Index: iproute2-2.6.25/doc/ip-cref.tex
--- iproute2-2.6.25.orig/doc/ip-cref.tex	2008-05-01 00:17:55.000000000 +0100
+++ iproute2-2.6.25/doc/ip-cref.tex	2008-05-01 00:26:48.000000000 +0100
@@ -1315,6 +1315,19 @@ peers are allowed to send to us.
     If it is not given, Linux uses the value selected with \verb|sysctl|
     variable \verb|net/ipv4/tcp_reordering|.
+\item \verb|hoplimit NUMBER|
+--- [2.5.74+ only] Hop limit on the path to this destination. If it is not
+    given, Linux uses the value selected with \verb|sysctl| variable
+    \verb|net/ipv4/ip_default_ttl|.
+\item \verb|initcwnd NUMBER|
+--- [2.5.70+ only] Initial congestion window size when establishing
+    connections to this destination. This value is multiplied with the
+    MSS (``Maximal Segment Size'') for the connection to get the actual
+    window size. If it is not given (or set to zero), Linux uses the
+    values specified in~\cite{RFC2414}.
 \item \verb|nexthop NEXTHOP|
@@ -2644,6 +2657,9 @@
 \bibitem{RFC-DHCP} R.~Droms.
 ``Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol.'', RFC-2131
+\bibitem{RFC2414}  M.~Allman, S.~Floyd, C.~Partridge.
+``Increasing TCP's Initial Window'', RFC-2414.
Index: iproute2-2.6.25/doc/Makefile
--- iproute2-2.6.25.orig/doc/Makefile	2008-05-01 00:17:55.000000000 +0100
+++ iproute2-2.6.25/doc/Makefile	2008-05-01 00:26:48.000000000 +0100
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ PAGESIZE=a4
 HTMLFILES=$(subst .sgml,.html,$(shell echo *.sgml))
+TXTFILES=$(subst .sgml,.txt,$(shell echo *.sgml))
 DVIFILES=$(subst .ps,.dvi,$(PSFILES))
@@ -23,6 +24,8 @@ pstwocol: $(PSFILES)
 html: $(HTMLFILES)
+txt: $(TXTFILES)
 dvi: $(DVIFILES)
 print: $(PSFILES)
@@ -47,9 +50,12 @@ print: $(PSFILES)
 %.html: %.sgml
 	$(SGML2HTML) $<
+%.txt: %.html
+	lynx -nolist -dump $< > $@
 	install -m 0644 $(shell echo *.tex) $(DESTDIR)$(DOCDIR)
 	install -m 0644 $(shell echo *.sgml) $(DESTDIR)$(DOCDIR)
-	rm -f *.aux *.log *.toc $(PSFILES) $(DVIFILES) *.html
+	rm -f *.aux *.log *.toc $(PSFILES) $(DVIFILES) *.html $(TXTFILES)
Index: iproute2-2.6.25/include/linux/pkt_sched.h
--- iproute2-2.6.25.orig/include/linux/pkt_sched.h	2008-05-01 00:17:55.000000000 +0100
+++ iproute2-2.6.25/include/linux/pkt_sched.h	2008-05-01 00:37:45.000000000 +0100
@@ -1,3 +1,409 @@
+#if 0
+#ifndef __LINUX_PKT_SCHED_H
+#define __LINUX_PKT_SCHED_H
+/* Logical priority bands not depending on specific packet scheduler.
+   Every scheduler will map them to real traffic classes, if it has
+   no more precise mechanism to classify packets.
+   These numbers have no special meaning, though their coincidence
+   with obsolete IPv6 values is not occasional :-). New IPv6 drafts
+   preferred full anarchy inspired by diffserv group.
+   Note: TC_PRIO_BESTEFFORT does not mean that it is the most unhappy
+   class, actually, as rule it will be handled with more care than
+   filler or even bulk.
+ */
+#define TC_PRIO_FILLER			1
+#define TC_PRIO_BULK			2
+#define TC_PRIO_CONTROL			7
+#define TC_PRIO_MAX			15
+/* Generic queue statistics, available for all the elements.
+   Particular schedulers may have also their private records.
+ */
+struct tc_stats
+	__u64	bytes;			/* NUmber of enqueues bytes */
+	__u32	packets;		/* Number of enqueued packets	*/
+	__u32	drops;			/* Packets dropped because of lack of resources */
+	__u32	overlimits;		/* Number of throttle events when this
+					 * flow goes out of allocated bandwidth */
+	__u32	bps;			/* Current flow byte rate */
+	__u32	pps;			/* Current flow packet rate */
+	__u32	qlen;
+	__u32	backlog;
+#ifdef __KERNEL__
+	spinlock_t *lock;
+struct tc_estimator
+	char		interval;
+	unsigned char	ewma_log;
+/* "Handles"
+   ---------
+    All the traffic control objects have 32bit identifiers, or "handles".
+    They can be considered as opaque numbers from user API viewpoint,
+    but actually they always consist of two fields: major and
+    minor numbers, which are interpreted by kernel specially,
+    that may be used by applications, though not recommended.
+    F.e. qdisc handles always have minor number equal to zero,
+    classes (or flows) have major equal to parent qdisc major, and
+    minor uniquely identifying class inside qdisc.
+    Macros to manipulate handles:
+ */
+#define TC_H_MAJ_MASK (0xFFFF0000U)
+#define TC_H_MIN_MASK (0x0000FFFFU)
+#define TC_H_MAJ(h) ((h)&TC_H_MAJ_MASK)
+#define TC_H_MIN(h) ((h)&TC_H_MIN_MASK)
+#define TC_H_MAKE(maj,min) (((maj)&TC_H_MAJ_MASK)|((min)&TC_H_MIN_MASK))
+#define TC_H_UNSPEC	(0U)
+#define TC_H_ROOT	(0xFFFFFFFFU)
+#define TC_H_INGRESS    (0xFFFFFFF1U)
+struct tc_ratespec
+	unsigned char	cell_log;
+	unsigned char	__reserved;
+	unsigned short	feature;
+	short		addend;
+	unsigned short	mpu;
+	__u32		rate;
+/* FIFO section */
+struct tc_fifo_qopt
+	__u32	limit;	/* Queue length: bytes for bfifo, packets for pfifo */
+/* PRIO section */
+#define TCQ_PRIO_BANDS	16
+struct tc_prio_qopt
+	int	bands;			/* Number of bands */
+	__u8	priomap[TC_PRIO_MAX+1];	/* Map: logical priority -> PRIO band */
+/* CSZ section */
+struct tc_csz_qopt
+	int		flows;		/* Maximal number of guaranteed flows */
+	unsigned char	R_log;		/* Fixed point position for round number */
+	unsigned char	delta_log;	/* Log of maximal managed time interval */
+	__u8		priomap[TC_PRIO_MAX+1];	/* Map: logical priority -> CSZ band */
+struct tc_csz_copt
+	struct tc_ratespec slice;
+	struct tc_ratespec rate;
+	struct tc_ratespec peakrate;
+	__u32		limit;
+	__u32		buffer;
+	__u32		mtu;
+/* TBF section */
+struct tc_tbf_qopt
+	struct tc_ratespec rate;
+	struct tc_ratespec peakrate;
+	__u32		limit;
+	__u32		buffer;
+	__u32		mtu;
+/* TEQL section */
+/* TEQL does not require any parameters */
+/* SFQ section */
+struct tc_sfq_qopt
+	unsigned	quantum;	/* Bytes per round allocated to flow */
+	int		perturb_period;	/* Period of hash perturbation */
+	__u32		limit;		/* Maximal packets in queue */
+	unsigned	divisor;	/* Hash divisor  */
+	unsigned	flows;		/* Maximal number of flows  */
+ *  NOTE: limit, divisor and flows are hardwired to code at the moment.
+ *
+ *	limit=flows=128, divisor=1024;
+ *
+ *	The only reason for this is efficiency, it is possible
+ *	to change these parameters in compile time.
+ */
+/* RED section */
+struct tc_red_qopt
+	__u32		limit;		/* HARD maximal queue length (bytes)	*/
+	__u32		qth_min;	/* Min average length threshold (bytes) */
+	__u32		qth_max;	/* Max average length threshold (bytes) */
+	unsigned char   Wlog;		/* log(W)		*/
+	unsigned char   Plog;		/* log(P_max/(qth_max-qth_min))	*/
+	unsigned char   Scell_log;	/* cell size for idle damping */
+	unsigned char	flags;
+#define TC_RED_ECN	1
+struct tc_red_xstats
+	__u32           early;          /* Early drops */
+	__u32           pdrop;          /* Drops due to queue limits */
+	__u32           other;          /* Drops due to drop() calls */
+	__u32           marked;         /* Marked packets */
+/* GRED section */
+#define MAX_DPs 16
+       TCA_GRED_STAB,
+       TCA_GRED_DPS,
+struct tc_gred_qopt
+       __u32           limit;          /* HARD maximal queue length (bytes)
+       __u32           qth_min;        /* Min average length threshold (bytes)
+       __u32           qth_max;        /* Max average length threshold (bytes)
+       __u32           DP;             /* upto 2^32 DPs */
+       __u32           backlog;
+       __u32           qave;
+       __u32           forced;
+       __u32           early;
+       __u32           other;
+       __u32           pdrop;
+       unsigned char   Wlog;           /* log(W)               */
+       unsigned char   Plog;           /* log(P_max/(qth_max-qth_min)) */
+       unsigned char   Scell_log;      /* cell size for idle damping */
+       __u8            prio;		/* prio of this VQ */
+       __u32	packets;
+       __u32	bytesin;
+/* gred setup */
+struct tc_gred_sopt
+       __u32           DPs;
+       __u32           def_DP;
+       __u8            grio;
+/* HTB section */
+#define TC_HTB_NUMPRIO		8
+#define TC_HTB_MAXDEPTH		8
+#define TC_HTB_PROTOVER		3 /* the same as HTB and TC's major */
+struct tc_htb_opt
+	struct tc_ratespec 	rate;
+	struct tc_ratespec 	ceil;
+	__u32	buffer;
+	__u32	cbuffer;
+	__u32	quantum;
+	__u32	level;		/* out only */
+	__u32	prio;
+struct tc_htb_glob
+	__u32 version;		/* to match HTB/TC */
+    	__u32 rate2quantum;	/* bps->quantum divisor */
+    	__u32 defcls;		/* default class number */
+	__u32 debug;		/* debug flags */
+	/* stats */
+	__u32 direct_pkts; /* count of non shapped packets */
+struct tc_htb_xstats
+	__u32 lends;
+	__u32 borrows;
+	__u32 giants;	/* too big packets (rate will not be accurate) */
+	__u32 tokens;
+	__u32 ctokens;
+/* CBQ section */
+#define TC_CBQ_MAXPRIO		8
+#define TC_CBQ_MAXLEVEL		8
+#define TC_CBQ_DEF_EWMA		5
+struct tc_cbq_lssopt
+	unsigned char	change;
+	unsigned char	flags;
+	unsigned char  	ewma_log;
+	unsigned char  	level;
+#define TCF_CBQ_LSS_FLAGS	1
+#define TCF_CBQ_LSS_EWMA	2
+#define TCF_CBQ_LSS_OFFTIME	0x10
+#define TCF_CBQ_LSS_AVPKT	0x20
+	__u32		maxidle;
+	__u32		minidle;
+	__u32		offtime;
+	__u32		avpkt;
+struct tc_cbq_wrropt
+	unsigned char	flags;
+	unsigned char	priority;
+	unsigned char	cpriority;
+	unsigned char	__reserved;
+	__u32		allot;
+	__u32		weight;
+struct tc_cbq_ovl
+	unsigned char	strategy;
+#define	TC_CBQ_OVL_DELAY	1
+#define	TC_CBQ_OVL_DROP		3
+	unsigned char	priority2;
+	__u32		penalty;
+struct tc_cbq_police
+	unsigned char	police;
+	unsigned char	__res1;
+	unsigned short	__res2;
+struct tc_cbq_fopt
+	__u32		split;
+	__u32		defmap;
+	__u32		defchange;
+struct tc_cbq_xstats
+	__u32		borrows;
+	__u32		overactions;
+	__s32		avgidle;
+	__s32		undertime;
+/* dsmark section */
+enum {
+/* ATM  section */
+enum {
+	TCA_ATM_FD,		/* file/socket descriptor */
+	TCA_ATM_PTR,		/* pointer to descriptor - later */
+	TCA_ATM_HDR,		/* LL header */
+	TCA_ATM_EXCESS,		/* excess traffic class (0 for CLP)  */
+	TCA_ATM_ADDR,		/* PVC address (for output only) */
+	TCA_ATM_STATE		/* VC state (ATM_VS_*; for output only) */
 #ifndef __LINUX_PKT_SCHED_H
 #define __LINUX_PKT_SCHED_H
@@ -482,4 +888,116 @@ struct tc_netem_corrupt
 #define NETEM_DIST_SCALE	8192
+/* WRR section */
+/* Other includes */
+#include <linux/if_ether.h>
+// A sub weight and of a class
+// All numbers are represented as parts of (2^64-1).
+struct tc_wrr_class_weight {
+	__u64 val;	// Current value			(0 is not valid)
+	__u64 decr;	// Value pr bytes			(2^64-1 is not valid)
+	__u64 incr;	// Value pr seconds			(2^64-1 is not valid)
+	__u64 min;	// Minimal value			(0 is not valid)
+	__u64 max;	// Minimal value			(0 is not valid)
+// The time where the above information was correct:
+	time_t tim;
+// Packet send when modifying a class:
+struct tc_wrr_class_modf {
+	// Not-valid values are ignored.
+	struct tc_wrr_class_weight weight1;
+	struct tc_wrr_class_weight weight2;
+// Packet returned when quering a class:
+struct tc_wrr_class_stats {
+	char used;	// If this is false the information below is invalid
+	struct tc_wrr_class_modf class_modf;
+	unsigned char addr[ETH_ALEN];
+	char usemac;    // True if addr is a MAC address, else it is an IP address
+			// (this value is only for convience, it is always the same
+			//  value as in the qdisc)
+	int heappos;	// Current heap position or 0 if not in heap
+	__u64 penal_ls;	// Penalty value in heap (ls)
+	__u64 penal_ms;	// Penalty value in heap (ms)
+// Qdisc-wide penalty information (boolean values - 2 not valid)
+struct tc_wrr_qdisc_weight {
+	char weight_mode;	// 0=No automatic change to weight
+				// 1=Decrease normally
+				// 2=Also multiply with number of machines
+				// 3=Instead multiply with priority divided
+				//   with priority of the other.
+				// -1=no change
+// Packet send when modifing a qdisc:
+struct tc_wrr_qdisc_modf {
+	// Not-valid values are ignored:
+	struct tc_wrr_qdisc_weight weight1;
+	struct tc_wrr_qdisc_weight weight2;
+// Packet send when creating a qdisc:
+struct tc_wrr_qdisc_crt {
+	struct tc_wrr_qdisc_modf qdisc_modf;
+	char srcaddr;	// 1=lookup source, 0=lookup destination
+	char usemac;	// 1=Classify on MAC addresses, 0=classify on IP
+	char usemasq;	// 1=Classify based on masqgrading - only valid
+			//   if usemac is zero
+	int bands_max;	// Maximal number of bands (i.e.: classes)
+	int proxy_maxconn;// If differnt from 0 then we support proxy remapping
+			// of packets. And this is the number of maximal
+			// concurrent proxy connections.
+// Packet returned when quering a qdisc:
+struct tc_wrr_qdisc_stats {
+	struct tc_wrr_qdisc_crt qdisc_crt;
+	int proxy_curconn;
+	int nodes_in_heap;	// Current number of bands wanting to send something
+	int bands_cur;		// Current number of bands used (i.e.: MAC/IP addresses seen)
+	int bands_reused;	// Number of times this band has been reused.
+	int packets_requed;	// Number of times packets have been requeued.
+	__u64 priosum;		// Sum of priorities in heap where 1 is 2^32
+struct tc_wrr_qdisc_modf_std {
+	// This indicates which of the tc_wrr_qdisc_modf structers this is:
+	char proxy; // 0=This struct
+	// Should we also change a class?
+	char change_class;
+	// Only valid if change_class is false
+	struct tc_wrr_qdisc_modf qdisc_modf;
+	// Only valid if change_class is true:
+	unsigned char addr[ETH_ALEN]; // Class to change (non-used bytes should be 0)
+	struct tc_wrr_class_modf class_modf; // The change
+// Used for proxyrempping:
+struct tc_wrr_qdisc_modf_proxy {
+	// This indicates which of the tc_wrr_qdisc_modf structers this is:
+	char proxy;     // 1=This struct
+	// This is 1 if the proxyremap information should be reset
+	char reset;
+	// changec is the number of elements in changes.
+	int changec;
+	// This is an array of type ProxyRemapBlock:
+	long changes[0];
Index: iproute2-2.6.25/ip/iproute.c
--- iproute2-2.6.25.orig/ip/iproute.c	2008-05-01 00:17:55.000000000 +0100
+++ iproute2-2.6.25/ip/iproute.c	2008-05-01 00:28:02.000000000 +0100
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ static void usage(void)
 	fprintf(stderr, "           [ rtt TIME ] [ rttvar TIME ]\n");
 	fprintf(stderr, "           [ window NUMBER] [ cwnd NUMBER ] [ initcwnd NUMBER ]\n");
 	fprintf(stderr, "           [ ssthresh NUMBER ] [ realms REALM ] [ src ADDRESS ]\n");
-	fprintf(stderr, "           [ rto_min TIME ]\n");
+	fprintf(stderr, "           [ rto_min TIME ] [ hoplimit NUMBER ]\n");
 	fprintf(stderr, "TYPE := [ unicast | local | broadcast | multicast | throw |\n");
 	fprintf(stderr, "          unreachable | prohibit | blackhole | nat ]\n");
 	fprintf(stderr, "TABLE_ID := [ local | main | default | all | NUMBER ]\n");
@@ -780,6 +780,30 @@ int iproute_modify(int cmd, unsigned fla
 				invarg("\"reordering\" value is invalid\n", *argv);
 			rta_addattr32(mxrta, sizeof(mxbuf), RTAX_REORDERING, reord);
+		} else if (strcmp(*argv, "hoplimit") == 0) {
+			unsigned hoplim;
+			NEXT_ARG();
+			if (strcmp(*argv, "lock") == 0) {
+				mxlock |= (1<<RTAX_HOPLIMIT);
+				NEXT_ARG();
+			}
+			if (get_unsigned(&hoplim, *argv, 0))
+				invarg("\"hoplimit\" value is invalid\n", *argv);
+			rta_addattr32(mxrta, sizeof(mxbuf), RTAX_HOPLIMIT, hoplim);
+		} else if (strcmp(*argv, "initcwnd") == 0) {
+			unsigned initcwnd;
+			NEXT_ARG();
+			if (strcmp(*argv, "lock") == 0) {
+				mxlock |= (1<<RTAX_HOPLIMIT);
+				NEXT_ARG();
+			}
+			if (get_unsigned(&initcwnd, *argv, 0))
+				invarg("\"initcwnd\" value is invalid\n", *argv);
+			rta_addattr32(mxrta, sizeof(mxbuf), RTAX_INITCWND, initcwnd);
 		} else if (strcmp(*argv, "rtt") == 0) {
 			unsigned rtt;
Index: iproute2-2.6.25/ip/iptunnel.c
--- iproute2-2.6.25.orig/ip/iptunnel.c	2008-05-01 00:17:55.000000000 +0100
+++ iproute2-2.6.25/ip/iptunnel.c	2008-05-01 00:26:48.000000000 +0100
@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ static int parse_args(int argc, char **a
 			p->o_flags |= GRE_KEY;
 			if (strchr(*argv, '.'))
-				p->o_key = get_addr32(*argv);
+				p->i_key = get_addr32(*argv);
 			else {
 				if (get_unsigned(&uval, *argv, 0)<0) {
 					fprintf(stderr, "invalid value of \"okey\"\n");
Index: iproute2-2.6.25/Makefile
--- iproute2-2.6.25.orig/Makefile	2008-05-01 00:17:55.000000000 +0100
+++ iproute2-2.6.25/Makefile	2008-05-01 00:26:48.000000000 +0100
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ install: all
 	install -m 0644 $(shell find examples/diffserv -maxdepth 1 -type f) \
-	@for i in $(SUBDIRS) doc; do $(MAKE) -C $$i install; done
+	@set -e; for i in $(SUBDIRS) doc; do $(MAKE) -C $$i install; done
 	install -m 0644 $(shell find etc/iproute2 -maxdepth 1 -type f) $(DESTDIR)$(CONFDIR)
 	install -m 0755 -d $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/man8
 	install -m 0644 $(shell find man/man8 -maxdepth 1 -type f) $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/man8
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ snapshot:
 	rm -f cscope.*
-	@for i in $(SUBDIRS) doc; \
+	@set -e; for i in $(SUBDIRS) doc; \
 	do $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) -C $$i clean; done
 clobber: clean
Index: iproute2-2.6.25/misc/Makefile
--- iproute2-2.6.25.orig/misc/Makefile	2008-05-01 00:17:55.000000000 +0100
+++ iproute2-2.6.25/misc/Makefile	2008-05-01 00:26:48.000000000 +0100
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
 SSOBJ=ss.o ssfilter.o
 LNSTATOBJ=lnstat.o lnstat_util.o
-TARGETS=ss nstat ifstat rtacct arpd lnstat
+#TARGETS=ss nstat ifstat rtacct arpd lnstat
+TARGETS=ss nstat rtacct lnstat
 include ../Config
Index: iproute2-2.6.25/tc/Makefile
--- iproute2-2.6.25.orig/tc/Makefile	2008-05-01 00:17:55.000000000 +0100
+++ iproute2-2.6.25/tc/Makefile	2008-05-01 00:30:13.000000000 +0100
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ TCMODULES += q_tbf.o
 TCMODULES += q_cbq.o
 TCMODULES += q_rr.o
 TCMODULES += q_netem.o
+TCMODULES += q_wrr.o
 TCMODULES += f_rsvp.o
 TCMODULES += f_u32.o
 TCMODULES += f_route.o
Index: iproute2-2.6.25/tc/q_htb.c
--- iproute2-2.6.25.orig/tc/q_htb.c	2008-05-01 00:17:55.000000000 +0100
+++ iproute2-2.6.25/tc/q_htb.c	2008-05-01 00:37:50.000000000 +0100
@@ -1,3 +1,311 @@
+#if 0
+ * q_htb.c		HTB.
+ *
+ *		This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ *		modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ *		as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
+ *		2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Authors:	Martin Devera,
+ *
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <syslog.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <sys/socket.h>
+#include <netinet/in.h>
+#include <arpa/inet.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "utils.h"
+#include "tc_util.h"
+#define HTB_TC_VER 0x30003
+#error "Different kernel and TC HTB versions"
+static void explain(void)
+	fprintf(stderr, "Usage: ... qdisc add ... htb [default N] [r2q N]\n"
+		" default  minor id of class to which unclassified packets are sent {0}\n"
+		" r2q      DRR quantums are computed as rate in Bps/r2q {10}\n"
+		" debug    string of 16 numbers each 0-3 {0}\n\n"
+		"... class add ... htb rate R1 burst B1 [prio P] [slot S] [pslot PS]\n"
+		"                      [ceil R2] [cburst B2] [mtu MTU] [quantum Q]\n"
+		" rate     rate allocated to this class (class can still borrow)\n"
+		" burst    max bytes burst which can be accumulated during idle period {computed}\n"
+		" ceil     definite upper class rate (no borrows) {rate}\n"
+		" cburst   burst but for ceil {computed}\n"
+		" mtu      max packet size we create rate map for {1600}\n"
+		" prio     priority of leaf; lower are served first {0}\n"
+		" quantum  how much bytes to serve from leaf at once {use r2q}\n"
+		"\nTC HTB version %d.%d\n",HTB_TC_VER>>16,HTB_TC_VER&0xffff
+		);
+static void explain1(char *arg)
+    fprintf(stderr, "Illegal \"%s\"\n", arg);
+    explain();
+#define usage() return(-1)
+static int htb_parse_opt(struct qdisc_util *qu, int argc, char **argv, struct nlmsghdr *n)
+	struct tc_htb_glob opt;
+	struct rtattr *tail;
+	unsigned i; char *p;
+	memset(&opt,0,sizeof(opt));
+	opt.rate2quantum = 10;
+	opt.version = 3;
+	while (argc > 0) {
+		if (matches(*argv, "r2q") == 0) {
+		    NEXT_ARG();
+		    if (get_u32(&opt.rate2quantum, *argv, 10)) {
+			explain1("r2q"); return -1;
+		    }
+		} else if (matches(*argv, "default") == 0) {
+		    NEXT_ARG();
+		    if (get_u32(&opt.defcls, *argv, 16)) {
+			explain1("default"); return -1;
+		    }
+		} else if (matches(*argv, "debug") == 0) {
+		    NEXT_ARG(); p = *argv;
+		    for (i=0; i<16; i++,p++) {
+			if (*p<'0' || *p>'3') break;
+			opt.debug |= (*p-'0')<<(2*i);
+		    }
+		} else {
+			fprintf(stderr, "What is \"%s\"?\n", *argv);
+			explain();
+			return -1;
+		}
+		argc--; argv++;
+	}
+	tail = (struct rtattr*)(((void*)n)+NLMSG_ALIGN(n->nlmsg_len));
+	addattr_l(n, 1024, TCA_OPTIONS, NULL, 0);
+	addattr_l(n, 2024, TCA_HTB_INIT, &opt, NLMSG_ALIGN(sizeof(opt)));
+	tail->rta_len = (((void*)n)+NLMSG_ALIGN(n->nlmsg_len)) - (void*)tail;
+	return 0;
+static int htb_parse_class_opt(struct qdisc_util *qu, int argc, char **argv, struct nlmsghdr *n)
+	int ok=0;
+	struct tc_htb_opt opt;
+	__u32 rtab[256],ctab[256];
+	unsigned buffer=0,cbuffer=0;
+	int cell_log=-1,ccell_log = -1,mtu;
+	struct rtattr *tail;
+	memset(&opt, 0, sizeof(opt)); mtu = 1600; /* eth packet len */
+	while (argc > 0) {
+		if (matches(*argv, "prio") == 0) {
+			NEXT_ARG();
+			if (get_u32(&opt.prio, *argv, 10)) {
+				explain1("prio"); return -1;
+			}
+			ok++;
+		} else if (matches(*argv, "mtu") == 0) {
+			NEXT_ARG();
+			if (get_u32(&mtu, *argv, 10)) {
+				explain1("mtu"); return -1;
+			}
+		} else if (matches(*argv, "quantum") == 0) {
+			NEXT_ARG();
+			if (get_u32(&opt.quantum, *argv, 10)) {
+				explain1("quantum"); return -1;
+			}
+		} else if (matches(*argv, "burst") == 0 ||
+			strcmp(*argv, "buffer") == 0 ||
+			strcmp(*argv, "maxburst") == 0) {
+			NEXT_ARG();
+			if (get_size_and_cell(&buffer, &cell_log, *argv) < 0) {
+				explain1("buffer");
+				return -1;
+			}
+			ok++;
+		} else if (matches(*argv, "cburst") == 0 ||
+			strcmp(*argv, "cbuffer") == 0 ||
+			strcmp(*argv, "cmaxburst") == 0) {
+			NEXT_ARG();
+			if (get_size_and_cell(&cbuffer, &ccell_log, *argv) < 0) {
+				explain1("cbuffer");
+				return -1;
+			}
+			ok++;
+		} else if (strcmp(*argv, "ceil") == 0) {
+			NEXT_ARG();
+			if (opt.ceil.rate) {
+				fprintf(stderr, "Double \"ceil\" spec\n");
+				return -1;
+			}
+			if (get_rate(&opt.ceil.rate, *argv)) {
+				explain1("ceil");
+				return -1;
+			}
+			ok++;
+		} else if (strcmp(*argv, "rate") == 0) {
+			NEXT_ARG();
+			if (opt.rate.rate) {
+				fprintf(stderr, "Double \"rate\" spec\n");
+				return -1;
+			}
+			if (get_rate(&opt.rate.rate, *argv)) {
+				explain1("rate");
+				return -1;
+			}
+			ok++;
+		} else if (strcmp(*argv, "help") == 0) {
+			explain();
+			return -1;
+		} else {
+			fprintf(stderr, "What is \"%s\"?\n", *argv);
+			explain();
+			return -1;
+		}
+		argc--; argv++;
+	}
+/*	if (!ok)
+		return 0;*/
+	if (opt.rate.rate == 0) {
+		fprintf(stderr, "\"rate\" is required.\n");
+		return -1;
+	}
+	/* if ceil params are missing, use the same as rate */
+	if (!opt.ceil.rate) opt.ceil = opt.rate;
+	/* compute minimal allowed burst from rate; mtu is added here to make
+	   sute that buffer is larger than mtu and to have some safeguard space */
+	if (!buffer) buffer = opt.rate.rate / HZ + mtu;
+	if (!cbuffer) cbuffer = opt.ceil.rate / HZ + mtu;
+	if ((cell_log = tc_calc_rtable(opt.rate.rate, rtab, cell_log, mtu, 0)) < 0) {
+		fprintf(stderr, "htb: failed to calculate rate table.\n");
+		return -1;
+	}
+	opt.buffer = tc_calc_xmittime(opt.rate.rate, buffer);
+	opt.rate.cell_log = cell_log;
+	if ((ccell_log = tc_calc_rtable(opt.ceil.rate, ctab, cell_log, mtu, 0)) < 0) {
+		fprintf(stderr, "htb: failed to calculate ceil rate table.\n");
+		return -1;
+	}
+	opt.cbuffer = tc_calc_xmittime(opt.ceil.rate, cbuffer);
+	opt.ceil.cell_log = ccell_log;
+	tail = (struct rtattr*)(((void*)n)+NLMSG_ALIGN(n->nlmsg_len));
+	addattr_l(n, 1024, TCA_OPTIONS, NULL, 0);
+	addattr_l(n, 2024, TCA_HTB_PARMS, &opt, sizeof(opt));
+	addattr_l(n, 3024, TCA_HTB_RTAB, rtab, 1024);
+	addattr_l(n, 4024, TCA_HTB_CTAB, ctab, 1024);
+	tail->rta_len = (((void*)n)+NLMSG_ALIGN(n->nlmsg_len)) - (void*)tail;
+	return 0;
+static int htb_print_opt(struct qdisc_util *qu, FILE *f, struct rtattr *opt)
+	struct rtattr *tb[TCA_HTB_RTAB+1];
+	struct tc_htb_opt *hopt;
+	struct tc_htb_glob *gopt;
+	double buffer,cbuffer;
+	if (opt == NULL)
+		return 0;
+	memset(tb, 0, sizeof(tb));
+	parse_rtattr(tb, TCA_HTB_RTAB, RTA_DATA(opt), RTA_PAYLOAD(opt));
+	if (tb[TCA_HTB_PARMS]) {
+	    hopt = RTA_DATA(tb[TCA_HTB_PARMS]);
+	    if (RTA_PAYLOAD(tb[TCA_HTB_PARMS])  < sizeof(*hopt)) return -1;
+		if (!hopt->level) {
+			fprintf(f, "prio %d ", (int)hopt->prio);
+			if (show_details)
+				fprintf(f, "quantum %d ", (int)hopt->quantum);
+		}
+	    fprintf(f, "rate %s ", sprint_rate(hopt->rate.rate, b1));
+	    buffer = ((double)hopt->rate.rate*tc_core_tick2usec(hopt->buffer))/1000000;
+	    fprintf(f, "ceil %s ", sprint_rate(hopt->ceil.rate, b1));
+	    cbuffer = ((double)hopt->ceil.rate*tc_core_tick2usec(hopt->cbuffer))/1000000;
+	    if (show_details) {
+		fprintf(f, "burst %s/%u mpu %s ", sprint_size(buffer, b1),
+			1<<hopt->rate.cell_log, sprint_size(hopt->rate.mpu, b2));
+		fprintf(f, "cburst %s/%u mpu %s ", sprint_size(cbuffer, b1),
+			1<<hopt->ceil.cell_log, sprint_size(hopt->ceil.mpu, b2));
+		fprintf(f, "level %d ", (int)hopt->level);
+	    } else {
+		fprintf(f, "burst %s ", sprint_size(buffer, b1));
+		fprintf(f, "cburst %s ", sprint_size(cbuffer, b1));
+	    }
+	    if (show_raw)
+		fprintf(f, "buffer [%08x] cbuffer [%08x] ",
+			hopt->buffer,hopt->cbuffer);
+	}
+	if (tb[TCA_HTB_INIT]) {
+	    gopt = RTA_DATA(tb[TCA_HTB_INIT]);
+	    if (RTA_PAYLOAD(tb[TCA_HTB_INIT])  < sizeof(*gopt)) return -1;
+	    fprintf(f, "r2q %d default %x direct_packets_stat %u",
+		    gopt->rate2quantum,gopt->defcls,gopt->direct_pkts);
+		if (show_details)
+			fprintf(f," ver %d.%d",gopt->version >> 16,gopt->version & 0xffff);
+	}
+	return 0;
+static int htb_print_xstats(struct qdisc_util *qu, FILE *f, struct rtattr *xstats)
+	struct tc_htb_xstats *st;
+	if (xstats == NULL)
+		return 0;
+	if (RTA_PAYLOAD(xstats) < sizeof(*st))
+		return -1;
+	st = RTA_DATA(xstats);
+	fprintf(f, " lended: %u borrowed: %u giants: %u\n",
+		st->lends,st->borrows,st->giants);
+	fprintf(f, " tokens: %d ctokens: %d\n", st->tokens,st->ctokens);
+	return 0;
+struct qdisc_util htb_util = {
+	"htb",
+	htb_parse_opt,
+	htb_print_opt,
+	htb_print_xstats,
+	htb_parse_class_opt,
+	htb_print_opt,
+/* for testing of old one */
+struct qdisc_util htb2_util = {
+	"htb2",
+	htb_parse_opt,
+	htb_print_opt,
+	htb_print_xstats,
+	htb_parse_class_opt,
+	htb_print_opt,
  * q_htb.c		HTB.
Index: iproute2-2.6.25/tc/q_wrr.c
--- /dev/null	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
+++ iproute2-2.6.25/tc/q_wrr.c	2008-05-01 00:37:17.000000000 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,322 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <syslog.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <sys/socket.h>
+#include <netinet/in.h>
+#include <arpa/inet.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include "utils.h"
+#include "tc_util.h"
+#define usage() return(-1)
+// Returns -1 on error
+static int wrr_parse_qdisc_weight(int argc, char** argv,
+                              struct tc_wrr_qdisc_modf* opt) {
+  int i;
+  opt->weight1.weight_mode=-1;
+  opt->weight2.weight_mode=-1;
+  for(i=0; i<argc; i++) {
+    if(!memcmp(argv[i],"wmode1=",7)) {
+      opt->weight1.weight_mode=atoi(argv[i]+7);
+    } else if(!memcmp(argv[i],"wmode2=",7)) {
+      opt->weight2.weight_mode=atoi(argv[i]+7);
+    } else {
+      printf("Usage: ... [wmode1=0|1|2|3] [wmode2=0|1|2|3]\n");
+      return -1;
+    }
+  }
+  return 0;
+static int wrr_parse_class_modf(int argc, char** argv,
+                                struct tc_wrr_class_modf* modf) {
+  int i;
+  if(argc<1) {
+    fprintf(stderr, "Usage: ... [weight1=val] [decr1=val] [incr1=val] [min1=val] [max1=val] [val2=val] ...\n");
+    fprintf(stderr, "  The values can be floating point like 0.42 or divisions like 42/100\n");
+    return -1;
+  }
+  // Set meaningless values:
+  modf->weight1.val=0;
+  modf->weight1.decr=(__u64)-1;
+  modf->weight1.incr=(__u64)-1;
+  modf->weight1.min=0;
+  modf->weight1.max=0;
+  modf->weight2.val=0;
+  modf->weight2.decr=(__u64)-1;
+  modf->weight2.incr=(__u64)-1;
+  modf->weight2.min=0;
+  modf->weight2.max=0;
+  // And read values:
+  for(i=0; i<argc; i++) {
+    char arg[80];
+    char* name,*value1=0,*value2=0;
+    long double f_val1,f_val2=1,value;
+    if(strlen(argv[i])>=sizeof(arg)) {
+      fprintf(stderr,"Argument too long: %s\n",argv[i]);
+      return -1;
+    }
+    strcpy(arg,argv[i]);
+    name=strtok(arg,"=");
+    if(name) value1=strtok(0,"/");
+    if(value1) value2=strtok(0,"");
+    if(!value1) {
+      fprintf(stderr,"No = found in argument: %s\n",argv[i]);
+      return -1;
+    }
+    f_val1=atof(value1);
+    if(value2) f_val2=atof(value2);
+    if(f_val2==0)  {
+      fprintf(stderr,"Division by 0\n");
+      return -1;
+    }
+    value=f_val1/f_val2;
+    if(value>1) value=1;
+    if(value<0) value=0;
+    value*=((__u64)-1);
+    // And find the value set
+    if(!strcmp(name,"weight1"))    modf->weight1.val=value;
+    else if(!strcmp(name,"decr1")) modf->weight1.decr=value;
+    else if(!strcmp(name,"incr1")) modf->weight1.incr=value;
+    else if(!strcmp(name,"min1"))  modf->weight1.min=value;
+    else if(!strcmp(name,"max1"))  modf->weight1.max=value;
+    else if(!strcmp(name,"weight2")) modf->weight2.val=value;
+    else if(!strcmp(name,"decr2")) modf->weight2.decr=value;
+    else if(!strcmp(name,"incr2")) modf->weight2.incr=value;
+    else if(!strcmp(name,"min2"))  modf->weight2.min=value;
+    else if(!strcmp(name,"max2"))  modf->weight2.max=value;
+    else {
+      fprintf(stderr,"illegal value: %s\n",name);
+      return -1;
+    }
+  }
+  return 0;
+static int wrr_parse_opt(struct qdisc_util *qu, int argc, char **argv, struct nlmsghdr *n)
+  if(n->nlmsg_flags & NLM_F_CREATE) {
+    // This is a create request:
+    struct tc_wrr_qdisc_crt opt;
+    int sour,dest,ip,mac,masq;
+    if(argc<4) {
+      fprintf(stderr, "Usage: ... wrr sour|dest ip|masq|mac maxclasses proxymaxcon [penalty-setup]\n");
+      return -1;
+    }
+    // Read sour/dest:
+    memset(&opt,0,sizeof(opt));
+    sour=!strcmp(argv[0],"sour");
+    dest=!strcmp(argv[0],"dest");
+    if(!sour && !dest) {
+      fprintf(stderr,"sour or dest must be specified\n");
+      return -1;
+    }
+    // Read ip/mac
+    ip=!strcmp(argv[1],"ip");
+    mac=!strcmp(argv[1],"mac");
+    masq=!strcmp(argv[1],"masq");
+    if(!ip && !mac && !masq) {
+      fprintf(stderr,"ip, masq or mac must be specified\n");
+      return -1;
+    }
+    opt.srcaddr=sour;
+    opt.usemac=mac;
+    opt.usemasq=masq;
+    opt.bands_max=atoi(argv[2]);
+    opt.proxy_maxconn=atoi(argv[3]);
+    // Read weights:
+    if(wrr_parse_qdisc_weight(argc-4,argv+4,&opt.qdisc_modf)<0) return -1;
+    if(opt.qdisc_modf.weight1.weight_mode==-1) opt.qdisc_modf.weight1.weight_mode=0;
+    if(opt.qdisc_modf.weight2.weight_mode==-1) opt.qdisc_modf.weight2.weight_mode=0;
+    addattr_l(n, 1024, TCA_OPTIONS, &opt, sizeof(opt));
+  } else {
+    struct tc_wrr_qdisc_modf_std opt;
+    char qdisc,class;
+    // This is a modify request:
+    if(argc<1) {
+      fprintf(stderr,"... qdisc ... or ... class ...\n");
+      return -1;
+    }
+    qdisc=!strcmp(argv[0],"qdisc");
+    class=!strcmp(argv[0],"class");
+    if(!qdisc && !class) {
+      fprintf(stderr,"qdisc or class must be specified\n");
+      return -1;
+    }
+    argc--;
+    argv++;
+    opt.proxy=0;
+    if(qdisc) {
+      opt.change_class=0;
+      if(wrr_parse_qdisc_weight(argc, argv, &opt.qdisc_modf)<0) return -1;
+    } else {
+      int a0,a1,a2,a3,a4=0,a5=0;
+      opt.change_class=1;
+      if(argc<1) {
+        fprintf(stderr,"... <mac>|<ip>|<masq> ...\n");
+        return -1;
+      }
+      memset(opt.addr,0,sizeof(opt.addr));
+      if((sscanf(argv[0],"%i.%i.%i.%i",&a0,&a1,&a2,&a3)!=4) &&
+         (sscanf(argv[0],"%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x",&a0,&a1,&a2,&a3,&a4,&a5)!=6)) {
+	fprintf(stderr,"Wrong format of mac or ip address\n");
+	return -1;
+      }
+      opt.addr[0]=a0; opt.addr[1]=a1; opt.addr[2]=a2;
+      opt.addr[3]=a3; opt.addr[4]=a4; opt.addr[5]=a5;
+      if(wrr_parse_class_modf(argc-1, argv+1, &opt.class_modf)<0) return -1;
+    }
+    addattr_l(n, 1024, TCA_OPTIONS, &opt, sizeof(opt));
+  }
+  return 0;
+static int wrr_parse_copt(struct qdisc_util *qu, int argc, char **argv, struct nlmsghdr *n) {
+  struct tc_wrr_class_modf opt;
+  memset(&opt,0,sizeof(opt));
+  if(wrr_parse_class_modf(argc,argv,&opt)<0) return -1;
+  addattr_l(n, 1024, TCA_OPTIONS, &opt, sizeof(opt));
+  return 0;
+static int wrr_print_opt(struct qdisc_util *qu, FILE *f, struct rtattr *opt)
+	struct tc_wrr_qdisc_stats *qopt;
+	if (opt == NULL)
+		return 0;
+	if (RTA_PAYLOAD(opt)  < sizeof(*qopt))
+		return -1;
+	qopt = RTA_DATA(opt);
+	fprintf(f,"\n  (%s/%s) (maxclasses %i) (usedclasses %i) (reused classes %i)\n",
+	  qopt->qdisc_crt.srcaddr ? "sour" : "dest",
+	  qopt->qdisc_crt.usemac  ? "mac"  : (qopt->qdisc_crt.usemasq ? "masq" : "ip"),
+	  qopt->qdisc_crt.bands_max,
+	  qopt->bands_cur,
+	  qopt->bands_reused
+	  );
+	if(qopt->qdisc_crt.proxy_maxconn) {
+	  fprintf(f,"  (proxy maxcon %i) (proxy curcon %i)\n",
+	    qopt->qdisc_crt.proxy_maxconn,qopt->proxy_curconn);
+	}
+	fprintf(f,"  (waiting classes %i) (packets requeued %i) (priosum: %Lg)\n",
+	  qopt->nodes_in_heap,
+	  qopt->packets_requed,
+	  qopt->priosum/((long double)((__u32)-1))
+	  );
+	fprintf(f,"  (wmode1 %i) (wmode2 %i) \n",
+	  qopt->qdisc_crt.qdisc_modf.weight1.weight_mode,
+	  qopt->qdisc_crt.qdisc_modf.weight2.weight_mode);
+	return 0;
+static int wrr_print_copt(struct qdisc_util *qu, FILE *f, struct rtattr *opt) {
+  struct tc_wrr_class_stats *copt;
+  long double d=(__u64)-1;
+  if (opt == NULL) return 0;
+  if (RTA_PAYLOAD(opt)  < sizeof(*copt))
+    return -1;
+  copt = RTA_DATA(opt);
+  if(!copt->used) {
+    fprintf(f,"(unused)");
+    return 0;
+  }
+  if(copt->usemac) {
+    fprintf(f,"\n  (address: %.2X:%.2X:%.2X:%.2X:%.2X:%.2X)\n",
+      copt->addr[0],copt->addr[1],copt->addr[2],
+      copt->addr[3],copt->addr[4],copt->addr[5]);
+  } else {
+    fprintf(f,"\n  (address: %i.%i.%i.%i)\n",copt->addr[0],copt->addr[1],copt->addr[2],copt->addr[3]);
+  }
+  fprintf(f,"  (total weight: %Lg) (current position: %i) (counters: %u %u : %u %u)\n",
+    (copt->class_modf.weight1.val/d)*(copt->class_modf.weight2.val/d),
+    copt->heappos,
+    (unsigned)(copt->penal_ms>>32),
+    (unsigned)(copt->penal_ms & 0xffffffffU),
+    (unsigned)(copt->penal_ls>>32),
+    (unsigned)(copt->penal_ls & 0xffffffffU)
+    );
+  fprintf(f,"  Pars 1: (weight %Lg) (decr: %Lg) (incr: %Lg) (min: %Lg) (max: %Lg)\n",
+    copt->class_modf.weight1.val/d,
+    copt->class_modf.weight1.decr/d,
+    copt->class_modf.weight1.incr/d,
+    copt->class_modf.weight1.min/d,
+    copt->class_modf.weight1.max/d);
+  fprintf(f,"  Pars 2: (weight %Lg) (decr: %Lg) (incr: %Lg) (min: %Lg) (max: %Lg)",
+    copt->class_modf.weight2.val/d,
+    copt->class_modf.weight2.decr/d,
+    copt->class_modf.weight2.incr/d,
+    copt->class_modf.weight2.min/d,
+    copt->class_modf.weight2.max/d);
+  return 0;
+static int wrr_print_xstats(struct qdisc_util *qu, FILE *f, struct rtattr *xstats)
+	return 0;
+struct qdisc_util wrr_qdisc_util = {
+	.id = "wrr",
+	.parse_qopt = wrr_parse_opt,
+	.print_qopt = wrr_print_opt,
+	.print_xstats = wrr_print_xstats,
+	.parse_copt = wrr_parse_copt,
+	.print_copt = wrr_print_copt