#ifndef __BCM63XX_TAG_H #define __BCM63XX_TAG_H #define TAGVER_LEN 4 /* Length of Tag Version */ #define TAGLAYOUT_LEN 4 /* Length of FlashLayoutVer */ #define SIG1_LEN 20 /* Company Signature 1 Length */ #define SIG2_LEN 14 /* Company Signature 2 Lenght */ #define BOARDID_LEN 16 /* Length of BoardId */ #define ENDIANFLAG_LEN 2 /* Endian Flag Length */ #define CHIPID_LEN 6 /* Chip Id Length */ #define IMAGE_LEN 10 /* Length of Length Field */ #define ADDRESS_LEN 12 /* Length of Address field */ #define DUALFLAG_LEN 2 /* Dual Image flag Length */ #define INACTIVEFLAG_LEN 2 /* Inactie Flag Length */ #define RSASIG_LEN 20 /* Length of RSA Signature in tag */ #define TAGINFO1_LEN 30 /* Length of vendor information field1 in tag */ #define FLASHLAYOUTVER_LEN 4 /* Length of Flash Layout Version String tag */ #define TAGINFO2_LEN 16 /* Length of vendor information field2 in tag */ #define CRC_LEN 4 /* Length of CRC in bytes */ #define ALTTAGINFO_LEN 54 /* Alternate length for vendor information; Pirelli */ #define NUM_PIRELLI 2 #define IMAGETAG_CRC_START 0xFFFFFFFF #define PIRELLI_BOARDS { \ "AGPF-S0", \ "DWV-S0", \ } /* * The broadcom firmware assumes the rootfs starts the image, * therefore uses the rootfs start (flashImageAddress) * to determine where to flash the image. Since we have the kernel first * we have to give it the kernel address, but the crc uses the length * associated with this address (rootLength), which is added to the kernel * length (kernelLength) to determine the length of image to flash and thus * needs to be rootfs + deadcode (jffs2 EOF marker) */ struct bcm_tag { char tagVersion[TAGVER_LEN]; // 0-3: Version of the image tag char sig_1[SIG1_LEN]; // 4-23: Company Line 1 char sig_2[SIG2_LEN]; // 24-37: Company Line 2 char chipid[CHIPID_LEN]; // 38-43: Chip this image is for char boardid[BOARDID_LEN]; // 44-59: Board name char big_endian[ENDIANFLAG_LEN]; // 60-61: Map endianness -- 1 BE 0 LE char totalLength[IMAGE_LEN]; // 62-71: Total length of image char cfeAddress[ADDRESS_LEN]; // 72-83: Address in memory of CFE char cfeLength[IMAGE_LEN]; // 84-93: Size of CFE char flashImageStart[ADDRESS_LEN]; // 94-105: Address in memory of image start (kernel for OpenWRT, rootfs for stock firmware) char flashRootLength[IMAGE_LEN]; // 106-115: Size of rootfs for flashing char kernelAddress[ADDRESS_LEN]; // 116-127: Address in memory of kernel char kernelLength[IMAGE_LEN]; // 128-137: Size of kernel char dualImage[DUALFLAG_LEN]; // 138-139: Unused at present char inactiveFlag[INACTIVEFLAG_LEN]; // 140-141: Unused at present char rsa_signature[RSASIG_LEN]; // 142-161: RSA Signature (unused at present; some vendors may use this) char information1[TAGINFO1_LEN]; // 162-191: Compilation and related information (not generated/used by OpenWRT) char flashLayoutVer[FLASHLAYOUTVER_LEN];// 192-195: Version flash layout char fskernelCRC[CRC_LEN]; // 196-199: kernel+rootfs CRC32 char information2[TAGINFO2_LEN]; // 200-215: Unused at present except Alice Gate where is is information char imageCRC[CRC_LEN]; // 216-219: CRC32 of image less imagetag (kernel for Alice Gate) char rootfsCRC[CRC_LEN]; // 220-223: CRC32 of rootfs partition char kernelCRC[CRC_LEN]; // 224-227: CRC32 of kernel partition char rootLength[4]; // 228-231: steal from reserved1 to keep the real root length so we can use in the flash map even after we have change the rootLength to 0 to satisfy devices that check CRC on every boot char reserved1[4]; // 232-235: Unused at present char headerCRC[CRC_LEN]; // 236-239: CRC32 of header excluding tagVersion char reserved2[16]; // 240-255: Unused at present }; #endif /* __BCM63XX_TAG_H */