--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/mips/include/asm/mach-lantiq/xway/irq.h
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+ *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ *  under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published
+ *  by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ *  Copyright (C) 2010 John Crispin <blogic@openwrt.org>
+ */
+#ifndef __LANTIQ_IRQ_H
+#define __LANTIQ_IRQ_H
+#include <xway_irq.h>
+#define NR_IRQS 256
+#include_next <irq.h>
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/mips/include/asm/mach-lantiq/lantiq_timer.h
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+#ifndef __DANUBE_GPTU_DEV_H__2005_07_26__10_19__
+#define __DANUBE_GPTU_DEV_H__2005_07_26__10_19__
+       Copyright (c) 2002, Infineon Technologies.  All rights reserved.
+                               No Warranty
+   Because the program is licensed free of charge, there is no warranty for
+   the program, to the extent permitted by applicable law.  Except when
+   otherwise stated in writing the copyright holders and/or other parties
+   provide the program "as is" without warranty of any kind, either
+   expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied
+   warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The
+   entire risk as to the quality and performance of the program is with
+   you.  should the program prove defective, you assume the cost of all
+   necessary servicing, repair or correction.
+   In no event unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing
+   will any copyright holder, or any other party who may modify and/or
+   redistribute the program as permitted above, be liable to you for
+   damages, including any general, special, incidental or consequential
+   damages arising out of the use or inability to use the program
+   (including but not limited to loss of data or data being rendered
+   inaccurate or losses sustained by you or third parties or a failure of
+   the program to operate with any other programs), even if such holder or
+   other party has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
+ * ####################################
+ *              Definition
+ * ####################################
+ */
+ *  Available Timer/Counter Index
+ */
+#define TIMER(n, X)                     (n * 2 + (X ? 1 : 0))
+#define TIMER_ANY                       0x00
+#define TIMER1A                         TIMER(1, 0)
+#define TIMER1B                         TIMER(1, 1)
+#define TIMER2A                         TIMER(2, 0)
+#define TIMER2B                         TIMER(2, 1)
+#define TIMER3A                         TIMER(3, 0)
+#define TIMER3B                         TIMER(3, 1)
+ *  Flag of Timer/Counter
+ *  These flags specify the way in which timer is configured.
+ */
+/*  Bit size of timer/counter.                      */
+#define TIMER_FLAG_16BIT                0x0000
+#define TIMER_FLAG_32BIT                0x0001
+/*  Switch between timer and counter.               */
+#define TIMER_FLAG_TIMER                0x0000
+#define TIMER_FLAG_COUNTER              0x0002
+/*  Stop or continue when overflowing/underflowing. */
+#define TIMER_FLAG_ONCE                 0x0000
+#define TIMER_FLAG_CYCLIC               0x0004
+/*  Count up or counter down.                       */
+#define TIMER_FLAG_UP                   0x0000
+#define TIMER_FLAG_DOWN                 0x0008
+/*  Count on specific level or edge.                */
+#define TIMER_FLAG_RISE_EDGE            0x0010
+#define TIMER_FLAG_FALL_EDGE            0x0020
+#define TIMER_FLAG_ANY_EDGE             0x0030
+/*  Signal is syncronous to module clock or not.    */
+#define TIMER_FLAG_UNSYNC               0x0000
+#define TIMER_FLAG_SYNC                 0x0080
+/*  Different interrupt handle type.                */
+#define TIMER_FLAG_NO_HANDLE            0x0000
+#if defined(__KERNEL__)
+    #define TIMER_FLAG_CALLBACK_IN_IRQ  0x0100
+#endif  //  defined(__KERNEL__)
+#define TIMER_FLAG_SIGNAL               0x0300
+/*  Internal clock source or external clock source  */
+#define TIMER_FLAG_INT_SRC              0x0000
+#define TIMER_FLAG_EXT_SRC              0x1000
+ *  ioctl Command
+ */
+#define GPTU_REQUEST_TIMER              0x01    /*  General method to setup timer/counter.  */
+#define GPTU_FREE_TIMER                 0x02    /*  Free timer/counter.                     */
+#define GPTU_START_TIMER                0x03    /*  Start or resume timer/counter.          */
+#define GPTU_STOP_TIMER                 0x04    /*  Suspend timer/counter.                  */
+#define GPTU_GET_COUNT_VALUE            0x05    /*  Get current count value.                */
+#define GPTU_CALCULATE_DIVIDER          0x06    /*  Calculate timer divider from given freq.*/
+#define GPTU_SET_TIMER                  0x07    /*  Simplified method to setup timer.       */
+#define GPTU_SET_COUNTER                0x08    /*  Simplified method to setup counter.     */
+ *  Data Type Used to Call ioctl
+ */
+struct gptu_ioctl_param {
+    unsigned int                        timer;  /*  In command GPTU_REQUEST_TIMER, GPTU_SET_TIMER, and  *
+                                                 *  GPTU_SET_COUNTER, this field is ID of expected      *
+                                                 *  timer/counter. If it's zero, a timer/counter would  *
+                                                 *  be dynamically allocated and ID would be stored in  *
+                                                 *  this field.                                         *
+                                                 *  In command GPTU_GET_COUNT_VALUE, this field is      *
+                                                 *  ignored.                                            *
+                                                 *  In other command, this field is ID of timer/counter *
+                                                 *  allocated.                                          */
+    unsigned int                        flag;   /*  In command GPTU_REQUEST_TIMER, GPTU_SET_TIMER, and  *
+                                                 *  GPTU_SET_COUNTER, this field contains flags to      *
+                                                 *  specify how to configure timer/counter.             *
+                                                 *  In command GPTU_START_TIMER, zero indicate start    *
+                                                 *  and non-zero indicate resume timer/counter.         *
+                                                 *  In other command, this field is ignored.            */
+    unsigned long                       value;  /*  In command GPTU_REQUEST_TIMER, this field contains  *
+                                                 *  init/reload value.                                  *
+                                                 *  In command GPTU_SET_TIMER, this field contains      *
+                                                 *  frequency (0.001Hz) of timer.                       *
+                                                 *  In command GPTU_GET_COUNT_VALUE, current count      *
+                                                 *  value would be stored in this field.                *
+                                                 *  In command GPTU_CALCULATE_DIVIDER, this field       *
+                                                 *  contains frequency wanted, and after calculation,   *
+                                                 *  divider would be stored in this field to overwrite  *
+                                                 *  the frequency.                                      *
+                                                 *  In other command, this field is ignored.            */
+    int                                 pid;    /*  In command GPTU_REQUEST_TIMER and GPTU_SET_TIMER,   *
+                                                 *  if signal is required, this field contains process  *
+                                                 *  ID to which signal would be sent.                   *
+                                                 *  In other command, this field is ignored.            */
+    int                                 sig;    /*  In command GPTU_REQUEST_TIMER and GPTU_SET_TIMER,   *
+                                                 *  if signal is required, this field contains signal   *
+                                                 *  number which would be sent.                         *
+                                                 *  In other command, this field is ignored.            */
+ * ####################################
+ *              Data Type
+ * ####################################
+ */
+typedef void (*timer_callback)(unsigned long arg);
+extern int ifxmips_request_timer(unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long);
+extern int ifxmips_free_timer(unsigned int);
+extern int ifxmips_start_timer(unsigned int, int);
+extern int ifxmips_stop_timer(unsigned int);
+extern int ifxmips_reset_counter_flags(u32 timer, u32 flags);
+extern int ifxmips_get_count_value(unsigned int, unsigned long *);
+extern u32 ifxmips_cal_divider(unsigned long);
+extern int ifxmips_set_timer(unsigned int, unsigned int, int, int, unsigned int, unsigned long, unsigned long);
+extern int ifxmips_set_counter(unsigned int timer, unsigned int flag,
+	u32 reload, unsigned long arg1, unsigned long arg2);
+#endif /* __DANUBE_GPTU_DEV_H__2005_07_26__10_19__ */
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/mips/include/asm/mach-lantiq/xway/xway.h
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+ *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ *  under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published
+ *  by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ *  Copyright (C) 2005 infineon
+ *  Copyright (C) 2010 John Crispin <blogic@openwrt.org>
+ */
+#ifndef _LQ_XWAY_H__
+#define _LQ_XWAY_H__
+#include <lantiq.h>
+/* request a non-gpio and set the PIO config */
+extern int  lq_gpio_request(unsigned int pin, unsigned int alt0,
+    unsigned int alt1, unsigned int dir, const char *name);
+extern int lq_gpio_setconfig(unsigned int pin, unsigned int reg, unsigned int val);
+extern void lq_pmu_enable(unsigned int module);
+extern void lq_pmu_disable(unsigned int module);
+extern unsigned int lq_get_fpi_bus_clock(int bus);
+/*------------ Chip IDs */
+#define SOC_ID_DANUBE1		0x129
+#define SOC_ID_DANUBE2		0x12B
+#define SOC_ID_TWINPASS		0x12D
+#define SOC_ID_ARX188		0x16C
+#define SOC_ID_ARX168		0x16D
+#define SOC_ID_ARX182		0x16F
+/*------------ SoC Types */
+#define SOC_TYPE_DANUBE		0x01
+#define SOC_TYPE_TWINPASS	0x02
+#define SOC_TYPE_AR9		0x03
+/*------------ ASC0/1 */
+#define LQ_ASC0_BASE		0x1E100400
+#define LQ_ASC1_BASE		0x1E100C00
+#define LQ_ASC_SIZE			0x400
+/*------------ RCU */
+#define LQ_RCU_BASE_ADDR	0xBF203000
+/*------------ GPTU */
+#define LQ_GPTU_BASE_ADDR	0xB8000300
+/*------------ EBU */
+#define LQ_EBU_GPIO_START	0x14000000
+#define LQ_EBU_GPIO_SIZE	0x1000
+#define LQ_EBU_BASE_ADDR	0xBE105300
+#define LQ_EBU_BUSCON0		((u32 *)(LQ_EBU_BASE_ADDR + 0x0060))
+#define LQ_EBU_PCC_CON		((u32 *)(LQ_EBU_BASE_ADDR + 0x0090))
+#define LQ_EBU_PCC_IEN		((u32 *)(LQ_EBU_BASE_ADDR + 0x00A4))
+#define LQ_EBU_PCC_ISTAT	((u32 *)(LQ_EBU_BASE_ADDR + 0x00A0))
+#define LQ_EBU_BUSCON1		((u32 *)(LQ_EBU_BASE_ADDR + 0x0064))
+#define LQ_EBU_ADDRSEL1		((u32 *)(LQ_EBU_BASE_ADDR + 0x0024))
+#define EBU_WRDIS			0x80000000
+/*------------ CGU */
+#define LQ_CGU_BASE_ADDR	(KSEG1 + 0x1F103000)
+/*------------ PMU */
+#define LQ_PMU_BASE_ADDR	(KSEG1 + 0x1F102000)
+#define PMU_DMA				0x0020
+#define PMU_USB				0x8041
+#define PMU_LED				0x0800
+#define PMU_GPT				0x1000
+#define PMU_PPE				0x2000
+#define PMU_FPI				0x4000
+#define PMU_SWITCH			0x10000000
+/*------------ ETOP */
+#define LQ_PPE32_BASE_ADDR	0xBE180000
+#define LQ_PPE32_SIZE		0x40000
+/*------------ DMA */
+#define LQ_DMA_BASE_ADDR	0xBE104100
+/*------------ PCI */
+#define PCI_CR_PR_BASE_ADDR	(KSEG1 + 0x1E105400)
+#define PCI_CS_PR_BASE_ADDR	(KSEG1 + 0x17000000)
+/*------------ WDT */
+#define LQ_WDT_BASE			0x1F880000
+#define LQ_WDT_SIZE			0x400
+/*------------ Serial To Parallel conversion  */
+#define LQ_STP_BASE			0x1E100BB0
+#define LQ_STP_SIZE			0x40
+/*------------ GPIO */
+#define LQ_GPIO0_BASE_ADDR	0x1E100B10
+#define LQ_GPIO1_BASE_ADDR	0x1E100B40
+#define LQ_GPIO_SIZE		0x30
+/*------------ SSC */
+#define LQ_SSC_BASE_ADDR	(KSEG1 + 0x1e100800)
+/*------------ MEI */
+#define LQ_MEI_BASE_ADDR	(KSEG1 + 0x1E116000)
+/*------------ DEU */
+#define LQ_DEU_BASE			(KSEG1 + 0x1E103100)
+/*------------ MPS */
+#define LQ_MPS_BASE_ADDR	(KSEG1 + 0x1F107000)
+#define LQ_MPS_CHIPID		((u32 *)(LQ_MPS_BASE_ADDR + 0x0344))
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/mips/include/asm/mach-lantiq/xway/xway_dma.h
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+ *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ *   under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published
+ *   by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ *   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *   GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ *   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ *   Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ *
+ *   Copyright (C) 2005 infineon
+ *   Copyright (C) 2007 John Crispin <blogic@openwrt.org>
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef _LQ_DMA_H__
+#define _LQ_DMA_H__
+#define RCV_INT						1
+#define TX_BUF_FULL_INT					2
+#define TRANSMIT_CPT_INT				4
+#define LQ_DMA_CH_ON				1
+#define LQ_DMA_CH_OFF				0
+enum attr_t{
+	TX = 0,
+	RX = 1,
+	DEFAULT = 3,
+#define DMA_OWN						1
+#define CPU_OWN						0
+#define DMA_MAJOR					250
+#define DMA_DESC_OWN_CPU				0x0
+#define DMA_DESC_OWN_DMA				0x80000000
+#define DMA_DESC_CPT_SET				0x40000000
+#define DMA_DESC_SOP_SET				0x20000000
+#define DMA_DESC_EOP_SET				0x10000000
+#define MISCFG_MASK					0x40
+#define RDERR_MASK					0x20
+#define CHOFF_MASK					0x10
+#define DESCPT_MASK					0x8
+#define DUR_MASK					0x4
+#define EOP_MASK					0x2
+#define DMA_DROP_MASK					(1<<31)
+#define LQ_DMA_RX					-1
+#define LQ_DMA_TX					1
+struct dma_chan_map {
+	const char *dev_name;
+	enum attr_t dir;
+	int pri;
+	int irq;
+	int rel_chan_no;
+struct rx_desc {
+	u32 data_length:16;
+	volatile u32 reserved:7;
+	volatile u32 byte_offset:2;
+	volatile u32 Burst_length_offset:3;
+	volatile u32 EoP:1;
+	volatile u32 Res:1;
+	volatile u32 C:1;
+	volatile u32 OWN:1;
+	volatile u32 Data_Pointer; /* fixme: should be 28 bits here */
+struct tx_desc {
+	volatile u32 data_length:16;
+	volatile u32 reserved1:7;
+	volatile u32 byte_offset:5;
+	volatile u32 EoP:1;
+	volatile u32 SoP:1;
+	volatile u32 C:1;
+	volatile u32 OWN:1;
+	volatile u32 Data_Pointer; /* fixme: should be 28 bits here */
+#else /* BIG */
+struct rx_desc {
+	union {
+		struct {
+			volatile u32 OWN:1;
+			volatile u32 C:1;
+			volatile u32 SoP:1;
+			volatile u32 EoP:1;
+			volatile u32 Burst_length_offset:3;
+			volatile u32 byte_offset:2;
+			volatile u32 reserve:7;
+			volatile u32 data_length:16;
+		} field;
+		volatile u32 word;
+	} status;
+	volatile u32 Data_Pointer;
+struct tx_desc {
+	union {
+		struct {
+			volatile u32 OWN:1;
+			volatile u32 C:1;
+			volatile u32 SoP:1;
+			volatile u32 EoP:1;
+			volatile u32 byte_offset:5;
+			volatile u32 reserved:7;
+			volatile u32 data_length:16;
+		} field;
+		volatile u32 word;
+	} status;
+	volatile u32 Data_Pointer;
+#endif /* ENDIAN */
+struct dma_channel_info {
+	/* relative channel number */
+	int rel_chan_no;
+	/* class for this channel for QoS */
+	int pri;
+	/* specify byte_offset */
+	int byte_offset;
+	/* direction */
+	int dir;
+	/* irq number */
+	int irq;
+	/* descriptor parameter */
+	int desc_base;
+	int desc_len;
+	int curr_desc;
+	int prev_desc; /* only used if it is a tx channel*/
+	/* weight setting for WFQ algorithm*/
+	int weight;
+	int default_weight;
+	int packet_size;
+	int burst_len;
+	/* on or off of this channel */
+	int control;
+	/* optional information for the upper layer devices */
+#if defined(CONFIG_LQ_ETHERNET_D2) || defined(CONFIG_LQ_PPA)
+	void *opt[64];
+	void *opt[25];
+	/* Pointer to the peripheral device who is using this channel */
+	void *dma_dev;
+	/* channel operations */
+	void (*open)(struct dma_channel_info *pCh);
+	void (*close)(struct dma_channel_info *pCh);
+	void (*reset)(struct dma_channel_info *pCh);
+	void (*enable_irq)(struct dma_channel_info *pCh);
+	void (*disable_irq)(struct dma_channel_info *pCh);
+struct dma_device_info {
+	/* device name of this peripheral */
+	char device_name[15];
+	int reserved;
+	int tx_burst_len;
+	int rx_burst_len;
+	int default_weight;
+	int current_tx_chan;
+	int current_rx_chan;
+	int num_tx_chan;
+	int num_rx_chan;
+	int max_rx_chan_num;
+	int max_tx_chan_num;
+	struct dma_channel_info *tx_chan[20];
+	struct dma_channel_info *rx_chan[20];
+	/*functions, optional*/
+	u8 *(*buffer_alloc)(int len, int *offset, void **opt);
+	void (*buffer_free)(u8 *dataptr, void *opt);
+	int (*intr_handler)(struct dma_device_info *info, int status);
+	void *priv;		/* used by peripheral driver only */
+struct dma_device_info *dma_device_reserve(char *dev_name);
+void dma_device_release(struct dma_device_info *dev);
+void dma_device_register(struct dma_device_info *info);
+void dma_device_unregister(struct dma_device_info *info);
+int dma_device_read(struct dma_device_info *info, u8 **dataptr, void **opt);
+int dma_device_write(struct dma_device_info *info, u8 *dataptr, int len,
+	void *opt);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/mips/include/asm/mach-lantiq/xway/xway_irq.h
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+ *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ *  under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published
+ *  by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ *  Copyright (C) 2010 John Crispin <blogic@openwrt.org>
+ */
+#ifndef _LANTIQ_XWAY_IRQ_H__
+#define _LANTIQ_XWAY_IRQ_H__
+#define INT_NUM_IRQ0			8
+#define INT_NUM_IM0_IRL0		(INT_NUM_IRQ0 + 0)
+#define INT_NUM_IM1_IRL0		(INT_NUM_IRQ0 + 32)
+#define INT_NUM_IM2_IRL0		(INT_NUM_IRQ0 + 64)
+#define INT_NUM_IM3_IRL0		(INT_NUM_IRQ0 + 96)
+#define INT_NUM_IM4_IRL0		(INT_NUM_IRQ0 + 128)
+#define LQ_ASC_TIR(x)		(INT_NUM_IM3_IRL0 + (x * 7))
+#define LQ_ASC_RIR(x)		(INT_NUM_IM3_IRL0 + (x * 7) + 2)
+#define LQ_ASC_EIR(x)		(INT_NUM_IM3_IRL0 + (x * 7) + 3)
+#define LQ_SSC_TIR			(INT_NUM_IM0_IRL0 + 15)
+#define LQ_SSC_RIR			(INT_NUM_IM0_IRL0 + 14)
+#define LQ_SSC_EIR			(INT_NUM_IM0_IRL0 + 16)
+#define LQ_MEI_INT			(INT_NUM_IM1_IRL0 + 23)
+#define LQ_TIMER6_INT		(INT_NUM_IM1_IRL0 + 23)
+#define LQ_USB_INT			(INT_NUM_IM1_IRL0 + 22)
+#define LQ_USB_OC_INT		(INT_NUM_IM4_IRL0 + 23)
+#define MIPS_CPU_TIMER_IRQ		7
+#define LQ_DMA_CH0_INT		(INT_NUM_IM2_IRL0)
+#define LQ_DMA_CH1_INT		(INT_NUM_IM2_IRL0 + 1)
+#define LQ_DMA_CH2_INT		(INT_NUM_IM2_IRL0 + 2)
+#define LQ_DMA_CH3_INT		(INT_NUM_IM2_IRL0 + 3)
+#define LQ_DMA_CH4_INT		(INT_NUM_IM2_IRL0 + 4)
+#define LQ_DMA_CH5_INT		(INT_NUM_IM2_IRL0 + 5)
+#define LQ_DMA_CH6_INT		(INT_NUM_IM2_IRL0 + 6)
+#define LQ_DMA_CH7_INT		(INT_NUM_IM2_IRL0 + 7)
+#define LQ_DMA_CH8_INT		(INT_NUM_IM2_IRL0 + 8)
+#define LQ_DMA_CH9_INT		(INT_NUM_IM2_IRL0 + 9)
+#define LQ_DMA_CH10_INT		(INT_NUM_IM2_IRL0 + 10)
+#define LQ_DMA_CH11_INT		(INT_NUM_IM2_IRL0 + 11)
+#define LQ_DMA_CH12_INT		(INT_NUM_IM2_IRL0 + 25)
+#define LQ_DMA_CH13_INT		(INT_NUM_IM2_IRL0 + 26)
+#define LQ_DMA_CH14_INT		(INT_NUM_IM2_IRL0 + 27)
+#define LQ_DMA_CH15_INT		(INT_NUM_IM2_IRL0 + 28)
+#define LQ_DMA_CH16_INT		(INT_NUM_IM2_IRL0 + 29)
+#define LQ_DMA_CH17_INT		(INT_NUM_IM2_IRL0 + 30)
+#define LQ_DMA_CH18_INT		(INT_NUM_IM2_IRL0 + 16)
+#define LQ_DMA_CH19_INT		(INT_NUM_IM2_IRL0 + 21)
+#define LQ_PPE_MBOX_INT		(INT_NUM_IM2_IRL0 + 24)
+#define INT_NUM_IM4_IRL14			(INT_NUM_IM4_IRL0 + 14)