--- dropbear-0.45.old/svr-authpubkey.c	2005-09-27 12:45:20.863639072 +0200
+++ dropbear-0.45/svr-authpubkey.c	2005-09-27 13:15:09.066790872 +0200
@@ -176,14 +176,10 @@
 		goto out;
-	/* we don't need to check pw and pw_dir for validity, since
-	 * its been done in checkpubkeyperms. */
-	len = strlen(ses.authstate.pw->pw_dir);
 	/* allocate max required pathname storage,
-	 * = path + "/.ssh/authorized_keys" + '\0' = pathlen + 22 */
-	filename = m_malloc(len + 22);
-	snprintf(filename, len + 22, "%s/.ssh/authorized_keys", 
-				ses.authstate.pw->pw_dir);
+	 * = "/etc/dropbear/authorized_keys" + '\0' = 30 */
+	filename = m_malloc(30);
+	strncpy(filename, "/etc/dropbear/authorized_keys", 30);
 	/* open the file */
 	authfile = fopen(filename, "r");
@@ -255,43 +251,33 @@
 /* Returns DROPBEAR_SUCCESS if file permissions for pubkeys are ok,
  * DROPBEAR_FAILURE otherwise.
- * Checks that the user's homedir, ~/.ssh, and
- * ~/.ssh/authorized_keys are all owned by either root or the user, and are
+ * Checks that /etc, /etc/dropbear and /etc/dropbear/authorized_keys
+ * are all owned by either root or the user, and are
  * g-w, o-w */
 static int checkpubkeyperms() {
 	char* filename = NULL; 
-	unsigned int len;
 	TRACE(("enter checkpubkeyperms"))
-	assert(ses.authstate.pw);
-	if (ses.authstate.pw->pw_dir == NULL) {
-		goto out;
-	}
-	if ((len = strlen(ses.authstate.pw->pw_dir)) == 0) {
-		goto out;
-	}
 	/* allocate max required pathname storage,
-	 * = path + "/.ssh/authorized_keys" + '\0' = pathlen + 22 */
-	filename = m_malloc(len + 22);
-	strncpy(filename, ses.authstate.pw->pw_dir, len+1);
+	 * = "/etc/dropbear/authorized_keys" + '\0' = 30 */
+	filename = m_malloc(30);
+	strncpy(filename, "/etc", 4); /* strlen("/etc") == 4 */
-	/* check ~ */
+	/* check /etc */
 	if (checkfileperm(filename) != DROPBEAR_SUCCESS) {
 		goto out;
-	/* check ~/.ssh */
-	strncat(filename, "/.ssh", 5); /* strlen("/.ssh") == 5 */
+	/* check /etc/dropbear */
+	strncat(filename, "/dropbear", 9); /* strlen("/dropbear") == 9 */
 	if (checkfileperm(filename) != DROPBEAR_SUCCESS) {
 		goto out;
-	/* now check ~/.ssh/authorized_keys */
+	/* now check /etc/dropbear/authorized_keys */
 	strncat(filename, "/authorized_keys", 16);
 	if (checkfileperm(filename) != DROPBEAR_SUCCESS) {
 		goto out;