/* * ---------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright c Realtek Semiconductor Corporation, 2002 * All rights reserved. * * $Header: /home/cvsroot/linux-2.6.19/linux-2.6.x/drivers/net/re865x/rtl865xc_swNic.h,v 1.3 2008/04/11 10:12:38 bo_zhao Exp $ * * Abstract: Switch core polling mode NIC header file. * * $Author: bo_zhao $ * * $Log: rtl865xc_swNic.h,v $ * Revision 1.3 2008/04/11 10:12:38 bo_zhao * *: swap nic drive to 8186 style * * Revision 1.2 2007/11/11 02:51:27 davidhsu * Fix the bug that do not fre rx skb in rx descriptor when driver is shutdown * * Revision 2007/08/06 10:04:52 root * Initial import source to CVS * * Revision 1.4 2006/09/15 03:53:39 ghhuang * +: Add TFTP download support for RTL8652 FPGA * * Revision 1.3 2005/09/22 05:22:31 bo_zhao * *** empty log message *** * * Revision 2005/09/05 12:38:24 alva * initial import for add TFTP server * * Revision 1.2 2004/03/31 01:49:20 yjlou * *: all text files are converted to UNIX format. * * Revision 1.1 2004/03/16 06:36:13 yjlou * *** empty log message *** * * Revision 2003/09/25 08:16:56 tony * initial loader tree * * Revision 2003/05/07 08:16:07 danwu * no message * * --------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifndef RTL865XC_SWNIC_H #define RTL865XC_SWNIC_H #if defined(CONFIG_RTL_HW_QOS_SUPPORT) //#define RTL_MULTIPLE_RX_TX_RING 1 /*enable multiple input queue(multiple rx ring)*/ #endif #define RTL865X_SWNIC_RXRING_HW_PKTDESC 6 #define RTL865X_SWNIC_TXRING_HW_PKTDESC 2 #if defined(CONFIG_RTL_8198) && !defined(CONFIG_RTL_8198_AP_ROOT) #define MAX_PRE_ALLOC_RX_SKB 512 #define NUM_RX_PKTHDR_DESC 512 #define NUM_TX_PKTHDR_DESC 1024 #define ETH_REFILL_THRESHOLD 8 // must < NUM_RX_PKTHDR_DESC #else #ifdef DELAY_REFILL_ETH_RX_BUF #define MAX_PRE_ALLOC_RX_SKB 192 #define NUM_RX_PKTHDR_DESC 256 #define ETH_REFILL_THRESHOLD 8 // must < NUM_RX_PKTHDR_DESC #else #define MAX_PRE_ALLOC_RX_SKB 256 #define NUM_RX_PKTHDR_DESC 256 #endif #define NUM_TX_PKTHDR_DESC 128 #endif #if defined(RTL_MULTIPLE_RX_TX_RING) #define RTL_CPU_QOS_ENABLED 1 #define RTL865X_SWNIC_RXRING_MAX_PKTDESC 6 #define RTL865X_SWNIC_TXRING_MAX_PKTDESC 2 #define RTL_CPU_RX_RING_NUM 4 /* By default, only using rxring 0 and rxring 5 * in order to make different between low/high * priority */ #define NUM_RX_PKTHDR_DESC1 2 #define NUM_RX_PKTHDR_DESC2 2 #define NUM_RX_PKTHDR_DESC3 2 #define NUM_RX_PKTHDR_DESC4 2 #define NUM_RX_PKTHDR_DESC5 NUM_RX_PKTHDR_DESC #define NUM_TX_PKTHDR_DESC1 NUM_TX_PKTHDR_DESC #define ETH_REFILL_THRESHOLD1 0 // must < NUM_RX_PKTHDR_DESC1 #define ETH_REFILL_THRESHOLD2 0 // must < NUM_RX_PKTHDR_DESC2 #define ETH_REFILL_THRESHOLD3 0 // must < NUM_RX_PKTHDR_DESC3 #define ETH_REFILL_THRESHOLD4 0 // must < NUM_RX_PKTHDR_DESC4 #define ETH_REFILL_THRESHOLD5 ETH_REFILL_THRESHOLD // must < NUM_RX_PKTHDR_DESC5 #define QUEUEID0_RXRING_MAPPING 0x0000 #define QUEUEID1_RXRING_MAPPING 0x0000 #define QUEUEID2_RXRING_MAPPING 0x5555 #define QUEUEID3_RXRING_MAPPING 0x5555 #define QUEUEID4_RXRING_MAPPING 0x5555 #define QUEUEID5_RXRING_MAPPING 0x5555 #else #define RTL865X_SWNIC_RXRING_MAX_PKTDESC 1 #define RTL865X_SWNIC_TXRING_MAX_PKTDESC 1 #define RTL_CPU_RX_RING_NUM 1 #define NUM_RX_PKTHDR_DESC1 2 #define NUM_RX_PKTHDR_DESC2 2 #define NUM_RX_PKTHDR_DESC3 2 #define NUM_RX_PKTHDR_DESC4 2 #define NUM_RX_PKTHDR_DESC5 2 #define NUM_TX_PKTHDR_DESC1 2 #define ETH_REFILL_THRESHOLD1 0 // must < NUM_RX_PKTHDR_DESC #define ETH_REFILL_THRESHOLD2 0 // must < NUM_RX_PKTHDR_DESC #define ETH_REFILL_THRESHOLD3 0 // must < NUM_RX_PKTHDR_DESC #define ETH_REFILL_THRESHOLD4 0 // must < NUM_RX_PKTHDR_DESC #define ETH_REFILL_THRESHOLD5 0 // must < NUM_RX_PKTHDR_DESC #define QUEUEID0_RXRING_MAPPING 0 #define QUEUEID1_RXRING_MAPPING 0 #define QUEUEID2_RXRING_MAPPING 0 #define QUEUEID3_RXRING_MAPPING 0 #define QUEUEID4_RXRING_MAPPING 0 #define QUEUEID5_RXRING_MAPPING 0 #endif /* refer to rtl865xc_swNic.c & rtl865xc_swNic.h */ #define UNCACHE_MASK 0x20000000 /* rxPreProcess */ #define RTL8651_CPU_PORT 0x07 /* in rtl8651_tblDrv.h */ #define _RTL865XB_EXTPORTMASKS 7 typedef struct { uint16 vid; uint16 pid; uint16 len; uint16 priority:3; uint16 rxPri:3; void* input; struct dev_priv* priv; uint32 isPdev; #if defined(CONFIG_RTL_STP) int8 isStpVirtualDev; #endif } rtl_nicRx_info; typedef struct { uint16 vid; uint16 portlist; uint16 srcExtPort; uint16 flags; uint32 txIdx:1; #if defined(CONFIG_RTL_HW_QOS_SUPPORT) uint32 priority:3; uint32 queueId:3; #endif void *out_skb; } rtl_nicTx_info; #if defined(RTL_CPU_QOS_ENABLED) #define RTL_NIC_QUEUE_LEN (32) #define RTL_CPUQOS_PKTCNT_THRESHOLD (1000) #define RTL_ASSIGN_RX_PRIORITY ((highestPriority