#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; my $TABLE = pack("V", 0xbadc0ded); my $TABLE_SIZE = 512; my $SLT1 = "\x01\x00\x00\x00"; my $SLT2 = "\x02\x00\x00\x00"; my $ACKW = "\x03\x00\x00\x00"; my $PTABLE_END = "\xff\xff\xff\xff"; my $addr = ""; my $opcode = ""; my $function = ""; sub add_entry { my $key = shift; my $value = shift; my $default = shift; $TABLE .= $key; $TABLE .= pack("V", $value); $TABLE .= pack("V", $default); } while (<>) { $addr = $opcode = ""; /^\w{8}\s*<(.*)>:$/ and $function = $1; /^\s*(\w+):\s*(\w{8})\s*/ and do { $addr = $1; $opcode = $2; }; ($function eq 'wlc_update_slot_timing') and do { # li a2,9 -- short slot time ($opcode eq '24060009') and add_entry($SLT1, hex($addr), hex($opcode)); # li v0,519 -- 510 + short slot time ($opcode eq '24020207') and add_entry($SLT2, hex($addr), hex($opcode)); # li a2,20 -- long slot time ($opcode eq '24060014') and add_entry($SLT1, hex($addr), hex($opcode)); # li v0,530 -- 510 + long slot time ($opcode eq '24020212') and add_entry($SLT2, hex($addr), hex($opcode)); }; ($function eq 'wlc_d11hdrs') and do { # ori s6,s6,0x1 -- ack flag (new) ($opcode eq '36d60001') and add_entry($ACKW, hex($addr), hex($opcode)); # ori s3,s3,0x1 -- ack flag (old) ($opcode eq '36730001') and add_entry($ACKW, hex($addr), hex($opcode)); } } $TABLE .= $PTABLE_END; $TABLE .= ("\x00" x ($TABLE_SIZE - length($TABLE))); print $TABLE;