/* * Copyright c Realtek Semiconductor Corporation, 2002 * All rights reserved. * * Program : The header file of all error numbers * Abstract : * Author : David Chun-Feng Liu (cfliu@realtek.com.tw) * $Id: rtl_errno.h,v 1.1 2007-12-21 10:29:52 davidhsu Exp $ * $log$ * ------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifndef _RTL_ERRNO_H #define _RTL_ERRNO_H //Driver ERROR NUMBER Definition /* Error Number for common use */ #define RTL_DUMMY -1 // NEVER use me!!! '-1' is used by FAILED. #define RTL_EENTRYALREADYEXIST -2 //The specifyied entry already exists. #define RTL_EENTRYNOTFOUND -3 //The specified entry was not found. #define RTL_EINVALIDPORT -4 //Unknown port number #define RTL_EINVALIDVLANID -5 //Invalid VLAN ID. #define RTL_EINVALIDINPUT -6 //Invalid input parameter. #define RTL_EINVNETIFNAME -7 //Invalid Network Interface name #define RTL_ENEEDLOOPBACKSET -8 //Need loopback port set #define RTL_ENOFREEBUFFER -9 //No Free buffer for new request #define RTL_EINVALIDIPRANGE -10//Invalid IP RANGE #define RTL_EINVALIDIPFILTER -11//Invalid Ip filter which for filter pkt's sip or dip /* Error Number for Port Mirror */ #define RTL_EPORTISAMIRRORPORT -1000 //The specified port is already configured as a mirror port #define RTL_EPORTISARXTXMIRRORED -1001 //The specified port is a Rx/Tx mirrored port #define RTL_EPORTCANTBEAGGREGATED -1002 //The Mirror port cannot be aggregated. #define RTL_EMIRRORPORTNOTFOUND -1003 //The specified Mirror port not found. /* DMZ Host error number */ #define RTL_EDMZHOSTNOTFOUND -1100 //DMZ host not found #define RTL_EDMZHOSTNEEDNAPTIP -1101 //DMZ host needs NAPT Ip address present #define RTL_EDMZHOSTSHOULDBEINTIP -1102 //DMZ host should be internal ip address #define RTL_EDMZHOSTCANNOTBEGWIP -1103 //DMZ host cannot be gateway ip address #define RTL_EDMZHOSTFULL -1104 //DMZ host array is full. #define RTL_EDMZHOSTDENYFILTEREDSIP -1105 //filtered PKT to DMZ because of the PKT's Sip in filterring range /* Error Number for ALG APIs */ #define RTL_EINVALALGATTR -1200 //Invalid ALG attribute. Neither Server nor Client is //specified to an ALG entry. #define RTL_EINVALPORTRANGE -1201 //Invalid port range was specified. #define RTL_EALGPORTRANGEOVERLAP -1202 //ALG port range overlap /* Error Number for Protocol Trap APIs */ #define RTL_EUNKNOWPROTOTYPE -1300 //Unknown Protocol Trap's Protocol type /* Error Number for ACL rule APIs */ #define RTL_EACLRULEISNULL -1400 //The specified ACL rule is NULL #define RTL_EINVALACTIONTYPE -1401 //ACL rule with invalid action type #define RTL_EACLMODEISNOTALLOWED -1402 //ACL mode is not match. #define RTL_EACLRULE_MATCHTYPEINCORRECT -1403 /* Incorrect match type */ #define RTL_EACLEGRESSRULE_NOTSUPPORTPKTOP -1404 /* Egress ACL not support packet operation */ #define RTL_EACLINVALIDRULETYPE -1405 /* Invalid acl rule type */ /* Error Number for NAPT APIs */ #define RTL_ENAPTIPNOTEXTIP -1500 //The Specified NAPT IP is not an external IP address #define RTL_ENAPTIPCANNOTBENAT -1501 //The Specified NAPT IP can not a NAT IP address /* Error Number for Ethernet port */ #define RTL_EPORTOPMODECANNOTAGGREGATE -1600 //Can not set a port's operation mode if the port is aggreaged. #define RTL_EUNKNOWPORTSPEED -1601 //Unknow port speed. The port speed should be either 10 or 100. #define RTL_EPORTSPEEDCANNOTAGGREGATE -1602 //The specified port's speed can not be changed if the port is aggreaged. #define RTL_EPORTAUTONEGOCANNOTAGGREGATE -1603 //Can not change a port's auto-negotiation capability if the port is aggregated. #define RTL_EINVALIDDATARATE -1604 //Invalid data rate. #define RTL_ENOTVLANPORTMEMBER -1605 //Specified port is not a member port of specified vlan. /* Error Number for Spanning Tree */ #define RTL_EINVALIDSID -1700 //Invalid spanning tree ID. #define RTL_ESIDALREADYEXIST -1701 //Spannding Tree ID already exists. #define RTL_EINVALIDPORTSTATE -1702 //Invalid Port State. #define RTL_ESIDISREFERENCEEDBYFID -1703 //Spanning Tree is being referenced by Filter Database. /* Error Number for Filter Database */ #define RTL_EINVALIDFID -1800 //Invalid Filter database ID #define RTL_EFIDALREADYEXISTS -1801 //Filter Database already exists. #define RTL_EFIDISREFERENCEDBYVLAN -1802 //Filter Database is being referenced by VLAN #define RTL_EFIDISNOTEMPTY -1803 //Filter Database is not empty #define RTL_EINVALIDACTIONTYPE -1804 //Invalid Port Action Type. #define RTL_ENULLMACADDR -1805 //The specified MAC address is NULL. #define RTL_EL2ENTRYEXISTS -1806 //The filter database entry already exists. #define RTL_EL2ENTRYNOTFOUND -1807 //The specified filter database entry was not found. //#ifdef TEST_GETL2TBL #define RTL_EGETL2_EMPTYL2TBL -1808 /* The L2 table is empty */ #define RTL_EGETL2_INVALIDL2ENTRY -1809 /* User specifies an invalid MAC address */ #define RTL_EGETL2_NOMOREVALIDL2ENTRY -1810 /* No more valid L2 entry */ //#endif /* Error Number for Aggregator */ #define RTL_EINVALIDAGGREGATORID -1900 //Invalid aggregator ID. #define RTL_EALREADYTRUNKING -1901 //Aggregator already aggregates more than one port. #define RTL_EAGGREGATORHASNOPORT -1902 //Not allow aggregator without port member #define RTL_EAGGREGATOREXCEED -1903 //The number of aggregator excees the system capability. #define RTL_EAGGREGATORIDGTPORTNO -1904 //Aggreagator ID > Port Number. When aggregating ports, //any port No. > aggregator ID is disallowed. #define RTL_EAGGREGATORSETINDIVIDUAL -1905 //Aggregator was set to individual, hence it can not //aggreate more then one port. #define RTL_EDIFFBROADCASTDOMAIN -1906 //Aggregator and port are in different broadcast domain. /* Error Number for VLAN */ #define RTL_EVLANALREADYEXISTS -2000 //Vlan already exists. #define RTL_ECANNOTREMOVEDEFVLAN -2001 //Cannot remove default VLAN. #define RTL_EVLANISREFERENCEDBYNETIF -2002 //Vlan is referenced by network interface. #define RTL_EVLANISREFERENCEDBYPPPOE -2003 //Vlan is referenced by PPPoE. #define RTL_EVLANHASMACALLOCATED -2004 //Vlan still has MAC address allocated. #define RTL_EVLANHASHPORTMEMBER -2005 //Vlan can not have member port while specifying its Filter database. #define RTL_EVLANTXMIRRORSET -2006 //Vlan has Tx mirror set hence can not set to promiscuous mode. #define RTL_EPORTNOTVLANMEMBER -2007 //The specified port is not a member of specified VLAN. #define RTL_EVLANPROMISSET -2008 //If VLAN promiscuous is set, a network interface cannot attach to the VLAN. #define RTL_EFWDTXMIRRORSET -2009 //Vlan Forwarding Tx Mirror set. #define RTL_EVLANMACREFERENCEDBYPPPOE -2010 //Vlan MAC is referenced by pppoe #define RTL_EVLANMACREFERENCEDBYNETIF -2011 //VLan MAC is referenced by network interface. #define RTL_EINVVLANMAC -2012 //Specified VLAN MAC number should be (0, 1, 2, 4, 8) #define RTL_ENOUSABLEMAC -2013 //No usable MAC address can be allocated #define RTL_EVLANNOMAC -2014 //Vlan has no MAC Address #define RTL_ENOVLAN -2015 //No more availiable VLAN entry /* Error Number for NAT */ #define RTL_ENATIPNOTEXTERNALIP -2100 //The specified NAT IP address is not an External IP address. #define RTL_ENATIPNOTINTERNALIP -2101 //The specified NAT Internal IP is not an Internal IP address. #define RTL_EDUPLOCATENATIP -2102 //The specified NAT IP address already maps to an Internal IP address. #define RTL_ENATIPCANNOTBENAPTIP -2103 //The specified NAT IP address cannot be a NAPT IP address. /* Error Number for Routing */ #define RTL_ERTALREADYEXIST -2300 //The routing entry already exists. #define RTL_ERTINVALNEXTHOP -2301 //Invalid nextHop #define RTL_ENOSESSIONALLOCATE -2302 //Need PPPoE session allocate /*#ifdef TEST_GETRTTBL*/ #define RTL_ERTCREATEBYIF -2303 //The route is added by IP interface creation. It can be removed. #define RTL_EGETRT_EMPTYRTTBL -2304 /* The routing table is empty */ #define RTL_EGETRT_NOMOREVALIDENTRY -2305 /* No more valid routing entry */ #define RTL_EGETRT_INVALIDRTENTRY -2306 /* User specifies an invalid route */ /*#endif */ /* Error Number for Arp */ #define RTL_ENONBROADCASTNET -2400 //Non Boradcast network is forbidden to add ARP entry. #define RTL_EARPALREADYEXIST -2401 //Arp entry already exists. #define RTL_EARPCANNOTADDL2ENTRY -2402 //The L2 Entry cannot be added. #define RTL_EARPCANNOTDELL2ENTRY -2403 //The L2 Entry cannot be deleted. #define RTL_ENOARPFOUND -2404 //No ARP entry was found /* Error Number for Network interface */ #define RTL_ENETIFREFERENCEDBYIPIF -2500 //The network interface is referenced by IP interface. #define RTL_ENETIFREFBYROUTE -2501 //The network interface is referenced by a routing entry. #define RTL_ELINKTYPESHOULDBERESET -2502 //The link layer type should be reset before removing. #define RTL_ENETIFREFERENCEDBYACL -2503 //The network interface is referenced by ACL. #define RTL_EUNKNOWLINKLAYERTYPE -2504 //Unknow link layer type. #define RTL_ECANNOTREMOVEIPUNNUMBER -2505 //Can not remove IP unnumbered network itnerface. Use rtl8651_delIpUnnumbered() first. #define RTL_ENETHASNOLLTYPESPECIFY -2506 //The specified network interface has no link-layer type specified. #define RTL_ENETISEXTERNAL -2507 //The removed network interface is an external interface. #define RTL_ENAPTSTART -2508 //When NAPT starts, no manipulation about IP interface //should be done #define RTL_ENETIFALREADYEXTERNAL -2509 //The specified network interface already is an external network interface. #define RTL_ESHOULDBEEXTIF -2510 //The network interface should be an external network interface #define RTL_ESHOULDNOTDMZEXT -2511 //The network interface should not be a DMZ external. #define RTL_ELIPUNNUMBEREDNOTALLOW -2512 //The specified network itnerface cannot be IP Unnumbered network. #define RTL_ENETIFREFBYNATNAPT -2513 //Network Interface is referenced BY NAT #define RTL_ENETIFLLTYPEALREADYSET -2514 //Link layer of the specified network itnerface type already set. #define RTL_ENOLLTYPESPECIFY -2515 //The network interface has no link layer type specified. /* Error Number for IP Unnumbered */ #define RTL_EONLYONEIPUNNUMBERISALLOWED -2600 //The whole system only allows one IP unnumbered network. #define RTL_ENETIFINVALID -2601 //One external and one internal network interfaces are needed. #define RTL_EWANIFCANNOTHAVEIPINTF -2602 //The external network interface cannot have IP interface. #define RTL_NETIFTYPENOTMATCH -2603 //The external network interface should be PPPoE type and internal interface should be VLAN type. #define RTL_ENETIFNEEDIPUNNUMBERED -2604 //The specified network itnerface should be IP unnumbered. #define RTL_EIPUNNUMBEREDHASHIPINTF -2605 //The IP Unnumebred still has external IP interface unnumebred attached. #define RTL_ENETIFNOTIPUNNUMBERED -2606 //The specified network interface is not an IP Unnumbered Network interface. #define RTL_ENOTIPUNNUMBEREDNETIF -2607 //The specified network interface is not IP Unnumbered Network interface. #define RTL_EIPUNINTIPINTFNEED -2608 //The specified network interface should be IP Unnumbered internal network interface. #define RTL_EIPUNISREFERENCEDBYPPPOE -2609 //The IP Unnumbered IP interface is referenced by PPPoE Session. #define RTL_EEXTINTFSHOULDBEPPPOE -2610 //The specified external network interface should be PPPoE type. #define RTL_ESHOULDBEEXTNETIF -2611 //The specified network interface should be external network interface. /* Error Number for IP interface */ #define RTL_ENETMASKCANNOTBEZERO -2701 //The netmask of IP interface cannot be zero. #define RTL_EIPUNEXTIFCANNOTHASHIPINTF -2702 //Cannot attach IP interface to External Network itnerface in an IP Unnumbered network. #define RTL_EIPIFALREADYEXIST -2703 //IP Interface already exists #define RTL_EINVNETMASK -2704 //Invalid network mask. The specified netmask may be 0xffffffff in a VLAN type network. #define RTL_ECANNOTREMOVEIPUNEXTIPINTF -2705 //Global IP interface of IP Unnumbered cannot be removed. Use rtl8651_setLanSideExternalIpInterface() first. #define RTL_EIPINTFISREFERENCEDBYARP -2706 //IP interface is referenced by ARP entry. It cannot be removed. #define RTL_EIPINTFISREFERENCEDBYLS -2707 //IP interface is referenced by Local Server. It cannot be removed. #define RTL_EIPINTFISREFERENCEDBYRT -2708 //IP interface is referenced by routing entry. It cannot be removed. #define RTL_EIPINTFISREFERENCEDNYNATNAPT -2709 //IP interface is referenced by NAT/NAPT. It cannot be removed. #define RTL_ENOIPINTFFOUND -2710 //The specified IP interface was not found. #define RTL_ENOTEXTIP -2711 //Specified external IP address doesn't belong to external interface #define RTL_ENOTINTIP -2712 //Specified internal IP address doesn't belong to internal interface /* Error Number for PPPoE */ #define RTL_EFORBIDPROMISCINPPPOE -2800 //If promiscuous mode was set, PPPoE cannot be created. #define RTL_EVLANSHOULDBEPPPOE -2801 //The specified VLAN should be PPPoE Type. #define RTL_EPPPOEALREADYEXISTS -2802 //The specified PPPoE already exists. #define RTL_EOUTOFVLANMACADDR -2803 //Out of VLAN MAC address. #define RTL_EINVALIDPPPOEID -2804 //Invalid PPPoE ID. #define RTL_EPPPOEISINUSE -2805 //The specified PPPoE is in use. #define RTL_EPPPOEISREFERENCEDBYRT -2806 //PPPoE is referenced by routing entry. #define RTL_EINVALIDSESSIONID -2807 //Invalid PPPoE Session ID. #define RTL_EPROPERTUALREADYSET -2808 //The specified PPPoE property was already set to another PPPoE ID. #define RTL_EPPPOEHASPROPERTYSET -2809 //The specified PPPoE ID already has property set. #define RTL_EPPPOECANNOTADDL2ENTRY -2810 //Cannot add L2 entry for the specified PPPoE. /* Error Number for Local Server */ #define RTL_EINVALIDLSIPADDR -2900 //Invalid Local Server IP address. #define RTL_ELSCANNOTBEGWIP -2901 //Local Server IP address cannot be gateway's IP address. #define RTL_ELSALREADYEXISTS -2902 //Local Server already exists. /* Error Number for NAPT */ #define RTL_EDSTIPISLS -3000 //NAPT DST IP is Local Server #define RTL_EGETOFFSETFAIL -3001 //NAPT get offset fail #define RTL_EINVALIDEXTPORT -3002 //Maybe the external port is in use or reserved #define RTL_ENOTPERMIT -3003 //The action is not allowed #define RTL_EEXTIDINUSE -3004 //NAPT ICMP external ID is in use #define RTL_EDRVNAPTEXIST -3005 //NAPT connection already exist in driver table #define RTL_EINVL4PORTNUM -3006 //Invalid UDP/TCP port number #define RTL_EINVEXTIP -3007 //Invliad external port number for NAPT #define RTL_EDEFAULTROUTENOTFOUND -3008 // Default Route is not defined. #define RTL_EADDHASH2NEXTHOP -3009 // Add Hash2 nexthop error #define RTL_EDEFAULTNAPTIPEXIST -3010 //Default Napt IP already exists #define RTL_ENAPTCONNECTIONFULL -3011 // napt system is full and can not add any other new flows #define RTL_ENAPTNOTFOUNDWITHINFO -3012 // Entry is not found, but return with infomation (for GetInbound()/Outbound()) /*Error Number for NAPTUSRMAPPING*/ #define RTL_EIPFILTEROVERLAPPING -3050 //ipfilter overlap: the ip range and port is overloapping #define RTL_ENAPTUSRMAPTYPEERROR -3051 //napt user map entry's type is error #define RTL_ENAPTUSRMAPFLAGERROR -3052 //napt user map entry's flag is error #define RTL_ENAPTUSRMAPFILTERNOTFOUND -3053 // napt user map ipFilter not found #define RTL_ENAPTUSRMAPDIRECTIONERROR -3054 // napt usr map info's direction is error #define RTL_ENAPTUSRMAPFILTERDROP -3055 //pkt was drop by usr filter /* Error Numebr for ALG */ #define RTL_ERANGEOVERLAP -3100 //ALG port range overlap /* Error Number Session: PPPoE, L2TP, PPTP */ #define RTL_ESESSIONNOTFOUND -3200 //The specified Session ID is not found #define RTL_ESESSIONREFERENCEDBYRT -3201 //The specified Session is referenced by routing entry #define RTL_ECANNOTMOVESESSION -3202 //Can not move session to another network interface #define RTL_EALREADYHAVESESSION -3203 //The specified network interface already has session attached #define RTL_ESESSIONISREFERENCED -3204 //Session is referenced #define RTL_ECANNOTUSETHISVID -3205 //No more than one PPTP/L2TP VLAN is allowed /* Error Number for Protocol-based NAT */ #define RTL_EPBNAT_ENTRY_EXIST -3301 //The given {protocol,extip,intip} exists #define RTL_EPBNAT_NO_FREE_ENTRY -3302 //No free entry for Protocol-Based NAT #define RTL_EPBNAT_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND -3303 //The specific entry is not found #define RTL_EPBNAT_PROTOCOL_NOT_SUPPORTED -3304 //The specific protocol is not supported by protocol-based NAT /* Error Number for Rate Limit */ #define RTL_EDUPGROUPID -3401 //Duplicate Rate Limit Group ID #define RTL_ERLENTRYISREFERENCE -3402 //The specified rate limit entry is being referenced. #define RTL_ENOGROUPIDFOUND -3403 //The specified group ID was not found. #define RTL_EEXCEEDTOTALBW -3404 //The specified ratio exceeds total allowed bandwidth /* Error Number for IPSec */ #define RTL_EIPSEC_PARAM_ERROR -4001 //IPSec parameter error #define RTL_EIPSEC_SPI_EXISTED -4002 //IPSec SPI has existed #define RTL_EIPSEC_SPI_NOT_FOUNT -4003 //IPSec SPI not found #define RTL_EIPSEC_NO_MORE_SPI -4004 //no more availiable IPSec SPI #define RTL_EIPSEC_SPIGRP_EXISTED -4007 //IPSec SPIGRP has existed #define RTL_EIPSEC_SPIGRP_NOT_FOUNT -4008 //IPSec SPIGRP not found #define RTL_EIPSEC_NO_MORE_SPIGRP -4009 //no more availiable IPSec SPIGRP #define RTL_EIPSEC_EROUTE_EXISTED -4012 //IPSec SPIGRP has existed #define RTL_EIPSEC_EROUTE_NOT_FOUNT -4013 //IPSec SPIGRP not found #define RTL_EIPSEC_NO_MORE_EROUTE -4014 //no more availiable IPSec SPIGRP #define RTL_EIPSEC_INVALID_WINSIZE -4015 //Invalid window size (See RFC2046 3.4.3) #define RTL_EIPSEC_NO_MORE_NBT_ENTRY -4016 //no more netBios entry /* Error Number for URL Filter */ #define RTL_EURLFILTER_URLSTRINGLEN_EXCEEND -4501 // url filter string lenght exceeds system buffer size. #define RTL_EURLFILTER_PATHSTRINGLEN_EXCEEND -4502 // path string of url exceeds system buffer size #define RTL_EMEMALLOCATEFAILEDFORURLFILTER -4503 /* memory allocation failed for url filter operation */ /* RTL865XB_URLFILTER_UNKNOWNURLTYPE_SUPPORT */ #define RTL_EURLFILTER_INVALIDRULETYPE -4504 /* Invalid url rule type */ /* RTL865XB_URLFILTER_ACTIONTYPE_SUPPORT */ #define RTL_EURLFILTER_INVALIDACTIONTYPE -4505 /* Invalid action type of url filter rule */ /* RTL865XB_WEB_CONTENT_HDR_FILTER */ #define RTL_EURLFILTER_CONTENTSTRINGLEN_EXCEEND -4506 /* content string pattern exceeds system buffer size */ #define RTL_EURLFILTER_HTTPHDRSTRINGLEN_EXCEEND -4507 /* http header string pattern exceeds system buffer size */ #define RTL_EURLFILTER_CONTENTHDRFILTERINUSED -4508 /* the content/httpHdr filter is used by an napt flow, cannot be deleted */ /* Error Number for PCM drivers */ #define RTL_EPCM_QUEUE_UNAV -5001 /* pcm queue not allocated */ #define RTL_EPCM_PGAE_UNAV -5002 /* pcm page not allocated */ #define RTL_EPCM_QUEUE_FULL -5003 /* pcm queue is full of data */ #define RTL_EPCM_QUEUE_EMPTY -5004 /* pcm queue is no of data */ #define RTL_EPCM_QUEUE_SUBSIZE -5005 /* pcm queue has not enough data */ #define RTL_EPCM_BUF_UNAV -5006 /* requested buffer not allocated */ #define RTL_EPCM_CHANNEL_NULL -5007 /* current channel is not allocated */ /*Error number for naptUsrMapping*/ #define RTL_EVLANRANGETOOSMALL -5100 /* set multiple pppoe id range too small RTL8651_IDLETIMEOUT_FIXED */ //#define RTL_NAPTUSRMAP_ /*Error number for reference count*/ #define RTL_EREFERENCEDBYOTHER -5200 #endif