#!/bin/sh # Copyright 2010 Vertical Communications # This is free software, licensed under the GNU General Public License v2. # See /LICENSE for more information. determine_root_device() { root_device="$(mount | grep ' / ' | cut -f1 -d\ | grep -v rootfs )" } set_jffs_mp() { jffs="$(awk '/jffs2/ {print $2}' /proc/mounts)" } er_load_modules() { mkdir -p /tmp/extroot_modules/modules.d mkdir -p /tmp/extroot_modules/modules ln -sf /etc/modules.d/* /tmp/overlay/etc/modules.d/* /tmp/extroot_modules/modules.d ln -sf /lib/modules/*/* /tmp/overlay/lib/modules/*/* /tmp/extroot_modules/modules local modules="$(grep -l '# May be required for rootfs' /tmp/extroot_modules/modules.d/* 2>/dev/null)" cd /tmp/extroot_modules/modules && [ -n "$modules" ] && { cat $modules | sed -e 's/^\([^#].*\)/insmod \.\/\1.ko/'| sh 2>&- || : } rm -rf /tmp/extroot_modules } pivot_rom() { # <new_root> <old_root> mount -o move /proc $1/proc && \ pivot_root $1 $1$2 && { mount -o move $2/dev /dev mount -o move $2/tmp /tmp mount -o move $2/sys /sys 2>&- return 0 } }