/* * Copyright c Realtek Semiconductor Corporation, 2002 * All rights reserved. * * Program : Header File for RTL utilities * Abstract : * Author : * $Id: rtl_utils.h,v 1.1 2007-12-21 10:29:52 davidhsu Exp $ */ #ifndef RTL8651_UTILITY_H #define RTL8651_UTILITY_H void __strlowerncpy(char *dst, const char *src, int32 len); int8 *_strncpy(int8 *dst0, const int8 *src0, int32 count); int _strncasecmp(const char *s1, const char *s2, unsigned int n); int32 _strncmp(const int8 *s1, const int8 *s2, int32 n); void rtl8651_memcpy(void *dst,void*src,int32 len); int32 isPowerOf2(uint32 number, uint32 *exponent); int32 IpStrToAscii(const int8 *cp, uint32 *addr); void IntToAscii(int32 n, int8 s[]); int AsciiToInt( char **s); uint8 charToInt(char c); int32 ether_aton_r(int8 *a, ether_addr_t *eth); int32 ether_ntoa_r(ether_addr_t *n, uint8 *a); int8 *inet_ntoa_r(ipaddr_t ipaddr, int8 *p); int32 memComp( void* _p1, void *_p2, int32 len, uint8* strHeader ); uint8* strtomac(ether_addr_t *mac, int8 *str); void memDump (void *start, uint32 size, int8 * strHeader); #if 0 void *rtl_malloc(uint32); void rtl_free(void *APTR); #endif #ifdef CONFIG_RTL865X_ROMEREAL /*Turn on In-memory "ethereal" like pkt sniffing code.*/ #define START_SNIFFING rtl8651_romerealRecord #else #define START_SNIFFING(x,y) do{}while(0) #endif #ifdef CONFIG_RTL865X_ROMEPERF /*Turn on CPU profiling code.*/ #include "../romeperf.h" #define PROFILING_START rtl8651_romeperfEnterPoint #define PROFILING_END rtl8651_romeperfExitPoint #else #define PROFILING_START(x) do{}while(0) #define PROFILING_END(x) do{}while(0) #endif /*=================================================================== * ONE's COMPLEMENT OPERATION * All the operands and return value are 'host-order'. * Please notice the endian problem. *===================================================================*/ /* One's Complement ADD */ inline static uint16 OCADD( uint16 a, uint16 b ) { uint32 t; /* temp */ t = ((a)&0xffff)+((b)&0xffff); t = (t&0xffff)+(t>>16); return (uint16)t; } /* One's Complement NEGtive */ inline static uint16 OCNEG( uint16 a ) { return (~a)&0xffff; } /* One's Complement SUBtract */ inline static uint16 OCSUB( uint16 a, uint16 b ) { return OCADD( a, OCNEG(b) ); } ipaddr_t convPrefix(int prefixLen); #if 0 #define TBL_MEM_ALLOC(tbl, type, size) \ { \ (tbl) = (type *)rtl_malloc((size) * sizeof(type)); \ if(!(tbl)){\ rtlglue_printf("MEM alloc failed at line %d\n", __LINE__);\ while(1);\ return FAILED;\ }\ } #if defined(RTL865X_MODEL_USER) /* User mode, compiler use STDINC, said that, bezro is defined. */ #else /* Not user mode, we need define. */ #ifndef bzero #define bzero( p, s ) memset( p, 0, s ) #endif #endif #endif #endif /* RTL8651_UTILITY_H */