#!/bin/sh /etc/rc.common
# Copyright (C) 2007 OpenWrt.org





xappend() {
	local value="$1"

	echo "${value#--}" >> $CONFIGFILE

dhcp_calc() {
	local ip="$1"
	local res=0

	while [ -n "$ip" ]; do
		res="$(($res * 256))"
		res="$(($res + $part))"
		[ "${ip%.*}" != "$ip" ] && ip="${ip#*.}" || ip=
	echo "$res"

append_bool() {
	local section="$1"
	local option="$2"
	local value="$3"
	local _loctmp
	config_get_bool _loctmp "$section" "$option" 0
	[ $_loctmp -gt 0 ] && xappend "$value"

append_parm() {
	local section="$1"
	local option="$2"
	local switch="$3"
	local _loctmp
	config_get _loctmp "$section" "$option"
	[ -z "$_loctmp" ] && return 0
	xappend "$switch=$_loctmp"

append_server() {
	xappend "--server=$1"

append_interface() {
	local ifname=$(uci_get_state network "$1" ifname "$1")
	xappend "--interface=$ifname"

append_notinterface() {
	local ifname=$(uci_get_state network "$1" ifname "$1")
	xappend "--except-interface=$ifname"

append_addnhosts() {
	xappend "--addn-hosts=$1"

append_bogusnxdomain() {
       xappend "--bogus-nxdomain=$1"

dnsmasq() {
	local cfg="$1"
	append_bool "$cfg" authoritative "--dhcp-authoritative"
	append_bool "$cfg" nodaemon "--no-daemon"
	append_bool "$cfg" domainneeded "--domain-needed"
	append_bool "$cfg" filterwin2k "--filterwin2k"
	append_bool "$cfg" nohosts "--no-hosts"
	append_bool "$cfg" nonegcache "--no-negcache"
	append_bool "$cfg" strictorder "--strict-order"
	append_bool "$cfg" logqueries "--log-queries"
	append_bool "$cfg" noresolv "--no-resolv"
	append_bool "$cfg" localise_queries "--localise-queries"
	append_bool "$cfg" readethers "--read-ethers"
	append_bool "$cfg" dbus "--enable-dbus"
	append_bool "$cfg" boguspriv "--bogus-priv"
	append_bool "$cfg" expandhosts "--expand-hosts"
	append_bool "$cfg" enable_tftp "--enable-tftp"
	append_bool "$cfg" nonwildcard "--bind-interfaces"

	append_parm "$cfg" dhcpscript "--dhcp-script"
	append_parm "$cfg" cachesize "--cache-size"
	append_parm "$cfg" dnsforwardmax "--dns-forward-max"
	append_parm "$cfg" port "--port"
	append_parm "$cfg" ednspacket_max "--edns-packet-max"
	append_parm "$cfg" dhcpleasemax "--dhcp-lease-max"
	append_parm "$cfg" "queryport" "--query-port"
	append_parm "$cfg" "domain" "--domain"
	append_parm "$cfg" "local" "--server"
	config_list_foreach "$cfg" "server" append_server
	config_list_foreach "$cfg" "interface" append_interface
	config_list_foreach "$cfg" "notinterface" append_notinterface
	config_list_foreach "$cfg" "addnhosts" append_addnhosts
	config_list_foreach "$cfg" "bogusnxdomain" append_bogusnxdomain
	append_parm "$cfg" "leasefile" "--dhcp-leasefile"
	append_parm "$cfg" "resolvfile" "--resolv-file"
	append_parm "$cfg" "tftp_root" "--tftp-root"
	append_parm "$cfg" "dhcp_boot" "--dhcp-boot"

	config_get DOMAIN "$cfg" domain

	config_get_bool readethers "$cfg" readethers
	[ "$readethers" = "1" -a \! -e "/etc/ethers" ] && touch /etc/ethers

	config_get leasefile $cfg leasefile
	[ -n "$leasefile" -a \! -e "$leasefile" ] && touch "$leasefile"
	config_get_bool cachelocal "$cfg" cachelocal 1

	config_get hostsfile "$cfg" dhcphostsfile
	[ -e "$hostsfile" ] && xappend "--dhcp-hostsfile=$hostsfile"

	local rebind
	config_get_bool rebind "$cfg" rebind_protection 1
	[ $rebind -gt 0 ] && {
		logger -t dnsmasq \
			"DNS rebinding protection is active," \
			"will discard upstream RFC1918 responses!"
		xappend "--stop-dns-rebind"

		local rebind_localhost
		config_get_bool rebind_localhost "$cfg" rebind_localhost 0
		[ $rebind_localhost -gt 0 ] && {
			logger -t dnsmasq "Allowing responses"
			xappend "--rebind-localhost-ok"

		append_rebind_domain() {
			logger -t dnsmasq "Allowing RFC1918 responses for domain $1"
			xappend "--rebind-domain-ok=$1"

		config_list_foreach "$cfg" rebind_domain append_rebind_domain

	echo >> $CONFIGFILE

dhcp_subscrid_add() {
	local cfg="$1"

	config_get networkid "$cfg" networkid
	[ -n "$networkid" ] || return 0

	config_get subscriberid "$cfg" subscriberid
	[ -n "$subscriberid" ] || return 0

	xappend "--dhcp-subscrid=$networkid,$subscriberid"

	dhcp_option_add "$cfg" "$networkid"

dhcp_remoteid_add() {
	local cfg="$1"

	config_get networkid "$cfg" networkid
	[ -n "$networkid" ] || return 0

	config_get remoteid "$cfg" remoteid
	[ -n "$remoteid" ] || return 0

	xappend "--dhcp-remoteid=$networkid,$remoteid"

	dhcp_option_add "$cfg" "$networkid"

dhcp_circuitid_add() {
	local cfg="$1"

	config_get networkid "$cfg" networkid
	[ -n "$networkid" ] || return 0

	config_get circuitid "$cfg" circuitid
	[ -n "$circuitid" ] || return 0

	xappend "--dhcp-circuitid=$networkid,$circuitid"

	dhcp_option_add "$cfg" "$networkid"

dhcp_userclass_add() {
	local cfg="$1"

	config_get networkid "$cfg" networkid
	[ -n "$networkid" ] || return 0

	config_get userclass "$cfg" userclass
	[ -n "$userclass" ] || return 0

	xappend "--dhcp-userclass=$networkid,$userclass"

	dhcp_option_add "$cfg" "$networkid"

dhcp_vendorclass_add() {
	local cfg="$1"

	config_get networkid "$cfg" networkid
	[ -n "$networkid" ] || return 0

	config_get vendorclass "$cfg" vendorclass
	[ -n "$vendorclass" ] || return 0

	xappend "--dhcp-vendorclass=$networkid,$vendorclass"

	dhcp_option_add "$cfg" "$networkid"

dhcp_host_add() {
	local cfg="$1"

	config_get networkid "$cfg" networkid
	[ -n "$networkid" ] && dhcp_option_add "$cfg" "$networkid"

	config_get name "$cfg" name
	config_get ip "$cfg" ip
	[ -n "$ip" ] || [ -n "$name" ] || return 0

	config_get mac "$cfg" mac
	for m in $mac; do append macs "$m" ","; done
	[ -n "$macs" ] || return 0

	xappend "--dhcp-host=$macs${networkid:+,net:$networkid}${ip:+,$ip}${name:+,$name}"

dhcp_mac_add() {
	local cfg="$1"

	config_get networkid "$cfg" networkid
	[ -n "$networkid" ] || return 0

	config_get mac "$cfg" mac
	[ -n "$mac" ] || return 0

	xappend "--dhcp-mac=$networkid,$mac"

	dhcp_option_add "$cfg" "$networkid"

dhcp_boot_add() {
	local cfg="$1"

	config_get networkid "$cfg" networkid

	config_get filename "$cfg" filename
	[ -n "$filename" ] || return 0

	config_get servername "$cfg" servername
	[ -n "$servername" ] || return 0

	config_get serveraddress "$cfg" serveraddress
	[ -n "$serveraddress" ] || return 0

	xappend "--dhcp-boot=${networkid:+net:$networkid,}$filename,$servername,$serveraddress"

	dhcp_option_add "$cfg" "$networkid"

dhcp_add() {
	local cfg="$1"
	config_get net "$cfg" interface
	[ -n "$net" ] || return 0

	config_get networkid "$cfg" networkid
	[ -n "$networkid" ] || networkid="$net"

	config_get ifname "$net" ifname
	[ -n "$ifname" ] || return 0

	config_get dnsserver "$net" dns
	[ "$cachelocal" = "0" -a -n "$dnsserver" ] && {

	append_bool "$cfg" ignore "--no-dhcp-interface=$ifname" && return 0

	config_get proto "$net" proto
	[ static = "$proto" ] || return 0

	config_get ipaddr "$net" ipaddr
	config_get netmask "$cfg" netmask
	[ -n "$netmask" ] || config_get netmask "$net" netmask

	#check for an already active dhcp server on the interface, unless 'force' is set
	config_get_bool force "$cfg" force 0
	[ $force -gt 0 ] || {
		udhcpc -n -q -s /bin/true -t 1 -i $ifname >&- && {
			logger -t dnsmasq \
				"found already running DHCP-server on interface '$ifname'" \
				"refusing to start, use 'option force 1' to override"
			return 0

	config_get start "$cfg" start
	config_get limit "$cfg" limit
	config_get leasetime "$cfg" leasetime
	config_get options "$cfg" options
	config_get_bool dynamicdhcp "$cfg" dynamicdhcp 1

	start="$(dhcp_calc "${start:-100}")"
	[ "$limit" -gt 0 ] && limit=$((limit-1))
	eval "$(ipcalc.sh $ipaddr $netmask $start $limit)"
	if [ "$dynamicdhcp" = "0" ]; then END="static"; fi
	xappend "--dhcp-range=$networkid,$START,$END,$NETMASK,$leasetime${options:+ $options}"

	dhcp_option_add "$cfg" "$networkid"

dhcp_option_add() {
	local cfg="$1"
	local networkid="$2"

	config_get dhcp_option "$cfg" dhcp_option
	for o in $dhcp_option; do
		xappend "--dhcp-option=$networkid","$o"


dhcp_domain_add() {
	local cfg="$1"
	local ip name names

	config_get names "$cfg" name "$2"
	[ -n "$names" ] || return 0

	config_get ip "$cfg" ip "$3"
	[ -n "$ip" ] || return 0

	local oIFS="$IFS"; IFS="."; set -- $ip; IFS="$oIFS"
	local raddr="${4:+$4.$3.$2.$1.in-addr.arpa}"

	for name in $names; do
		local fqdn="$name"

		[ "${fqdn%.*}" == "$fqdn" ] && \

		xappend "--address=/$fqdn/$ip"

		[ -n "$raddr" ] && {
			xappend "--ptr-record=$raddr,$fqdn"

dhcp_srv_add() {
	local cfg="$1"

	config_get srv "$cfg" srv
	[ -n "$srv" ] || return 0

	config_get target "$cfg" target
	[ -n "$target" ] || return 0

	config_get port "$cfg" port
	[ -n "$port" ] || return 0

	config_get class "$cfg" class
	config_get weight "$cfg" weight

	local service="$srv,$target,$port${class:+,$class${weight:+,$weight}}"

	xappend "--srv-host=$service"

dhcp_mx_add() {
	local cfg="$1"
	local domain relay pref

	config_get domain "$cfg" domain
	[ -n "$domain" ] || return 0

	config_get relay "$cfg" relay
	[ -n "$relay" ] || return 0

	config_get pref "$cfg" pref 0

	local service="$domain,$relay,$pref"

	append args "--mx-host=$service"

dhcp_cname_add() {
	local cfg="$1"
	local cname target

	config_get cname "$cfg" cname
	[ -n "$cname" ] || return 0

	config_get target "$cfg" target
	[ -n "$target" ] || return 0

	xappend "--cname=${cname},${target}"

start() {
	include /lib/network

	local lanaddr
	config_get lanaddr "lan" ipaddr

	config_load dhcp

	# before we can call xappend
	mkdir -p $(dirname $CONFIGFILE)

	echo "# auto-generated config file from /etc/config/dhcp" > $CONFIGFILE

	# if we did this last, we could override auto-generated config
	[ -f /etc/dnsmasq.conf ] && {
		xappend "--conf-file=/etc/dnsmasq.conf"

	config_foreach dnsmasq dnsmasq
	config_foreach dhcp_host_add host
	echo >> $CONFIGFILE
	config_foreach dhcp_boot_add boot
	config_foreach dhcp_mac_add mac
	config_foreach dhcp_vendorclass_add vendorclass
	config_foreach dhcp_userclass_add userclass
	config_foreach dhcp_circuitid_add circuitid
	config_foreach dhcp_remoteid_add remoteid
	config_foreach dhcp_subscrid_add subscrid
	config_foreach dhcp_domain_add domain
	echo >> $CONFIGFILE
	config_foreach dhcp_srv_add srvhost
	config_foreach dhcp_mx_add mxhost
	echo >> $CONFIGFILE
	config_foreach dhcp_add dhcp
	echo >> $CONFIGFILE
	config_foreach dhcp_cname_add cname
	echo >> $CONFIGFILE

	# add own hostname
	[ -z "$lanaddr" ] || {
		local hostname="$(uci_get system.@system[0].hostname)"
		dhcp_domain_add "" "${hostname:-OpenWrt}" "$lanaddr"

	service_start /usr/sbin/dnsmasq -C $CONFIGFILE && {
		rm -f /tmp/resolv.conf
		[ -n "$DOMAIN" ] && echo "search $DOMAIN" >> /tmp/resolv.conf
			echo "nameserver $DNS_SERVER" >> /tmp/resolv.conf

stop() {
	service_stop /usr/sbin/dnsmasq && {
		[ -f /tmp/resolv.conf ] && {
			rm -f /tmp/resolv.conf
			ln -s /tmp/resolv.conf.auto /tmp/resolv.conf