/* * FOXMP3 * Copyright (c) 2006 acmesystems.it - john@acmesystems.it * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA02111-1307USA * * Feedback, Bugs... info@acmesystems.it * */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <errno.h> #include <string.h> #include "mp3.h" #define MP3_PRE_BUFFER_COUNT ((128 * 1024) / MP3_CHUNK_SIZE) typedef struct _MP3_FILE { unsigned char filename[2048]; MP3_DATA mp3_data; FILE *fd; unsigned char file_end_found; MP3_FILE_ID3 *id3; } MP3_FILE; static MP3_FILE mp3_file; void mp3_load_id3(FILE *fp){ unsigned char *buf = malloc(1024); mp3_file.id3->album[0] = '\0'; mp3_file.id3->artist[0] = '\0'; mp3_file.id3->track[0] = '\0'; fgets(buf, 1024, fp); if( (buf[0] == 'I') && (buf[1] == 'D') && (buf[2] == '3')){ unsigned int id3_size; unsigned int i; unsigned int id3_version = buf[3]; id3_version <<= 8; id3_version += buf[4]; id3_size = 0; for(i = 0; i<4; i++){ id3_size += buf[5 + i]; id3_size <<= 7; }; if(id3_version>>8 == 3){ unsigned int id3_pos = 10; unsigned int id3_tag_size; unsigned char tag_name[5]; unsigned char tag_data[257]; tag_name[4] = '\0'; tag_data[256] = '\0'; unsigned int count = 0; while(count < 10){ strncpy(tag_name, &buf[id3_pos], 4); id3_tag_size = buf[id3_pos + 4]; id3_tag_size <<= 8; id3_tag_size = buf[id3_pos + 5]; id3_tag_size <<= 8; id3_tag_size = buf[id3_pos + 6]; id3_tag_size <<= 8; id3_tag_size = buf[id3_pos + 7]; if(id3_tag_size == 0){ break; }; if(id3_tag_size > 256){ memcpy(&tag_data[0], &buf[id3_pos + 11] , 256); } else { memcpy(&tag_data[0], &buf[id3_pos + 11] , id3_tag_size -1); tag_data[id3_tag_size-1] = '\0'; }; id3_pos += 10 + id3_tag_size; if(strcmp(tag_name, "TPE1") == 0){ strncpy(mp3_file.id3->artist, tag_data, 255); }; if(strcmp(tag_name, "TALB") == 0){ strncpy(mp3_file.id3->album, tag_data, 255); }; if(strcmp(tag_name, "TIT2") == 0){ strncpy(mp3_file.id3->track, tag_data, 255); }; if(id3_pos >= id3_size){ break; }; count ++; }; }; printf("ID3 tag found Version 2.%d.%d / size %d\n%s -- %s -- %s\n", id3_version>>8, id3_version&0xff, id3_size, mp3_file.id3->artist, mp3_file.id3->album, mp3_file.id3->track); } else { printf("No ID3 Tag was found\n"); }; free(buf); }; int mp3_file_setup(unsigned char *filename, MP3_FILE_ID3 *id3){ unsigned int i; mp3_file.id3 = id3; mp3_file.file_end_found = 0; strcpy(mp3_file.filename, filename); mp3_file.fd = fopen(mp3_file.filename, "rb"); if(!mp3_file.fd){ mp3_file.fd = 0; printf("error opening file %s\n", mp3_file.filename); return MP3_ERROR; }; printf("File %s opened Ok\n", mp3_file.filename); printf("Reading id3 tag\n"); mp3_load_id3(mp3_file.fd); fseek(mp3_file.fd, 0, SEEK_SET); mp3_reset(); printf("Buffering MP3 Data\n"); mp3_file.mp3_data.state = MP3_BUFFERING; for(i = 0; i < MP3_PRE_BUFFER_COUNT - 1; i++){ fread(mp3_file.mp3_data.mp3, MP3_CHUNK_SIZE, 1, mp3_file.fd); mp3_file.mp3_data.state = MP3_PLAYING; mp3_send_data_to_buffer(mp3_file.mp3_data); }; printf("Starting to play file : %s\n", mp3_file.filename); return MP3_OK; }; int mp3_file_handle(void){ unsigned char transmit_success = 1; if (!feof(mp3_file.fd)) { fread(mp3_file.mp3_data.mp3, MP3_CHUNK_SIZE, 1, mp3_file.fd); transmit_success = 0; while(!transmit_success){ if(!mp3_send_data_to_buffer(mp3_file.mp3_data)){ usleep(1); transmit_success = 0; } else { transmit_success = 1; }; }; return MP3_OK; } else { if(!mp3_file.file_end_found){ mp3_file.mp3_data.state = MP3_BUFFER_FINISHED; mp3_send_data_to_buffer(mp3_file.mp3_data); printf("File end reached. Wait till kernel buffer has cleared.\n"); mp3_file.file_end_found = 1; }; if(!mp3_buffer_finished()){ return MP3_OK; } else { return MP3_END; }; }; }; int mp3_file_cleanup(void){ if(mp3_file.fd){ fclose(mp3_file.fd); }; return MP3_OK; };