# $Id$

mount | grep squashfs >&- || {
	echo "You do not have a squashfs partition; aborting"
	echo "(firstboot cannot be run on jffs2 based firmwares)"

[ -f "/tmp/.firstboot" ] && {
	echo "firstboot is already running"
touch /tmp/.firstboot

jdev=$(mount | awk '/jffs2/ {print $3}')

if [ -z "$jdev" ]; then
	echo -n "Creating jffs2 partition... "
	mtd erase OpenWrt >&- 
	mount -t jffs2 /dev/mtdblock/4 /jffs
	echo "done"
	cd /jffs
	echo "firstboot has already been run"
	echo "jffs2 partition is mounted, only resetting files"
	cd $jdev

exec 2>/dev/null

mount /dev/mtdblock/2 /rom -o ro

echo -n "creating directories... "
	cd /rom
	find . -type d
	cd -
} | xargs mkdir
echo "done"

echo -n "setting up symlinks... "
for file in $(cd /rom; find *  -type f; find *  -type l;)
do {
  [ "${file%/*}" = "usr/lib/ipkg/info" -o "${file%/*}" = "etc/config" ] && {
    cp -f /rom/$file $file
  } || {
    ln -sf /rom/$file $file
} done
echo "done"

touch /tmp/resolv.conf
ln -s /tmp/resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf

umount /rom
mount none /jffs/proc -t proc
pivot_root /jffs /jffs/rom
mount none /dev  -t devfs
mount none /tmp  -t ramfs
umount /rom/proc
umount /rom/tmp
umount /rom/dev