct rtl8192cd_priv * priv) { unsigned char ThermalValue = 0, delta, channel, is_decrease, rf_mimo_mode; unsigned char ThermalValue_AVG_count = 0; unsigned int ThermalValue_AVG = 0; int ele_D, value32; char OFDM_index[2], index; unsigned int i = 0, j = 0, rf; unsigned char OFDM_min_index = 7; //OFDM BB Swing should be less than +2.5dB, which is required by Arthur rf_mimo_mode = get_rf_mimo_mode(priv); #ifdef MP_TEST if ((OPMODE & WIFI_MP_STATE) || priv->pshare->rf_ft_var.mp_specific) { channel = priv->pshare->working_channel; if (priv->pshare->mp_txpwr_tracking == FALSE) return; } else #endif { channel = (priv->pmib->dot11RFEntry.dot11channel); } if (priv->pshare->Power_tracking_on_8812 == 0) { priv->pshare->Power_tracking_on_8812 = 1; PHY_SetRFReg(priv, RF92CD_PATH_A, 0x42, (BIT(17) | BIT(16)), 0x03); return; } else { priv->pshare->Power_tracking_on_8812 = 0; ThermalValue = (unsigned char)PHY_QueryRFReg(priv, RF_PATH_A, 0x42, 0xfc00, 1); //0x42: RF Reg[15:10] 88E //printk("\nReadback Thermal Meter = 0x%x pre thermal meter 0x%x EEPROMthermalmeter 0x%x\n", ThermalValue, priv->pshare->ThermalValue, priv->pmib->dot11RFEntry.ther); } switch (rf_mimo_mode) { case MIMO_1T1R: rf = 1; break; case MIMO_2T2R: rf = 2; break; default: panic_printk("%s:%d get_rf_mimo_mode error!\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); break; } //Query OFDM path A default setting Bit[31:21] ele_D = PHY_QueryBBReg(priv, 0xc1c, 0xffe00000); for (i = 0; i < OFDM_TABLE_SIZE_8812; i++) { if (ele_D == OFDMSwingTable_8812[i]) { OFDM_index[0] = (unsigned char)i; //printk("PathA 0xc1c[32:21] = 0x%x, OFDM_index=%d\n", ele_D, OFDM_index[0]); break; } } //Query OFDM path B default setting if (rf_mimo_mode == MIMO_2T2R) { ele_D = PHY_QueryBBReg(priv, 0xe1c, 0xffe00000); for (i = 0; i < OFDM_TABLE_SIZE_8812; i++) { if (ele_D == OFDMSwingTable_8812[i]) { OFDM_index[1] = (unsigned char)i; //printk("PathB 0xe1c[31:21] = 0x%x, OFDM_index=%d\n", ele_D, OFDM_index[1]); break; } } } /* Initialize */ if (!priv->pshare->ThermalValue) { priv->pshare->ThermalValue = priv->pmib->dot11RFEntry.ther; } /* calculate average thermal meter */ { priv->pshare->ThermalValue_AVG_8812[priv->pshare->ThermalValue_AVG_index_8812] = ThermalValue; priv->pshare->ThermalValue_AVG_index_8812++; if (priv->pshare->ThermalValue_AVG_index_8812 == AVG_THERMAL_NUM_8812) priv->pshare->ThermalValue_AVG_index_8812 = 0; for (i = 0; i < AVG_THERMAL_NUM_8812; i++) { if (priv->pshare->ThermalValue_AVG_8812[i]) { ThermalValue_AVG += priv->pshare->ThermalValue_AVG_8812[i]; ThermalValue_AVG_count++; } } if (ThermalValue_AVG_count) { ThermalValue = (unsigned char)(ThermalValue_AVG / ThermalValue_AVG_count); //printk("AVG Thermal Meter = 0x%x \n", ThermalValue); } } if (ThermalValue != priv->pshare->ThermalValue) { //printk("\n******** START:%s() ********\n", __FUNCTION__); //printk("\nReadback Thermal Meter = 0x%x pre thermal meter 0x%x EEPROMthermalmeter 0x%x\n", ThermalValue, priv->pshare->ThermalValue, priv->pmib->dot11RFEntry.ther); delta = RTL_ABS(ThermalValue, priv->pmib->dot11RFEntry.ther); is_decrease = ((ThermalValue < priv->pmib->dot11RFEntry.ther) ? 1 : 0); if (priv->pmib->dot11RFEntry.phyBandSelect == PHY_BAND_5G) { #ifdef _TRACKING_TABLE_FILE if (priv->pshare->rf_ft_var.pwr_track_file) { if (is_decrease) { for (i = 0; i < rf; i++) { OFDM_index[i] = priv->pshare->OFDM_index0[i] + get_tx_tracking_index(priv, channel, i, delta, is_decrease, 0); OFDM_index[i] = ((OFDM_index[i] > (OFDM_TABLE_SIZE_8812 - 1)) ? (OFDM_TABLE_SIZE_8812 - 1) : OFDM_index[i]); //printk(">>> decrese power ---> new OFDM_INDEX:%d (%d + %d)\n", OFDM_index[i], priv->pshare->OFDM_index0[i], get_tx_tracking_index(priv, channel, i, delta, is_decrease, 0)); } } else { for (i = 0; i < rf; i++) { OFDM_index[i] = priv->pshare->OFDM_index0[i] - get_tx_tracking_index(priv, channel, i, delta, is_decrease, 0); OFDM_index[i] = ((OFDM_index[i] < OFDM_min_index) ? OFDM_min_index : OFDM_index[i]); //printk(">>> increse power ---> new OFDM_INDEX:%d (%d - %d)\n", OFDM_index[i], priv->pshare->OFDM_index0[i], get_tx_tracking_index(priv, channel, i, delta, is_decrease, 0)); } } } #endif PHY_SetBBReg(priv, 0xc1c, 0xffe00000, OFDMSwingTable_8812[(unsigned int)OFDM_index[0]]); if (rf_mimo_mode == MIMO_2T2R) PHY_SetBBReg(priv, 0xe1c, 0xffe00000, OFDMSwingTable_8812[(unsigned int)OFDM_index[1]]); } /* printk("PathA >>>>> 0xc1c[31:21] = 0x%x, OFDM_index:%d\n", PHY_QueryBBReg(priv, 0xc1c, 0xffe00000), OFDM_index[0]); if (rf_mimo_mode == MIMO_2T2R) printk("PathB >>>>> 0xe1c[31:21] = 0x%x, OFDM_index:%d\n", PHY_QueryBBReg(priv, 0xe1c, 0xffe00000), OFDM_index[1]); printk("\n******** END:%s() ********\n", __FUNCTION__); */ //update thermal meter value priv->pshare->ThermalValue = ThermalValue; for (i = 0 ; i < rf ; i++) priv->pshare->OFDM_index[i] = OFDM_index[i]; } } void requestTxReport_8812(struct rtl8192cd_priv *priv) { unsigned char h2cresult, counter = 20; struct stat_info *sta; unsigned char H2CCommand[2] = {0xff, 0xff}; if ( priv->pshare->sta_query_idx == -1) return; while (is_h2c_buf_occupy(priv)) { delay_ms(2); if (--counter == 0) break; } if (!counter) return; sta = findNextSTA(priv, &priv->pshare->sta_query_idx); if (sta) H2CCommand[0] = REMAP_AID(sta); else { priv->pshare->sta_query_idx = -1; return; } sta = findNextSTA(priv, &priv->pshare->sta_query_idx); if (sta) { H2CCommand[1] = REMAP_AID(sta); } else { priv->pshare->sta_query_idx = -1; } //WDEBUG("\n"); h2cresult = FillH2CCmd8812(priv, H2C_8812_TX_REPORT, 2 , H2CCommand); //WDEBUG("h2cresult=%d\n",h2cresult); } /*C2H_isr_8812() AP Req Txrpt "Start Address:USB:0xFD20PCIe/USB: 0x01A0" |ID|SEQ |CONTENT |LEN|TRIGGER| ----------------------------------------- |0 | 1 |2~13 |14 |15 | ----------------------------------------- |ID=0x04|SEQ|STA1 MACID(1B)|Tx_ok1(2B)|Tx_fail1(2B)|initial rate1(1B)|STA2 MACID(1B)|Tx_ok2(2B)|Tx_fail2(2B)|Initial rate2(1B)|Len=12(1B)|FF(1B)| */ void C2H_isr_8812(struct rtl8192cd_priv *priv) { struct tx_rpt rpt1; int j, C2H_ID; unsigned char MacID = 0xff; int idx = 0x1a2; unsigned long flags; //WDEBUG("\n"); SAVE_INT_AND_CLI(flags); C2H_ID = RTL_R8(0x1a0); if ( (C2H_ID) == C2H_8812_TX_REPORT ) { for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) { MacID = RTL_R8(idx); if (MacID == 0xff) continue; rpt1.macid = MacID & (0x1f); if (rpt1.macid) { #ifdef _BIG_ENDIAN_ rpt1.txok = le16_to_cpu(RTL_R16(idx + 1)); rpt1.txfail = le16_to_cpu(RTL_R16(idx + 3)); #else rpt1.txok = be16_to_cpu(RTL_R16(idx + 1)); rpt1.txfail = be16_to_cpu(RTL_R16(idx + 3)); #endif rpt1.initil_tx_rate = RTL_R8(idx + 5); txrpt_handler(priv, &rpt1); // add inital tx rate handle for 8812E } idx += 6; } } #ifdef BEAMFORMING_SUPPORT if((C2H_ID & 0xF) == C2H_8812_TXBF) { u1Byte tmpBuf = RTL_R8(REG_C2HEVT_MSG_NORMAL_8812+2); if(tmpBuf& BIT0) { // check sounding BW also... if(priv->pshare->BeamformingCurIdx) RTL_W16(REG_TXBF_CTRL_8812+2, RTL_R16(REG_TXBF_CTRL_8812+2) | BIT11); else RTL_W16(REG_TXBF_CTRL_8812, RTL_R16(REG_TXBF_CTRL_8812) | BIT11); } else { BeamformingEnd(priv, tmpBuf& BIT0); } } #endif RTL_W8( 0x1af, 0); if ( (C2H_ID) == C2H_8812_TX_REPORT ) requestTxReport_8812(priv); RESTORE_INT(flags); } #ifdef BEAMFORMING_SUPPORT VOID SetBeamformEnter8812( struct rtl8192cd_priv *priv, IN u1Byte Idx ) { u1Byte i = 0; RT_BEAMFORMING_INFO BeamformInfo = priv->pshare->BeamformingInfo[Idx]; u2Byte STAid = 0; if(OPMODE & WIFI_ADHOC_STATE) STAid = BeamformInfo.AID + 1; else STAid = BeamformInfo.P_AID; if (!IS_TEST_CHIP(priv)) { if (IS_C_CUT_8812(priv)) RTL_W16( REG_SND_PTCL_CTRL_8812, 0x2CB); // Disable SIG-B CRC8 check else RTL_W16( REG_SND_PTCL_CTRL_8812, 0x0B); } else RTL_W16( REG_SND_PTCL_CTRL_8812, 0x1B); // MAC addresss/Partial AID of Beamformer if(Idx == 0) { for(i = 0; i < 6 ; i++) RTL_W8( (REG_BFMER0_INFO_8812+i), BeamformInfo.MacAddr[i]); RTL_W16( REG_BFMER0_INFO_8812+6, BeamformInfo.P_AID); } else { for(i = 0; i < 6 ; i++) RTL_W8( (REG_BFMER1_INFO_8812+i), BeamformInfo.MacAddr[i]); RTL_W16( REG_BFMER1_INFO_8812+6, BeamformInfo.P_AID); } // CSI report parameters of Beamformer RTL_W32( REG_CSI_RPT_PARAM_BW20_8812, 0x05090509); RTL_W32( REG_CSI_RPT_PARAM_BW40_8812, 0x05090509); RTL_W32( REG_CSI_RPT_PARAM_BW80_8812, 0x05090509); // P_AID of Beamformee & enable NDPA transmission if(Idx == 0) { RTL_W16( REG_TXBF_CTRL_8812, STAid); RTL_W8( REG_TXBF_CTRL_8812+3, RTL_R8( REG_TXBF_CTRL_8812+3)|BIT6|BIT7|BIT4); } else { RTL_W16( REG_TXBF_CTRL_8812+2, STAid |BIT14| BIT15|BIT12); } // CSI report parameters of Beamformee if(Idx == 0) { // Get BIT24 & BIT25 u1Byte tmp = RTL_R8( REG_BFMEE_SEL_8812+3) & 0x3; RTL_W8( REG_BFMEE_SEL_8812+3, tmp | 0x60); RTL_W16( REG_BFMEE_SEL_8812, STAid | BIT9); } else { // Set BIT25 RTL_W16( REG_BFMEE_SEL_8812+2, STAid | 0xE2); } // Timeout value for MAC to leave NDP_RX_standby_state 60 us // RTL_W8( REG_SND_PTCL_CTRL_8812+3, 0x3C); RTL_W8( REG_SND_PTCL_CTRL_8812+3, 0x50); // // ndp_rx_standby_timer // if(pHalData->bIsMPChip == FALSE) if (IS_TEST_CHIP(priv)) { // VHT category value RTL_W8( REG_SND_PTCL_CTRL_8812+1, ACT_CAT_VHT); // NDPA subtype RTL_W8( REG_SND_PTCL_CTRL_8812+2, Type_NDPA >> 4); } } VOID SetBeamformLeave8812( struct rtl8192cd_priv *priv, IN u1Byte Idx ) { // RT_BEAMFORMING_INFO BeamformInfo = Adapter->MgntInfo.BeamformingInfo[Idx]; /* Clear P_AID of Beamformee * Clear MAC addresss of Beamformer * Clear Associated Bfmee Sel */ if(Idx == 0) { RTL_W16( REG_TXBF_CTRL_8812, 0); RTL_W32( REG_BFMER0_INFO_8812, 0); RTL_W16( REG_BFMER0_INFO_8812+4, 0); RTL_W16( REG_BFMEE_SEL_8812, 0); } else { RTL_W16( REG_TXBF_CTRL_8812+2, RTL_R8( REG_TXBF_CTRL_8812+3) & 0xE0); RTL_W32( REG_BFMER1_INFO_8812, 0); RTL_W16( REG_BFMER1_INFO_8812+4, 0); RTL_W16( REG_BFMEE_SEL_8812+2, RTL_R16( REG_BFMEE_SEL_8812+2) & 0x60); } } //2REG_C2HEVT_CLEAR #define C2H_EVT_HOST_CLOSE 0x00 // Set by driver and notify FW that the driver has read the C2H command message #define C2H_EVT_FW_CLOSE 0xFF // Set by FW indicating that FW had set the C2H command message and it's not yet read by driver. VOID Beamforming_NDPARate( struct rtl8192cd_priv *priv, BOOLEAN mode, u1Byte BW, u1Byte rate) { { if(mode ==0) { #if 1 rate = 11; // 54M BW = 0; #else rate = 0x0c; //_MCS0_RATE_; if(BW ==3) BW= 2; #endif } else { rate = 0x2c; //_NSS1_MCS0_RATE_; } } RTL_W8(0x45f, (rate<<2) | (BW & 0x03)); } #endif #endif #if defined(FOR_VHT5G_PF) void SwitchChannel(struct rtl8192cd_priv *priv) { struct stat_info *pstat; struct list_head *phead, *plist; phead = &priv->asoc_list; plist = phead->next; int ch = priv->pshare->dfsSwitchChannel; priv->pmib->dot11RFEntry.dot11channel = ch; priv->pshare->dfsSwitchChannel = 0; RTL_W8(TXPAUSE, 0xff); panic_printk("Swiching channel to %d!\n", priv->pmib->dot11RFEntry.dot11channel); priv->pshare->CurrentChannelBW = priv->pshare->is_40m_bw = priv->pmib->dot11nConfigEntry.dot11nUse40M; if( (ch>144) ? ((ch-1)%8) : (ch%8)) { GET_MIB(priv)->dot11nConfigEntry.dot11n2ndChOffset = HT_2NDCH_OFFSET_ABOVE; priv->pshare->offset_2nd_chan = HT_2NDCH_OFFSET_ABOVE; } else { GET_MIB(priv)->dot11nConfigEntry.dot11n2ndChOffset = HT_2NDCH_OFFSET_BELOW; priv->pshare->offset_2nd_chan = HT_2NDCH_OFFSET_BELOW; } priv->pshare->No_RF_Write = 0; SwBWMode(priv, priv->pshare->CurrentChannelBW, priv->pshare->offset_2nd_chan); SwChnl(priv, priv->pmib->dot11RFEntry.dot11channel, priv->pshare->offset_2nd_chan); PHY_IQCalibrate(priv); //FOR_8812_IQK priv->pshare->No_RF_Write = 1; GET_ROOT(priv)->pmib->dot11DFSEntry.DFS_detected = priv->pshare->dfsSwitchChannel = 0; priv->ht_cap_len = 0; update_beacon(priv); RTL_W8(TXPAUSE, 0x00); while(plist != phead) { pstat = list_entry(plist, struct stat_info, asoc_list); #ifdef TX_SHORTCUT if (!priv->pmib->dot11OperationEntry.disable_txsc) { int i; for (i=0; itx_sc_ent[i].hwdesc1.Dword7 &= ~(TX_TxBufSizeMask); } #endif UpdateHalRAMask8812(priv, pstat, 3); if (plist == plist->next) break; plist = plist->next; } } #endif #endif #endif //CONFIG_RTL_8812_SUPPORT #endif //CONFIG_RTL_8812_SUPPORT