/* * Custom OID/ioctl definitions for * Broadcom 802.11abg Networking Device Driver * * Definitions subject to change without notice. * * Copyright 2004, Broadcom Corporation * All Rights Reserved. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS OFFERED "AS IS", AND BROADCOM GRANTS NO WARRANTIES OF ANY * KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, BY STATUTE, COMMUNICATION OR OTHERWISE. BROADCOM * SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS * FOR A SPECIFIC PURPOSE OR NONINFRINGEMENT CONCERNING THIS SOFTWARE. * * $Id$ */ #ifndef _wlioctl_h_ #define _wlioctl_h_ #include <typedefs.h> #include <proto/ethernet.h> #include <proto/802.11.h> #if defined(__GNUC__) #define PACKED __attribute__((packed)) #else #define PACKED #endif #define WL_NUMRATES 255 /* max # of rates in a rateset */ typedef struct wl_rateset { uint32 count; /* # rates in this set */ uint8 rates[WL_NUMRATES]; /* rates in 500kbps units w/hi bit set if basic */ } wl_rateset_t; #define WL_CHANSPEC_CHAN_MASK 0x0fff #define WL_CHANSPEC_BAND_MASK 0xf000 #define WL_CHANSPEC_BAND_SHIFT 12 #define WL_CHANSPEC_BAND_A 0x1000 #define WL_CHANSPEC_BAND_B 0x2000 /* * Per-bss information structure. */ #define WL_LEGACY_BSS_INFO_VERSION 106 /* an older supported version of wl_bss_info struct */ #define WL_BSS_INFO_VERSION 107 /* current version of wl_bss_info struct */ typedef struct wl_bss_info106 { uint version; /* version field */ struct ether_addr BSSID; uint8 SSID_len; uint8 SSID[32]; uint8 Privacy; /* 0=No WEP, 1=Use WEP */ int16 RSSI; /* receive signal strength (in dBm) */ uint16 beacon_period; /* units are Kusec */ uint16 atim_window; /* units are Kusec */ uint8 channel; /* Channel no. */ int8 infra; /* 0=IBSS, 1=infrastructure, 2=unknown */ struct { uint count; /* # rates in this set */ uint8 rates[12]; /* rates in 500kbps units w/hi bit set if basic */ } rateset; /* supported rates */ uint8 dtim_period; /* DTIM period */ int8 phy_noise; /* noise right after tx (in dBm) */ uint16 capability; /* Capability information */ struct dot11_bcn_prb *prb; /* probe response frame (ioctl na) */ uint16 prb_len; /* probe response frame length (ioctl na) */ struct { uint8 supported; /* wpa supported */ uint8 multicast; /* multicast cipher */ uint8 ucount; /* count of unicast ciphers */ uint8 unicast[4]; /* unicast ciphers */ uint8 acount; /* count of auth modes */ uint8 auth[4]; /* Authentication modes */ } wpa; } wl_bss_info106_t; typedef struct wl_bss_info { uint32 version; /* version field */ uint32 length; /* byte length of data in this record, starting at version and including IEs */ struct ether_addr BSSID; uint16 beacon_period; /* units are Kusec */ uint16 capability; /* Capability information */ uint8 SSID_len; uint8 SSID[32]; struct { uint count; /* # rates in this set */ uint8 rates[16]; /* rates in 500kbps units w/hi bit set if basic */ } rateset; /* supported rates */ uint8 channel; /* Channel no. */ uint16 atim_window; /* units are Kusec */ uint8 dtim_period; /* DTIM period */ int16 RSSI; /* receive signal strength (in dBm) */ int8 phy_noise; /* noise (in dBm) */ uint32 ie_length; /* byte length of Information Elements */ /* variable length Information Elements */ } wl_bss_info_t; typedef struct wlc_ssid { uint32 SSID_len; uchar SSID[32]; } wlc_ssid_t; typedef struct wl_scan_params { wlc_ssid_t ssid; /* default is {0, ""} */ struct ether_addr bssid;/* default is bcast */ int8 bss_type; /* default is any, DOT11_BSSTYPE_ANY/INFRASTRUCTURE/INDEPENDENT */ int8 scan_type; /* -1 use default, DOT11_SCANTYPE_ACTIVE/PASSIVE */ int32 nprobes; /* -1 use default, number of probes per channel */ int32 active_time; /* -1 use default, dwell time per channel for active scanning */ int32 passive_time; /* -1 use default, dwell time per channel for passive scanning */ int32 home_time; /* -1 use default, dwell time for the home channel between channel scans */ int32 channel_num; /* 0 use default (all available channels), count of channels in channel_list */ uint16 channel_list[1]; /* list of chanspecs */ } wl_scan_params_t; /* size of wl_scan_params not including variable length array */ #define WL_SCAN_PARAMS_FIXED_SIZE 64 typedef struct wl_scan_results { uint32 buflen; uint32 version; uint32 count; wl_bss_info_t bss_info[1]; } wl_scan_results_t; /* size of wl_scan_results not including variable length array */ #define WL_SCAN_RESULTS_FIXED_SIZE 12 /* uint32 list */ typedef struct wl_uint32_list { /* in - # of elements, out - # of entries */ uint32 count; /* variable length uint32 list */ uint32 element[1]; } wl_uint32_list_t; #define WLC_CNTRY_BUF_SZ 4 /* Country string is 3 bytes + NULL */ typedef struct wl_channels_in_country { uint32 buflen; uint32 band; char country_abbrev[WLC_CNTRY_BUF_SZ]; uint32 count; uint32 channel[1]; } wl_channels_in_country_t; typedef struct wl_country_list { uint32 buflen; uint32 band_set; uint32 band; uint32 count; char country_abbrev[1]; } wl_country_list_t; #define WL_RM_TYPE_BASIC 1 #define WL_RM_TYPE_CCA 2 #define WL_RM_TYPE_RPI 3 #define WL_RM_FLAG_PARALLEL (1<<0) #define WL_RM_FLAG_LATE (1<<1) #define WL_RM_FLAG_INCAPABLE (1<<2) #define WL_RM_FLAG_REFUSED (1<<3) typedef struct wl_rm_req_elt { int8 type; int8 flags; uint16 chanspec; uint32 token; /* token for this measurement */ uint32 tsf_h; /* TSF high 32-bits of Measurement start time */ uint32 tsf_l; /* TSF low 32-bits */ uint32 dur; /* TUs */ } wl_rm_req_elt_t; typedef struct wl_rm_req { uint32 token; /* overall measurement set token */ uint32 count; /* number of measurement reqests */ wl_rm_req_elt_t req[1]; /* variable length block of requests */ } wl_rm_req_t; #define WL_RM_REQ_FIXED_LEN 8 typedef struct wl_rm_rep_elt { int8 type; int8 flags; uint16 chanspec; uint32 token; /* token for this measurement */ uint32 tsf_h; /* TSF high 32-bits of Measurement start time */ uint32 tsf_l; /* TSF low 32-bits */ uint32 dur; /* TUs */ uint32 len; /* byte length of data block */ uint8 data[1]; /* variable length data block */ } wl_rm_rep_elt_t; #define WL_RM_REP_ELT_FIXED_LEN 24 /* length excluding data block */ #define WL_RPI_REP_BIN_NUM 8 typedef struct wl_rm_rpi_rep { uint8 rpi[WL_RPI_REP_BIN_NUM]; int8 rpi_max[WL_RPI_REP_BIN_NUM]; } wl_rm_rpi_rep_t; typedef struct wl_rm_rep { uint32 token; /* overall measurement set token */ uint32 len; /* length of measurement report block */ wl_rm_rep_elt_t rep[1]; /* variable length block of reports */ } wl_rm_rep_t; #define WL_RM_REP_FIXED_LEN 8 #if defined(WPAPSK) typedef enum sup_auth_status { WLC_SUP_DISCONNECTED = 0, WLC_SUP_CONNECTING, WLC_SUP_IDREQUIRED, WLC_SUP_AUTHENTICATING, WLC_SUP_AUTHENTICATED, WLC_SUP_KEYXCHANGE, WLC_SUP_KEYED } sup_auth_status_t; #endif /* CCX | WPAPSK */ /* Enumerate crypto algorithms */ #define CRYPTO_ALGO_OFF 0 #define CRYPTO_ALGO_WEP1 1 #define CRYPTO_ALGO_TKIP 2 #define CRYPTO_ALGO_WEP128 3 #define CRYPTO_ALGO_AES_CCM 4 #define CRYPTO_ALGO_AES_OCB_MSDU 5 #define CRYPTO_ALGO_AES_OCB_MPDU 6 #define CRYPTO_ALGO_NALG 7 #define WSEC_GEN_MIC_ERROR 0x0001 #define WSEC_GEN_REPLAY 0x0002 #define WL_SOFT_KEY (1 << 0) /* Indicates this key is using soft encrypt */ #define WL_PRIMARY_KEY (1 << 1) /* Indicates this key is the primary (ie tx) key */ #define WL_KF_RES_4 (1 << 4) /* Reserved for backward compat */ #define WL_KF_RES_5 (1 << 5) /* Reserved for backward compat */ typedef struct wl_wsec_key { uint32 index; /* key index */ uint32 len; /* key length */ uint8 data[DOT11_MAX_KEY_SIZE]; /* key data */ uint32 pad_1[18]; uint32 algo; /* CRYPTO_ALGO_AES_CCM, CRYPTO_ALGO_WEP128, etc */ uint32 flags; /* misc flags */ uint32 pad_2[2]; int pad_3; int iv_initialized; /* has IV been initialized already? */ int pad_4; /* Rx IV */ struct { uint32 hi; /* upper 32 bits of IV */ uint16 lo; /* lower 16 bits of IV */ } rxiv; uint32 pad_5[2]; struct ether_addr ea; /* per station */ } wl_wsec_key_t; #define WSEC_MIN_PSK_LEN 8 #define WSEC_MAX_PSK_LEN 64 /* Flag for key material needing passhash'ing */ #define WSEC_PASSPHRASE (1<<0) /* recepticle for WLC_SET_WSEC_PMK parameter */ typedef struct { ushort key_len; /* octets in key material */ ushort flags; /* key handling qualification */ uint8 key[WSEC_MAX_PSK_LEN]; /* PMK material */ } wsec_pmk_t; /* wireless security bitvec */ #define WEP_ENABLED 1 #define TKIP_ENABLED 2 #define AES_ENABLED 4 #define WSEC_SWFLAG 8 #define WSEC_SW(wsec) ((wsec) & WSEC_SWFLAG) #define WSEC_HW(wsec) (!WSEC_SW(wsec)) #define WSEC_WEP_ENABLED(wsec) ((wsec) & WEP_ENABLED) #define WSEC_TKIP_ENABLED(wsec) ((wsec) & TKIP_ENABLED) #define WSEC_AES_ENABLED(wsec) ((wsec) & AES_ENABLED) #define WSEC_ENABLED(wsec) ((wsec) & (WEP_ENABLED | TKIP_ENABLED | AES_ENABLED)) typedef struct wl_led_info { uint32 index; /* led index */ uint32 behavior; bool activehi; } wl_led_info_t; /* * definitions for driver messages passed from WL to NAS. */ /* Use this to recognize wpa and 802.1x driver messages. */ static const uint8 wl_wpa_snap_template[] = { 0xaa, 0xaa, 0x03, 0x00, 0x90, 0x4c }; #define WL_WPA_MSG_IFNAME_MAX 16 /* WPA driver message */ typedef struct wl_wpa_header { struct ether_header eth; struct dot11_llc_snap_header snap; uint8 version; uint8 type; /* version 2 additions */ char ifname[WL_WPA_MSG_IFNAME_MAX]; /* version specific data */ /* uint8 data[1]; */ } wl_wpa_header_t PACKED; #define WL_WPA_HEADER_LEN (ETHER_HDR_LEN + DOT11_LLC_SNAP_HDR_LEN + 2 + WL_WPA_MSG_IFNAME_MAX) /* WPA driver message ethertype - private between wlc and nas */ #define WL_WPA_ETHER_TYPE 0x9999 /* WPA driver message current version */ #define WL_WPA_MSG_VERSION 2 /* Type field values for the 802.2 driver messages for WPA. */ #define WLC_ASSOC_MSG 1 #define WLC_DISASSOC_MSG 2 #define WLC_PTK_MIC_MSG 3 #define WLC_GTK_MIC_MSG 4 /* 802.1x driver message */ typedef struct wl_eapol_header { struct ether_header eth; struct dot11_llc_snap_header snap; uint8 version; uint8 reserved; char ifname[WL_WPA_MSG_IFNAME_MAX]; /* version specific data */ /* uint8 802_1x_msg[1]; */ } wl_eapol_header_t PACKED; #define WL_EAPOL_HEADER_LEN (ETHER_HDR_LEN + DOT11_LLC_SNAP_HDR_LEN + 2 + WL_WPA_MSG_IFNAME_MAX) /* 802.1x driver message ethertype - private between wlc and nas */ #define WL_EAPOL_ETHER_TYPE 0x999A /* 802.1x driver message current version */ #define WL_EAPOL_MSG_VERSION 1 /* srom read/write struct passed through ioctl */ typedef struct { uint byteoff; /* byte offset */ uint nbytes; /* number of bytes */ uint16 buf[1]; } srom_rw_t; /* R_REG and W_REG struct passed through ioctl */ typedef struct { uint32 byteoff; /* byte offset of the field in d11regs_t */ uint32 val; /* read/write value of the field */ uint32 size; /* sizeof the field */ } rw_reg_t; /* Structure used by GET/SET_ATTEN ioctls */ typedef struct { uint16 auto_ctrl; /* 1: Automatic control, 0: overriden */ uint16 bb; /* Baseband attenuation */ uint16 radio; /* Radio attenuation */ uint16 txctl1; /* Radio TX_CTL1 value */ } atten_t; /* Used to get specific STA parameters */ typedef struct { uint32 val; struct ether_addr ea; } scb_val_t; /* Event data type */ typedef struct { uint msg; /* Message (see below) */ struct ether_addr *addr; /* Station address (if applicable) */ uint status; /* Status code (see below) */ uint reason; /* Reason code (if applicable) */ uint auth_type; /* WLC_E_AUTH */ bool link; /* WLC_E_LINK */ bool group; /* WLC_E_MIC_ERROR */ bool flush_txq; /* WLC_E_MIC_ERROR */ } wlc_event_t; typedef struct { uint16 ver; /* version of this struct */ uint16 cap; /* sta's advertized capabilities */ uint32 flags; /* flags defined below */ uint32 idle; /* time since data pkt rx'd from sta */ struct ether_addr ea; /* Station address */ wl_rateset_t rateset; /* rateset in use */ } sta_info_t; #define WL_STA_INFO_LEN 300 #define WL_STA_VER 1 /* flags fields */ #define WL_STA_BRCM 0x01 #define WL_STA_WME 0x02 #define WL_STA_ABCAP 0x04 #define WL_STA_AUTHE 0x08 #define WL_STA_ASSOC 0x10 #define WL_STA_AUTHO 0x20 /* Event messages */ #define WLC_E_SET_SSID 1 #define WLC_E_JOIN 2 #define WLC_E_START 3 #define WLC_E_AUTH 4 #define WLC_E_AUTH_IND 5 #define WLC_E_DEAUTH 6 #define WLC_E_DEAUTH_IND 7 #define WLC_E_ASSOC 8 #define WLC_E_ASSOC_IND 9 #define WLC_E_REASSOC 10 #define WLC_E_REASSOC_IND 11 #define WLC_E_DISASSOC 12 #define WLC_E_DISASSOC_IND 13 #define WLC_E_QUIET_START 14 /* 802.11h Quiet period started */ #define WLC_E_QUIET_END 15 /* 802.11h Quiet period ended */ #define WLC_E_GOT_BEACONS 16 #define WLC_E_LINK 17 /* Link indication */ #define WLC_E_MIC_ERROR 18 /* TKIP MIC error occurred */ #define WLC_E_NDIS_LINK 19 /* NDIS style link indication */ #define WLC_E_ROAM 20 #define WLC_E_LAST 21 /* Event status codes */ #define WLC_E_STATUS_SUCCESS 0 #define WLC_E_STATUS_FAIL 1 #define WLC_E_STATUS_TIMEOUT 2 #define WLC_E_STATUS_NO_NETWORKS 3 #define WLC_E_STATUS_ABORT 4 typedef struct wlc_event_cb { uint msg; /* Event message or 0 for all */ void (*fn)(void *, wlc_event_t *); /* Callback function */ void *context; /* Passed to callback function */ struct wlc_event_cb *next; /* Next in the chain */ } wlc_event_cb_t; /* * Country locale determines which channels are available to us. */ typedef enum _wlc_locale { WLC_WW = 0, /* Worldwide */ WLC_THA, /* Thailand */ WLC_ISR, /* Israel */ WLC_JDN, /* Jordan */ WLC_PRC, /* China */ WLC_JPN, /* Japan */ WLC_FCC, /* USA */ WLC_EUR, /* Europe */ WLC_USL, /* US Low Band only */ WLC_JPH, /* Japan High Band only */ WLC_ALL, /* All the channels in this band */ WLC_11D, /* Represents locale recieved by 11d beacons */ WLC_LAST_LOCALE, WLC_UNDEFINED_LOCALE = 0xf } wlc_locale_t; /* channel encoding */ typedef struct channel_info { int hw_channel; int target_channel; int scan_channel; } channel_info_t; /* For ioctls that take a list of MAC addresses */ struct maclist { uint count; /* number of MAC addresses */ struct ether_addr ea[1]; /* variable length array of MAC addresses */ }; /* get pkt count struct passed through ioctl */ typedef struct get_pktcnt { uint rx_good_pkt; uint rx_bad_pkt; uint tx_good_pkt; uint tx_bad_pkt; } get_pktcnt_t; /* Linux network driver ioctl encoding */ typedef struct wl_ioctl { uint cmd; /* common ioctl definition */ void *buf; /* pointer to user buffer */ uint len; /* length of user buffer */ bool set; /* get or set request (optional) */ uint used; /* bytes read or written (optional) */ uint needed; /* bytes needed (optional) */ } wl_ioctl_t; /* * Structure for passing hardware and software * revision info up from the driver. */ typedef struct wlc_rev_info { uint vendorid; /* PCI vendor id */ uint deviceid; /* device id of chip */ uint radiorev; /* radio revision */ uint chiprev; /* chip revision */ uint corerev; /* core revision */ uint boardid; /* board identifier (usu. PCI sub-device id) */ uint boardvendor; /* board vendor (usu. PCI sub-vendor id) */ uint boardrev; /* board revision */ uint driverrev; /* driver version */ uint ucoderev; /* microcode version */ uint bus; /* bus type */ uint chipnum; /* chip number */ } wlc_rev_info_t; /* check this magic number */ #define WLC_IOCTL_MAGIC 0x14e46c77 /* bump this number if you change the ioctl interface */ #define WLC_IOCTL_VERSION 1 /* maximum length buffer required */ #define WLC_IOCTL_MAXLEN 8192 /* common ioctl definitions */ #define WLC_GET_MAGIC 0 #define WLC_GET_VERSION 1 #define WLC_UP 2 #define WLC_DOWN 3 #define WLC_DUMP 6 #define WLC_GET_MSGLEVEL 7 #define WLC_SET_MSGLEVEL 8 #define WLC_GET_PROMISC 9 #define WLC_SET_PROMISC 10 #define WLC_GET_RATE 12 #define WLC_SET_RATE 13 #define WLC_GET_INSTANCE 14 #define WLC_GET_FRAG 15 #define WLC_SET_FRAG 16 #define WLC_GET_RTS 17 #define WLC_SET_RTS 18 #define WLC_GET_INFRA 19 #define WLC_SET_INFRA 20 #define WLC_GET_AUTH 21 #define WLC_SET_AUTH 22 #define WLC_GET_BSSID 23 #define WLC_SET_BSSID 24 #define WLC_GET_SSID 25 #define WLC_SET_SSID 26 #define WLC_RESTART 27 #define WLC_GET_CHANNEL 29 #define WLC_SET_CHANNEL 30 #define WLC_GET_SRL 31 #define WLC_SET_SRL 32 #define WLC_GET_LRL 33 #define WLC_SET_LRL 34 #define WLC_GET_PLCPHDR 35 #define WLC_SET_PLCPHDR 36 #define WLC_GET_RADIO 37 #define WLC_SET_RADIO 38 #define WLC_GET_PHYTYPE 39 #define WLC_GET_WEP 42 #define WLC_SET_WEP 43 #define WLC_GET_KEY 44 #define WLC_SET_KEY 45 #define WLC_GET_PASSIVE 48 /* added by nbd */ #define WLC_SET_PASSIVE 49 /* added by nbd */ #define WLC_SCAN 50 #define WLC_SCAN_RESULTS 51 #define WLC_DISASSOC 52 #define WLC_REASSOC 53 #define WLC_GET_ROAM_TRIGGER 54 #define WLC_SET_ROAM_TRIGGER 55 #define WLC_GET_TXANT 61 #define WLC_SET_TXANT 62 #define WLC_GET_ANTDIV 63 #define WLC_SET_ANTDIV 64 #define WLC_GET_TXPWR 65 #define WLC_SET_TXPWR 66 #define WLC_GET_CLOSED 67 #define WLC_SET_CLOSED 68 #define WLC_GET_MACLIST 69 #define WLC_SET_MACLIST 70 #define WLC_GET_RATESET 71 #define WLC_SET_RATESET 72 #define WLC_GET_LOCALE 73 #define WLC_SET_LOCALE 74 #define WLC_GET_BCNPRD 75 #define WLC_SET_BCNPRD 76 #define WLC_GET_DTIMPRD 77 #define WLC_SET_DTIMPRD 78 #define WLC_GET_SROM 79 #define WLC_SET_SROM 80 #define WLC_GET_WEP_RESTRICT 81 #define WLC_SET_WEP_RESTRICT 82 #define WLC_GET_COUNTRY 83 #define WLC_SET_COUNTRY 84 #define WLC_GET_REVINFO 98 #define WLC_GET_MACMODE 105 #define WLC_SET_MACMODE 106 #define WLC_GET_MONITOR 107 /* added by nbd */ #define WLC_SET_MONITOR 108 /* added by nbd */ #define WLC_GET_GMODE 109 #define WLC_SET_GMODE 110 #define WLC_GET_CURR_RATESET 114 /* current rateset */ #define WLC_GET_SCANSUPPRESS 115 #define WLC_SET_SCANSUPPRESS 116 #define WLC_GET_AP 117 #define WLC_SET_AP 118 #define WLC_GET_EAP_RESTRICT 119 #define WLC_SET_EAP_RESTRICT 120 #define WLC_GET_WDSLIST 123 #define WLC_SET_WDSLIST 124 #define WLC_GET_RSSI 127 #define WLC_GET_WSEC 133 #define WLC_SET_WSEC 134 #define WLC_GET_BSS_INFO 136 #define WLC_GET_LAZYWDS 138 #define WLC_SET_LAZYWDS 139 #define WLC_GET_BANDLIST 140 #define WLC_GET_BAND 141 #define WLC_SET_BAND 142 #define WLC_GET_SHORTSLOT 144 #define WLC_GET_SHORTSLOT_OVERRIDE 145 #define WLC_SET_SHORTSLOT_OVERRIDE 146 #define WLC_GET_SHORTSLOT_RESTRICT 147 #define WLC_SET_SHORTSLOT_RESTRICT 148 #define WLC_GET_GMODE_PROTECTION 149 #define WLC_GET_GMODE_PROTECTION_OVERRIDE 150 #define WLC_SET_GMODE_PROTECTION_OVERRIDE 151 #define WLC_UPGRADE 152 #define WLC_GET_MRATE 153 #define WLC_SET_MRATE 154 #define WLC_GET_ASSOCLIST 159 #define WLC_GET_CLK 160 #define WLC_SET_CLK 161 #define WLC_GET_UP 162 #define WLC_OUT 163 #define WLC_GET_WPA_AUTH 164 #define WLC_SET_WPA_AUTH 165 #define WLC_GET_GMODE_PROTECTION_CONTROL 178 #define WLC_SET_GMODE_PROTECTION_CONTROL 179 #define WLC_GET_PHYLIST 180 #define WLC_GET_KEY_SEQ 183 #define WLC_GET_GMODE_PROTECTION_CTS 198 #define WLC_SET_GMODE_PROTECTION_CTS 199 #define WLC_GET_PIOMODE 203 #define WLC_SET_PIOMODE 204 #define WLC_SET_LED 209 #define WLC_GET_LED 210 #define WLC_GET_CHANNEL_SEL 215 #define WLC_START_CHANNEL_SEL 216 #define WLC_GET_VALID_CHANNELS 217 #define WLC_GET_FAKEFRAG 218 #define WLC_SET_FAKEFRAG 219 #define WLC_GET_WET 230 #define WLC_SET_WET 231 #define WLC_GET_KEY_PRIMARY 235 #define WLC_SET_KEY_PRIMARY 236 #define WLC_WDS_GET_REMOTE_HWADDR 246 /* currently handled in wl_linux.c/wl_vx.c */ #define WLC_SET_CS_SCAN_TIMER 248 #define WLC_GET_CS_SCAN_TIMER 249 #define WLC_CURRENT_PWR 256 #define WLC_GET_CHANNELS_IN_COUNTRY 260 #define WLC_GET_COUNTRY_LIST 261 #define WLC_GET_VAR 262 /* get value of named variable */ #define WLC_SET_VAR 263 /* set named variable to value */ #define WLC_NVRAM_GET 264 #define WLC_NVRAM_SET 265 #define WLC_SET_WSEC_PMK 268 #define WLC_GET_AUTH_MODE 269 #define WLC_SET_AUTH_MODE 270 #define WLC_LAST 273 /* do not change - use get_var/set_var */ /* * Minor kludge alert: * Duplicate a few definitions that irelay requires from epiioctl.h here * so caller doesn't have to include this file and epiioctl.h . * If this grows any more, it would be time to move these irelay-specific * definitions out of the epiioctl.h and into a separate driver common file. */ #ifndef EPICTRL_COOKIE #define EPICTRL_COOKIE 0xABADCEDE #endif /* vx wlc ioctl's offset */ #define CMN_IOCTL_OFF 0x180 /* * custom OID support * * 0xFF - implementation specific OID * 0xE4 - first byte of Broadcom PCI vendor ID * 0x14 - second byte of Broadcom PCI vendor ID * 0xXX - the custom OID number */ /* begin 0x1f values beyond the start of the ET driver range. */ #define WL_OID_BASE 0xFFE41420 /* NDIS overrides */ #define OID_WL_GETINSTANCE (WL_OID_BASE + WLC_GET_INSTANCE) #define WL_DECRYPT_STATUS_SUCCESS 1 #define WL_DECRYPT_STATUS_FAILURE 2 #define WL_DECRYPT_STATUS_UNKNOWN 3 /* allows user-mode app to poll the status of USB image upgrade */ #define WLC_UPGRADE_SUCCESS 0 #define WLC_UPGRADE_PENDING 1 /* Bit masks for radio disabled status - returned by WL_GET_RADIO */ #define WL_RADIO_SW_DISABLE (1<<0) #define WL_RADIO_HW_DISABLE (1<<1) /* Override bit for WLC_SET_TXPWR. if set, ignore other level limits */ #define WL_TXPWR_OVERRIDE (1<<31) /* Bus types */ #define WL_SB_BUS 0 /* Silicon Backplane */ #define WL_PCI_BUS 1 /* PCI target */ #define WL_PCMCIA_BUS 2 /* PCMCIA target */ /* band types */ #define WLC_BAND_AUTO 0 /* auto-select */ #define WLC_BAND_A 1 /* "a" band (5 Ghz) */ #define WLC_BAND_B 2 /* "b" band (2.4 Ghz) */ /* MAC list modes */ #define WLC_MACMODE_DISABLED 0 /* MAC list disabled */ #define WLC_MACMODE_DENY 1 /* Deny specified (i.e. allow unspecified) */ #define WLC_MACMODE_ALLOW 2 /* Allow specified (i.e. deny unspecified) */ /* * */ #define GMODE_LEGACY_B 0 #define GMODE_AUTO 1 #define GMODE_ONLY 2 #define GMODE_B_DEFERRED 3 #define GMODE_PERFORMANCE 4 #define GMODE_LRS 5 #define GMODE_MAX 6 /* values for PLCPHdr_override */ #define WLC_PLCP_AUTO -1 #define WLC_PLCP_SHORT 0 #define WLC_PLCP_LONG 1 /* values for g_protection_override */ #define WLC_G_PROTECTION_AUTO -1 #define WLC_G_PROTECTION_OFF 0 #define WLC_G_PROTECTION_ON 1 /* values for g_protection_control */ #define WLC_G_PROTECTION_CTL_OFF 0 #define WLC_G_PROTECTION_CTL_LOCAL 1 #define WLC_G_PROTECTION_CTL_OVERLAP 2 /* Values for PM */ #define PM_OFF 0 #define PM_MAX 1 #define PM_FAST 2 /* 802.11h enforcement levels */ #define SPECT_MNGMT_OFF 0 /* 11h disabled */ #define SPECT_MNGMT_LOOSE 1 /* Allow scan lists to contain non-11h AP */ /* when 11h is enabled */ #define SPECT_MNGMT_STRICT 2 /* Prine out non-11h APs from scan list */ /* max # of leds supported by GPIO (gpio pin# == led index#) */ #define WL_LED_NUMGPIO 16 /* gpio 0-15 */ /* led per-pin behaviors */ #define WL_LED_OFF 0 /* always off */ #define WL_LED_ON 1 /* always on */ #define WL_LED_ACTIVITY 2 /* activity */ #define WL_LED_RADIO 3 /* radio enabled */ #define WL_LED_ARADIO 4 /* 5 Ghz radio enabled */ #define WL_LED_BRADIO 5 /* 2.4Ghz radio enabled */ #define WL_LED_BGMODE 6 /* on if gmode, off if bmode */ #define WL_LED_WI1 7 #define WL_LED_WI2 8 #define WL_LED_WI3 9 #define WL_LED_ASSOC 10 /* associated state indicator */ #define WL_LED_INACTIVE 11 /* null behavior (clears default behavior) */ #define WL_LED_NUMBEHAVIOR 12 /* led behavior numeric value format */ #define WL_LED_BEH_MASK 0x7f /* behavior mask */ #define WL_LED_AL_MASK 0x80 /* activelow (polarity) bit */ /* WDS link local endpoint WPA role */ #define WL_WDS_WPA_ROLE_AUTH 0 /* authenticator */ #define WL_WDS_WPA_ROLE_SUP 1 /* supplicant */ #define WL_WDS_WPA_ROLE_AUTO 255 /* auto, based on mac addr value */ /* afterburner_override */ #define ABO_AUTO -1 /* auto - no override */ #define ABO_OFF 0 /* force afterburner off */ #define ABO_ON 1 /* force afterburner on */ #undef PACKED #endif /* _wlioctl_h_ */