--- a/libopkg/opkg_utils.c
+++ b/libopkg/opkg_utils.c
@@ -44,58 +44,6 @@
     return 0;
-char **read_raw_pkgs_from_file(const char *file_name)
-     FILE *fp; 
-     char **ret;
-     if(!(fp = fopen(file_name, "r"))){
-	  fprintf(stderr, "can't get %s open for read\n", file_name);
-	  return NULL;
-     }
-     ret = read_raw_pkgs_from_stream(fp);
-     fclose(fp);
-     return ret;
-char **read_raw_pkgs_from_stream(FILE *fp)
-     char **raw = NULL, *buf, *scout;
-     int count = 0;
-     size_t size = 512;
-     buf = calloc (1, size);
-     while (fgets(buf, size, fp)) {
-	  while (strlen (buf) == (size - 1)
-		 && buf[size-2] != '\n') {
-	       size_t o = size - 1;
-	       size *= 2;
-	       buf = realloc (buf, size);
-	       if (fgets (buf + o, size - o, fp) == NULL)
-		    break;
-	  }
-	  if(!(count % 50))
-	       raw = realloc(raw, (count + 50) * sizeof(char *));
-	  if((scout = strchr(buf, '\n')))
-	       *scout = '\0';
-	  raw[count++] = strdup(buf);
-     }
-     raw = realloc(raw, (count + 1) * sizeof(char *));
-     raw[count] = NULL;
-     free (buf);
-     return raw;
 /* something to remove whitespace, a hash pooper */
 char *trim_alloc(char *line)
--- a/libopkg/pkg.c
+++ b/libopkg/pkg.c
@@ -20,6 +20,8 @@
 #include <alloca.h>
 #include <string.h>
 #include <stdbool.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
 #include <errno.h>
 #include "pkg.h"
@@ -277,7 +279,6 @@
 int pkg_init_from_file(pkg_t *pkg, const char *filename)
      int err;
-     char **raw;
      FILE *control_file;
      err = pkg_init(pkg);
@@ -290,8 +291,7 @@
      if (err) { return err; }
-     raw = read_raw_pkgs_from_stream(control_file);
-     pkg_parse_raw(pkg, &raw, NULL, NULL);
+     pkg_parse_fd(pkg, fileno(control_file), NULL, NULL, 0);
@@ -459,8 +459,7 @@
 void set_flags_from_control(opkg_conf_t *conf, pkg_t *pkg){
      char * temp_str;
-     char **raw =NULL;
-     char **raw_start=NULL; 
+     int fd;
      size_t str_size = strlen(pkg->dest->info_dir)+strlen(pkg->name)+12;
      temp_str = (char *) alloca (str_size);
@@ -471,28 +470,23 @@
      sprintf( temp_str,"%s/%s.control",pkg->dest->info_dir,pkg->name);
-     raw = raw_start = read_raw_pkgs_from_file(temp_str);
-     if (raw == NULL ){
-        opkg_message(conf, OPKG_ERROR, "Unable to open the control file in  %s\n", __FUNCTION__);
-        return;
-     }
-     while(*raw){
-        if (!pkg_valorize_other_field(pkg, &raw ) == 0) {
-            opkg_message(conf, OPKG_DEBUG, "unable to read control file for %s. May be empty\n", pkg->name);
-        }
-     }
-     raw = raw_start;
-     while (*raw) {
-        if (raw!=NULL)
-          free(*raw++);
-     }
+	if( (fd = open(temp_str, O_RDONLY)) > 0 )
+	{
+		if( pkg_valorize_other_field(pkg, fd) )
+		{
+			opkg_message(conf, OPKG_DEBUG, "unable to read control file for %s. May be empty\n", pkg->name);
+		}
-     free(raw_start); 
+		close(fd);
+	}
+	else
+	{
+	        opkg_message(conf, OPKG_ERROR, "Unable to open the control file in  %s\n", __FUNCTION__);
+	        return;
+	}
      return ;
 #define CHECK_BUFF_SIZE(buff, line, buf_size, page_size) do { \
--- a/libopkg/pkg_hash.c
+++ b/libopkg/pkg_hash.c
@@ -20,6 +20,8 @@
 #include <ctype.h>
 #include <stdlib.h>
 #include <string.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
 #include "hash_table.h"
 #include "pkg.h"
@@ -110,45 +112,52 @@
 int pkg_hash_add_from_file(opkg_conf_t *conf, const char *file_name,
-			   pkg_src_t *src, pkg_dest_t *dest, int is_status_file)
+			   pkg_src_t *src, pkg_dest_t *dest, int is_status_file, int no_desc)
-     hash_table_t *hash = &conf->pkg_hash;
-     char **raw;
-     char **raw_start;
-     pkg_t *pkg;
-     raw = raw_start = read_raw_pkgs_from_file(file_name);
-     if (!raw)
-        return -ENOMEM;
-     while(*raw){         /* don't worry, we'll increment raw in the parsing function */
-	  pkg = pkg_new();
-	  if (!pkg)
-	       return -ENOMEM;
-	  if (pkg_parse_raw(pkg, &raw, src, dest) == 0) {
-	       if (!pkg->architecture) {
-		    char *version_str = pkg_version_str_alloc(pkg);
-		    pkg->architecture = pkg_get_default_arch(conf);
-		    opkg_message(conf, OPKG_ERROR, "Package %s version %s has no architecture specified, defaulting to %s.\n",
-				 pkg->name, version_str, pkg->architecture);
-		    free(version_str);
-	       }
-	       hash_insert_pkg(hash, pkg, is_status_file,conf);
-	  } else {
-	       pkg_deinit (pkg);
-	       free(pkg);
-	  }
-     }
+	hash_table_t *hash = &conf->pkg_hash;
+	pkg_t *pkg;
-     /* XXX: CLEANUP: I'd like a cleaner interface for cleaning up
-	memory after read_raw_pkgs_from_file */
-     raw = raw_start;
-     while (*raw) {
-	  free(*raw++);
-     }
-     free(raw_start);
-     return 0;
+	int fd;
+	int rv = 0;
+	if( (fd = open(file_name, O_RDONLY)) > 0 )
+	{
+		while(1)
+		{
+			pkg = pkg_new();
+			if(!pkg) {
+				rv = -ENOMEM;
+				break;
+			}
+			if (pkg_parse_fd(pkg, fd, src, dest, no_desc) == 0) {
+				if (!pkg->architecture) {
+					char *version_str = pkg_version_str_alloc(pkg);
+					pkg->architecture = pkg_get_default_arch(conf);
+					opkg_message(conf, OPKG_ERROR, "Package %s version %s has no architecture specified, defaulting to %s.\n",
+					pkg->name, version_str, pkg->architecture);
+					free(version_str);
+				}
+				hash_insert_pkg(hash, pkg, is_status_file, conf);
+			} else {
+				pkg_deinit (pkg);
+				free(pkg);
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+		close(fd);
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		opkg_message (conf, OPKG_ERROR,
+			"Unable to open package list %s\n", file_name);
+		rv = -EINVAL;
+	}
+	return rv;
 abstract_pkg_t * abstract_pkg_fetch_by_name(hash_table_t * hash, const char * pkg_name)
--- a/libopkg/pkg_parse.c
+++ b/libopkg/pkg_parse.c
@@ -191,214 +191,301 @@
-/* Some random thoughts from Carl:
-   This function could be considerably simplified if we just kept
-   an array of all the generic string-valued field names, and looped
-   through those looking for a match. Also, these fields could perhaps
-   be stored in the package as an array as well, (or, probably better,
-   as an nv_pair_list_t).
-   Fields which require special parsing or storage, (such as Depends:
-   and Status:) could be handled as they are now. 
-/* XXX: FEATURE: The Suggests: field needs to be changed from a string
-   to a dependency list. And, since we already have
-   Depends/Pre-Depends and need to add Conflicts, Recommends, and
-   Enhances, perhaps we could generalize all of these and save some
-   code duplication.
-int pkg_parse_raw(pkg_t *pkg, char ***raw, pkg_src_t *src, pkg_dest_t *dest)
+int pkg_parse_fd(pkg_t *pkg, int fd, pkg_src_t *src, pkg_dest_t *dest, int no_desc)
-    int reading_conffiles, reading_description;
-    int pkg_false_provides=1;
-    char ** lines;
-    char * provide=NULL;
-    pkg->src = src;
-    pkg->dest = dest;
-    reading_conffiles = reading_description = 0;
-    for (lines = *raw; *lines; lines++) {
-	/*	fprintf(stderr, "PARSING %s\n", *lines);*/
-	switch (**lines) {
-	case 'P':
-	    if(isGenericFieldType("Package:", *lines)) 
-		pkg->name = parseGenericFieldType("Package", *lines);
-	    else if(isGenericFieldType("Priority:", *lines))
-		pkg->priority = parseGenericFieldType("Priority", *lines);
-	    else if(isGenericFieldType("Provides", *lines)){
-/* Here we add the internal_use to align the off by one problem between provides_str and provides */
-        	provide = (char * ) calloc(1, strlen(*lines)+ 35 ); /* Preparing the space for the new opkg_internal_use_only */
-        	if ( alterProvidesLine(*lines,provide) ){
-        	    return EINVAL;
-        	}
-		pkg->provides_str = parseDependsString( provide, &pkg->provides_count);
-/* Let's try to hack a bit here.
-   The idea is that if a package has no Provides, we would add one generic, to permit the check of dependencies
-   in alot of other places. We will remove it before writing down the status database */
-        	pkg_false_provides=0;
-        	free(provide);
-    	    } 
-	    else if(isGenericFieldType("Pre-Depends", *lines))
-		pkg->pre_depends_str = parseDependsString(*lines, &pkg->pre_depends_count);
-	    break;
-	case 'A':
-	    if(isGenericFieldType("Architecture:", *lines))
-		pkg->architecture = parseGenericFieldType("Architecture", *lines);
-	    else if(isGenericFieldType("Auto-Installed:", *lines)) {
-		char *auto_installed_value;
-		auto_installed_value = parseGenericFieldType("Auto-Installed:", *lines);
-		if (strcmp(auto_installed_value, "yes") == 0) {
-		    pkg->auto_installed = 1;
-		}
-		free(auto_installed_value);
-	    }
-	    break;
-	case 'F':
-	    if(isGenericFieldType("Filename:", *lines))
-		pkg->filename = parseGenericFieldType("Filename", *lines);
-	    break;
-	case 'S':
-	    if(isGenericFieldType("Section:", *lines))
-		pkg->section = parseGenericFieldType("Section", *lines);
-	    else if(isGenericFieldType("Size:", *lines))
-		pkg->size = parseGenericFieldType("Size", *lines);
-	    else if(isGenericFieldType("Source:", *lines))
-		pkg->source = parseGenericFieldType("Source", *lines);
-	    else if(isGenericFieldType("Status", *lines))
-		parseStatus(pkg, *lines);
-	    else if(isGenericFieldType("Suggests", *lines))
-		pkg->suggests_str = parseDependsString(*lines, &pkg->suggests_count);
-	    break;
-	case 'T':
-	    if(isGenericFieldType("Tags:", *lines))
-		pkg->tags = parseGenericFieldType("Tags", *lines);
-	    break;
-	case 'M':
-	    if(isGenericFieldType("MD5sum:", *lines))
-		pkg->md5sum = parseGenericFieldType("MD5sum", *lines);
-	    /* The old opkg wrote out status files with the wrong case for MD5sum,
-		let's parse it either way */
-	    else if(isGenericFieldType("MD5Sum:", *lines))
-		pkg->md5sum = parseGenericFieldType("MD5Sum", *lines);
-	    else if(isGenericFieldType("Maintainer", *lines))
-		pkg->maintainer = parseGenericFieldType("Maintainer", *lines);
-	    break;
-	case 'I':
-	    if(isGenericFieldType("Installed-Size:", *lines))
-		pkg->installed_size = parseGenericFieldType("Installed-Size", *lines);
-	    else if(isGenericFieldType("Installed-Time:", *lines)) {
-		char *time_str = parseGenericFieldType("Installed-Time", *lines);
-		pkg->installed_time = strtoul(time_str, NULL, 0);
-		free (time_str);
-	    }	    
-	    break;
-	case 'E':
-	    if(isGenericFieldType("Essential:", *lines)) {
-		char *essential_value;
-		essential_value = parseGenericFieldType("Essential", *lines);
-		if (strcmp(essential_value, "yes") == 0) {
-		    pkg->essential = 1;
-		}
-		free(essential_value);
-	    }
-	    break;
-	case 'V':
-	    if(isGenericFieldType("Version", *lines))
-		parseVersion(pkg, *lines);
-	    break;
-	case 'C':
-	    if(isGenericFieldType("Conffiles", *lines)){
-		parseConffiles(pkg, *lines);
-		reading_conffiles = 1;
-	    }
-	    else if(isGenericFieldType("Conflicts", *lines))
-		pkg->conflicts_str = parseDependsString(*lines, &pkg->conflicts_count);
-	    break;
-	case 'D':
-	    if(isGenericFieldType("Description", *lines)) {
-		pkg->description = parseGenericFieldType("Description", *lines);
-		reading_conffiles = 0;
-		reading_description = 1;
-	    }
-	    else if(isGenericFieldType("Depends", *lines))
-		pkg->depends_str = parseDependsString(*lines, &pkg->depends_count);
-	    break;
-	case 'R':
-	    if(isGenericFieldType("Recommends", *lines))
-	        pkg->recommends_str = parseDependsString(*lines, &pkg->recommends_count);
-	    else if(isGenericFieldType("Replaces", *lines))
-		pkg->replaces_str = parseDependsString(*lines, &pkg->replaces_count);
-	    break;
-	case ' ':
-	    if(reading_description) {
-		/* we already know it's not blank, so the rest of description */      
-		pkg->description = realloc(pkg->description,
-					   strlen(pkg->description)
-					   + 1 + strlen(*lines) + 1);
-		strcat(pkg->description, "\n");
-		strcat(pkg->description, (*lines));
-	    }
-	    else if(reading_conffiles)
-		parseConffiles(pkg, *lines);
-	    break;
-	default:
-	    if(line_is_blank(*lines)) {
-		lines++;
-		goto out;
-	    }
+	char buf[4096];
+	char line[4096];
+	char *nl;
+	int bsz = 0;
+	int eof = 0;
+	int rv = EINVAL;
+	int reading_conffiles, reading_description;
+	int pkg_false_provides=1;
+	char *provide = NULL;
+	pkg->src = src;
+	pkg->dest = dest;
+	reading_conffiles = reading_description = 0;
+	memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
+	while(!eof || (bsz > 0))
+	{
+		if(!eof)
+		{
+			rv = read(fd, &buf[bsz], sizeof(buf) - bsz - 1);
+			if( rv == 0 )
+			{
+				eof = 1;
+				if( bsz == 0 )
+				{
+					rv = EINVAL;
+					break;
+				}
+			}
+			else if( rv < 0 )
+			{
+				/*opkg_message(conf, OPKG_ERROR, "I/O error while parsing package list\n");*/
+				printf("I/O error while parsing package list\n");
+				rv = EINVAL;
+				break;
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				bsz += rv;
+				buf[bsz] = 0;
+				rv = 0;
+			}
+		}
+		if( (nl = strchr(buf, '\n')) != NULL )
+		{
+			bsz -= (int)(nl - buf) + 1;
+			memset(line, 0, sizeof(line));
+			memcpy(line, buf, (int)(nl - buf));
+			memmove(buf, &buf[(int)(nl - buf) + 1], bsz);
+			switch(line[0])
+			{
+				case 'P':
+					if(isGenericFieldType("Package:", line)) 
+						pkg->name = parseGenericFieldType("Package", line);
+					else if(isGenericFieldType("Priority:", line))
+						pkg->priority = parseGenericFieldType("Priority", line);
+					else if(isGenericFieldType("Provides", line)){
+						/* Here we add the internal_use to align the off by one problem between provides_str and provides */
+						provide = (char * ) calloc(1, strlen(line)+ 35 ); /* Preparing the space for the new opkg_internal_use_only */
+						if ( alterProvidesLine(line,provide) ){
+							rv = EINVAL;
+							break;
+        					}
+						pkg->provides_str = parseDependsString( provide, &pkg->provides_count);
+						/* Let's try to hack a bit here.
+						   The idea is that if a package has no Provides, we would add one generic, to permit the check of dependencies
+						   in alot of other places. We will remove it before writing down the status database */
+						pkg_false_provides=0;
+						free(provide);
+					}
+					else if(isGenericFieldType("Pre-Depends", line))
+						pkg->pre_depends_str = parseDependsString(line, &pkg->pre_depends_count);
+						break;
+				case 'A':
+					if(isGenericFieldType("Architecture:", line))
+						pkg->architecture = parseGenericFieldType("Architecture", line);
+					else if(isGenericFieldType("Auto-Installed:", line)) {
+						char *auto_installed_value;
+						auto_installed_value = parseGenericFieldType("Auto-Installed:", line);
+						if (strcmp(auto_installed_value, "yes") == 0) {
+							pkg->auto_installed = 1;
+						}
+						free(auto_installed_value);
+					}
+					break;
+				case 'F':
+					if(isGenericFieldType("Filename:", line))
+						pkg->filename = parseGenericFieldType("Filename", line);
+					break;
+				case 'S':
+					if(isGenericFieldType("Section:", line) && !no_desc)
+						pkg->section = parseGenericFieldType("Section", line);
+					else if(isGenericFieldType("Size:", line))
+						pkg->size = parseGenericFieldType("Size", line);
+					else if(isGenericFieldType("Source:", line) && !no_desc)
+						pkg->source = parseGenericFieldType("Source", line);
+					else if(isGenericFieldType("Status", line))
+						parseStatus(pkg, line);
+					else if(isGenericFieldType("Suggests", line))
+						pkg->suggests_str = parseDependsString(line, &pkg->suggests_count);
+					break;
+				case 'T':
+					if(isGenericFieldType("Tags:", line))
+						pkg->tags = parseGenericFieldType("Tags", line);
+					break;
+				case 'M':
+					if(isGenericFieldType("MD5sum:", line))
+						pkg->md5sum = parseGenericFieldType("MD5sum", line);
+					/* The old opkg wrote out status files with the wrong case for MD5sum,
+					   let's parse it either way */
+					else if(isGenericFieldType("MD5Sum:", line))
+						pkg->md5sum = parseGenericFieldType("MD5Sum", line);
+					else if(isGenericFieldType("Maintainer", line) && !no_desc)
+						pkg->maintainer = parseGenericFieldType("Maintainer", line);
+					break;
+				case 'I':
+	    				if(isGenericFieldType("Installed-Size:", line))
+						pkg->installed_size = parseGenericFieldType("Installed-Size", line);
+					else if(isGenericFieldType("Installed-Time:", line)) {
+						char *time_str = parseGenericFieldType("Installed-Time", line);
+						pkg->installed_time = strtoul(time_str, NULL, 0);
+						free (time_str);
+					}	    
+					break;
+				case 'E':
+					if(isGenericFieldType("Essential:", line)) {
+						char *essential_value;
+						essential_value = parseGenericFieldType("Essential", line);
+						if (strcmp(essential_value, "yes") == 0) {
+							pkg->essential = 1;
+						}
+						free(essential_value);
+					}
+					break;
+				case 'V':
+					if(isGenericFieldType("Version", line))
+						parseVersion(pkg, line);
+					break;
+				case 'C':
+					if(isGenericFieldType("Conffiles", line)){
+						parseConffiles(pkg, line);
+						reading_conffiles = 1;
+					}
+					else if(isGenericFieldType("Conflicts", line))
+						pkg->conflicts_str = parseDependsString(line, &pkg->conflicts_count);
+					break;
+				case 'D':
+					if(isGenericFieldType("Description", line)) {
+						if(!no_desc)
+							pkg->description = parseGenericFieldType("Description", line);
+						reading_conffiles = 0;
+						reading_description = 1;
+					}
+					else if(isGenericFieldType("Depends", line))
+						pkg->depends_str = parseDependsString(line, &pkg->depends_count);
+					break;
+				case 'R':
+					if(isGenericFieldType("Recommends", line))
+						pkg->recommends_str = parseDependsString(line, &pkg->recommends_count);
+					else if(isGenericFieldType("Replaces", line))
+						pkg->replaces_str = parseDependsString(line, &pkg->replaces_count);
+					break;
+				case ' ':
+					if(reading_description) {
+						/* we already know it's not blank, so the rest of description */
+						if(!no_desc)
+						{
+							pkg->description = realloc(pkg->description,
+								strlen(pkg->description) + 1 + strlen(line) + 1);
+							strcat(pkg->description, "\n");
+							strcat(pkg->description, (line));
+						}
+					}
+					else if(reading_conffiles)
+						parseConffiles(pkg, line);
+					break;
+				default:
+					if(line_is_blank(line))
+						goto out;
+			}
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			/*opkg_message(conf, OPKG_ERROR, "Buffer exceeded while parsing line:\n[%s]\n", buf);*/
+			printf("Buffer exceeded while parsing line:\n[%s]\n", buf);
+			rv = EINVAL;
+			break;
+		}
-    }
-    *raw = lines;
-/* If the opk has not a Provides line, we insert our false line */ 
-    if ( pkg_false_provides==1)
-    {
-       pkg->provides_count = 1;
-       pkg->provides_str = calloc (1, sizeof (char*));
-       pkg->provides_str[0] = strdup ("opkg_internal_use_only");
-    }
-    if (pkg->name) {
-	return 0;
-    } else {
-	return EINVAL;
-    }
+	out:
+	if (bsz)
+		lseek(fd, -(off_t)bsz, SEEK_CUR);
+	if (!rv && pkg->name)
+		return 0;
+	else
+		return EINVAL;
-int pkg_valorize_other_field(pkg_t *pkg, char ***raw)
+int pkg_valorize_other_field(pkg_t *pkg, int fd)
-    char ** lines;
+	char buf[4096];
+	char line[4096];
+	char *nl;
+	int bsz = 0;
+	int eof = 0;
+	int rv = EINVAL;
+	memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
+	while(!eof || (bsz > 0))
+	{
+		if(!eof)
+		{
+			rv = read(fd, &buf[bsz], sizeof(buf) - bsz - 1);
+			if( rv == 0 )
+			{
+				eof = 1;
+				if( bsz == 0 )
+				{
+					rv = EINVAL;
+					break;
+				}
+			}
+			else if( rv < 0 )
+			{
+				rv = EINVAL;
+				break;
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				bsz += rv;
+				buf[bsz] = 0;
+				rv = 0;
+			}
+		}
-    for (lines = *raw; *lines; lines++) {
-	if(isGenericFieldType("Essential:", *lines)) {
-	    char *essential_value;
-	    essential_value = parseGenericFieldType("Essential", *lines);
-	    if (strcmp(essential_value, "yes") == 0) {
-		pkg->essential = 1;
-	    }
-	    free(essential_value);
+		if( (nl = strchr(buf, '\n')) != NULL )
+		{
+			bsz -= (int)(nl - buf) + 1;
+			memset(line, 0, sizeof(line));
+			memcpy(line, buf, (int)(nl - buf));
+			memmove(buf, &buf[(int)(nl - buf) + 1], bsz);
+			if(isGenericFieldType("Essential:", line))
+			{
+				char *essential_value;
+				essential_value = parseGenericFieldType("Essential", line);
+				if (strcmp(essential_value, "yes") == 0) {
+					pkg->essential = 1;
+				}
+				free(essential_value);
+			}
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			rv = EINVAL;
+			break;
+		}
-    }
-    *raw = lines;
-    return 0;
+	if (bsz)
+		lseek(fd, -(off_t)bsz, SEEK_CUR);
+	if (!rv && pkg->name)
+		return 0;
+	else
+		return EINVAL;
--- a/libopkg/pkg_parse.h
+++ b/libopkg/pkg_parse.h
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
 char ** parseDependsString(char * raw, int * depends_count);
 int parseVersion(pkg_t *pkg, char *raw);
 void parseConffiles(pkg_t * pkg, char * raw);
-int pkg_parse_raw(pkg_t *pkg, char ***raw, pkg_src_t *src, pkg_dest_t *dest);
-int pkg_valorize_other_field(pkg_t *pkg, char ***raw);
+int pkg_parse_fd(pkg_t *pkg, int fd, pkg_src_t *src, pkg_dest_t *dest, int no_desc);
+int pkg_valorize_other_field(pkg_t *pkg, int fd);
--- a/libopkg/opkg_utils.h
+++ b/libopkg/opkg_utils.h
@@ -26,8 +26,6 @@
 void free_error_list();
 long unsigned int get_available_blocks(char * filesystem);
-char **read_raw_pkgs_from_file(const char *file_name);
-char **read_raw_pkgs_from_stream(FILE *fp);
 char *trim_alloc(char * line);
 int line_is_blank(const char *line);
--- a/libopkg/libopkg.c
+++ b/libopkg/libopkg.c
@@ -88,6 +88,7 @@
 	char *cmd_name;
 	opkg_cmd_t *cmd;
 	opkg_conf_t opkg_conf;
+	int no_desc = 1;
 	args_init (&args);
@@ -122,12 +123,18 @@
              !strcmp(cmd_name,"status") )
            args.noreadfeedsfile = 1;
+	if( !strcmp(cmd_name,"list") ||
+	    !strcmp(cmd_name,"list-installed") ||
+	    !strcmp(cmd_name,"list_installed") ||
+	    !strcmp(cmd_name,"search") )
+	   no_desc = 0;
 	opkg_cb_message = default_opkg_message_callback;
 	opkg_cb_response = default_opkg_response_callback;
 	opkg_cb_status = default_opkg_status_callback;
-	err = opkg_conf_init (&opkg_conf, &args);
+	err = opkg_conf_init (&opkg_conf, &args, no_desc);
 	if (err)
 		opkg_print_error_list (&opkg_conf);
--- a/libopkg/opkg.c
+++ b/libopkg/opkg.c
@@ -205,7 +205,7 @@
   opkg->conf = calloc (1, sizeof (opkg_conf_t));
-  err = opkg_conf_init (opkg->conf, opkg->args);
+  err = opkg_conf_init (opkg->conf, opkg->args, 0);
   if (err)
     free (opkg->conf);
@@ -286,7 +286,7 @@
   /* throw away old opkg_conf and start again */
   opkg_conf_deinit (opkg->conf);
-  opkg_conf_init (opkg->conf, opkg->args);
+  opkg_conf_init (opkg->conf, opkg->args, 0);
   free (opkg->options);
   opkg_init_options_array (opkg->conf, &opkg->options);
--- a/libopkg/opkg_conf.c
+++ b/libopkg/opkg_conf.c
@@ -44,9 +44,9 @@
 static int opkg_conf_set_default_dest(opkg_conf_t *conf,
 				      const char *default_dest_name);
 static int set_and_load_pkg_src_list(opkg_conf_t *conf,
-				     pkg_src_list_t *nv_pair_list);
+				     pkg_src_list_t *nv_pair_list, int no_desc);
 static int set_and_load_pkg_dest_list(opkg_conf_t *conf,
-				      nv_pair_list_t *nv_pair_list, char * lists_dir);
+				      nv_pair_list_t *nv_pair_list, char * lists_dir, int no_desc);
 int opkg_init_options_array(const opkg_conf_t *conf, opkg_option_t **options)
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@
-int opkg_conf_init(opkg_conf_t *conf, const args_t *args)
+int opkg_conf_init(opkg_conf_t *conf, const args_t *args, int no_desc)
      int err;
      char *tmp_dir_base;
@@ -294,12 +294,12 @@
      if ( !(args->nocheckfordirorfile)){
         /* need to run load the source list before dest list -Jamey */
         if ( !(args->noreadfeedsfile))
-           set_and_load_pkg_src_list(conf, &conf->pkg_src_list);
+           set_and_load_pkg_src_list(conf, &conf->pkg_src_list, no_desc);
         /* Now that we have resolved conf->offline_root, we can commit to
 	   the directory names for the dests and load in all the package
 	   lists. */
-        set_and_load_pkg_dest_list(conf, &tmp_dest_nv_pair_list,lists_dir);
+        set_and_load_pkg_dest_list(conf, &tmp_dest_nv_pair_list,lists_dir, no_desc);
         if (args->dest) {
 	     err = opkg_conf_set_default_dest(conf, args->dest);
@@ -409,7 +409,7 @@
      return 1;
-static int set_and_load_pkg_src_list(opkg_conf_t *conf, pkg_src_list_t *pkg_src_list)
+static int set_and_load_pkg_src_list(opkg_conf_t *conf, pkg_src_list_t *pkg_src_list, int no_desc)
      pkg_src_list_elt_t *iter;
      pkg_src_t *src;
@@ -426,7 +426,7 @@
 	  if (file_exists(list_file)) {
-	       pkg_hash_add_from_file(conf, list_file, src, NULL, 0);
+	       pkg_hash_add_from_file(conf, list_file, src, NULL, 0, no_desc);
@@ -434,7 +434,7 @@
      return 0;
-static int set_and_load_pkg_dest_list(opkg_conf_t *conf, nv_pair_list_t *nv_pair_list, char *lists_dir )
+static int set_and_load_pkg_dest_list(opkg_conf_t *conf, nv_pair_list_t *nv_pair_list, char *lists_dir, int no_desc)
      nv_pair_list_elt_t *iter;
      nv_pair_t *nv_pair;
@@ -459,7 +459,7 @@
 	  if (file_exists(dest->status_file_name)) {
 	       pkg_hash_add_from_file(conf, dest->status_file_name,
-				      NULL, dest, 1);
+				      NULL, dest, 1, no_desc);
--- a/libopkg/opkg_conf.h
+++ b/libopkg/opkg_conf.h
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@
      const void *value;
-int opkg_conf_init(opkg_conf_t *conf, const args_t *args);
+int opkg_conf_init(opkg_conf_t *conf, const args_t *args, int no_desc);
 void opkg_conf_deinit(opkg_conf_t *conf);
 int opkg_conf_write_status_files(opkg_conf_t *conf);
--- a/tests/opkg_hash_test.c
+++ b/tests/opkg_hash_test.c
@@ -33,8 +33,8 @@
     pkg_hash_init("test", hash, 1024);
-    pkg_hash_add_from_file(&conf, argv[1], NULL, NULL, 0);
-    pkg_hash_add_from_file(&conf, argv[2], NULL, NULL, 0);
+    pkg_hash_add_from_file(&conf, argv[1], NULL, NULL, 0, 0);
+    pkg_hash_add_from_file(&conf, argv[2], NULL, NULL, 0, 0);
     if (argc < 4) {
 	pkg_print_info( pkg_hash_fetch_by_name_version(hash, "libc6", "2.2.3-2"), stdout);
--- a/libopkg/pkg_hash.h
+++ b/libopkg/pkg_hash.h
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
 void pkg_hash_fetch_available(hash_table_t *hash, pkg_vec_t *available);
 int pkg_hash_add_from_file(opkg_conf_t *conf, const char *file_name,
-			   pkg_src_t *src, pkg_dest_t *dest, int is_status_file);
+			   pkg_src_t *src, pkg_dest_t *dest, int is_status_file, int no_desc);
 pkg_t *hash_insert_pkg(hash_table_t *hash, pkg_t *pkg, int set_status,opkg_conf_t *conf);
 abstract_pkg_t * ensure_abstract_pkg_by_name(hash_table_t * hash, const char * pkg_name);