/* * FOXMP3 * Copyright (c) 2006 acmesystems.it - john@acmesystems.it * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA02111-1307USA * * Feedback, Bugs... info@acmesystems.it * */ #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <sys/poll.h> #include <signal.h> #include "mp3.h" typedef struct _MP3_STATE { struct { unsigned char volume; unsigned char bass; unsigned char treble; } decoder; struct { unsigned char name[2048]; MP3_FILE_ID3 id3; } file; struct { unsigned char url[2048]; unsigned char path[256]; unsigned int port; } stream; MP3_PLAYTIME playtime; } MP3_STATE; static MP3_STATE mp3_state; void state_startup_enter(int state_last, int event, EVENT_PARAM *param){ mp3_state.decoder.volume = 0x30; mp3_state.decoder.bass = 1; mp3_state.file.name[0] = '\0'; mp3_state.stream.url[0] = '\0'; mp3_state.stream.path[0] = '\0'; mp3_state.stream.port = 0; mp3_playtime_init(&mp3_state.playtime); mp3_init(); mp3_nix_socket_setup(); mp3_tcp_socket_setup(); }; void state_idle_enter(int state_last, int event, EVENT_PARAM *param){ mp3_stop(); mp3_playtime_stop(); }; void state_file_startup_enter(int state_last, int event, EVENT_PARAM *param){ if(mp3_file_setup(param->text, &mp3_state.file.id3) == MP3_OK){ strcpy(mp3_state.file.name, param->text); } else { state_event(MP3_EVENT_ERROR, NULL); }; }; void state_file_startup_leave(int state_new, int event){ if(state_new == MP3_STATE_FILE_HANDLE){ mp3_play(); mp3_playtime_start(); mp3_nix_socket_write("START FILE\n"); }; }; void state_file_handle_enter(int state_last, int event, EVENT_PARAM *param){ int ret = mp3_file_handle(); if(ret == MP3_ERROR){ state_event(MP3_EVENT_ERROR, NULL); }; if(ret == MP3_END){ state_event(MP3_EVENT_END, NULL); }; }; void state_file_handle_leave(int state_new, int event){ if(state_new != MP3_STATE_FILE_HANDLE){ mp3_playtime_stop(); mp3_file_cleanup(); mp3_nix_socket_write("STOP FILE\n"); }; }; void state_stream_startup_enter(int state_last, int event, EVENT_PARAM *param){ if(mp3_stream_setup(param->text, param->numeric, mp3_state.stream.url, mp3_state.stream.path, &mp3_state.stream.port) != MP3_OK){ state_event(MP3_EVENT_ERROR, NULL); }; }; void state_stream_startup_leave(int state_new, int event){ if(state_new == MP3_STATE_STREAM_HANDLE){ mp3_play(); mp3_playtime_start(); mp3_nix_socket_write("START STREAM\n"); }; }; void state_stream_handle_enter(int state_last, int event, EVENT_PARAM *param){ if(mp3_stream_handle() == MP3_ERROR){ state_event(MP3_EVENT_ERROR, NULL); } }; void state_stream_handle_leave(int state_new, int event){ if(state_new != MP3_STATE_STREAM_HANDLE){ mp3_stream_cleanup(); mp3_playtime_stop(); mp3_nix_socket_write("STOP STREAM\n"); } }; extern STATE states[MAX_STATE_COUNT]; void state_error_enter(int state_last, int event, EVENT_PARAM *param){ if(param){ printf("Error in state %s -> %s\n", states[state_last].name, param->text); mp3_nix_socket_write("ERROR Error in state %s -> %s\n", states[state_last].name, param->text); } else { printf("Unknown error in state %s\n", states[state_last].name); }; }; void state_shutdown_enter(int state_last, int event, EVENT_PARAM *param){ printf("Entering state SHUTDOWN ...\n"); printf("Shutting down player ...\n"); mp3_nix_socket_cleanup(); mp3_tcp_socket_cleanup(); printf("Quitting statemachine ...\n"); exit(0); }; extern int state_current; void state_generic_event(unsigned int event, unsigned char in_int, unsigned char *out_uchar){ switch(event){ case MP3_EVENT_GENERIC_VOLUME: mp3_state.decoder.volume = in_int; mp3_set_volume(mp3_state.decoder.volume, mp3_state.decoder.volume); mp3_nix_socket_write("VOLUME %d\n", mp3_state.decoder.volume); break; case MP3_EVENT_GENERIC_BASS: mp3_state.decoder.bass = in_int; mp3_bass(8, mp3_state.decoder.treble, 8, mp3_state.decoder.bass); mp3_nix_socket_write("BASS %d\n", mp3_state.decoder.bass); break; case MP3_EVENT_GENERIC_STATE: out_uchar[0] = '\0'; sprintf(out_uchar, "%sVOLUME %d\n", out_uchar, mp3_state.decoder.volume); sprintf(out_uchar, "%sBASS %d\n", out_uchar, mp3_state.decoder.bass); sprintf(out_uchar, "%sTREBLE %d\n", out_uchar, mp3_state.decoder.treble); sprintf(out_uchar, "%sPLAYTIME %d\n", out_uchar, (mp3_state.playtime.playtime_mins * 60) + mp3_state.playtime.playtime_secs); switch(state_current){ case MP3_STATE_IDLE: sprintf(out_uchar, "%sSTATE MP3_STATE_IDLE\n", out_uchar); break; case MP3_STATE_FILE_START: case MP3_STATE_FILE_HANDLE: sprintf(out_uchar, "%sFILE %s\n", out_uchar, mp3_state.file.name); if(strlen(mp3_state.file.id3.artist)){ sprintf(out_uchar, "%sID3_ARTIST %s\n", out_uchar, mp3_state.file.id3.artist); }; if(strlen(mp3_state.file.id3.album)){ sprintf(out_uchar, "%sID3_ALBUM %s\n", out_uchar, mp3_state.file.id3.album); }; if(strlen(mp3_state.file.id3.album)){ sprintf(out_uchar, "%sID3_TRACK %s\n", out_uchar, mp3_state.file.id3.track); }; sprintf(out_uchar, "%sSTATE MP3_STATE_FILE\n", out_uchar); break; case MP3_STATE_STREAM_START: case MP3_STATE_STREAM_HANDLE: sprintf(out_uchar, "%sSTREAM %s:%d%s\n", out_uchar, mp3_state.stream.url, mp3_state.stream.port, mp3_state.stream.path); sprintf(out_uchar, "%sSTATE MP3_STATE_STREAM\n", out_uchar); break; default: sprintf(out_uchar, "STATE Unkonwn\n"); break; }; sprintf(out_uchar, "%sOK\n", out_uchar); break; case MP3_EVENT_GENERIC_PLAYTIME: // printf("%02d:%02d\n", mp3_state.playtime.playtime_mins, // mp3_state.playtime.playtime_secs); break; default: break; }; };