 *  Host-PPE Communication Data Address Mapping
#define FW_VER_ID                       SB_BUFFER(0x2001)   /*  Firmware Version ID */
#define CFG_WRX_HTUTS                   SB_BUFFER(0x2400)   /*  WAN RX HTU Table Size, must be configured before enable PPE firmware.   */
#define CFG_WRX_QNUM                    SB_BUFFER(0x2401)   /*  WAN RX Queue Number */
#define CFG_WRX_DCHNUM                  SB_BUFFER(0x2402)   /*  WAN RX DMA Channel Number, no more than 8, must be configured before enable PPE firmware.   */
#define CFG_WTX_DCHNUM                  SB_BUFFER(0x2403)   /*  WAN TX DMA Channel Number, no more than 16, must be configured before enable PPE firmware.  */
#define CFG_WRDES_DELAY                 SB_BUFFER(0x2404)   /*  WAN Descriptor Write Delay, must be configured before enable PPE firmware.  */
#define WRX_DMACH_ON                    SB_BUFFER(0x2405)   /*  WAN RX DMA Channel Enable, must be configured before enable PPE firmware.   */
#define WTX_DMACH_ON                    SB_BUFFER(0x2406)   /*  WAN TX DMA Channel Enable, must be configured before enable PPE firmware.   */
#define WRX_HUNT_BITTH                  SB_BUFFER(0x2407)   /*  WAN RX HUNT Threshold, must be between 2 to 8.  */
#define WRX_QUEUE_CONFIG(i)             ((struct wrx_queue_config*)         SB_BUFFER(0x2500 + (i) * 20))
#define WRX_DMA_CHANNEL_CONFIG(i)       ((struct wrx_dma_channel_config*)   SB_BUFFER(0x2640 + (i) * 7))
#define WTX_PORT_CONFIG(i)              ((struct wtx_port_config*)          SB_BUFFER(0x2440 + (i)))
#define WTX_QUEUE_CONFIG(i)             ((struct wtx_queue_config*)         SB_BUFFER(0x2F00 + (i) * 27))
#define WTX_DMA_CHANNEL_CONFIG(i)       ((struct wtx_dma_channel_config*)   SB_BUFFER(0x2F01 + (i) * 27))
#define WAN_MIB_TABLE                   ((struct wan_mib_table*)            SB_BUFFER(0x2410))
#define HTU_ENTRY(i)                    ((struct htu_entry*)                SB_BUFFER(0x3200 + (i)))
#define HTU_MASK(i)                     ((struct htu_mask*)                 SB_BUFFER(0x3220 + (i)))
#define HTU_RESULT(i)                   ((struct htu_result*)               SB_BUFFER(0x3240 + (i)))