echo "S" > /proc/jffs2_bbc

mkdir -p /var/run
mkdir -p /var/log
touch /var/log/wtmp
touch /var/log/lastlog

[ "$(nvram get il0macaddr)" = "00:90:4c:5f:00:2a" ] && {
  # if default wifi mac, set two higher than the lan mac
  nvram set il0macaddr=$(nvram get et0macaddr|
  awk '{OFS=FS=":";for(x=7,y=2;--x;){$x=sprintf("%02x",(y+="0x"$x)%256);y/=256}print}')

# set up the vlan*ports variables for the asus wl-500g deluxe
# if they don't already exist 
[ "$(nvram get boardtype)" = "bcm95365r" ] && \
[ "$(nvram get boardnum)" = "45" ] && {
  [ -z "$(nvram get vlan0ports)" ] && \
  [ -z "$(nvram get vlan1ports)" ] && {
    nvram set vlan0ports="1 2 3 4 5*"
    nvram set vlan1ports="0 5"

cat /etc/modules /etc/modules.d/*|sed 's/^[^#]/insmod &/' 2>&-|ash

ifconfig lo up
ifconfig eth0 promisc

HOSTNAME=$(nvram get wan_hostname)
echo ${HOSTNAME:=OpenWrt}>/proc/sys/kernel/hostname

vconfig set_name_type VLAN_PLUS_VID_NO_PAD

# automagically run firstboot
[ -z "$FAILSAFE" ] && {
	{ mount|grep "on / type jffs2" 1>&-; } || firstboot