/* * wprobe.c: Wireless probe user space library * Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Felix Fietkau <nbd@openwrt.org> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. */ #define _ISOC99_SOURCE #define _BSD_SOURCE #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <errno.h> #include <getopt.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <math.h> #include <linux/wprobe.h> #include <netlink/netlink.h> #include <netlink/attr.h> #include <netlink/genl/genl.h> #ifndef NO_LOCAL_ACCESS #include <netlink/genl/ctrl.h> #include <netlink/genl/family.h> #include <endian.h> #endif #include "wprobe.h" #define DEBUG 1 #ifdef DEBUG #define DPRINTF(fmt, ...) fprintf(stderr, "%s(%d): " fmt, __func__, __LINE__, ##__VA_ARGS__) #else #define DPRINTF(fmt, ...) do {} while (0) #endif #if defined(BYTE_ORDER) && !defined(__BYTE_ORDER) #define __LITTLE_ENDIAN LITTLE_ENDIAN #define __BIG_ENDIAN BIG_ENDIAN #define __BYTE_ORDER BYTE_ORDER #endif #ifndef __BYTE_ORDER #error Unknown endian type #endif #define WPROBE_MAX_MSGLEN 65536 static inline __u16 __swab16(__u16 x) { return x<<8 | x>>8; } static inline __u32 __swab32(__u32 x) { return x<<24 | x>>24 | (x & (__u32)0x0000ff00UL)<<8 | (x & (__u32)0x00ff0000UL)>>8; } static inline __u64 __swab64(__u64 x) { return x<<56 | x>>56 | (x & (__u64)0x000000000000ff00ULL)<<40 | (x & (__u64)0x0000000000ff0000ULL)<<24 | (x & (__u64)0x00000000ff000000ULL)<< 8 | (x & (__u64)0x000000ff00000000ULL)>> 8 | (x & (__u64)0x0000ff0000000000ULL)>>24 | (x & (__u64)0x00ff000000000000ULL)>>40; } #if __BYTE_ORDER == __LITTLE_ENDIAN #define SWAP16(var) var = __swab16(var) #define SWAP32(var) var = __swab32(var) #define SWAP64(var) var = __swab64(var) #else #define SWAP16(var) do {} while(0) #define SWAP32(var) do {} while(0) #define SWAP64(var) do {} while(0) #endif int wprobe_port = 17990; static struct nlattr *tb[WPROBE_ATTR_LAST+1]; static struct nla_policy attribute_policy[WPROBE_ATTR_LAST+1] = { [WPROBE_ATTR_ID] = { .type = NLA_U32 }, [WPROBE_ATTR_MAC] = { .type = NLA_UNSPEC, .minlen = 6, .maxlen = 6 }, [WPROBE_ATTR_NAME] = { .type = NLA_STRING }, [WPROBE_ATTR_FLAGS] = { .type = NLA_U32 }, [WPROBE_ATTR_TYPE] = { .type = NLA_U8 }, [WPROBE_ATTR_FLAGS] = { .type = NLA_U32 }, [WPROBE_VAL_S8] = { .type = NLA_U8 }, [WPROBE_VAL_S16] = { .type = NLA_U16 }, [WPROBE_VAL_S32] = { .type = NLA_U32 }, [WPROBE_VAL_S64] = { .type = NLA_U64 }, [WPROBE_VAL_U8] = { .type = NLA_U8 }, [WPROBE_VAL_U16] = { .type = NLA_U16 }, [WPROBE_VAL_U32] = { .type = NLA_U32 }, [WPROBE_VAL_U64] = { .type = NLA_U64 }, [WPROBE_VAL_SUM] = { .type = NLA_U64 }, [WPROBE_VAL_SUM_SQ] = { .type = NLA_U64 }, [WPROBE_VAL_SAMPLES] = { .type = NLA_U32 }, [WPROBE_VAL_SCALE_TIME] = { .type = NLA_U64 }, [WPROBE_ATTR_INTERVAL] = { .type = NLA_U64 }, [WPROBE_ATTR_SAMPLES_MIN] = { .type = NLA_U32 }, [WPROBE_ATTR_SAMPLES_MAX] = { .type = NLA_U32 }, [WPROBE_ATTR_SAMPLES_SCALE_M] = { .type = NLA_U32 }, [WPROBE_ATTR_SAMPLES_SCALE_D] = { .type = NLA_U32 }, [WPROBE_ATTR_FILTER_GROUP] = { .type = NLA_NESTED }, [WPROBE_ATTR_RXCOUNT] = { .type = NLA_U64 }, [WPROBE_ATTR_TXCOUNT] = { .type = NLA_U64 }, }; typedef int (*wprobe_cb_t)(struct nl_msg *, void *); struct wprobe_iface_ops { int (*send_msg)(struct wprobe_iface *dev, struct nl_msg *msg, wprobe_cb_t cb, void *arg); void (*free)(struct wprobe_iface *dev); }; struct wprobe_attr_cb { struct list_head *list; char *addr; }; #define WPROBE_MAGIC_STR "WPROBE" struct wprobe_init_hdr { struct { char magic[sizeof(WPROBE_MAGIC_STR)]; /* protocol version */ uint8_t version; /* extra header length (unused for now) */ uint16_t extra; } pre __attribute__((packed)); union { struct { uint16_t genl_family; } v0 __attribute__((packed)); }; } __attribute__((packed)); struct wprobe_msg_hdr { __u16 status; __u16 error; __u32 len; }; enum wprobe_resp_status { WPROBE_MSG_DONE = 0, WPROBE_MSG_DATA = 1, }; static inline void wprobe_swap_msg_hdr(struct wprobe_msg_hdr *mhdr) { SWAP16(mhdr->status); SWAP16(mhdr->error); SWAP32(mhdr->len); } static int save_attribute_handler(struct nl_msg *msg, void *arg) { struct genlmsghdr *gnlh = nlmsg_data(nlmsg_hdr(msg)); const char *name = "N/A"; struct wprobe_attribute *attr; int type = 0; struct wprobe_attr_cb *cb = arg; nla_parse(tb, WPROBE_ATTR_LAST, genlmsg_attrdata(gnlh, 0), genlmsg_attrlen(gnlh, 0), attribute_policy); if (tb[WPROBE_ATTR_NAME]) name = nla_data(tb[WPROBE_ATTR_NAME]); attr = malloc(sizeof(struct wprobe_attribute) + strlen(name) + 1); if (!attr) return -1; memset(attr, 0, sizeof(struct wprobe_attribute)); if (tb[WPROBE_ATTR_ID]) attr->id = nla_get_u32(tb[WPROBE_ATTR_ID]); if (tb[WPROBE_ATTR_MAC] && cb->addr) memcpy(cb->addr, nla_data(tb[WPROBE_ATTR_MAC]), 6); if (tb[WPROBE_ATTR_FLAGS]) attr->flags = nla_get_u32(tb[WPROBE_ATTR_FLAGS]); if (tb[WPROBE_ATTR_TYPE]) type = nla_get_u8(tb[WPROBE_ATTR_TYPE]); if ((type < WPROBE_VAL_STRING) || (type > WPROBE_VAL_U64)) type = 0; attr->type = type; strcpy(attr->name, name); INIT_LIST_HEAD(&attr->list); list_add(&attr->list, cb->list); return 0; } static struct nl_msg * wprobe_new_msg(struct wprobe_iface *dev, int cmd, bool dump) { struct nl_msg *msg; uint32_t flags = 0; msg = nlmsg_alloc_size(65536); if (!msg) return NULL; if (dump) flags |= NLM_F_DUMP; genlmsg_put(msg, 0, 0, dev->genl_family, 0, flags, cmd, 0); NLA_PUT_STRING(msg, WPROBE_ATTR_INTERFACE, dev->ifname); nla_put_failure: return msg; } static int dump_attributes(struct wprobe_iface *dev, bool link, struct list_head *list, char *addr) { struct nl_msg *msg; struct wprobe_attr_cb cb; cb.list = list; cb.addr = addr; msg = wprobe_new_msg(dev, WPROBE_CMD_GET_LIST, true); if (!msg) return -ENOMEM; if (link) NLA_PUT(msg, WPROBE_ATTR_MAC, 6, "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00"); return dev->ops->send_msg(dev, msg, save_attribute_handler, &cb); nla_put_failure: nlmsg_free(msg); return -EINVAL; } static struct wprobe_iface * wprobe_alloc_dev(void) { struct wprobe_iface *dev; dev = malloc(sizeof(struct wprobe_iface)); if (!dev) return NULL; memset(dev, 0, sizeof(struct wprobe_iface)); dev->interval = -1; dev->scale_min = -1; dev->scale_max = -1; dev->scale_m = -1; dev->scale_d = -1; dev->sockfd = -1; INIT_LIST_HEAD(&dev->global_attr); INIT_LIST_HEAD(&dev->link_attr); INIT_LIST_HEAD(&dev->links); return dev; } static int wprobe_init_dev(struct wprobe_iface *dev) { dump_attributes(dev, false, &dev->global_attr, NULL); dump_attributes(dev, true, &dev->link_attr, NULL); return 0; } #ifndef NO_LOCAL_ACCESS static int n_devs = 0; static struct nl_sock *handle = NULL; static struct nl_cache *cache = NULL; static struct genl_family *family = NULL; static int error_handler(struct sockaddr_nl *nla, struct nlmsgerr *err, void *arg) { int *ret = arg; *ret = err->error; return NL_STOP; } static int finish_handler(struct nl_msg *msg, void *arg) { int *ret = arg; *ret = 0; return NL_SKIP; } static int ack_handler(struct nl_msg *msg, void *arg) { int *ret = arg; *ret = 0; return NL_STOP; } static void wprobe_local_free(struct wprobe_iface *dev) { /* should not happen */ if (n_devs == 0) return; if (--n_devs != 0) return; if (cache) nl_cache_free(cache); if (handle) nl_socket_free(handle); handle = NULL; cache = NULL; } static int wprobe_local_init(void) { int ret; if (n_devs++ > 0) return 0; handle = nl_socket_alloc(); if (!handle) { DPRINTF("Failed to create handle\n"); goto err; } if (genl_connect(handle)) { DPRINTF("Failed to connect to generic netlink\n"); goto err; } ret = genl_ctrl_alloc_cache(handle, &cache); if (ret < 0) { DPRINTF("Failed to allocate netlink cache\n"); goto err; } family = genl_ctrl_search_by_name(cache, "wprobe"); if (!family) { DPRINTF("wprobe API not present\n"); goto err; } return 0; err: wprobe_local_free(NULL); return -EINVAL; } static int wprobe_local_send_msg(struct wprobe_iface *dev, struct nl_msg *msg, wprobe_cb_t callback, void *arg) { struct nl_cb *cb; int err = 0; cb = nl_cb_alloc(NL_CB_DEFAULT); if (!cb) goto out_no_cb; if (callback) nl_cb_set(cb, NL_CB_VALID, NL_CB_CUSTOM, callback, arg); err = nl_send_auto_complete(handle, msg); if (err < 0) goto out; err = 1; nl_cb_err(cb, NL_CB_CUSTOM, error_handler, &err); nl_cb_set(cb, NL_CB_FINISH, NL_CB_CUSTOM, finish_handler, &err); nl_cb_set(cb, NL_CB_ACK, NL_CB_CUSTOM, ack_handler, &err); while (err > 0) nl_recvmsgs(handle, cb); out: nl_cb_put(cb); out_no_cb: nlmsg_free(msg); return err; } static const struct wprobe_iface_ops wprobe_local_ops = { .send_msg = wprobe_local_send_msg, .free = wprobe_local_free, }; struct wprobe_iface * wprobe_get_dev(const char *ifname) { struct wprobe_iface *dev; if (wprobe_local_init() != 0) return NULL; dev = wprobe_alloc_dev(); if (!dev) goto error_alloc; dev->ifname = strdup(ifname); dev->ops = &wprobe_local_ops; dev->genl_family = genl_family_get_id(family); if (wprobe_init_dev(dev) < 0) goto error; return dev; error: free(dev); error_alloc: wprobe_local_free(NULL); return NULL; } #endif static void swap_nlmsghdr(struct nlmsghdr *nlh) { SWAP32(nlh->nlmsg_len); SWAP16(nlh->nlmsg_type); SWAP16(nlh->nlmsg_flags); SWAP32(nlh->nlmsg_seq); SWAP32(nlh->nlmsg_pid); } static void swap_genlmsghdr(struct genlmsghdr *gnlh) { #if 0 /* probably unnecessary */ SWAP16(gnlh->reserved); #endif } static void wprobe_swap_nested(void *data, int len, bool outgoing) { void *end = data + len; while (data < end) { struct nlattr *nla = data; unsigned int type, len; if (!outgoing) { SWAP16(nla->nla_len); SWAP16(nla->nla_type); /* required for further sanity checks */ if (data + nla->nla_len > end) nla->nla_len = end - data; } len = NLA_ALIGN(nla->nla_len); type = nla->nla_type & NLA_TYPE_MASK; if (type <= WPROBE_ATTR_LAST) { #if __BYTE_ORDER == __LITTLE_ENDIAN switch(attribute_policy[type].type) { case NLA_U16: SWAP16(*(__u16 *)nla_data(nla)); break; case NLA_U32: SWAP32(*(__u32 *)nla_data(nla)); break; case NLA_U64: SWAP64(*(__u64 *)nla_data(nla)); break; case NLA_NESTED: wprobe_swap_nested(nla_data(nla), nla_len(nla), outgoing); break; } #endif } data += len; if (outgoing) { SWAP16(nla->nla_len); SWAP16(nla->nla_type); } if (!nla->nla_len) break; } } static struct nl_msg * wprobe_msg_from_network(int socket, int len) { struct genlmsghdr *gnlh; struct nlmsghdr *nlh; struct nl_msg *msg; void *data; msg = nlmsg_alloc_size(len + 32); if (!msg) return NULL; nlh = nlmsg_hdr(msg); if (read(socket, nlh, len) != len) goto free; swap_nlmsghdr(nlh); if (nlh->nlmsg_len > len) goto free; gnlh = nlmsg_data(nlh); swap_genlmsghdr(gnlh); data = genlmsg_data(gnlh); wprobe_swap_nested(data, genlmsg_len(gnlh), false); return msg; free: nlmsg_free(msg); return NULL; } static int wprobe_msg_to_network(int socket, struct nl_msg *msg) { struct nlmsghdr *nlh = nlmsg_hdr(msg); struct wprobe_msg_hdr mhdr; struct genlmsghdr *gnlh; void *buf, *data; int buflen, datalen; int ret; buflen = nlh->nlmsg_len; buf = malloc(buflen); if (!buf) return -ENOMEM; memset(&mhdr, 0, sizeof(mhdr)); mhdr.status = WPROBE_MSG_DATA; mhdr.len = buflen; wprobe_swap_msg_hdr(&mhdr); write(socket, &mhdr, sizeof(mhdr)); memcpy(buf, nlh, buflen); nlh = buf; gnlh = nlmsg_data(nlh); data = genlmsg_data(gnlh); datalen = genlmsg_len(gnlh); wprobe_swap_nested(data, datalen, true); swap_genlmsghdr(gnlh); swap_nlmsghdr(nlh); ret = write(socket, buf, buflen); free(buf); return ret; } static int wprobe_remote_send_msg(struct wprobe_iface *dev, struct nl_msg *msg, wprobe_cb_t callback, void *arg) { struct wprobe_msg_hdr mhdr; int msgs = 0; wprobe_msg_to_network(dev->sockfd, msg); nlmsg_free(msg); do { if (read(dev->sockfd, &mhdr, sizeof(mhdr)) != sizeof(mhdr)) { DPRINTF("Failed to read response header\n"); return -1; } wprobe_swap_msg_hdr(&mhdr); switch(mhdr.status) { case WPROBE_MSG_DATA: if (mhdr.len > WPROBE_MAX_MSGLEN) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid length in received response message.\n"); exit(1); } msg = wprobe_msg_from_network(dev->sockfd, mhdr.len); if (!msg) return -EINVAL; msgs++; callback(msg, arg); nlmsg_free(msg); break; } } while (mhdr.status != WPROBE_MSG_DONE); if (mhdr.error) return -mhdr.error; else return msgs; } static void wprobe_socket_dev_free(struct wprobe_iface *dev) { if (dev->sockfd >= 0) close(dev->sockfd); } static const struct wprobe_iface_ops wprobe_remote_ops = { .send_msg = wprobe_remote_send_msg, .free = wprobe_socket_dev_free, }; #ifndef NO_LOCAL_ACCESS int wprobe_server_init(int socket) { struct wprobe_init_hdr hdr; int ret; ret = wprobe_local_init(); if (ret != 0) return ret; memset(&hdr, 0, sizeof(hdr)); memcpy(hdr.pre.magic, WPROBE_MAGIC_STR, sizeof(WPROBE_MAGIC_STR)); hdr.pre.version = 0; hdr.v0.genl_family = genl_family_get_id(family); SWAP16(hdr.v0.genl_family); write(socket, (unsigned char *)&hdr, sizeof(hdr)); return 0; } static int wprobe_server_cb(struct nl_msg *msg, void *arg) { int *socket = arg; int ret; ret = wprobe_msg_to_network(*socket, msg); if (ret > 0) ret = 0; return ret; } int wprobe_server_handle(int socket) { struct wprobe_msg_hdr mhdr; struct nl_msg *msg; int ret; ret = read(socket, &mhdr, sizeof(mhdr)); if (ret != sizeof(mhdr)) { if (ret <= 0) return -1; DPRINTF("Failed to read request header\n"); return -EINVAL; } wprobe_swap_msg_hdr(&mhdr); switch(mhdr.status) { case WPROBE_MSG_DATA: if (mhdr.len > WPROBE_MAX_MSGLEN) { DPRINTF("Invalid length in received response message.\n"); return -EINVAL; } msg = wprobe_msg_from_network(socket, mhdr.len); break; default: DPRINTF("Invalid request header type\n"); return -ENOENT; } if (!msg) { DPRINTF("Failed to get message\n"); return -EINVAL; } ret = wprobe_local_send_msg(NULL, msg, wprobe_server_cb, &socket); memset(&mhdr, 0, sizeof(mhdr)); mhdr.status = WPROBE_MSG_DONE; if (ret < 0) mhdr.error = (uint16_t) -ret; ret = write(socket, (unsigned char *)&mhdr, sizeof(mhdr)); if (ret > 0) ret = 0; return ret; } void wprobe_server_done(void) { wprobe_local_free(NULL); } #endif struct wprobe_iface * wprobe_get_from_socket(int socket, const char *name) { struct wprobe_iface *dev; struct wprobe_init_hdr hdr; dev = wprobe_alloc_dev(); if (!dev) goto out; dev->ops = &wprobe_remote_ops; dev->sockfd = socket; dev->ifname = strdup(name); /* read version and header length */ if (read(socket, &hdr.pre, sizeof(hdr.pre)) != sizeof(hdr.pre)) { DPRINTF("Could not read header\n"); goto error; } /* magic not found */ if (memcmp(hdr.pre.magic, WPROBE_MAGIC_STR, sizeof(hdr.pre.magic)) != 0) { DPRINTF("Magic does not match\n"); goto error; } /* unsupported version */ if (hdr.pre.version != 0) { DPRINTF("Protocol version does not match\n"); goto error; } if (read(socket, &hdr.v0, sizeof(hdr.v0)) != sizeof(hdr.v0)) { DPRINTF("Could not read header data\n"); goto error; } SWAP16(hdr.pre.extra); SWAP16(hdr.v0.genl_family); dev->genl_family = hdr.v0.genl_family; if (wprobe_init_dev(dev) < 0) { DPRINTF("Could not initialize device\n"); goto error; } out: return dev; error: wprobe_free_dev(dev); return NULL; } struct wprobe_iface * wprobe_get_auto(const char *arg, char **err) { static struct sockaddr_in sa; static char errbuf[512]; struct wprobe_iface *dev = NULL; struct hostent *h; char *devstr = strdup(arg); char *sep = NULL; int sock = -1; int len; if (err) *err = NULL; sep = strchr(devstr, ':'); if (!sep) { #ifndef NO_LOCAL_ACCESS free(devstr); return wprobe_get_dev(arg); #else if (err) *err = "Invalid argument"; goto out; #endif } *sep = 0; sep++; sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (sock < 0) goto syserr; h = gethostbyname(devstr); if (!h) { sprintf(errbuf, "Host not found"); goto out_err; } memcpy(&sa.sin_addr, h->h_addr, h->h_length); sa.sin_family = AF_INET; sa.sin_port = htons(wprobe_port); if (connect(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&sa, sizeof(sa)) < 0) goto syserr; dev = wprobe_get_from_socket(sock, sep); if (!dev) { sprintf(errbuf, "wprobe connection initialization failed"); goto out_err; } goto out; syserr: if (err) { strcpy(errbuf, "Connection failed: "); len = strlen(errbuf); strerror_r(errno, errbuf + len, sizeof(errbuf) - len - 1); } out_err: if (err) *err = errbuf; if (sock >= 0) close(sock); out: if (devstr) free(devstr); return dev; } static void free_attr_list(struct list_head *list) { struct wprobe_attribute *attr, *tmp; list_for_each_entry_safe(attr, tmp, list, list) { list_del(&attr->list); free(attr); } } void wprobe_free_dev(struct wprobe_iface *dev) { if (dev->ops->free) dev->ops->free(dev); free_attr_list(&dev->global_attr); free_attr_list(&dev->link_attr); free((void *)dev->ifname); free(dev); } static struct wprobe_link * get_link(struct list_head *list, const char *addr) { struct wprobe_link *l; list_for_each_entry(l, list, list) { if (!memcmp(l->addr, addr, 6)) { list_del_init(&l->list); goto out; } } /* no previous link found, allocate a new one */ l = malloc(sizeof(struct wprobe_link)); if (!l) goto out; memset(l, 0, sizeof(struct wprobe_link)); memcpy(l->addr, addr, sizeof(l->addr)); INIT_LIST_HEAD(&l->list); out: return l; } struct wprobe_save_cb { struct list_head *list; struct list_head old_list; }; static int save_link_handler(struct nl_msg *msg, void *arg) { struct genlmsghdr *gnlh = nlmsg_data(nlmsg_hdr(msg)); struct wprobe_link *link; struct wprobe_save_cb *cb = arg; const char *addr; nla_parse(tb, WPROBE_ATTR_LAST, genlmsg_attrdata(gnlh, 0), genlmsg_attrlen(gnlh, 0), attribute_policy); if (!tb[WPROBE_ATTR_MAC] || (nla_len(tb[WPROBE_ATTR_MAC]) != 6)) return -1; addr = nla_data(tb[WPROBE_ATTR_MAC]); link = get_link(&cb->old_list, addr); if (!link) return -1; if (tb[WPROBE_ATTR_FLAGS]) link->flags = nla_get_u32(tb[WPROBE_ATTR_FLAGS]); list_add_tail(&link->list, cb->list); return 0; } int wprobe_update_links(struct wprobe_iface *dev) { struct wprobe_link *l, *tmp; struct nl_msg *msg; struct wprobe_save_cb cb; int err; INIT_LIST_HEAD(&cb.old_list); list_splice_init(&dev->links, &cb.old_list); cb.list = &dev->links; msg = wprobe_new_msg(dev, WPROBE_CMD_GET_LINKS, true); if (!msg) return -ENOMEM; err = dev->ops->send_msg(dev, msg, save_link_handler, &cb); if (err < 0) return err; list_for_each_entry_safe(l, tmp, &cb.old_list, list) { list_del(&l->list); free(l); } return 0; } struct wprobe_filter_data { wprobe_filter_cb cb; void *arg; struct wprobe_filter_item *buf; int buflen; }; static int dump_filter_handler(struct nl_msg *msg, void *arg) { struct genlmsghdr *gnlh = nlmsg_data(nlmsg_hdr(msg)); struct wprobe_filter_data *data = arg; struct nlattr *p; const char *name; int count = 0; int len; nla_parse(tb, WPROBE_ATTR_LAST, genlmsg_attrdata(gnlh, 0), genlmsg_attrlen(gnlh, 0), attribute_policy); if (!tb[WPROBE_ATTR_NAME] || !tb[WPROBE_ATTR_FILTER_GROUP]) return -1; name = nla_data(tb[WPROBE_ATTR_NAME]); nla_for_each_nested(p, tb[WPROBE_ATTR_FILTER_GROUP], len) { count++; } if (data->buflen < count) { if (data->buf) free(data->buf); data->buflen = count; data->buf = malloc(sizeof(struct wprobe_filter_item) * count); memset(data->buf, 0, sizeof(struct wprobe_filter_item) * count); } count = 0; nla_for_each_nested(p, tb[WPROBE_ATTR_FILTER_GROUP], len) { struct wprobe_filter_item *fi; nla_parse(tb, WPROBE_ATTR_LAST, nla_data(p), nla_len(p), attribute_policy); if (!tb[WPROBE_ATTR_NAME] || !tb[WPROBE_ATTR_RXCOUNT] || !tb[WPROBE_ATTR_TXCOUNT]) continue; fi = &data->buf[count++]; strncpy(fi->name, nla_data(tb[WPROBE_ATTR_NAME]), sizeof(fi->name) - 1); fi->name[sizeof(fi->name) - 1] = 0; fi->rx = nla_get_u64(tb[WPROBE_ATTR_RXCOUNT]); fi->tx = nla_get_u64(tb[WPROBE_ATTR_TXCOUNT]); } data->cb(data->arg, name, data->buf, count); return 0; } int wprobe_dump_filters(struct wprobe_iface *dev, wprobe_filter_cb cb, void *arg) { struct wprobe_filter_data data; struct nl_msg *msg; int err; data.buf = 0; data.buflen = 0; data.cb = cb; data.arg = arg; msg = wprobe_new_msg(dev, WPROBE_CMD_GET_FILTER, true); if (!msg) return -ENOMEM; err = dev->ops->send_msg(dev, msg, dump_filter_handler, &data); if (err < 0) return err; return 0; } int wprobe_apply_config(struct wprobe_iface *dev) { struct nl_msg *msg; msg = wprobe_new_msg(dev, WPROBE_CMD_CONFIG, false); if (!msg) return -ENOMEM; if (dev->interval >= 0) NLA_PUT_MSECS(msg, WPROBE_ATTR_INTERVAL, dev->interval); if (dev->filter_len < 0) { NLA_PUT(msg, WPROBE_ATTR_FILTER, 0, NULL); dev->filter_len = 0; } else if (dev->filter && dev->filter_len > 0) { NLA_PUT(msg, WPROBE_ATTR_FILTER, dev->filter_len, dev->filter); } dev->filter = NULL; dev->ops->send_msg(dev, msg, NULL, NULL); return 0; nla_put_failure: nlmsg_free(msg); return -ENOMEM; } int wprobe_measure(struct wprobe_iface *dev) { struct nl_msg *msg; msg = wprobe_new_msg(dev, WPROBE_CMD_MEASURE, false); if (!msg) return -ENOMEM; dev->ops->send_msg(dev, msg, NULL, NULL); return 0; } struct wprobe_request_cb { struct list_head *list; struct list_head old_list; char *addr; }; static int save_attrdata_handler(struct nl_msg *msg, void *arg) { struct genlmsghdr *gnlh = nlmsg_data(nlmsg_hdr(msg)); struct wprobe_request_cb *cb = arg; struct wprobe_attribute *attr; int type, id; nla_parse(tb, WPROBE_ATTR_LAST, genlmsg_attrdata(gnlh, 0), genlmsg_attrlen(gnlh, 0), attribute_policy); if (!tb[WPROBE_ATTR_ID]) return -1; if (!tb[WPROBE_ATTR_TYPE]) return -1; id = nla_get_u32(tb[WPROBE_ATTR_ID]); list_for_each_entry(attr, &cb->old_list, list) { if (attr->id == id) goto found; } /* not found */ return -1; found: list_del_init(&attr->list); type = nla_get_u8(tb[WPROBE_ATTR_TYPE]); if (type != attr->type) { DPRINTF("WARNING: type mismatch for %s attribute '%s' (%d != %d)\n", (cb->addr ? "link" : "global"), attr->name, type, attr->type); goto out; } if ((type < WPROBE_VAL_STRING) || (type > WPROBE_VAL_U64)) goto out; memset(&attr->val, 0, sizeof(attr->val)); #define HANDLE_INT_TYPE(_idx, _type) \ case WPROBE_VAL_S##_type: \ case WPROBE_VAL_U##_type: \ attr->val.U##_type = nla_get_u##_type(tb[_idx]); \ break switch(type) { HANDLE_INT_TYPE(type, 8); HANDLE_INT_TYPE(type, 16); HANDLE_INT_TYPE(type, 32); HANDLE_INT_TYPE(type, 64); case WPROBE_VAL_STRING: /* unimplemented */ break; } #undef HANDLE_TYPE if (attr->flags & WPROBE_F_KEEPSTAT) { if (tb[WPROBE_VAL_SUM]) attr->val.s = nla_get_u64(tb[WPROBE_VAL_SUM]); if (tb[WPROBE_VAL_SUM_SQ]) attr->val.ss = nla_get_u64(tb[WPROBE_VAL_SUM_SQ]); if (tb[WPROBE_VAL_SAMPLES]) attr->val.n = nla_get_u32(tb[WPROBE_VAL_SAMPLES]); if (attr->val.n > 0) { float avg = ((float) attr->val.s) / attr->val.n; float stdev = sqrt((((float) attr->val.ss) / attr->val.n) - (avg * avg)); if (isnan(stdev)) stdev = 0.0f; if (isnan(avg)) avg = 0.0f; attr->val.avg = avg; attr->val.stdev = stdev; } } out: list_add_tail(&attr->list, cb->list); return 0; } int wprobe_request_data(struct wprobe_iface *dev, const unsigned char *addr) { struct wprobe_request_cb cb; struct list_head *attrs; struct nl_msg *msg; int err; msg = wprobe_new_msg(dev, WPROBE_CMD_GET_INFO, true); if (!msg) return -ENOMEM; if (addr) { attrs = &dev->link_attr; NLA_PUT(msg, WPROBE_ATTR_MAC, 6, addr); } else { attrs = &dev->global_attr; } INIT_LIST_HEAD(&cb.old_list); list_splice_init(attrs, &cb.old_list); cb.list = attrs; err = dev->ops->send_msg(dev, msg, save_attrdata_handler, &cb); list_splice(&cb.old_list, attrs->prev); return err; nla_put_failure: nlmsg_free(msg); return -ENOMEM; }