#!/usr/bin/perl -w # # ciabot -- Mail a CVS log message to a given address, for the purposes of CIA # # Loosely based on cvslog by Russ Allbery <rra@stanford.edu> # Copyright 1998 Board of Trustees, Leland Stanford Jr. University # # Copyright 2001, 2003, 2004 Petr Baudis <pasky@ucw.cz> # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under # the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2, as published by the # Free Software Foundation. # # The master location of this file is # http://pasky.or.cz/~pasky/dev/cvs/ciabot.pl. # # This program is designed to run from the loginfo CVS administration file. It # takes a log message, massaging it and mailing it to the address given below. # # Its record in the loginfo file should look like: # # ALL $CVSROOT/CVSROOT/ciabot.pl %s $USER project from_email dest_email ignore_regexp # # Note that the last four parameters are optional, you can alternatively change # the defaults below in the configuration section. # # If it does not work, try to disable $xml_rpc in the configuration section # below. # # ciabot.pl,v 1.110 2004/01/09 17:40:13 pasky # $Id$ use strict; use vars qw ($project $from_email $dest_email $rpc_uri $sendmail $sync_delay $xml_rpc $ignore_regexp $alt_local_message_target); ### Configuration # Project name (as known to CIA). $project = 'ELinks'; # The from address in generated mails. $from_email = 'pasky@ucw.cz'; # Mail all reports to this address. $dest_email = 'cia@navi.cx'; # If using XML-RPC, connect to this URI. $rpc_uri = 'http://cia.navi.cx/RPC2'; # Path to your USCD sendmail compatible binary (your mailer daemon created this # program somewhere). $sendmail = '/usr/sbin/sendmail'; # Number of seconds to wait for possible concurrent instances. CVS calls up # this script for each involved directory separately and this is the sync # delay. 5s looks as a safe value, but feel free to increase if you are running # this on a slower (or overloaded) machine or if you have really a lot of # directories. $sync_delay = 5; # This script can communicate with CIA either by mail or by an XML-RPC # interface. The XML-RPC interface is faster and more efficient, however you # need to have RPC::XML perl module installed, and some large CVS hosting sites # (like Savannah or Sourceforge) might not allow outgoing HTTP connections # while they allow outgoing mail. Also, this script will hang and eventually # not deliver the event at all if CIA server happens to be down, which is # unfortunately not an uncommon condition. $xml_rpc = 0; # You can make this bot to totally ignore events concerning the objects # specified below. Each object is composed of <module>/<path>/<filename>, # therefore file Manifest in root directory of module gentoo will be called # "gentoo/Manifest", while file src/bfu/inphist.c of module elinks will be # called "elinks/src/bfu/inphist.c". Easy, isn't it? # # This variable should contain regexp, against which will each object be # checked, and if the regexp is matched, the file is ignored. Therefore ie. to # ignore all changes in the two files above and everything concerning module # 'admin', use: # #$ignore_regexp = "^(gentoo/Manifest|elinks/src/bfu/inphist.c|admin/)"; $ignore_regexp = "/Manifest\$"; # It can be useful to also grab the generated XML message by some other # programs and ie. autogenerate some content based on it. Here you can specify # a file to which it will be appended. $alt_local_message_target = ""; ### The code itself use vars qw ($user $module $tag @files $logmsg $message); my @dir; # This array stores all the affected directories my @dirfiles; # This array is mapped to the @dir array and contains files # affected in each directory ### Input data loading # These arguments are from %s; first the relative path in the repository # and then the list of files modified. @files = split (' ', ($ARGV[0] or '')); $dir[0] = shift @files or die "$0: no directory specified\n"; $dirfiles[0] = "@files" or die "$0: no files specified\n"; # Guess module name. $module = $dir[0]; $module =~ s#/.*##; # Figure out who is doing the update. $user = $ARGV[1]; # Use the optional parameters, if supplied. $project = $ARGV[2] if $ARGV[2]; $from_email = $ARGV[3] if $ARGV[3]; $dest_email = $ARGV[4] if $ARGV[4]; $ignore_regexp = $ARGV[5] if $ARGV[5]; # Parse stdin (what's interesting is the tag and log message) while (<STDIN>) { $tag = $1 if /^\s*Tag: ([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)/; last if /^Log Message/; } while (<STDIN>) { next unless ($_ and $_ ne "\n" and $_ ne "\r\n"); s/&/&/g; s/</</g; s/>/>/g; $logmsg .= $_; } ### Remove to-be-ignored files $dirfiles[0] = join (' ', grep { my $f = "$module/$dir[0]/$_"; $f !~ m/$ignore_regexp/; } split (/\s+/, $dirfiles[0]) ) if ($ignore_regexp); exit unless $dirfiles[0]; ### Sync between the multiple instances potentially being ran simultanously my $sum; # _VERY_ simple hash of the log message. It is really weak, but I'm # lazy and it's really sorta exceptional to even get more commits # running simultanously anyway. map { $sum += ord $_ } split(//, $logmsg); my $syncfile; # Name of the file used for syncing $syncfile = "/tmp/cvscia.$project.$module.$sum"; if (-f $syncfile and -w $syncfile) { # The synchronization file for this file already exists, so we are not the # first ones. So let's just dump what we know and exit. open(FF, ">>$syncfile") or die "aieee... can't log, can't log! $syncfile blocked!"; print FF "$dirfiles[0]!@!$dir[0]\n"; close(FF); exit; } else { # We are the first one! Thus, we'll fork, exit the original instance, and # wait a bit with the new one. Then we'll grab what the others collected and # go on. # We don't need to care about permissions since all the instances of the one # commit will obviously live as the same user. # system("touch") in a different way open(FF, ">>$syncfile") or die "aieee... can't log, can't log! $syncfile blocked!"; close(FF); exit if (fork); sleep($sync_delay); open(FF, $syncfile); my ($dirnum) = 1; # 0 is the one we got triggerred for while (<FF>) { chomp; ($dirfiles[$dirnum], $dir[$dirnum]) = split(/!@!/); $dirnum++; } close(FF); unlink($syncfile); } ### Compose the mail message my ($VERSION) = '$Revision$' =~ / (\d+\.\d+) /; my $ts = time; $message = <<EM <message> <generator> <name>CIA Perl client for CVS</name> <version>$VERSION</version> <url>http://pasky.or.cz/~pasky/dev/cvs/ciabot.pl</url> </generator> <source> <project>$project</project> <module>$module</module> EM ; $message .= " <branch>$tag</branch>" if ($tag); $message .= <<EM </source> <timestamp> $ts </timestamp> <body> <commit> <author>$user</author> <files> EM ; for (my $dirnum = 0; $dirnum < @dir; $dirnum++) { map { $_ = $dir[$dirnum] . '/' . $_; s#^.*?/##; # weed out the module name s/&/&/g; s/</</g; s/>/>/g; $message .= " <file>$_</file>\n"; } split(/ /, $dirfiles[$dirnum]); } $message .= <<EM </files> <log> $logmsg </log> </commit> </body> </message> EM ; ### Write the message to an alt-target if ($alt_local_message_target and open (ALT, ">>$alt_local_message_target")) { print ALT $message; close ALT; } ### Send out the XML-RPC message if ($xml_rpc) { # We gotta be careful from now on. We silence all the warnings because # RPC::XML code is crappy and works with undefs etc. $^W = 0; $RPC::XML::ERROR if (0); # silence perl's compile-time warning require RPC::XML; require RPC::XML::Client; my $rpc_client = new RPC::XML::Client $rpc_uri; my $rpc_request = RPC::XML::request->new('hub.deliver', $message); my $rpc_response = $rpc_client->send_request($rpc_request); unless (ref $rpc_response) { die "XML-RPC Error: $RPC::XML::ERROR\n"; } exit; } ### Send out the mail # Open our mail program open (MAIL, "| $sendmail -t -oi -oem") or die "Cannot execute $sendmail : " . ($?>>8); # The mail header print MAIL <<EOM; From: $from_email To: $dest_email Content-type: text/xml Subject: DeliverXML EOM print MAIL $message; # Close the mail close MAIL; die "$0: sendmail exit status " . ($? >> 8) . "\n" unless ($? == 0); # vi: set sw=2: